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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around SGV / The World: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Education & Youth: Good Food & Drink: Best Friends / Sports: Arts / Health: Homes & Property: The Good Life: Business News & Trends: Opinion: Left Turn / Right Turn: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
VOLUME 6 NO 36 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE - While Remembering The Fallen on 9/11, City’s First Responders Are Honored By Bill Coburn At approximately 6:55 am on Tuesday, members of the SMFD and SMFD marched out in front of the bay door of the fire station. One of the men lowered the flag to half mast, and then the group was called to attention. They stood at attention until 6:59, when an announcement was made systemwide by the Verdugo Fire Communications Center in memory of the victims of 9/11. The bells rang out, the officers were called to salute, and then dismissed. Following the memorial, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club hosted breakfast for Sierra Madre’s first responders. In attendance were members of the SMFD, SMPD, CERT, and the Sierra Madre Emergency Communications Team (SMECT). Breakfast was held at The Lodge, where Kiwanis holds its weekly luncheon meetings. Bean Town provided breakfast burritos, fresh fruit, muffins and croissants, and coffee and orange juice. Following a group sing of “My Country Tis of Thee” and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, Kiwanis and Elder Clem Bartolai gave an invocation. Kiwanis president Susan Henderson played an audio recording of a tribute to Old Glory by Jimmy Weldon, and then introduced Council member Chris Koerber. Koerber briefly discussed a conversation he was having with SMPD Officer Gonzalez, and noted that first responders, similar to members of the military, are a part of something that’s “bigger than just yourself.” He noted that for many of his generation, the younger generation, and even some of his parents’ generation, it’s more about what’s in it for me, the “WIIFM” radio station. “I really appreciate that when something’s going down, and people are running out of the building,” said Koerber, “the firemen are the people running in to take care of business and help people, and I just want to say on this anniversary of 9/11, thank you very much.” Ms. Henderson then spoke, discussing a personal experience of hers in the Oakland firestorm of 1991, when more than 3,300 single family homes and more than 400 apartments and condos were destroyed. Twenty-five people died in the fire, and 150 others were injured. Fifteen hundred firefighters from 250 agencies worked that fire, and Ms. Henderson spoke of driving down the street, unable to see in front of her, being guided by emergency personnel surrounded by flames, some of whom were there without even the heavy fire retardant uniforms to protect them. “Although I have always had a great respect for our men in uniform, after that experience, nothing I had seen or could imagine really portrayed how much police and firefighters lay their lives down on the line for us.” Ms. Henderson then presented on behalf of Kiwanis, plaques to Chief Steve Heydorff of the Sierra Madre Fire Department and Chief Larry Giannone of the Sierra Madre Police Dept. Left, SMPD Chief Larry Giannone and Kiwanis President Susan Henderson. Photo by Bill Coburn. Above - Sierra Madre Police and FIrefighters honoring 9-11’s heroes. Photo courtesy Mountain Views News. Captain Chris Morrison of SMFD Retires after 20 Years FOOTHILL UNITY CENTER CELEBRATES 32 YEARS OF SERVICE AT 2012 GOLDEN PLATE AWARDS Rob Fukuzaki of KABC To Emcee Foothill Unity Center, Inc., a multi-service agency that is the primary provider of food, shelter, transportation, referrals, case management, and a variety of health services to low- income and homeless families in the San Gabriel Valley, is celebrating its 32nd year with the 2012 Golden Plate Awards Gala, Friday, September 21, 2012 at the Pasadena Convention Center. Those being honored for their service to the community this year are Joan Whitenack and Ray Wheeler as Humanitarians of the Decade, and Lorraine Bernstein as the 2012 Heart in Hand Humanitarian. In addition, Wells Fargo will be receiving the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Corporate Award, with Gary Harrigian and Bruch Laughton receiving the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Advocates Award. This event is chaired by Suzanne Marks, with Mickey and Lee Segal as Honorary Chairs. Honorary Committee members for this event also include: Arcadia Councilman Peter Amundson; Supervisor Michael Antonovich; Sheriff Leroy D. Baca; Bob Bartlett; Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard; Fred & Diane Bowden; South Pasadena Mayor Michael & Anne Cacciotti; Charles & Diane Carroll; Santa Anita Park President George Haines; Arcadia Mayor Robert & Patsy Harbicht; Peter & Toni Hoffman; Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz; Vice President from KABC, Diane Medina; Betty Sandford; Pete Siberell; and William & Linan Ukropina. The event will begin at 6:00PM with a reception and silent auction accompanied by chamber music. The extraordinary silent and live auctions will feature such exciting items as Four Dugout Club seats at a 2013 Dodger Game, Three Days and Two Nights at the world famous Red Mountain Resort in Utah, a Seven Night Stay at the Verandah Resort and Spa in Antiqua, an Ultrazone Laser Tag Party for 15 people, a Private Wine Tasting for up to 16 people, and much, much more. The highlight of the evening’s festivities will be the award presentations, hailing the accomplishments of this year’s honorees and their dedicated service to the local community, while after the presentations, the dance floor will be opened up with entertainment from Sunnie Paxson and Friends, allowing our guests to continue the celebration. The Center would like to give our heartfelt thanks to the sponsors making this evening possible including: Presenting Sponsor Wells Fargo, along with Avant Advisory Group, Sierra Auto, Wells Fargo Capital Finance, BuchalterNemer, the Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley, Lutheran Church of the Cross/Thrivent Financial, AT & T, Microjoining Solutions, Betty Sandford, Foothill Transit, Huntington Hospital, Citizen’s Business Bank, Minuteman Transport, McGuireWoods, Deloitte CRG, Vosberg & Associates, Alice Wang, Employed Security Service Center and Focus Management. Media sponsors also include Pasadena Magazine and Pasadena NOW. For more information contact Dr. Kim Alaine Rathman at (626) 358-3486, or visit our website at www.foothillunitycenter. org. By Bill Coburn At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the City presented a commendation to Capt. Chris Morrison of the Sierra Madre Fire Dept. upon his retirement after twenty years of service to the community. Capt. Morrison, whose main job is in the construction industry working for a custom home building company, moved to Sierra Madre at the age of 13 in 1976, and became a member of the SMFD in 1992. He is married and has a daughter. He graduated from the Foothill Fire Academy in 1993, and became a captain in 2003. His first structure fire was a single family residence near Mary’s Market, and his last was the “infamous turtle fire” (at Mayor Josh Moran’s home). He also was involved on numerous medical calls ranging from bloody noses to heart attacks, and says the delivery of a baby by his crew on one call was the highlight of his career. Capt. Morrison said that “it has been an honor and a privilege to serve our community for the past twenty years, and an even greater honor to serve with all his fellow firefighters.” He thanked them all, past and present, for being part of his career, and thanked his family “for putting up with 20 years of not being around and being gone on weekends…” City of Duarte Issues Statement On Its Role In Anti-Islamic Video......Pg. 7 This Week’s Highlights: Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Best Friends/Sports Page 10 Arts/Health Page 11 Homes & Property Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Business Today Page 14 Opinion Page 15 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 16 Legal Notices Page 17-19 SIERRA MADRE NEWS AROUND SG Valley 3 5 Sierra Madre Search and Rescue ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Suspicious Carport Fire | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |