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MVNews this week:  Page 14



 Mountain Views News Saturday July 21, 2012 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA


Good listening skills can get you far in life. Just like live interactions, I think good listening 
skills are important in social media too. 

It’s important to feed good content into social media but also beneficial to let your 
connections know you are listening to what they are saying. Think about it… if you had a 
customer come into your store and tell you something fun, you most likely would nod, smile 
and probably ask questions and participate in the discussion. If you simply stared at them 
with no expression, they wouldn’t feel connected to you. It’s the same in social media. If you 
want to build connections, you need to nod (“like” the post), participate (“comment” on a 
post) and if they say something really magnificent you might “share” it with others.

Where do you listen:

Facebook “Home” (see screen shot):

Think of the “home” area as your ears on Facebook. As your connections share their news on 
Facebook, it feeds through your “home” area (which is also called the news feed). Let your 
connections know you are listening by commenting or liking their posts. If you are low on 
words and don’t want to comment, a simple “like” of a post will do the trick. It’s like giving a 
smile, nodding your head and making good eye contact.

Twitter Feeds:

In Twitter, you listen to the people you are following in the feed (Tweets). To be part of the 
discussion select RT (retweet) and you can share it with the people following you or select 
“reply” which allows you to comment on what was said and strike up a conversation. 

LinkedIn Groups and questions:

The best way to build connections and participate in valuable discussions on LinkedIn is 
by joining groups. Search for groups that share common interests, audience and industry 
talk. Listen to what people are saying in these groups and participate in their posts. Just like 
Facebook, you can comment and like a post. 

Essentially, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are modern communication tools. Just like the 
telephone, you use these tools to speak, listen and stay connected with people. You will get a 
lot out of social media if you spend half of your time listening, responding and participating 
in threads of discussion. Keep in mind, when you participate in a discussion on social 
media, it puts your brand in front of an audience.

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that also 
specializes in Social Media Education for business owners. Join their conversation on 
Facebook and get good tips and tricks about social media, 

Sign up for this event or view other upcoming classes at:


Recently, for the very first time I hired a 
project assistant on a temporary basis for 
sizeable one-month contract that I needed to 
complete for a client. I retained her services 
on an independent contractor agreement. 
The project involved communication and 
sharing documents with at least four other 
individuals and I knew that I would do a 
much better job by having a qualified person 
in place to serve as my communications hub 
for the project. It was a costly decision that 
required more than 15% of the total contract, 
but in the end, it was one of the smartest 
business decisions I’ve ever made.

The project required extensive proofreading, 
editing and a significant amount of back-
and-forth e-mails to reformat documents. 
In addition to having extensive copywriting 
experience, the project assistant was also 
well-versed in converting documents into 
versions that could be used by all parties 
involved. Whenever I needed an update or 
assistance with follow-up, she was on top of 
it. This allowed me to focus the majority of 
attention to creating content for my client, but 
it also reduced my stress level tremendously. 

Too often, sole entrepreneurs and small 
business owners underestimate the benefits of 
bringing “extra hands on deck” as a business-
building strategy. I have had the opportunity 
to share this experience with collegues who 
prepare business and marketing content for a 
living. Without exception, each one of them 
has requested the contact info for the project 
assistant who worked with me. They too, 
have prolonged the agony of operating as a 
one-person shop to the detriment of being 
able to build their consulting practices into 
larger, more lucrative enterprises.

If you have reached a plateau and have the 
desire to expand your business by increasing 
your sales, market exposure or other aspects 
that you deem important to increasing your 
profits long-term, it’s time to consider bring 
extra hands on deck. First, determine what 
your goals are over the next six months. 
Will you be able to accomplish this with 
your current staffing? If not, hiring an 
employee or an independent consultant on a 
temporary basis is an option. With so many 
qualified professional currently out of work, 
it is easier to find individuals with expertise 
that you need to work on a per-project basis. 
It will also provide the opportunity for you 
to assess the person’s skills and suitability 
to working on additional projects with you, 
or consideration for bringing them on as 
temporary or permanent staff in the future.

My recent experience of hiring the project 
assistant taught me the first-hand the value 
of delegating a specific set of tasks to a person 
who was well-qualified. I have learned that 
it is easier than I thought to increase my 
capacity to generate additional revenue. 
It’s not necessary to commit to an ongoing 
payroll expense to put adequate staffing in 
place to move your business to the next level. 
It’s possible to do it one project at a time if 

KNOW…………….. By Patricia Richardson, M.B.A

QuickBooks permits you to track time worked on various jobs. Time can be 
tracked for employees, subcontractors (vendors), or owners. QuickBooks 
2012 has added Batch Timesheets to their timesheet functionality. 

QuickBooks Pro and QuickBooks Premier provide three different ways to 
track time. 

Time Single Activity. Use the Stopwatch to time an activity and enter the time data. QuickBooks 
automatically records the time on the employee’s weekly timesheet.

Weekly Timesheets. Use the weekly timesheet to enter time worked by each employee on various 
jobs during the week.

Online Timesheets. Enter billable hours from any Internet-connected computer. Download the 
timesheets into QuickBooks to process paychecks.

The new feature allows the user to select multiple employee or vendor names when entering hours. 
It is a great addition to QuickBooks because it saves time entering the same hours for multiple 
employees or vendors, and is very useful if this is something that happens week in, and week out 
(for example, hourly employees who have the same hours every week and never work overtime). 
It makes payroll processing faster and easier. In addition, if invoicing customers for these hours it 
is faster and easier as well. In fact, in the new feature Batch Invoicing for Time and Expenses, if 
there are common hours and common expenses, these two features together (possibly combined with 
memorized transactions for expenses) can make invoicing quick and easy, meaning that invoices get 
issued faster and payments received faster. 

Anyone who does time tracking for more than one person, in which two or more employees have 
similar or identical hours, should use this feature. In fact, this can be used for two or more employees 
who have similar, but not identical, hours. Hours specific to each employees can simply be edited.

Another QuickBooks 2012 enhancement includes Batch Invoicing for Time and Expenses. Many 
QuickBooks users need to keep track of time and materials/expenses and want to charge them to jobs. 
QuickBooks has just made this task easier. 

To improve profitability in the future, a business should evaluate which customers and jobs have been 
profitable in the past. This information permits a business to improve profitability by:

• Increasing business in profitable areas
• Improving performance in unprofitable areas
• Discontinuing unprofitable areas

To determine which customers are profitable it is necessary to look at sales for the customer as well as 
the associated costs. In previous versions of QuickBooks posting unbilled costs (time and expenses) 
to a customer happened individually at the point of invoice origination. The new Batch invoicing for 
Time and Expenses is great because it saves time by allowing you to select customers with unbilled 
time, items, expenses, and mileage, and create invoices for all of them with a couple of clicks. After 
activating this feature, billing for all expenses becomes easier now as the system will generate a list of 
customers with these expenses and asks if you want to invoice them.

This feature is great for your customers who have regularly scheduled expenses (which could be 
recorded as memorized automatic transactions) and time (which can be recorded in batches across 
many customers). It is for customers who do not use multicurrency and who have only one Accounts 
Receivable account and generally only one invoice template. 

Patricia Richardson the owner of Monrovia Computerized Business Service and is a local accountant, 
educator and trainer working to help business owners realize their business mission and vision by 
empowering them with tools and training in areas that may not be their core competency. For additional 


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