Around San Gabriel Valley
MountainViews-News Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sierra Madre
Dreier Set to Host “Road to Employment” Job Fair
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA) will host a “Road
to Employment” Job Fair next Wednesday, August 4, 2010 in Monrovia, California. Dreier,
who hosted a similar event earlier this year in Rancho Cucamonga, said the Job Fair will
highlight potential job openings in the hospitality, banking, and healthcare industries,
among others. It will also provide job seekers with resources to navigate the current job
“The unemployment rate remains unacceptably high across the U.S. and particularly in
California,” Dreier said. “The ‘Road to Employment’ Job Fair will help job seekers identify
the opportunities that do exist as well as hone their interviewing and résumé writing skills.
In this difficult job market, there are ways to move forward. The Job Fair will help people
find out how.”
Details on the “Road to Employment” Job Fair are below. For more information on the
Job Fair, including partial list of participating employers and workshops, please visit
Congressman Dreier’s website or contact his San Dimas office at (909)575-6226.
WHAT: “Road to Employment” Job Fair
WHO: Hosted by Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), in partnership with the
Foothill Workforce Investment Board, State of California Employment
Development Department, Verdugo Workforce Investment Board, and the
City of Monrovia
WHEN: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
WHERE: Monrovia Community Center, 119 West Palm Avenue, Monrovia, California
Taste of Sierra Madre Art and Essay Contests
Extended to August 23
With the addition of two more
sponsoring schools, Gooden and
Bethany Christian, the Taste of Sierra
Madre organizing committee has
agreed to extend the deadline for ALL
qualifying K-12 entries to both the art
and essay contests. These additional
entries will be added to the 150+
submissions already received in all age
“As we work through our first year of
this event, we wanted to involve as many
local children as possible,” commented
event chair Tom Brady. “Each week,
more organizations and schools learn
about and embrace the focus of our
event, children near and far. We’re
showcasing local children and schools
here, while fundraising for our two
beneficiaries this year: Half of the funds
raised through our restaurant tasting
and other event activities will benefit
the nonprofit Rotaplast Foundation.,
whose volunteers perform smile saving
cleft palate surgeries on children who
would otherwise go without. The other
half of the funds will stay right here,
providing the local Youth Activity
Center with funding to increase arts
This year’s theme is “Children’s Smiles
Around the World” which ties to
the creation of new children’s smiles
through this life changing, cleft palate
surgery. Student entries are welcome from k-12 students residing in or attending school in Sierra
Madre or at Pasadena and La Salle High Schools.
On September 11th this year, “A Taste of Sierra Madre” will offer area residents the opportunity to
sample the food, fun, fine arts and music that make Sierra Madre so special! The day will also include
a morning tour of local “Coolest Kitchens” beginning at Fred Crockett’s ALNO European Kitchens
on Montecito, fifteen restaurant and culinary stations from local businesses beginning midday, a chef
demonstration and talk about making healthy food fun and appealing for children, essay and art
contest awards plus a fun, Sierra Madre Fire Department vs. Police Department cook-off. A wide
variety of professional, live music will fill Kersting Court throughout the day. Noted restaurant critic
and television personality, Peter Dills will be part of the day’s festivities.
Gayle Bluemel, principal of Sierra Madre School, confirmed her “Late Bloomers” band as the opening
artists, featuring fellow musicians Dan Ames, Scott Shephard, and Ross Johnsen. Their rich country
& blues sound draws inspiration from the 1970’s musical genre and attracts a large Sierra Madre loyal
fan base. They’ll be followed by Kate Lee’s (Sierra Madre Starbucks manager) Family Tree Band and
an array of special guest artists before the program finale with patriotic songs performed by choirs
combined from local organizations, churches and schools.
For a taste of life here in Sierra Madre, local private and public schools and service clubs such as the
Kiwanis and the Chamber of Commerce have already started reserving a place to share samples of
their own offerings by purchasing pop up tent space locations for $500 per booth. A closing musical
event will bring local singers together for patriotic songs in a memorial of 9-11.
Tickets for “Taste” will go on sale by mid-August for the September 11 inaugural event, and can be
purchased at three Sierra Madre retailers, Savor the Flavor, Best Buy Drugs and Belles Nest. Full access
VIP tickets including the morning’s Coolest Kitchens tour (an adults only event) and all Kersting
Court events on Sept 11 will be $35. Kersting Court Only Event tickets will be $20 for adults 18 and
over; $10 for those 13-18. Children under 12 will be admitted free to the Kersting Court events, when
accompanied by an adult ticketholder.
