Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 18, 2012
On Tusday, February 21st,
Sierra Madre Mayor John
Buchanan will speak to the
Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club.
The presentation will include
a preview of the upcoming
State of the City Address
to be given later in the
The meeting will be held
at The Lodge, formerly the
Masonic Temple, at 33 E.
Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra
Madre. Lunch will be served
at noon. The program will
begin at 12.45.
Seniors and those unable to
attend the State of The City
Address on the 27th, are
encouraged to attend. The
event is free to the public.
Upcoming Events:
The Kiwanis Club will
also present two informative
community forums in
On Tuesday March 13, the
Candidates Forum will present
all candidates who are
running for City Council.
Candidates will state their
positions on important issues
and will takes questions
from the audience.
On Tuesday March 27, the
Kiwanis Club will host an
informational forum regarding
the User Utility Tax.
Representatives will present
pro and con sides of this issue
and will accept questions
from audience members.
Both forums will be at noon,
and an optional lunch will
be available. Additional details
will be forthcoming in a
few weeks.
The season of Lent lasts approximately
46 days, including
Sundays, between Ash
Wednesday and Easter Sunday.
Since its founding in
1885, Ascension and other
churches in the Sierra Madre
community have gathered to
observe the weeks prior to
Easter as a special time for
prayer and meditation about
their Christian discipleship.
Lent officially starts with
Ash Wednesday, a day of
penitence and reflection. At
Ascension, Ash Wednesday
Mass and Imposition of
Ashes will be held on February
22, 2012 at 7:00 am,
Noon, and 6:00 pm. All are
The community is also
welcome to join Ascension
throughout this Lent on
Wednesdays (from February
29th to March 28th) beginning
with Eucharist at 6:00
pm, Lenten Potluck Supper
(soup or salad) at 6:30 pm,
and this year’s Lenten Program
Series “Encounter with
Christ in Mainstream Culture”
at 7:00 pm. Each week,
Ministry Intern Marianne
Zahn will examine multimedia
excerpts from television,
movies, and the Internet discussing
how today’s media
culture interacts with Scripture,
our Christian tradition,
and our lives.
Come for some part or all
of this special series of reflection.
The Lenten Series
is a great way to meet new
neighbors and check out
a wonderful community
church. For more information,
please call (626) 355-
1133 or visit: www.ascension-
This month the Sierra Madre Civic Club celebrated its 67th
birthday by honoring their past presidents and honorary
lifetime members, picture above. Many of the honorees,
including three of the original charter members of the club,
were able to attend the party, some coming from as far
away as 250 miles. The club thanked the 59 past presidents
for their “devoted service and willingness to lead” and for
bringing “new and different ideas from year to year” to the
The club spokesperson, committee co-chairman Vicki
Vernon, read a note from past president and charter member
Ann Tyler (president 1951-1952), who was unable to attend,
that spoke to the club’s beginning and reason for being.
“I was 21 years old, the mother of 2 ½ babies, living with
my parents while my husband was in the Navy, when 15
members in similar situations…organized the Sierra Madre
Civic Club in June of 1944.
The faces have changed but the aims and purposes of the
Club are still the same. All of the proceeds of our many
endeavors were given back to the community.
You are still doing the same things today and I am so proud
to be a charter member of the Civic Club.”
Honorary lifetime memberships are given for “service
above and beyond the call of duty” and have been bestowed
on 28 members for contributing to the club with tireless
enthusiasm and dedication to the community.
A special salute was given to honorary lifetime member Arly
Hahn who, at the spry age of 97, is a beloved member and an
example of the caliber of membership the club attracts.
Arly volunteered with the Red Cross for approximately ten
years and performed two three-week tours in Hawaii in the
aftermath of hurricane Iniki. She also went to Missouri after
the floods to render aid, commenting that she “never wants
to see another flood in (my) life – so devastating.” Today
Arly’s activities with the club may have slowed down a bit,
but her efforts have helped make the club what it is today.
Vickie Vernon went on to say that “today’s members are the
bones of the club.” The club has grown from the 15 original
charter members to a membership of more than 95 and
growing. Its members represent all ages and walks of life in
our town with old and young, students, retired, and business
people joining together in an active, community-centered
Current President Colleen McKernan said, “It’s an honor to
serve in the capacity of President considering the history of
the club and its service to the community.”
The Civic Club meetings are held on the second Wednesday
of every month, 7:30 P.M. at the Hart House in Memorial
Park. Guests are always welcome.
The historic landmark Hotel Sierra Madre, also
known as the Pinney House, will be open for
self-guided tours during the March 25 Wistaria
Festival in Sierra Madre.
Built in 1887, Hotel Sierra Madre is slated to re-
open as a Bed and Breakfast Inn in summer of
2012. The property has not been operated as an
inn for over 100 years.
Tours will be offered to visitors on the Wistaria
Festival shuttle, as the bus stops in front of the
Hotel Sierra Madre at 225 No. Lima St.
Hotel Sierra Madre was designed by noted
Victorian architects, the Newsom b rothers. It
was one of a string of railroad hotels that served
as lodging for train passengers who disembarked
at the Baldwin depot on their travels from the
midwest and east coast. It is one of the last
remaining railroad hotels, and the only one to be
operating as its original use of lodging.
Hotel Sierra Madre has undergone several
years of renovation. It will open with six
spacious elegant bed and bath suites, as well as
several common rooms reminiscent of the late
nineteenth century.
More information on Hotel Sierra Madre can be found at www.hotelsierramadreus.com.
For more information on Wistaria Festival and to order Shuttle Tickets online, contact the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, www.
Whale Watching Community Excursion
Join the Community and Personnel Services Department for its annual Whale
Watching excursion on Saturday, March 3, 2012. Enjoy a two and a half
hour narrated tour by Aquarium of the Pacific staff, charter boat with a two
level viewing deck, and transportation to and from Long Beach. Snacks are
available for purchase on the boat,
or lunches can be brought aboard.
For more information call 626-355-
Date: Saturday, March 3,
Time: 10:00am - 3:30pm
Cost: $28.00 per person
Transportation leaves from the Community Recreation Center, 611 E. Sierra Madre
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024.
Get Ready for the 2012 Mount Wilson Trail Race with Team CrossFit Academy
The 2012 race will be here before you know it: Saturday, May 26.
Coach Eric LeClair and Team CrossFit Academy will be returning for their seventh year to provide
free Saturday morning training runs for this challenging event for any interested trail runner. The
training is a 16-week program designed with three different ability groups.: Beginner, Intermediate,
and Advanced. The first training session will begin Saturday morning, February 4th at 7:00A in
Kersting Court. It is recommended that all interested runners
begin their training on this date; each Saturday morning will
feature a different training run.
Coach LeClair has had hundreds of runners and racers within
the ranks of the training team over the past six years. The
training program has been so successful that it has resulted in
over 20 Top 3 finisher medals!
From the beginning trail runner to the experienced veteran
racer, all will be welcomed into this fun group and will be
assisted in accomplishing his or her desired goal. To contact
Coach Eric LeClair or Team CrossFit Academy directly, please
call 626-437-8739 or search for either on Facebook.
Registration for the 2012 Mount Wilson Trail Race will begin
on Monday, March 5 at 9:00am. Registration is available online
at www.cityofsierramadre.com/onlineregistration. Runners are
encouraged to register as soon as possible as space is limited.
The MWTR sells out on an annual basis, be sure to reserve
your spot for 2012! For more information please visit www.
mountwilsontrailrace.com or contact the Community Services
Office at 626.355.5278.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com