Around San Gabriel Valley
MountainViews-News Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sierra Madre
Jazz Headliner Chris Standring Will
Perform at Taste of Sierra Madre
on September 11
Smooth Jazz great, Chris Standring just announced he will perform on September 11 for a
special fundraiser concert to be held at Sierra Madre Elementary Auditorium at 141 West
Highland Avenue, Sierra Madre. This latest supporter of the event’s dual fundraising efforts
soared to #1 on the Jazz charts since his sixth album was released in March, 2010. He plans to
perform his “Blue Bolero” album, critically acclaimed as a musical masterpiece with cinematic
quality, in its entirety with his jazz orchestra on that day.
Standring has become a fixture on the contemporary jazz touring scene, performing solo
dates and with package attractions such as the popular Guitars and Saxes. He’s performed at
the prestigious Catalina Island JazzTrax Festival many times.
Even though Standring stays busy with touring and recording new music, he’s known for
his spirit of giving back to fellow musicians. With this in mind, he founded A&R Online
(AandRonline.com), a place for aspiring musicians to get their music heard and to learn
about the industry.
“To our great delight, Chris has stepped forward to give back to the community in a different
way, by donating his performance here at Taste of Sierra Madre” says event chair, Tom Brady.
“The funds raised at this concert will help many children receive life changing cleft palate
surgery through the volunteer medical teams at Rotaplast, www.Rotaplast.org.”
Tickets are now on sale for A Taste of Sierra Madre, to be held Saturday, September 11, in the
town’s Kersting Court. The event, which runs 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. that day, will feature delectable
samples of the best of Sierra Madre food music and fine arts plus spotlight local children’s
achievements in the arts and essay contests as well as music. An array of musical “tastes”
will come from professional as well as student musicians throughout the day’s program at
Kersting Court first, then at the Headliners Concert.
At Kersting Court, local restaurants and food purveyors will provide the tastes of local
culinary offerings. A friendly chili cookoff between the Fire and Police departments will be
part of the fun. Peter Dills, local restaurant critic, will be there to give his insights on the food.
Eight “Cool Kitchens” will be open in Sierra Madre for tours in the morning from 9-1. The
day will close with a musical patriotic salute from local singers and church choirs.
Local schools and service clubs will also showcase the finest of community life here, including
awards from the art and essay contest themed “Children’s Smiles Around the World” which
ties to the creation of new children’s smiles through this life changing, cleft palate surgery.
Student entries are welcome from k-12 students residing in or attending school in Sierra
Madre or at Pasadena and La Salle High Schools.
A Taste of Sierra Madre will benefit two causes equally. Rotaplast Foundation performs cleft
palate surgeries on children who would otherwise go without this life changing surgery at a
cost of $500 per surgery. The other half of the fundraising will fund additional arts program
at the local Youth Activity Center, serving children in Sierra Madre and the surrounding
Tickets are available at four locations in downtown Sierra Madre, Savor the Flavor, The Bottle
Shop, Belle’s Nest and Best Buy Drugs. Full access VIP tickets including the morning’s Coolest
Kitchens tour (an adults only event), all Kersting Court events AND the Chris Standring and
Friends Concert at Sierra Madre Elementary Auditorium, from 2-5 p.m. on Sept 11 are $35.
Kersting Court Only Event tickets will be $20 for adults 18 and over; $10 for those 5-17.
Children under 5 will be admitted free to the Kersting Court events, when accompanied by
an adult ticketholder.
To be an event sponsor, donate or volunteer services or time, visit the event website, www.
ATasteOfSierraMadre.com or call event chair, Tom Brady at 626-355-3471. A video link to
the cleft palate surgery organization is also available at the website.
A Taste of Sierra Madre Tom Brady, Chair smile@dgrp.com or www.ATasteOfSierraMadre.com
Methodist Hospital joins LA County
Network as Approved Stroke Center
Beginning Friday, August 20, Los Angeles
County paramedics will transport patients with
stroke symptoms to Methodist Hospital. The
Joint Commission recently approved Methodist
Hospital as an advanced primary stroke center,
and the hospital is now one of only a handful of
approved centers in LA County with advanced
capabilities to care for stroke victims.
“This has vital importance for our community,”
said Kelly Linden, senior vice president and
chief operating officer. “While we have always
provided excellent care to our stroke patients,
this demonstrates our commitment to providing
comprehensive care and support to our patients
and their families. We can now offer these
services to a broader community.”
Kenneth Wogensen, MD, medical director of
Methodist Hospital’s stroke center, said, “This is
a significant milestone for the hospital, but more
important, a wonderful benefit for Arcadia and
surrounding communities.”
Paramedics normally take stroke patients to the
nearest hospital. But some patients must then
be transferred again for advanced treatment. If
stroke patients are within 30 minutes of a stroke
center that can diagnose and treat stroke patients
with the latest evidenced-based medicine,
paramedics will take them to that facility.
However, people must know to call 911 as soon
as someone around them begins to show signs
of stroke.
Because every second counts, valuable time –
and lives – can be saved when paramedics can
transport stroke patients directly to a primary
stroke center like Methodist Hospital.
“Time loss is brain loss,” said Sabrina Luu, stroke
program coordinator. “A lot of education still
needs to go out to the community about the signs
and symptoms of stroke and the importance to
activate 911.”
Stroke, a sudden impairment of cerebral
circulation in one or more blood vessels, is the
third leading cause of death in the U.S. and
the leading cause of disability in adults. About
700,000 strokes occur each year. Prevention and
preparedness help decrease the incidence of
Methodist Hospital uses a multidisciplinary
stroke team system that includes the emergency
physician, neurologist, neurosurgeon,
radiologist, attending physician, nurse
practitioner, nurse educator, registered nurse,
physical therapist, occupational therapist and
speech therapist.
Stroke is an emergency, and every minute
counts. Stroke victims will be transported to The
acronym FAST stands for “face, arm, speech and
time.” It’s important to remember this acronym
in case of the following symptoms of stroke:
• Facial droop, uneven smile
• Arm numbness, weakness
• Slurred speech, difficulty speaking or
• (Time to) call 911 and get to the hospital
(the nearest certified stroke center) immediately
It is vitally important to dial 911 immediately
when someone displays any of these symptoms.
Hospitals usually have less than three hours after
stroke symptoms begin to start treating a blood
clot in the brain. Many stroke victims, however,
don’t even realize they are having a stroke, or
they ignore the symptoms, hoping they will go
ASC standards are based on The Joint
Commission’s Primary Stroke Center
Certification Standards and American Heart
Association/American Stroke Association
guidelines. An independent, not-for-profit
organization, The Joint Commission is the
nation’s main standards-setting and accrediting
body in health care.
About Methodist Hospital
Founded in 1903, Methodist Hospital is a 460-
bed, not-for-profit hospital serving Arcadia and
surrounding communities. Services include
comprehensive acute care such as medical,
surgical, perinatal, pediatrics, oncology,
intensive care (neonatal and adult) and complete
cardiovascular services, including open-heart
surgery. Methodist Hospital is accredited by
The Joint Commission. For more information,
please call 626-898-8000 or visit www.
Celebrating 53 Years!
The City of Duarte celebrated its 53rd anniversary of incorporation with a community
reception in council chambers prior to the Aug. 10 city council meeting. Joining in the
celebration, from left: former mayor, now Duarte Chamber president/CEO, Jim Kirchner;
Duarte Mayor Pro Tem, Tzeitel Paras-Carraci; former Mayor Ginny Joyce-Belba; retired
former Duarte City Manager, Jesse Duff; Duarte Mayor Margaret Finlay; Duarte City
Manager, Darrell George; Councilwoman Lois Gaston; Councilman John Fasana; and
Councilman Phil Reyes. On Sept. 18, the City will continue anniversary festivities with a
City Picnic at Royal Oaks Park following Duarte’s Salute to Route 66 Parade.
Summer Worship: 10@10!
For Saturday, August 21, 2010Join the San Marino
Community Church family
for 10@10! - ten weeks of
summer worship at 10:00
am on Sundays, July 4 to
September 5.
Sunday, August 22 Parish
Associate Rev. Dr. Don
Maddox will preach “At Last” based on the parables
of the treasure in the field and the pearl of great value.
10:00 am Summer WorshipSunday school (K-5) and childcare provided9:00 am Adult Bible Study11:00 am Adult Spiritual FormationSan Marino Community Church
1750 Virginia Road, San Marino, CA 91108For more information call: (626) 282-4181
Connect with us online: www.smccpby.com
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com