To apply for one of the fifteen restaurant and food purveyor spots and ten school/service club
spots, to be an event sponsor, donate or volunteer services or time, visit the event website, www.
ATasteOfSierraMadre.com or call event chair, Tom Brady at 626-355-3471. Art and essay contest
forms, plus a video link to the cleft palate surgery organization are also available on the website.
Please sign up today!
LOS ANGELES COUNTY — The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously
enhanced additional development standards to the Community Standards District for
hillside areas in the Altadena area, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
“This action, unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors, ensures the preservation
of Altadena’s hillsides,” said Antonovich. “A public/private partnership with property
owners, the Altadena Town Council, Altadena Heritage, and the Altadena Foothills
Conservancy was instrumental in the development of this amendment.”
Students learn how to prepare submissions at recent
Crystal Ball 2010 will highlight ‘good vibes’ of
The Beach Boys
Methodist Hospital Foundation’s Crystal Ball
will feature all the elegance and excitement guests
have come to expect but with a fun, Southern
California vibe that could only be created by this
year’s headliners, the world-famous Beach Boys.
Crystal Ball 2010, “An Evening of Good Vibrations
with The Beach Boys” will be held Saturday,
October 16, at the Pasadena Convention Center
and will also celebrate the 21st anniversary of the
premiere fundraising and friend-raising party
benefiting Methodist Hospital.
Event co-chairs this year are Methodist
Hospital Foundation board members Christine
Antonovich and Richard Sun, DDS. Antonovich,
co-chair of the Chinese American Film Festival,
and Sun, San Marino City Council member, and
their committee unanimously selected this year’s
entertainers to provide a memorable experience
their guests would not soon forget.
“I have seen The Beach Boys in person, so I know
from firsthand experience that our guests will
enjoy hearing their great hits performed live,”
Antonovich said. “We are excited to offer this
great opportunity to our guests.”
Proceeds will benefit the nationally recognized
comprehensive cardiac care program at
Methodist Hospital, which provides specialized,
advanced services in diagnosis and treatment
including our highly qualified chest pain team,
available 24 hours a day to help patients in need.
Kathleen Ellison, a member of the Foundation
Board since 1999, will be honored for her long-
time commitment and service to Methodist
Hospital. Ellison has served as treasurer, chair-
elect, chair and immediate past chair.
“Kathleen is a terrific advocate and friend to the
hospital,” said Methodist Hospital Foundation
President Michael Driebe. “She draws people to
our cause, and is very deserving of this honor. We
are very lucky to have a board that is passionate
about the work of the hospital, and Kathleen is
chief among them.”
Ellison has said she is proud of the positive
relationships the hospital and foundation boards
have with the physicians at Methodist Hospital.
“The level of support our physicians provided
to our recent capital campaign speaks volumes
about our culture at Methodist Hospital, and
the sense of partnership our physicians feel,”
she said. She is particularly interested in the
spiritual aspect of the hospital and is proud of the
hospital’s compassionate culture.
“The hospital is more than buildings and
equipment,” Ellison said. “The spirit of Methodist
Hospital manifests itself in the greeting patients
and families receive when they come through
the door.” No one understands this more than
Ellison, who is well known for her warm spirit
and joyful laughter.
“A distinctive giggle comes through the door, and
that always tells me that Kathleen has arrived,”
said Foundation Chairman John Wuo. “She is a
wonderful person who is always full of laughter.
She brings joy and a warm, comfortable feeling to
everyone in the room.”
The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys continue to create and perform
with the same bold style that marked their debut
almost 50 years ago. Averaging 150 shows a year,
the group plans another national/world tour and
continued charity activities through Mike Love’s
Love Foundation, which supports national
environmental and educational initiatives.
Leader and frontman Mike Love is one of rock’s
foremost songwriters. He penned The Beach
Boys’ first hit, “Surfin’.” With his cousin, Brian
Wilson, Love wrote the classics “Fun, Fun, Fun,”
“I Get Around,” “Help Me Rhonda,” “California
Girls” and the Grammy-nominated “Good
Vibrations.” Years later, he co-wrote the chart-
topping “Kokomo.” In 1974 his concept album
Endless Summer ignited a second generation of
Beach Boys fans and rocked the music world.
