Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 12, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 17

HAYES (continued from page 13)

new workers instead of $4.1 billion in tax breaks for 
offshore operations of U.S. financial corporations.

$2 billion in homeless assistance grants instead of $2.3 
billion in tax loopholes for hedge fund and private 
equity managers.

$4.6 billion in teacher training and afterschool 
programs instead of the $5.2 billion cost of removing 
the limit on itemized deductions for high-income 

$44 billion to maintain funding for all at-risk programs 
instead of the $42 billion one-year (FY2012) cost of 
extending the Bush tax cuts for the top brackets.

4. “America isn’t broke”

Speaking last week at the capitol in Madison, 
Wisconsin, filmmaker Michael Moore pointed out that 
400 Americans now control as much wealth as half the 
entire population, and concluded, “WE HAVE HAD 
IT! We reject anyone who tells us America is broke 
and broken. It’s just the opposite! We are rich with 
talent and ideas and hard work and, yes, love. Love 
and compassion toward those who have, through no 
fault of their own, ended up as the least among us. But 
they still crave what we all crave: Our country back! 
Our democracy back! Our good name back! The 
United States of America. NOT the Corporate States 
of America. The United States of America!

Pension funds and Social Security are in good shape, 
and we know how to fix problems should they arise. 
There’s money to help those who need it, if we get our 
priorities straight. And, there’s a reawakening among 
those who cherish their community and country more 
than their tax shelters.

It’s something to feel good about. Let’s join Tony at 
the Buccaneer and celebrate.

WELBORN (continued from page 13)

was pretty horrible. But the fact is that we don’t 
have one of those in Christian culture at this 
point in time. If we did, I – along with a great 
many other Christians – would be darned happy 
if our government came along side to help us 
stand up to the bullies who would silence our 
truth. Today, it is the Muslim community that 
faces an evil from within. That doesn’t mean all 
Muslims are bad. It does mean that many peace-
loving Muslims are being intimidated, tortured 
or even killed when they stand up against the 
Muslim terrorists in their communities. Right 
now, most of the torture and killing is being done 
outside the borders of the U.S.. For that, we can 
be thankful. But if we don’t figure out who within 
our borders is trying to radicalize the Muslim 
community, we will ultimately see much more 
blood-letting of Americans: Muslim, Jewish and 
Christian. By facing this reality now and coming 
along side those who truly seek peace, we are 
helping them, not hurting them.

 About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a 
freelance writer and has spoken to several civic 
and religious organizations on cultural and moral 
issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his 
wife and 3 children and is active in the community. 
He can be reached at



 Mountain Views News Saturday, March 12, 2011 


The Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department announces the City Track and Field 
Meet sponsored in part by the Civitan Club. Students should attend the meet which corresponds 
with their year of birth. Participation is open to elementary and middle school-age boys and girls 
born in years 1996-2004 who are Arcadia residents or attend Arcadia Schools (public or private). 
The Track Meet for Middle School students will be held on Wednesday, March 23rd for students 
born 1996-1999. For Elementary School students the track meet will be held on Wednesday, 
March 30th for students born 2000-2004. The rain date for both meets will be Wednesday, April 
13st. Elementary students who are interested in participating should register with a Playground 
Recreation Leader. Middle School Students should check with their PE teachers about participating 
in the track meet. Participants must compete in the age division in which they were born. Boys 
and girls will compete in separate gender divisions. Participants may compete in only one Running 
Event, one Field Event and one Relay. Pre-registration is mandatory. 

For more information please contact the Arcadia Recreation Department at 626.574.5113. 

The Proper Golf Grip - Check Your Knuckles 

In order to hit the golf ball further and more consistent, after you grip the club-check your knuckles 
EVERY TIME. I have a question for you that you have to answer in two seconds. Is gripping the golf 
club an art or a science? Think about it for 10 seconds if you want to. Do you know why I am giving 
you 10 seconds to think about it? Ten seconds is longer than you take to think about gripping the 
club when your on the golf course.

When most amateur golfers struggle with their golf game it can be traced right back to the grip the 
golf club. What I have heard for the past 35 years is “I am really struggling with my swing”-DON’T 
TOUCH MY GRIP. “I keep coming over the top”-DON’T TOUCH MY GRIP. “I can’t stop hooking 
the ball”-DON’T TOUCH MY GRIP.

Here is the problem. Changing your grip can be a nightmare. I don’t care if you have played for six 
months or 30 years, for you to make a grip change, it can be a long and painful process. I started 
playing golf when I was 2 years old, by the time I was 13 I was bigger and stronger and I had a very 
strong grip. I hooked the ball way too much. My mom told me it was time to weaken it, It was the 
longest year of my life.

I am going to let you in on two little secrets that nobody 
talks about. If you slice the golf or if you hit 
weak fades to the right, changing your grip will be 
the most exciting and rewarding thing you will do for 
your golf game. You will fall in love with me in five 
minutes. (OK, maybe a little overboard-can you tell 
I am excited)? On the other hand. If you hook the 
ball you will want to wrap that driver around my neck 
for about three months AND then you will also fall in 
love with me.

That is secret number one. Now for secret number 
two. Whether you are a slicer or hooker of the golf 
ball, changing your grip can be very uncomfortable. 
I have a saying that I have used with my students for 
20 years. As soon as they change their grip and make 
solid contact they always say to me “it doesn’t feel 
good”. And I always say to them “you have a choice, 
you can either hit it poorly and feel good or hit it 
great and feel poorly”.

Let me tell you why the knuckles are so important. 
Let’s talk about slicing first. After you grip the golf 
club and address the golf ball, when you look down at 
your left hand, you probable don’t see any knuckles. 
of the left hand. You see the top of the left thumb. 
The problem is the clubface will not close in time for 
you to hit a draw. This next part is really important. 
Before you start your backswing, simple turn BOTH 
hands to the right the same amount. Do it in baby 
steps. Turn the hands on the club so you can see one 
knuckle, and hit some balls from this position. If you 
get rid of your slice then stop. You have hit gold, that 
is the correct grip for you. This is a very powerful 
change, that is why you will love it.

On to the golfers that hook the ball. After you grip 
the club and address the golf ball you will look down 
and see three or four knuckles of the left hand. The 
clubhead will close way to fast in the downswing 
from with this grip. You have to move BOTH of 
your hands to the left the same amount. Do it in baby 
steps, one knuckle at a time. The reason this is more 
painful than the grip change above is because you are 
going from a stronger position to a weaker position. 
You will not feel the love for some time. I know you can do this, I did.

In closing after you grip the club-check your knuckles EVERY TIME and you will begin to see the ball 
start flying straighter and further.

Want to learn more? Go to:

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Above: Neutral Golf Grip

Above: Weak Golf Grip

Above: Strong Golf Grip