Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 29, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 15

RICH (Cont. from page 11)

 in 1938, as was intended, the 
Katherine Hepburn role would 
have starred Bette Davis. And 
the Humphrey Bogart role 
would have been played by 
David Niven. In 1949, Bette 
was offered the role but turned 
it down as she was with child. 
James Mason was the first 
choice in the late 1940s to 
play the role made famous by 
Humphrey Bogart. 

 And finally, though I’ve 
reported this before, it is always 
fun to regale you with the actors 
considered for the lead in the 
movie Patton. Of course the 
Oscar winning performance 
went to George C. Scott. The 
actors who turned down the role 
include, Burt Lancaster, Robert 
Mitchum, Telly Savalas and Rod 
Steiger. John Wayne wanted the 
role but the producer turned 
him down.

 Speaking of performances 
you must go see Cinderella at 
the Sierra Madre Playhouse. 
It is as near perfect a play as I 
have ever seen. Though a play 
primarily intended for children, 
Cinderella will be enjoyed and 
remembered by anyone who 
sees it. It is that good! This is 
going to be the hottest ticket 
in town so make reservations 
by calling (626) 355-4318. 
Performances are the next three 
Saturdays at 11:00am at the 
Sierra Madre Playhouse.



 Mountain Views News Saturday, January 29, 2011 

 La Salle High School 
has named Anthony 
Harris its next Director 
of Athletics. He will 
replace John Matheus, 
on July 1, 2011. Harris 
was formerly the 
Athletic Director at 
Campbell Hall High 
School in North 
Hollywood, and is 
currently serving as the 
Special Assistant to the 
President for Planning 
at La Salle.

 “With his experience 
and leadership skills, 
Anthony Harris is the 
best choice to lead La 
Salle Athletics into the 
future. He is exactly 
who we need as athletics 
director, working to 
ensure that every Lancer team 
succeeds on the field and in the 
classroom, as well as making 
sure our programs operate with 
respect and integrity,” said La 
Salle President, Richard Gray. 

Harris was chosen from an elite 
group of six candidates that the 
La Salle selection committee 
created from over 250 
applicants. “After an intensive 
and inclusive interview process 
Mr. Harris emerged as an 
outstanding candidate and we 
are certainly pleased to have 
him join our community,” 
said Principal, Patrick Bonacci, 

 In his ten years as Director of 
Athletics at Campbell Hall, the 
athletic programs transformed 
from participation based 
programs to a strong athletic 
program claiming numerous 
league titles, six CIF titles and 
two state championships. “All 
of these accomplishments 
were achieved while pursuing 
victory with honor, integrity, 
and respect. I’ll bring a similar 
approach while creating 
excellence and expecting 
the best of an already very 
successful La Salle athletic 
program,” Harris said.

 A native of Pasadena, and an 
outstanding football and track 
athlete at John Muir High 
School, Harris was an All-
American track athlete, and also 
All Conference football player 
at California State University, 
Northridge. Harris earned a 
Bachelor of Science degree in 
Organizational Leadership 
and a Master of Physical 
Education from Azusa Pacific 
University. Before moving to 
administration, Harris was the 
head football coach at Campbell 
Hall and Chaminade College 
Preparatory in West Hills. 
He was a defensive assistant 
football coach at Pasadena City 
College last season. In addition 
to his Athletic Director duties, 
Harris will be the Lancers’ 
offensive coordinator for the 
football team next season. 

 “Although many of La Salle’s 
athletic programs are first-rate, 
we hope to elevate all our athletic 
programs to a sustainable level 
of excellence that is worthy 
of this school, its students, 
faculty and parents. Already 
well-known for its outstanding 
academics, arts and music 
programs, we intend to focus 
on the athletic program’s quest 
for long-term success,” Harris 
continued. “My desire to strive 
for perfection and passion to 
make a significant and positive 
impact will serve as my personal 
motivation for success at La 
Salle. I see this opportunity as 
an avenue to utilize my unique 
leadership abilities to pursue 
excellence by mentoring, 
motivating, and creating a 
strong sense of team within 
the department,” Harris said. 
“I am very excited and privileged 
to be part of an athletic program 
that has 12 CIF championships 
15 CIF Finalist banners and 
157 league championships. 
What’s more, in just the last 
few years La Salle has sent 
17 athletes to D1 universities 
on athletic scholarships. 
That’s impressive to me for 
a school this size,” he said. 
Harris will continue his 
strategic planning duties within 
the Office of the President, 
while preparing to assume the 
role of Director of Athletics this 



I have a number of quotes my mom passed on 
to me during her lifetime and one of my favorites 
is “Can’t Never Did A Darn Thing”. Sounds 
simple but let’s see how we can apply it to putting.

I have never ever been a fan of the idea “think 
positive”. It might go down as the all time worst 
bit of advice you can give anyone. Of course we 
all want to think positive all of the time. If it was 
that easy we would all be doing it.

I believe that having positive thoughts most of 
the time is a process. I think positive thoughts 
and positive thinking is a result of doing a number 
of things on a regular basis.

When you talk to successful people, whether 
it is in business, sports, construction worker you 
hear the same feed back all of the time. They just 
don’t allow negative thoughts into their head. 
It sounds like a broken record but every one of 
them are on a journey with no end in sight.

Practice Makes Perfect

The second thing they talk about is how they 
WORK at it everyday. See, believing in yourself is 
not a part time job. To succeed in life and to succeed 
in golf they both have the same ingredients.

Finally, the one thing successful people and 
golfers talk about is the negative self talk that enters 
your mind during the day. If you walk when 
you play golf, there is lot of time between shots 
where you have the opportunity to tear yourself 

If a round of golf takes five hours and it takes 
less than two seconds to hit a shot and you shoot 
100, you have 298 minutes a day on the golf 
course to either be nice to yourself or destroy 


Henry Ford said “If you think you can do a 
thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

I do not claim to be a renowned sport physiologist, 
however, after playing and teaching this 
wonderful game for the past 50 odd years I know 
I have spent as much time learning about what 
works and doesn’t work on a golf course.

In closing I want to share a promise with you 
that I made in 1985. I did not touch a golf club 
for two years prior to this date. I was playing so 
bad and had tried to compete for so long I just 
walked away from the game. I actually gave my 
clubs, bag, shoes, golf balls, umbrella, gloves to 
my next door neighbor.

One day I went to hit some balls (I had to borrow 
a club) and before I hit my first shot I sat on a 
bench at the practice facility and I said to myself. 
“If I EVER find my own personal net worth in 
this game one more time I would quit FOREVER”. 
If I ever measured myself against how well or 
how poorly I performed I would NEVER EVER 
hit another golf shot.

I must confess something else, I have shot my 
share of rounds in the 80’s since that day. I mean 
to tell you I have played some horrible rounds but 
I have never ever thought less of myself since that 
day. And the opposite holds true as well, I have 
shot some rounds in the low and mid 60’s since 
that day and I never thought anymore of myself 
when I was finished with the round.

Why am I sharing this with you? It changed my 
golf life. I do not have the negative self chatter on 
the golf course, no more can’t do it attitude.

In closing yes this is a difficult thing do this old 
game of golf however is there anyplace you would 
rather spend five hours? I haven’t found it yet.


Zenyatta to be Celebrated as Inaugural Winner in 

Feb. 5 Ceremony 
at Santa Anita 

Live from Burger Continental, Pasadena

The Harvey Hyde Show

535 So. Lake Ave. Pasadena (626) 792 - 6634

Every Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Hard-hitting, High impact Sports Talk Radio

KSHP Las Vegas - 1400 AM

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Jan. 19, 
2011) – From the covers of national 
magazines to more recently 
the silver screen, “America’s 
Horse” Secretariat captured 
the heart of a nation. Today, his 
celebrated owner, Penny Chenery, 
announced the creation 
of an award that will annually 
recognize a horse whose popularity 
and racing excellence best 
resounded with the American 
public and gained recognition 
for the sport during the past 
year. The award is the first of its 
kind in horse racing.

The inaugural Secretariat Vox Populi Award, or “Voice of the People,” will be awarded to Zenyatta, 
the brilliant mare whose only loss in her 20-race career was a nail-biting defeat in the Breeders’ Cup 
Classic last October. Owned by Ann and Jerry Moss, Zenyatta is also the recent winner of the 2010 
Eclipse Horse of the Year Award and considered one of the most popular horses ever to have raced. 
Chenery is scheduled to present the custom-made Vox Populi trophy to the Mosses in a public ceremony 
at Santa Anita Park on Feb. 5.

“Horse racing already has established avenues to award outstanding accomplishments, and we certainly 
should honor superior performance,” Chenery said. “But achievement can be measured in 
many ways, and fans occasionally feel a disconnect when the horses who most impacted the public 
are not recognized through the traditional equine awards. The industry is long overdue in annually 
acknowledging the star horse who brings the most excitement and attention to the sport. It is my 
hope that the Secretariat Vox Populi Award will achieve that purpose.”

Although Chenery selected this year’s recipient, plans are in place for a committee of both distinguished 
racing personalities and industry representatives to choose the winner each year going 
forward in conjunction with a national online vote.

“I think racing fans will be just as excited about this award as I am, and we welcome everyone to 
come and share in the presentation festivities on Feb. 5,” Chenery said. “The award is sure to be an 
honor that reflects the heart and soul of this sport and will help build upon the devotion the public 
has for a horse they love.”

For more information about the Secretariat Vox Populi Award, visit, the official 
website for the legendary Thoroughbred champion. Celebrating racing’s past to enrich its future, is a comprehensive online source for historical information, photography, merchandise, 
and memorabilia chronicling the enduring legacy of America’s Horse.

2011 Adult Men’s 

Winter Basketball League!

The City of Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department is offering an Adult 
Men’s Basketball League in 2011. Get in shape and sharpen your skills at the same time! 
Teams are divided into leagues based on their skill level and play 10 games in the brand 
new Dana Gym, located at 1401 S. First Avenue, Arcadia. The fee for adult basketball 
is $475.00 per team (due upon registration), and includes officials, scorekeepers and 
awards. A separate $40 forfeit fee is also due at the time of registration. Open registration 
will begin December 13, 2010 and is limited. Teams will be accepted into the league 
on a first-come, first-serve basis. Just go on-line to the City of Arcadia’s website: www., to download the registration form or stop by the office, 375 Campus 
Drive in Arcadia. For more information please call 626.574.5113!

Photo Courtesy of Santa Anita Park


 Could you use help in 
preparing written communications 
for your business? 
I have extensive experience 
in writing and editing business 
documents including 
brochures, proposals, newsletters, 
resumes, customer 
success stories, press releases, 
and articles for newspapers 
and magazines. 

 Current work includes 
writing the column, “Looking 
Up with Bob Eklund,” in 
Mountain Views News, and 
writing newsletters for the 
Mount Wilson Observatory. 
I recently published a book, 
First Star I See Tonight: an 
Exploration of Wonder, and 
am finishing a second book, 
Winds Aloft. For writing 
samples and resume, see my 
web site: www.bobeklund.
com. OR beklund@sprynet.
com (310) 216-5947