Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 4, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page A:14





 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 4, 2020 

Southern California Real EstateAgent lic #01135433 | Broker lic #01514230We hope that you and your families are healthy. 
It is in times like these that demand that we 
practice self-care when it comes to our mental 
health, stress, and anxiety levels. Our habits of 
mind are so very important. We live in an age of 
“critical thinking,” a centerpiece of reason which 
is vital to human progress and intellectual life.
However, through this almost-relentless 
consideration of what is ‘wrong’ and needs 
improvement, the constructive impulse this may 
marshal can easily fall over into complaint and 
despair. We do this to ourselves, perhaps, most 
frequently of all. 
But if we can use this opportunity to see all that 
is wonderful in this life; like our relationships, 
our non-isolation, and our tremendous human 
resilience, we will come through this epidemic 
healthier and stronger than we entered it. 
In the midst of the market uncertainty, please 
remember that we are here to guide you 
through your Real Estate needs.
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