Grammy-winning songwriter Bruce Johnston
(Barry Manilow’s “I Write The Songs”) joined
The Beach Boys in 1965, replacing Glenn
Campbell, who filled in on vocals/bass when
Brian Wilson retired from touring. One of rock’s
elite vocalists, Johnston has worked with such
legendary artists as Elton John and Pink Floyd.
In addition to founding Beach Boy Mike
Love (lead vocals) and Beach Boy-veteran
Bruce Johnston (vocals/keyboards), the band
also includes Christian Love (guitar/vocals),
Randell Kirsch (bass/vocals), Tim Bonhomme
(keyboards/vocals), John Cowsill of The Cowsills
(percussion /vocals) and Scott Totten (guitar/
For more information about Crystal Ball, please
contact the Methodist Hospital Foundation at 626-
“Friends Helping Friends Prepare”
An Emergency Preparedness Event and Ice
Cream Social
On Saturday, August 14, from 4:30-6:30 p.m., volunteers working with the Sierra Madre Individual
Emergency Preparedness Plan (S.M.I.P.P.) will be on hand at the Sierra Madre Public Library to help
you develop a workable emergency plan for you and your family. Don’t miss this opportunity to
help ensure that you and your loved ones are safe and provided for, should an emergency such as an
earthquake, fire or mudslide, occur. There will also be educational and fun preparedness activities for
the youngsters starting at 4:30 in the Children’s Room. At 6:15 we will be raffling off preparedness
supplies, and holding the Adult Summer Reading Program Amazon Kindle Grand Prize Drawing.
The dog days of August would not be complete without a Friends of the Library Summer Ice Cream
Social. Everyone is invited to drop by the Library patio between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. to cool off and
enjoy a sweet, refreshing treat.
The Sierra Madre Public Library is located at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre. For
more information, please call (626) 355-7186, or visit our website at www.sierramadre.lib.ca.us. This
program is free and open to the public.
Recognition Nomination - Due to City Hall
Monday, August 2, 2010, at 4:00 pm
This is an exciting event and the City’s opportunity to recognize and honor the true treasures of Sierra
Madre, its volunteers, City Commissioners and employees. Sierra Madre Honors… Recognition
and Appreciation Dinner will recognize all out-going City Commissioners as well as extraordinary
community members, organizations and employees. Please take a moment to review the awards listed
below and nominate any person you feel is eligible for such an honor.
To nominate a member of the Sierra Madre Community for one of the Awards, please include the
person’s name, phone number, address, and 1-page explanation of nomination along with your name
and phone number, and return to City Hall, the Community Recreation Center, or email to city@
George Maurer Lifetime Service Award
Presented to a person/entity that most strongly represents a commitment to serving and volunteering,
which is the true spirit of Sierra Madre.
Wistaria Award
In recognition of City/Community partnership, presented to a local business or organization whose
major contributions to the City/Community of Sierra Madre have demonstrated a true partnership
that assists in and provides services, programs, or enhances the general welfare of the community as
a whole.
Police Chief’s Special Award
Presented by the Sierra Madre Chief of Police to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding
dedication to duty (employee) or service (community) in resolving a community law enforcement-
related issue.
Public Safety Award
Presented by the Mayor to an individual, either an employee or citizen, who took action to protect
and maintain the safety of the community by taking lifesaving action.
Public Service Award
Employee of the Year – presented by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the City Manager to an
extraordinary city employee who has represented remarkable customer and public service as well as
dedication to the citizens of Sierra Madre over the course of a year.
Community Youth Service Award
Presented to a young adult in the community who demonstrates dedication and outstanding service
to the community.
This year’s Sierra Madre Honors... Recognition and Appreciation Dinner will be held on Thursday,
September 23, 2010. For more information on the nomination process or on the event, please contact
the Community & Personnel Services Department at 626-355-5278 or city@cityofsierramadre.com.
Local Organizations Continue Concert In The Park Sponsorships.
This week:
The Sierra Madre Rotary Club Presents E L V I S!
Sunday, August 1st 6-8 p.m.
Memorial Park - Sierra Madre
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com