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this Week: Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte: The World Around Us: Just for Best Friends: Arts & Entertainment: The Good Life: Business News & Trends: Opinion: Left Turn / Right Turn: Legal Notices (5): Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY JULY 28, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO 30 POLICE OFFICER ASSOCIATION CLAIM REOPENS CONTRACTING DEBATE By Susan Henderson FIRE DEPARTMENT HIRES NEW CAPTAINS Sierra Madre residents who support the outsourcing of public safety services may look at the recent claim filed by the SM Police Officers Association (POA) for new ammunition. The complaint, filed in June with the state’s Public Employment Relations Board, alleges that the city, “negotiated in bad faith” when it negotiated the Terms and Conditions of Employment imposed after the city and POA failed to reach an agreement late last year. Although the SMPD officers are employees of the city of Sierra Madre, because they are represented by a union, a separate agreement, known as a Memorandum of Understanding is the mutually agreed upon governing document. The last MOU expired in December 2011 without the city and the Police Officers Association reaching a new agreement. When that happens, the city imposes Terms and Conditions that govern the department until such time as a new MOU is executed. According to Michael McGill, of Lackie, Dammeier, & McGill, attorneys for the Association, the city was well aware that there was no provision for holiday pay in the governing document under which the Police are currently operating. However, City Manager Elaine Aguilar denies the allegation. Says Aguilar, “When the Terms and Conditions were imposed in December, all previous MOUS were no longer valid. The city implemented the provisions that were in the new terms and conditions and the holiday provision was different than the old MOU”. At issue are the 48 hours of holiday pay per officer that the SMPD earned from December 22, 2011 through June 30, 2012. They are known as ‘floating holidays’, as officers are often assigned to work on holidays. When that happens, their holiday pay is accrued, or banked, until the officer chooses to use it. The terms and conditions imposed by the city that went into effect in December starts the ‘floating holiday’ accrual on July 1, 2012, rather than in December, 2011 when the MOU expired. On July 1st the officers received 104 hours of floating holiday time. Further exacerbating the concerns of the officers is the fact that on January 1, 2012 when SMPD received their paychecks, the floating holiday hours accumulated were shown. The following pay period, according to SMPOA Vice Present Esther Doyle, they received a note from Personnel Director Elisa Weaver that those hours were shown in error and had been removed. SMPOA President Ed Delcoure says that efforts to address the issue prior to the claim being filed have been futile. The officers filed the claim in late June, days before the expiration of the statute of limitations for filing a claim. Aguilar noted that the SMPOA did not file a grievance with the city, an avenue available to all employees. The date of the hearing by PERB is not known at this time. Ironically, the POA and City continue negotiations on a new Memorandum of Understanding. (continued on page 3) Former Paramedic Coordinator Greg Christmas, left, and Former Fire Marshal Rich Snyder, right, are two of the Captains hired. They are pictured above at a SM Fire Academy Graduation with Police Chief Steve Heydorf, center. Photo by Dean Lee, MVNews Archives At press time, City Manager Elaine Aguilar announced the selection of three Captains for the Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department. The following is the announcement: After an extensive recruitment process, I am pleased to announce the appointment of the three full-time Fire Captains. Before rising to the top of the recruitment (we received 20 applications), these gentlemen took written exams, practical exams, and had at least three interviews. The three new Captains are: Greg Christmas- Captain Christmas has been employed with the City since 2007 (as the City’s Paramedic Coordinator), in addition to possessing the required fire certifications, he also has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management and is currently enrolled in a Master’s Degree program from the University of Phoenix. Christmas was also a SMFD Volunteer Captain and in addition to his fire and paramedic service, also has experience as an Emergency Room Technician and is a retired L.A. County Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Rich Snyder- Captain Snyder has been employed by the City for the past 22 years. He has advanced through the ranks from a Firefighter/EMT to Fire Inspector, to Deputy Fire Marshal to Fire Marshal. He was also a SMFD Volunteer Captain. Snyder has an extensive background in the fire service and is often called upon by other agencies in California and Arizona for his expertise in building construction and fire codes. Snyder served on the original State committee that developed the current Urban Wildland Interface Code. He is also considered “the expert” in fire sprinkler systems and codes. Perry Goth – Captain Goth has been working with the City as a part-time Fire Engineer since October 2011. He has over 12 years of fire service experience, including 4 years as a company fire officer at Atascadero State Hospital in Atascadero, California. Perry is also certified by the State of California as a Fire Marshal, and as a fire instructor in multiple subjects related to the fire industry. His instructor experience will be a huge asset to Sierra Madre as we will be able to use his expertise to provide instruction for our Firefighters. He possesses an Associate of Science degree in Fire Science and has worked for City of Santa Paula Fire Department, Riverside County Fire Department and most recently as a Fire Captain for the Department of Mental Health. SIERRA MADRE CITY AND CHAMBER TO HOST BUSINESS FORUM On Wednesday, August 1, 2012, from 3:00–4:00pm in the City Council Chambers, located at 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre, the City of Sierra Madre and the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a forum designed to provide local business owners with current consumer data specific to each business. The data comes from the recent Market Demand Study commissioned by the City Council. The forum on the 1st will be presented by an expert in customer psychographics who will explain how the data can be used to Sierra Madre’s businesses’ benefit. Attendees will receive current consumer data including: household level demographic and psychographic detail and comparison, detailed household type reports, and household level Consumer Propensity Reports. Consumer Propensity Reports contain listings of actual products that Sierra Madre shoppers leave Sierra Madre to purchase; utilizing the consumer propensity reports, resident businesses could capitalize on this market share to increase their business’ profitability. KENSINGTON PROJECT MOVES FORWARD Councilman Koerber’s Official Statement After an exhaustive review of the Kensington proposal – nine Planning Commission meetings and three City Council meetings – I am pleased that the city is moving forward with the November vote to approve what will undoubtedly be an asset to the Sierra Madre community. While the proposed Kensington Project is not a perfect project, it is nonetheless a very good project. I am particularly pleased that the project maintains the spirit of Measure V. Allowing citizens to vote on such an important project helps to ensure that the community has a say in major city changes – especially those located in the Downtown Central Core. I’m especially pleased that private funds are being used for the Kensington – thus avoiding further burdens on Sierra Madre’s budget. I thank the applicant Fountain Square Development West, for their cooperation with the city and also for their request agreeing to put the project up for a Measure V vote. I look forward to this important the project moving forward (pending the results of the November 6, 2012 vote), both for the important services it will bring to our community and also for the revenue it will generate for for the citySierra Madre as well. This Week’s Highlights: Best Friends Page 8 Homes Page 9 Arts & Entertainment Page 10 The Good Life Page 11 Health & Fitness Page 11 Business Today Page 12 Opinion Page 13 LeftTurn -Right Turn Page 14 Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 6 The World Around Us Page 7 AROUND SG Valley SIERRA MADRE NEWS 3 5 Gold Line Late Hours Former Officer Loses Lawsuit; Appeal Pending ARCADIA NEWS 6 Seeking 5th Olympic Medal PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 White House Honors Local Scientist Remembering Lillie Jefferson Coming Next Week: Sierra Madre Police Blotter! Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |