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Inside this Week:

Community Calendar:
SM Calendar of Events
Sierra Madre Police Blotter

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side

Shop Sierra Madre:

Pasadena – Altadena:
Local Area News Briefs
Altadena Police Blotter
Pet of the Week

Arts & Entertainment:
Jeff's Book Pics
All Things
Family Matters
On the Marquee

Education & Youth:

Food, Drink & More:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
Senior Happenings

Just for Best Friends:
Happy Tails
Katnip News!

Opinion / Legals:
Tom Purcell

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

Legal Notices (4):

F. Y. I. :

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Marc Garlett
Chris Leclerc

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VOLUME 10 NO. 49

Breaking News


On Friday at approximately 
3:15 am, one of Sierra Madre's 
favorite eateries, The Only 
Place In Town was broken 

According to SMPD Sgt. 
Ed Delcour, the thieves got 
away with an undertermined 
amount of cash. Police 
believe that between 2 and 4 
individuals entered through 
the front of the building and 
committed the crime. 

The suspects are still at large 
and police hope that footage 
from the security cameras will 
assist in their apprehension.

This appears to be the first 
time a local business other 
than the Pharmacy has been burglarized in recent history.MVNews


The Sierra Madre Planning Commission held another extensive hearing on the construction 
activity currently underway at what is known as the Henry A. Darling House on Mira Monte. The 
home, which is not on the city's list of Historical Structures, was purchased recently by a longtime 
Sierra Madre resident who has begun the remodeling and rehabilitation of the residence.

 However, the city, according to Development and Preservation Director Vincent Gonzalez, 
recently issued a stop work order after the renovation appeared to exceed the demolition permit 
issued for work on the roof. In addition, a recent report on the property's historical value has cause 
the city to review the entire project.

 The house is located at 126 E. Montecito and has the attention of residents who want to protect all 
historic residences in the city. At Thursday's meeting, members and supporters of Preserve Sierra 
Madre ( came out in force to encourage preservation of this part 
of the city's history. According to a communique distributed by the group, "Commissioner [Bob]
Spears said that in his 10 years on the Planning Commission, he has never received so many emails 
about one issue as he did in this case.". 

 According to Gonzalez, the owners are very interested in maintaining the historic integrity of the 
property but just how that will be done has been postponed untill the next planning commission 
meeting in January.


The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association is looking for volunteers to help finish our float for the 
2017 parade. Our online registration program, iVolunteer, is up and running. Just go to our website,, follow the prompts for iVolunteer, and sign up. It's that easy. Questions? Send an 
email to, or leave a message on the float barn, 626.355.7005.


 On behalf of the Sierra Madre Community Foundation 
and Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, we would 
like to thank all of our donors who have supported the 
community holiday display in Kersting Court by helping 
trim the tree. 

 We would also like to thank Leonora Moss, and the 
Sierra Madre Middle School Service (Kiwanis Builders) 
Club for being the elves that made it all happen, as well as 
Boy Scout Troop 110 for the outstanding job on the candy 
canes and lollipops. Thank you for helping Sierra Madre! 

 Despite the cold, windy and rainy weather, the tree 
was officially lit on Saturday night by Sierra Madre Mayor 
Gene Goss with the assistance of Santa Claus and the 
Sierra Madre 2017 Rose Float Princesses.

 The tree lighting was part of the Chamber's Winter 


By Joan Schmidt

 How does one find the appropriate words to thank 
someone who has gone above and beyond what is 
expected of a County supervisor? We are talking 
TWENTY-FOUR years of total commitment to 
the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte County areas once 
dubbed “No Man’s Land” because no one knew who 
to call when a problem arose. There was no Mayor or 
City Hall to contact.

 That situation ended in June 1993, when the 
Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town Council was sworn 
in by Supervisor Antonovich. It was no fluke or easy 
task. It began when a community meeting was called 
in December, 1992. Besides the Sheriff’s Department, 
Field Deputy Sarah Flores attended, representing 
Antonovich. Subsequent meetings and an election 
process brought the Town Council to fruition.

 As a founding member, I recall the first item on the 
agenda: a meeting with our three neighboring cities, 
orchestrated by the Supervisor, and he encouraged 
our working with them. He spearheaded the county 
purchase of Euclid Ave. property, Duarte; sixteen 
beautiful residences were built in conjunction with 
Habitat for Humanity. Council Member Carolyn 
Ziegler pursued the transit issue and all three areas 
continue to utilize Monrovia Transit. The Supervisor 
not only kept Pamela Park open, but brought us the 
beautiful new gymnasium, cheerleading uniforms 
one year, the annual beach bus and much more. 
Who has not enjoyed those annual family concerts 
at the Arboretum? 

 As a human being, I greatly admire the 
Supervisor because he is the champion of children, 
Senior citizens, Veterans and even animals. He 
has worked diligently with the foster care system. 
Every year he held that awesome Veterans Fair with 
entertainment and many booths providing services 
and information for Veterans and their families. He 
encouraged adoption of cats and dogs too.

 A few days ago, I pulled out a huge binder with 
“letters” from my first Town Council years. I was 
flabbergasted at the amount I received from the 
Supervisor on matters he could address-such as 
Pamela Park, and letters from various county heads 
whom HE had contacted to assist me. A few include: 
Harry Stone, Public Works-a private road not eligible 
for county paving, but pot holes on Lincoln would 
be filled; Rodney Cooper, Parks and Recreation- 
addressed bathroom stall issue; Richard DeRock, 
Access Services and Julian Burke regarding MTA 
Bus Lifts and purchase of bus passes. During the 
Supervisor’s terms of office, a stop sign FINALLY 
was installed at Daines/Tyler Avenues, Arcadia, 
more curbs painted red on Longden Ave. to prevent 
a tragedy at the Arcadia Ball Field, the great new 
street signs and THANK YOU SUPERVISOR for 
the new Live Oak Library FINALLY in the works!

 I could go on and on and tell of assistance I 
received from the Supervisor even when I was no 
longer on the Town Council. I just want to THANK 
him on behalf of the entire Monrovia-Arcadia-
Duarte Town Council and all its residents for what 
he has done for us over the years. He never stopped 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548