Mountain Views News Saturday, August 25, 2012
Dear Savvy Senior:
Do you know of any computer software that’s
designed for seniors that I can download on an
old computer that I have? I would like to set my
grandmother up with a senior-friendly system for
email and Internet access, but I don’t want to spend
a lot of money. Searching Grandson
Dear Searching,:There are actually a number of
companies and services today that offer simplified computer software that’s designed specifically for
seniors who have little or no computer experience.
These software packages can transform most Microsoft Windows personal computers (PCs) – some
work with Macs and tablets too – into a much simpler computer experience that provides seniors easy
access to most functions like sending and receiving email, browsing the Internet, making video calls,
looking at photos, playing games and more. Here are some top options to check out.
Free Software
Since it’s completely free, a good place to start is at Eldy, an Italian nonprofit organization that provides
simplified computer software in 25 different languages including English. Available to download at
www.eldy.eu, this software works on PCs that use Windows and Linux systems, Macs and Android
Once installed, Eldy converts the computer’s desktop into a simple six-button menu that has large text,
color contrasts and simplified instructions (no confusing icons) that makes it easy to see, understand
and operate.
The six-button menu puts seniors literally one-click-of-the-mouse away from simplified versions of
email, the Web, Skype for video calls, chat groups, a simple word processing program and more.
It’s also worth noting that Eldy software works on touch-screen computers too, and they also offer
online tech-support.
Fee-Based Services
If, however, you don’t mind spending a little money, there are also a number of companies that offer
software similar to Eldy, but provide a few extra enticing features. One of the best deals is offered
through SeeYouLink (seeyoulink.com) which has a three-month free trial and charges only $4.95 per
month after that.
SeeYouLink’s web-based software will transform any mouse-operated or touch-screen Windows-
based PC, into a simplified big-button operating system with large fonts and color contrasts. This
will give your grandmother easy access to a host of functions that she can select from like email, Web
browsing, video calling, brain-fitness games, movies, Facebook, a calendar that sends reminders and
much more.
In addition, this service also provides a “remote access” feature that will give you and other family
members the ability to access your grandmother’s computer system from literally any computer
anywhere in the world, so you can help her set things up, show her websites, scheduled appointments,
or guide her through any other questions or problems she might have. And, when you or your
grandmother needs help, SeeYouLink offers free tech-support both online and over the phone.
In addition to SeeYouLink, some other companies worth a look that offer similar services include
InTouchLink (intouchlink.com), which can be used on a PC, Mac or iPad and costs $13.75 per month
or $150 per year. Pointer Ware (pointerware.com), which works on Windows PCs and costs a one-
time fee of $149, or you can subscribe monthly for $8 per month. And BigScreenLive (bigscreenlive.
com), that operates on Windows PCs and runs $9.95 per month for an annual membership.
Senior-Friendly Computers
If you find that you would rather purchase your grandmother a new computer that’s designed for
seniors and is ready to go right out of the box, you have options here too.
Two of the most popular are the Telikin (telikin.com, 800-230-3881) which costs between $699 and
$999 – this same computer is also sold as the “WOW” computer through firstSTREET. And MyGait
(mygait.com, 866-469-4248), which runs $799 or $899 plus a $20 monthly service fee.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
August Birthdays
Harry Enmark, Marcia Bent, Phyllis Chapman,
Beverly Clifton, Karlene Englert, Joan Spears,
Barbara Godley and Jane Zamanzadeh, Phyllis
Bugh, Mary Kay Gifford, Marjorie Peterson, Susan
Poulsen, Genevieve Stubbs, Joseph Kiss, Patricia
Senior Programs have returned to the Hart
Park House enior Center, 222 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. in Memorial Park - Come by and
see the changes!!
Mondays: City Hall & Lunch Café
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café: Come enjoy
a hot meal with others. Donation for
seniors (60+) of $2.00; visitors $3.75. Call
355-0256 to make your daily reservation.
FREE blood pressure checks by Methodist
Hospital Nurse; 11 am to 12 noon.
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
BINGO; NEW TIME 1-3PM cards are
only 25 cents each so stop by & play
5:15 pm to 6:45 pm: Yoga; $6.00 - 50
& over. Please call 355-5278 for more
11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl.
FREE class designed to improve balance
& refresh the joints
12 noon: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE Legal
Consultations: 10-11:30 am. Appointments
call 355-7394
Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the senior
desk at 355-7394 to arrange another
time & day to learn how to play. No previous
experience or skills required and it is
great exercise.
