Mountain Views News Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mountain Views News Saturday, March 31, 2012
This Week In Monrovia
The City of Monrovia Department of Community Services is accepting nominations for
the 2012 Older American of the Year Award. This award is presented to a Monrovian 60
years of age or older, working or retired, who is still actively involved in volunteer service in
The purpose of this award is to seek out, honor and encourage older persons to remain active
volunteers in the community. Click here to download a nomination form of pick on up at
the Monrovia Community Center or by email request to rromero@ci.monrovia.ca.us . The
award winner will be recognized at the Thursday, April 19 Senior Spring Recognition Luncheon
and at the Los Angeles County Commission on Aging Celebration in May.
For additional information, please contact the Department of Community Services at (626)
Saving lives and property during a wildfire.
The Monrovia Fire Department has become one of the latest departments to join the Ready,
Set, Go! Program. The new program is designed to teach individuals who live in high risk
wildfire areas how to best prepare themselves and their properties against wildfire threats.
Ready, Set Go! works collaboratively with our existing brush clearance outreach and provides
the tools for our firefighters to educate individuals on preparedness, situational awareness
when a fire starts, and evacuating early for the safety of your family and responding
The simple steps of the program are:
Ready – Take personal responsibility and prepare long before the threat of a wildfire so
your home is ready in case of a fire. Create defensible space by clearing brush away from
your home. Use fire-resistant landscaping and harden your home with fire-safe construction
measures. Assemble emergency supplies and belongings in a safe spot. Make sure all residents
residing within the home are on the same page. Plan escape routes.
Set – Act immediately. Pack your vehicle with your emergency items. Stay abreast of the latest
news, both reported on news crews and your local fire department for updated information
on the fire.
Go – Leave early! Following your Action Plan makes you prepared at this step of the process.
Firefighters are now able to best maneuver the wildfire ensuring you and your family’s safety.
The Ready, Set, Go! Program is the result of a nation-wide discussion on how to protect
homes and lives in what the fire service calls the Wildland-Urban-Interface – where development
meets natural vegetation – and the Ember Zone, an area where the wind driven
embers fall-out from a wildfire that threaten property and lives. It is a three step process
that teaches homeowners to create their own Action Plan of getting their property wildfire
prepped and ready long before a fire is upon them. This process significantly increases the
safety of the homeowner and family and allows the firefighters to best do their job of extinguishing
the fire, thus increasing the chance of saving homes and loved ones.
By joining the program, the Fire Department has become one of approximately 40 fire departments
in California registered as and “RSG” department. The benefits of membership
include full access to outreach tools, information resources, discussion forums and interaction
with fellow departments that will assist in getting the message out to our residents.
Over the coming months, we will be rolling out the Ready, Set, Go! Program. Don’t let the
first time you educate yourself on wildfire be in the aftermath. Join with us and be a part of
the wildfire solution today.
Visit http://www.wildlandfirersg.org for information.
Planning Commission Recommendations to Go to Council Next Week
The Planning Commission had its regularly scheduled meeting on March 14, 2012 and forwarded
the request for a four-unit planned development at 547 West El Norte Avenue to the
City Council for approval.
The Commission also forwarded a request with a recommendation of approval to build a
new three unit development, along with the restoration of a house built in 1921. This development
will be at 212-216 West Olive Avenue.
The City Council will hear these requests at their meeting on April 3, 2012.
The Transit Update
Ridership for Monrovia Transit (Dial-a-Ride) remained the same in year-over-year comparison
for the month of February. The City's transit provider, Keolis Transit America (formerly
named Tectrans), provided over 4,300 trips this past February.
Monrovia Transit has provided more than 35,500 trips in fiscal year 2011-12, which is an 8%
increase over the prior fiscal year to date. Ridership complaints are minimal, and on-time
performance is around 98%. Great job Monrovia Transit!
For additional information, contact Brian O'Connor at 626.932.5521.
Monrovia Police Blotter
Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of March 26 - 28, 2012
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 501 service events, resulting
in 106 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://www.crimemapping.
com/map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping.
Grand Theft Auto
March 26 at 8:49 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 600 block of Royal Oaks. The
victim parked and locked his vehicle on the street in front of his house. The vehicle is a
1991, red, Nissan pick-up. Investigation continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle
March 27 at 5:26 a.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of Garfield regarding a theft
from an unlocked vehicle. The loss was a women's coat. Cash and a laptop computer were
left behind. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
On March 28 at 6:27 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of South Madison.
The victim parked her blue 2000 Durango in front of her residence with her purse and
keys in the front seat. Her purse was later recovered in the laundry room of her apartment
complex the following morning and her vehicle was recovered with the keys in the vehicle.
Investigation continuing
Theft From a Vehicle
On March 28 at 1:53 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of North Garfield regarding
a theft from an unlocked vehicle. The victim parked her vehicle in front of the residence
with her purse on the front seat. The victim returned to her vehicle the following morning
and discovered her purse missing. Investigation continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle
On March 28 at 3:10 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of Sunset Place regarding
a theft from a vehicle. The victim left his vehicle parked in front of his residence unlocked.
He returned to his vehicle the following day and discovered 2 ipods missing. Investigation
Theft From a Vehicle
On March 28 at 4:42 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block North Garfield regarding
theft from a vehicle. The victim left his unlocked vehicle parked in the driveway. He
returned to his vehicle the following morning and discovered his GPS, ipod and Alpine
stereo face plate missing. Investigation continuing.
Tip of the Week
Theft Prevention from Vehicles
Always lock your doors and roll up all windows when you leave your car. Car thieves
regularly patrol parking lots and try door handles to see if they will open. They will even
try door handles on cars parked in driveways late at night when you are sleeping. They are
hoping for an unlocked vehicle that they can get into quickly and they will take anything
left inside. You should always store valuable items in the trunk, so that a criminal does not
see them and become tempted to break into your vehicle.
One of the methods the Monrovia Police Department is using to combat graffiti in the
community of Monrovia is the Stop Graffiti Bounty Program. If a citizen reports an incident
of graffiti in the City of Monrovia that leads to the arrest of the suspect, the citizen will
receive a $100 bill. Help keep Monrovia looking great!