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 Mountain Views News Saturday, September 1, 2012 




Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams

How To Win Friends And Influence People

By Dale Carnegie (A Classic revisited)

Should you choose to look up this book by Dale Carnegie, you will notice that it was originally 
copyrighted in 1936, which will make this choice not as new, but it is still an excellent choice 
because it is nonetheless informative. With this non-fictional piece renewed in 1964 and then 
revised and published in hardcover in 1981, ‘How to Win Friends & Influence People’ gives 
insight into the words of Dale Carnegie himself on techniques and tips of social interaction 
and how to improve the quality of relationships with others around you. 

The book provides suggestions and examples from Mr. Carnegie’s experience when dealing with 
others, such as “don’t criticize, condemn or complain”; giving honest and sincere appreciation; 
six ways to make people like you, and winning others over your way of thinking. 

Although this book is one of the older ones to read, the methods for interacting with others 
still hold true to this day. Whether you have excellent qualities with others around you or you 
wish to improve with your relationships, these tricks from Mr. Carnegie will greatly help if you 
practice them a little at a time with others. 

An effective secret that can be immediately noticed is 
that the basis for his methods comes from listening 
to others and understanding what it is they want 
and trying to work to find a solution for all. In other 
words: SYNERGY! It is not just basic compromise 
when it comes to dealing with and interacting with 
others, but trying to make a positive experience for 
all. And in today’s modern age, having good friends 
with whom we can understand and relate too is 
essential. Disagree with your friend who believes 
they are right? 

Hear them out before providing your two cents. 
Admit it when you are wrong. Begin in a friendly 
way with anything. Apply any of these principles with 
anyone and the positivity with results will come back 
to you twofold. By giving ‘How to Win Friends & 
Influence People’ a look, there won’t be just a lesson 
to learn from it, but possibly a friend to gain from 
experience as well.

Editor’s Note: Ms. Williams is the latest addition to the 
Mountain Views News family. A young writer alumni of 
Pasadena City College, she brings a new voice to our Arts 
and Entertainment section. 

Welcome Jasmine.

Review By Sean Kayden



 In 2010, Jack Tatum, the mastermind behind his moniker Wild Nothing 
released the ultra impressive debut album, “Gemini.” It was one of my favorite 
albums of the year and still till this day. Gemini is very light, airy, and the 
idyllic dream-pop record. Dominated by 1980s reverence, Wild Nothing took 
the elements of that era to craft an album ideal for this day and age. Personally, Wild Nothing had 
a lot to live up to with the follow-up album and I’m happy to report expectations were met, but not 
overly exceeded. There are similarities between the two compilations, but ultimately, “Nocturne” is 
an entirely different encounter. The word matured is tossed around very frequently with younger 
artists and this time is no exception. Wild Nothing has grown and completely blossomed into an 
act that surpasses many who’ve been in this genre for quite sometime. “Nocturne” is an album 
that proves to be an example of continual development for a budding artist rather than one that 
stands toe-to-toe with its predecessor. Nonetheless, the sophomore release is often intoxicating 
with jangly guitars, hypnotic arrangements, and 
the heavy layers of reverb. 

 When it comes to the lyrics, it’s a 
somewhat conventional affair. The sometimes 
overly sentimental and trite lyrics don’t always 
match equally with the lush sound. The 
straightforwardness and simplicity of the lyrics 
are nothing to balk at since more often than not 
the listener becomes lost within the melancholy and dreaminess of the music rather than the 
words on paper. The first track is “Shadow,” a warm introduction and a strong indication that 
Tatum has polished his style rather than redefining it. “Midnight Song” dazzles and mesmerizes 
with its shoegaze haze. You’ll find this a lot on “Nocturne,” where the synths, delicacy of Tatum’s 
vocals and reverb all meet to form the sound known to be distinctively as Wild Nothing. There are 
a few calamities such as the closing track “Rheya.” It meanders with its sights set on just ending 
the way it started—uninspiring and apathetically. “This Chain Won’t Break,” the insipid track that 
falls right smack in the middle of the record interrupts the flow of things as it falls flat of anything 
unforgettable. Fortunately, the subsequent track, “Disappear Always” makes you overlook that 
misstep almost entirely as it demonstrates Tatum’s artistic ability in the most comprehensive 
form. Multi-layered, continual change-ups in arrangements and a vibe unmatched, “Disappear 
Always” should be considered one of the elite tracks from “Nocturne”. 

