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SATURDAY MAY 12, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO 19 Breaking News: NELL AND BOB SOLT, WISTARIA VINE OWNERS NAMED FOURTH OF JULY GRAND MARSHALS The volunteer Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee is excited to announce that the 2012 Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshal will be Nell and Bob Solt, the Wistaria Vine Owners. “The Grand Marshal is a person’s whose efforts over a long period of time has been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person’s volume of work, dedication and overall enhancements to our city.” Since 1972, when they purchased the property at Hermosa and Carter Ave, Nell and Bob Solt have graciously opened their property to allow thousands of people to visit the world-famous Wistaria Vine during Sierra Madre’s signature event, the Wistaria Festival, held each March. For forty years, not only have they opened their property to outsiders on the day of the festival, but for days in advance, with media day, docent training day, equipment drop off and pick up day, and more. SIERRA MADRE’S OLDER AMERICANS OF THE YEAR: NAN AND JERRY CARLTON CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS MADE Mayor Josh Moran started his tenure as head of the council with a very long council meeting Tuesday night. The agenda included amendments to the FY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 budgets, fee changes and more. However, one of the most anxiously awaited agenda items, Council assignments to various committees and organizations did not happen until almost midnight. The following council liaison appointments were made: (Alternates are in parenthesis) Planning Commission Chris Koerber (Harabedian) Senior Community Commission John Capoccia (Walsh) Community Services Commission Josh Moran (Capoccia) Tree Commission John Capoccia (Koerber) Library John Harabedian (Koerber) Green Advisory Commission Nancy Walsh (Moran) SM Volunteer Fire Department Josh Moran (Harabedian) Chamber of Commerce Nancy Walsh (Capoccia) Sierra Madre School Koerber (Moran) Sanitation Josh Moran (Walsh) SM Police Department Harabedian (Capoccia) Council of Governments (COG) Harabedian (Walsh) SCAG John Capoccia (Koerber) League of Cities Josh Moran (Harabedian) Foothills Workforce John Capoccia (Moran) Cal JPIA Chris Koerber (Capoccia) Independent Cities Assoc. Nancy Walsh (Moran) Council members will serve a term of 1 year. On Friday evening, The City of Sierra Madre Community & Personnel Services Department and the Senior Community Commission bestowed the honor of Older Americans of the Year for 2012 on Nan and Jerry Carlton. Each year the President of the United States, the Governor of California and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors designate the month of May as Older American Month. The award was presented at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Sierra Mayor Josh Moran presented a Proclamation from the City of Sierra Madre. Special presentations were made by Mark Harmon from Congressman Dreier’s office, and Rita Hadjimanoukian from Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s office. The Carltons are longtime active volunteers in the community and been involved in numerous activities, including (partial listing) the Sierra Madre Friends of the Library, the Mt. Wilson Trail Race, the Wine & Jazz Walk, the Sierra Madre Civic Club & Senior Lunch Program, the Little League and much, much more. Previous Honorees include: Pat Alcorn, Fran Garbaccio, Ken Anhalt, Eph Konigsberg, Russ Anderson, George Throop, Loyal Camacho, John Grijalva, Joylouise Harte-Smith, James Heasley, Midge Morash, James Tyler, Isbella Paegal, Bonnie Garner, Rose Fafach, Ed Wellman, Celeste McCleary, Dorothy Tillquist, Doris Webster, Elsie Dannmayer, George Mauer & Karl Teigler. Photo by Bill Coburn Don’t Forget: Letter Carrier Food Drive TODAY The Foothill Unity Center is partnering with the US Postal Service for the Letter Carrier Food Drive. Put all your non-perishable goods in a bag for your letter carrier to pick up on Saturday, May 12, 2012. BETTY R. MCWILLIAMS NAMED EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FOOTHILL UNITY CENTER, INC. Foothill Unity Center Deputy Director Betty R. McWilliams has been chosen from a field of over 20 candidates to assume leadership of the organization effective June 4. She succeeds Joan E. Whitenack, who is retiring after nearly 17 years as head of the agency. As a key member of the Center’s management team for 14 years, McWilliams has played a pivotal role in its growth into one of the most effective nonprofit agencies in the area. In partnership with Whitenack, she led the expansion of its program service area from three cities to eleven, now providing services to more than 4,000 unduplicated very low income local families and homeless each year. She was instrumental in securing the Center’s federal designation as Community Action Agency for the Foothill Area and in the success of its major annual fundraising event, the Golden Plate Awards Dinner. In addition to overseeing the Center’s day-to-day operations, McWilliams has helped to develop many of its client programs, including Health Services, Pet Food Bank, Senior/ Disabled Home Delivery, case management and much more. She has also been instrumental in the planning and execution of its annual Back to School, Thanksgiving and Holiday Distributions. Prior to joining the Center, McWilliams served as Executive Director of the Pasadena Senior Center for six years and held other administrative positions in the private sector. “After a months-long search and the review of a strong field of final candidates, Betty emerged as the hands-down choice of our Executive Search Committee,” said David Steinmeier, President of the Center’s Board of Directors. “As Foothill Unity Center enters a new era of helping local families in need, we are fortunate and proud to have Betty’s exceptional leadership skills, seasoned experience, caring and passion at the helm.” NOTE: A retirement party for Joan Whitenack is planned for Thursday evening, June 28, 5 – 8 p.m. at the Double Tree Hotel in Monrovia. For information and reservations ($10 per person), contact Barbara Rolf at the Center, 626.358.3486 or email barbara@foothillunitycenter. org About Foothill Unity Center Foothill Unity Center helps local low-income families and individuals get the food, health care and crisis assistance they need to survive, and hopefully get back on their feet. In 2011, the nonprofit Center, the Community Action Agency for the Foothill area, provided more than 35,000 family food services – including monthly groceries, weekly perishable foods, bag lunches for the homeless, homebound delivery and more. The organization also supplies access and referrals to health care services, plus referrals to over 100 local organizations and partners for other crisis services. This Week’s Highlights: BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS New Column:“Social Media Tips & Tricks” Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Arts & Entertainment Page 9 The World Around Us Page 11 The Good Life Page 12 Sports Page 14 Legal Notices Pgs. 18-21 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 17 SIERRA MADRE NEWS 3 Mother’s Day Short Story by Anne Montgomery:“An Extraordinary Woman” Guns, Cash Seized in Welfare Fraud Investigation Niko and Friends Café 900 Valley View #6, Pasadena, CA Almost in Sierra Madre – we are in the East End! On the N Michillinda/Montecito Corner Monday to Friday: 7 am to 6 pm. Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, Closed on Sunday 626-510-6151 .... www.NikoandFriendscafe.com No Gimmicks! Just Good Coffee! Arf, woof, woof! My dad and I like coming to Niko’s for Coffee! Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |