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Inside this Week: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Pasadena & Altadena: Public Safety & Health: Education & Youth: Good Food & Drink: The World Around Us: Opinion: Opinion: The Good Life: Home & Property: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY MAY 22, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 20 Village Charm At It’s Best - Saturday Morning In Sierra Madre, Ca. “Boy’s Rule” or so says this little one as he smiles for the camera...yes, he was smiling! There is a five letter word that makes the residents so passionate about Sierra Madre. It is - charm! On any given day, no matter where you go, you will see the town’s magic at work. Whether it is the Annual SM Volunteer Fire Department’s Pancake Breakfast (yes, that’s our City Manager with the o.j.)(above) or in Memorial Park (below) where the Greyhound Adoption Agency holds its’ annual gathering. We’re a busy little town. Just ask Sam and Ben (right) who are on their way to Karate Class at the YAC. And volunteerism is the glue that keeps the charm together. The Sierra Madre Little League (above) closed out their 2010 season supported by dedicated volunteers such as the ladies (below ) and men (the cooks) who were busy selling tickets for their pancake breakfast while the boys and girls played ball. Oh yes, and speaking of charm (left)! SMVFD photo by Dean Lee. All others by S. Henderson Coming Up: MOUNT WILSON TRAIL RACE Saturday, May 29, 2010 The Mount Wilson Trail Race Committee is pleased to announce an all new component to the 2010 Mount Wilson Trail Race. A live feed from the Mt. Wilson Trail will be broadcasted to Kersting Court for spectators to view. This will enable family and friends to watch runners of the Mount Wilson Trail Race when they are actually on the trail! Come on down to Kersting Court on Saturday, May 29, 2010 to check out the brand new Live Feed Monitors starting at 7:30am. For more information please contact 626-355-5278. MWTR Art Shoe Show! Catch the MWTR Art Show in Kersting Court on race day. Sierra Madre’s own kids have designed over 30 running shoes for your viewing pleasure. Old running shoes donated by trail race runners served as the canvas for this art piece that was organized with the help of the Sierra Madre Community Arts Commission and MWTR committee members. 200 Fit Youngsters Wanted for the MWTR Kid’s Race (Sponsored by CATZ Sports)! The MWTR Kid’s Race is an absolutely free event for youth ages 3-12 years of age. The Kid’s Race will begin at 7:45A on Saturday, May 29, 2010. Youth will have the opportunity to run up Baldwin Ave. and finish under the same banner as MWTR runners! All participants must sign up with a parent or guardian before the start of the race in Kersting Court. We have a goal of 200 kids to run the mile-long MWTR Kids’ Race. All top finishing kids will receive a free T-shirt, compliments of CATZ Sports and a cool ribbon. We will also have a dedicated clock at the finish line so the kids have a time to beat next year. Public Safety Radio Station Antenna Installed On the morning of May 20, Kiwanis member Hank Landsberg oversaw the installation of the antenna for the City’s Emergency Radio Station. The antenna was installed on a utility pole which was donated and installed by the City of Pasadena Dept. of Water and Power. Mr. Landsberg, who is the station’s Project Manager, remarked “this is just the first step in constructing the radio station, which should be ‘on the air’ this summer”. The station will be heard at 1630-AM, and will operate 24/7, providing area residents with important public safety information as well as information about non-commercial community events. The station is a “joint venture” of the Sierra Madre Fire Safe Council and the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, which is spearheading its fundraising. The station is being paid for by citizens’ contributions in addition to about $14,600 that was donated by the City of Sierra Madre. There is about $5,000 still needed for equipment purchases. Citizens and organizations who wish to contribute should contact Kiwanis President Susan Henderson at 355-0728 or via email at All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Court Rules - Cities To Turn Over RDA Funds by S. Henderson Despite efforts by the California Redevelopment Association to stop the implementation of AB26, which requires local governments to turn over Redevelopment Agency funds by May 10th, Judge Lloyd Connelly denied their petition. As a result, all redevelopment agencies throughout the State were to turn over funds to Sacramento in an emergency effort to help the state meet its’ obligations to education. The City of Sierra Madre complied with the request, writing a check for $542,513.00. However, according to City Manager Elaine Aguilar, the release of those funds “will have no impact on current operations. In future years it could be a problem.” The money was drawn from reserves that were established when the bond proceeds were recieved in 1998. Other cities, however, were not so compliant. At press time, the City of Monrovia had refused to turn over $3 million dollars in RDA funds. According to published reports, Monrovia would have to borrow funds in order to make such a payment. Said Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa, “I’ve got more time than money”. The request requires cities to make payments for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, which was due May 10th and another payment for the 2010-2011 FY, which will be due next year. Aguilar believes Sierra Madre’s 2010- 2011 allocation will be approximately $111,585.00. Even with the recent rulling, court challenges and lawsuits will continue. In the meantime, Sacramento will collect millions from cash strapped cities. And many ask, will the schools receive it? MountainViews-News 55 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 302, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email:
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 |