 One considerably noticeable difference between “Gemini” and “Nocturne” is how Tatum’s 
voice is at the forefront. His lyrics are more discernable and comprehensible while his vocals are 
slightly crisper and clearer. That’s not to say the habitual haze that engulfs his songs isn’t present, 
it’s just that with the higher production values the bedroom-pop sound feels a bit artificially 
constructed rather than organically executed. Regardless, Tatum has crafted some of his best songs 
here and this evolution from novice to seasoned pro is happening at a rapid pace. The first half 
of “Nocturne” is exhilarating, shimmering, and a dream-pop fan’s heaven. The second half gets a 
bit lost and weary with tunes that seem to go nowhere as they drift toward completion. Honestly, 
I’d say “Gemini” is the better record of the two. However, it was Wild Nothing’s debut album that 
astounded and surprised the indie music world. “Nocturne” doesn’t have the same ongoing effect, 
but is a laudable accomplishment in it’s own right. In Tatum’s ideal world, “Nocturne” may be his 
finest representation, but hopefully it’s just another side to this young man who appears to have 
his best days still ahead of him. 

Grade: 8 out of 10
Key Tracks: “Shadow”, “Midnight Song”, “Nocturne”, “Disappear Always” 

Artist: Wild Nothing

Album: Nocturne

Label: Captured Tracks

Release Date: August 28th, 2012


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Book signing at Butterfly Effect Day Spa - Sierra Madre

THE PLANT POWERED DIET-The Lifelong Eating Plan for 
Acheiving Optimal Health by Sharon Palmer, RD

On Thursday, September 27, 2012, from 5 to 7 pm., author Sharon Palmer, RD will be at the Butterfly 
Effect Day Spa in Sierra Madre. Palmer will showcase 
and sign her new book, The Plant Powered Diet. 

The event, hosted by Butterfly Day Spa will include 
a Wine and appetizers reception and Raffle Prize (s)

SHARON PALMER,RD-Sharon Palmer, RD, is a registered 
dietitian, editor of the award winning health 
nesletter Environmental Nutrition, and a nationally 
recognized nutrition expert.


Join us for this exciting twilight book signing and 
meet the author Sharon Palmer, RD. 

RSVP Requested to


"Hundereds of studies lead to this one conclusion: 
The healthiest diet on the planet is a plant-based diet. 
Now for everyone from omnivores who want to cut 
back on the meat and eat more vegetables, to vegans 
looking to benefit even more from the healthiest 
plant foods, The Plan Powered Diet meets all readers 
wherever they are.

 Butterfly Effect Day Spa

370 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 

Sierra Madre, CA 91024

ph: 626.355-5507

Where does our 
strength come 
from? Is it that inner 
determination to 
achieve? Our ego? 
That warrior within 

 In yoga we develop 
strength and stamina 
from poses called 
warrior poses. These are standing poses, with 
the feet rooted to the ground, the gaze focused 
on a spot beyond your sight as if looking 
through it, and the muscles of your legs 
working from the feet up. Some of the muscles 
spiral in and others out. 

 Warrior poses lengthen and stretch your 
muscles. They challenge your desire to 
keep moving and fidgeting. They build core 
strength because we need to draw this strength 
deep from within, like a warrior. A warrior: on 
the field of battle or sitting high a-top his horse 
with a sword in hand or quietly smiling with 
her inner determination to see things through, 
or to birth a child. 

 A warrior: on a surf board, skiing down a 
hill, running a marathon, walking into a board 
room or conducting the train. We are all 
warriors. We all have the ability to be strong 
and centered, to be willful and determined, 
focused and proud. In other words, we all 
have the capacity to be powerful beings. We 
can do what we love, we can achieve greatness 
and we are all warriors.

 Yoga helps us build not just the muscles, but 
the inner focus, the quiet. When we can get 
the quiet, we can hear the inner call of what 
our warrior really wants and needs to thrive. 
In our ever more changing environment, in the 
hustle and bustle of movement in our cars and 
in our minds, we need the stillness to center 
us, ground us and keep us calm. Through 
calm, we can make good decisions.

 Some people say that yoga teaches us not to 
have ego, or that the ego should not come into 
our practice, it’s not a competition. What yoga 
can teach us is how to get to know our egos 
and what exactly they are capable of, when it’s 
appropriate for the the ego to manifest and 
when it’s making bad decisions for us. Yoga: 
the art and science of getting to know you, and 
what you are capable of.

 Namaste, Rene