1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for
Poker and more. Wii - 1:00 pm or call the
senior desk at 355-7394 to arrange another
time & day to learn how to play. No
previous experience or skills required and
it is great exercise. Please call for more
Fridays: Intervale Lunch Café; daily reservations
needed 355-0256
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength Training
with Lisa Brandley. FREE class of stretching
with light hand weights while you sit.
Saturdays: 11:30 am: Senior Club brown
bag lunch and BINGO at 12:30 pm.
Meals are delivered to home-
bound seniors by volunteer drivers
through the YWCA Intervale
Lunch Program M-F (with frozen meals for the
Call the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 for more
Join the Senior Community Commission
for a FREE presentation. Lunch is available
for a $2 donation
Call (626) 355-0256 by
12 noon the day before.
Tickets can now be purchased at:
Sierra Madre City Hall
Sierra Madre Library
Senior Movie Program
The Hart Park House Senior Center is starting
a brand new monthly movie program beginning
Wednesday, August 15.
Each month a movie will be shown at no fee
in the City Council Chambers located in City
The movie for the month of August is,
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, filmed in our
very own Sierra Madre!
All patrons are encouraged to join us monthly
and it’s a great way to beat the summer heat.
Location: City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd.
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Cost: Free, no charge.
*Food is not allowed in the Council Chambers
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Departure: Charter bus
leaves at 9:30am from the
Hart Park House
Lunch and Activities:
Return: Bus will arrive back in
Sierra Madre at approximately
Cost: $34 includes transportation,
lunch and tip
More Info: Call the Hart
Park House Senior Center at
Ever since I had a series of beta fish die prematurely in my apartment, I’ve
tried to keep the place “alive” with plants. Over the years I’ve cultivated a little
“jungle” of avocado trees, oaks, succulents, and other flora. It’s certainly easier
to take vacations when you don’t have to ask your friends or relatives to feed
your pets. Not to say that I couldn’t care less whether or not my garden dies in
my absence, but withered leaves aren’t as depressing as floating fish.
So, you can imagine my astonishment and horror when I heard that some studies have found
plants that have a consciousness rivaling our own! Admittedly, I first heard this while listening to
Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” commentary, recorded in the 70’s. It’s not a “science”
show. And I’m sure even if it was, that further research on the subject of plant consciousness has
been conducted since then. However, it grabbed my attention.
Pastor Chuck was commenting on verses
in Psalms, such as “The heavens declare the
glory of God; And the firmament shows His
handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And
night unto night reveals knowledge. There
is no speech nor language where their voice is
not heard.” (Psm. 19:1-3) He then told about a
friend of his who was interested in polygraph
This man attached sensors to the leaves of a
plant and hooked it up to a polygraph machine.
At some point during his observations, he picked
up the watering can, and the polygraph started
to record the plant’s response. He thought it was
a coincidence, so he put the watering can down,
and then raised it again to see if the plant would
react. It didn’t. He repeated this several times, but the polygraph needle didn’t budge. “Fine,” he
thought. “I’ll water you already!” Immediately the needle went into action.
On another occasion, the plant responded when a woman pinched one of its leaves. She then
left the room for a while. When she returned, the plant reacted with violent movement of the
polygraph needle.
Well, not only do plants have “feelings,” but they also have memory and can interpret your
thoughts! This opens up a whole new ethical can of worms. I’ve often written glowingly about
my mom’s veganism. But now I worry that the field greens in a fresh salad are silently screaming
as you pierce them with your fork. At least my diet consists mostly of frozen veggies. So if they
suffered, they’ve been long dead by the time I get to them.
There’s already so much guilt inherent in modern life. I feel guilty about buying the Ralph’s
brand coffee when the product next to it (selling for twice as much) claims to be “fair trade, using
sustainable farming techniques.” Should I buy a shirt for $10 at Target, wondering whether its
makers in Bangladesh earned enough money to eat that night? Or should I buy a comparable
American-made shirt for $30?
And then there’s all the environmental guilt of driving a car, running air conditioning, and
using plastic bags (at least that’s been somewhat alleviated by the recent super market reforms).
I can only hope that when I die, my carbon footprint will be more the size of an gazelle than that
of a camel.
Adding to my existing guilt, now I’m worried the plants are reading my mind! I don’t worry
so much about my house plants, because I’m already trying my best to foster their well being.
But my parents are considering taking out an ash tree because it has sapped the back yard of all
its nutrients for the last thirty years. At first I was mildly sentimental about saying goodbye to a
landmark I’ve known since childhood. But now I’m downright distraught wondering if it knows
about their plans. It’s bad enough to cut down a tree, but to know that it knows you’re plotting its
execution --that’s just too much. Hopefully the paper you’re reading this on is recycled. If not,
please plant a sapling!
(Editor’s note: Of course this paper is printed on recycled paper!)