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this Week: Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Good Food & Drink: Sports & Arts: Homes & Property: Letters to the Editor: Opinion: The World Around Us: Left Turn / Right Turn: The Good Life: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY MARCH 31, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO. 13 SIERRA MADRE ELECTION COVERAGE On April 10, 2012, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of seven to sit on the City Council and elect a new City Treasurer and City Clerk. They will also vote on a local ballot measure on whether or not to extend the User Utility Tax and a related advisory measure. The city council race will fill two seats for new four year terms and one seat for the unexpired two year term vacated by former Mayor Joe Mosca. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions) 1. Why are you running for Office? 2. What are your plans if elected? The revised schedule: THIS WEEK: Camdidate Bill Tice for City Council - 4 year term It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. In addition to the candidate spotlights, we will attempt to cover the various forums sponsored by local organizations. Where possible, the unedited video of these forums will be broadcast on the paper’s website. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 10, 2012. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor SO WHAT’S A LITTLE RAIN AMONG FRIENDS? Despite afternoon rain, the 2012 Wistaria Festival Brought Out The Crowds For the second consecutive year, Mother Nature has put a ‘damper’ on the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Wistaria Festival. However, this year, without the severe winds and torrential rains of 2011, the Festival got off to a very good start. Hundreds were able to view the Vine from both properties, the homes of Solz’s and Tony Heald as well as take an historic tour of the Pinney House, formerly the Hotel Sierra Madre at the turn of the century. More than 150 food vendors, crafters, artists and musicians participated in the event until late afternoon when heavier rains moved into town. Above, a group of Red Hatters from San Diego prepare to board a bus up to the vine. Photo by Dean Lee/MVNews Candidate Eagle Bill Tice From the Editor: Bill Tice, a longtime Sierra Madre resident, has once again thrown his hat into the ring as a candidate for Sierra Madre City Council. However, Tice has been unable to attend any of the forums this year. Below you will find his thoughts on running for council as discussed with this writer in a previous interview. A summary of Tice’s remarks is below, and as he stated earlier this year, “nothing has changed” in terms of why he is running for council and what he hopes to accomplish if elected. BUDGET WOES, REORGANIZATION DOMINATE COUNCIL AGENDA - Tuesday’s Council Meeting Discussed Revenue Generating Ideas “I Am Running Because It Is Fun and Because People Listen To Me” Many people in Sierra Madre who know Bill Tice often underestimate him. A former Tree Commissioner who has been a resident of Sierra Madre for most of his adult life, Eagle Bill has decided for the fifth time to run for a City Council seat. “I love this city. I would be a dedicated councilman”, says Tice in an interview during the last campaign. A man of strong convictions, he does not espouse a platform steeped in the usual Sierra Madre controversies. On development his response is simple, “I like the town the way it is”. He does feel strongly, however, that some things, like the old youth center which sits abandoned, can be put to better use. “If I am elected, I would like to see that turned into an orphanage for Haitian children.” Tice also feels, like several of the other candidates, that changes must be made in the way the council operates. Once a frequent visitor to the microphone at council meetings, wants more civility among the council members and the audience. Tice takes any criticism of him in stride. “When I am away, they miss me.” He credits himself with being one of the residents who started the campaign against 1 Carter. In fact, it was that protest that earned him the nickname of “Eagle” Bill. During the protest he gave other like minded citizens an Eagle pin, a symbol to remind people of the wildlife habitat that would be destroyed. Although he does not like raising taxes, he supported the User Utility Tax. A very spiritual man, Tice and his wife Yoko have resided in the city since 1979. They raised two sons in Sierra Madre. He says marriage and family make you pause for reflection. While speaking of his religious beliefs he added, “I’d like to see prayer at the council meetings. Tice very much wants the public to know that he is a devout Christian and that his religion comes before anything else. ‘Eagle’ Bill Tice is running his own campaign without any frills. For additionalinformation contact him at 626-355-4678. S. Henderson/MVNews Both council meetings in March reviewed possible cuts/reorganization of city staff and operations in an effort to recover from the dismantling of the city’s Community Redevelopment Agency. That action, initiated statewide by Governor Jerry Brown, has left an $800,000 hole in the city’s budget and left this council, and the next looking for ways to best deal with the situation. Below is a recap of the first meeting in which the council discussed staff cuts. COUNCIL DELAYS CUTS By Bill Coburn After hearing numerous impassioned pleas by City staff, including at least two that would find themselves out of work, and from resident proponents of the library and the Community Services Dept., the City Council decided to place on hold consideration of a proposed reorganization of the City Departments that would ultimately have saved about $260,000. Among many changes, the plan called for moving the Human Resources aspect of the Community and Personnel Services Dept. into the Administrative Dept., making the Community Services Dept. more of a Recreation Dept. that also oversees Transit. The move would have eliminated the Community and Personnel Services Director and Deputy Director positions. An Assistant City Manager position would be reinstated. The equivalent of 7.8 full-time employees would be removed from staffing. Development and Planning Services would close their doors for half a day, allowing employees to work uninterrupted to keep up with their workload with fewer employees (a full time administrative aide position and some intern positions would be removed from that department). Still, there is expected to be an increase in the time applicants would have to wait for projects to be approved and building inspections to take place. In addition, it would take longer for minutes from Planning Commission and General Plan Update Steering Committee meetings to be prepared, and the idea of cutting Planning Commission and GPU meetings to once a month would be considered. The Library would eliminate a Library Tech II position (putting a 17-year employee out of work), and add a technology position. Additional staff hours would be cut at the Library, meaning library hours would be reduced by six hours a week. In addition to the elimination of the two director positions in Community and Personnel Services, enough hours would have been eliminated in the Aquatics division of Community Services that the pool would be closed on weekends and in the evening following evening swim lessons in the summer. Family Swim on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and Lap swim on Tuesday and Thursday evenings would also be eliminated. Despite assertions by candidates at the two City Council Candidate forums that have been held so far that Public Safety services are a top priority and will continue to be fully funded, the reorganization calls for $130,000 in cuts to the Police Department. A part time deputy position would be eliminated, meaning longer times for investigations, due to an increased case load for the single police officer assigned to detectives. There would be a reduction in part time cadet hours, with on- duty officers picking up some of the cadets’ duties. The full-time Code Enforcement officer position would be eliminated, and a part time Code Enforcement officer would replace it, with funding coming (cont. page 3) from Development Services, rather than the PD. The hours of a part-time administrative clerk would also be cut in half. All of these cuts would be being made at a time when the PD is already understaffed, since a Captain’s position and an Officer’s position were Eagle Bill Tice This Week’s Highlights: Section B SPORTS Rock N Roll Vegas and The Jets PASADENA/ALTADENA 5 SIERRA MADRE NEWS 1 Officers identified in Pasadena Shooting Homes & Property Opinion and More Budget Woes, Reorganization at top of Council Agenda Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |