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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2012 VOLUME 6 NO. 7 SIERRA MADRE ELECTION COVERAGE On April 10, 2012, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of seven to sit on the City Council and elect a new City Treasurer and City Clerk. They will also vote on a local ballot measure on whether or not to extend the User Utility Tax and a related advisory measure. The city council race will fill two seats for new four year terms and one seat for the unexpired two year term vacated by former Mayor Joe Mosca. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions) 1. Why are you running for Office? 2. What are your plans if elected? The revised schedule: THIS WEEK: Incumbent Mary Ann MacGillivray for City Council -Below February 25th Candidate John Capoccia for City Council - 4 year term Campaign Kick Off: February 19th Website: John@Capoccia4CityCouncil.com March 3rd Candidate Gene Goss for City Council - 4 year term Campaign Kick Off: Sunday February 26 Website: www.genegoss.com March 10th Candidate John Harabedian for City Council - 4 year term Website: www.johnharabedian.com March 17th Candidate Colin Braudrick for City Council - 2 year term Campaign Kick Off: February 29th Website: www.colin4cc.com March 24th Candidate Chris Koerber for City Council - 2 year term Website: www.chrisforsierramadre.com Camdidate Bill Tice for City Council - 4 year term No website available at this time. It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. In addition to the candidate spotlights, we will attempt to cover the various forums sponsored by local organizations. Where possible, the unedited video of these forums will be broadcast on the paper’s website. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 10, 2012. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor SIERRA MADRE SCHOOL CELEBRATES BLACK HISTORY MONTH Black History Month is being celebrated in classrooms throughout the country during the month of February. At Sierra Madre’s Elementary and Middle School, in addition to invididual classroom projects, students were treated to a special assembly courtesy of the African American Parents Council. Above, Baba the Storyteller, enthralled Sierra Madre School students, staff and parents on February 15 with his music and interactive stories. A Kora musician and Master Teller of Tales Baba the Storyteller iskillfully used his ancient African harp to discuss the history of African Americans and stressing how important the celebration of all cultures is today. Photo by Chris Bertrand/MVNews CITY OF SIERRA MADRE TO HOST STATE OF THE CITY EVENT ON FEBRUARY 27, 2012 On Monday, February 27, 2012 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm the City of Sierra Madre will host its 2nd Annual State of the City address at the Community Recreation Center in the Sierra Madre Room at 611 East Sierra Madre Boulevard. This year’s theme is “Preserving Our Sense of Community” and this event will highlight programs and services the City has provided over the past year and give residents insight to the City’s goals for the next fiscal year. Mayor Pro Tem Josh Moran will emcee the evening. A special performance by Bethany Christian School Choir Students will precede Mayor John Buchanan’s State of the City Address. Representatives from each City Department will be available to answer any community questions and a City booth will highlight current programs and projects. Although the event will not air live on SMTV3, the event will be recorded and rebroadcast on Channel 3 for Time Warner customers and can be viewed on the City’s website no later than March 5. Refreshments will be provided by local Sierra Madre restaurants. This event is made possible by the support of our sponsors: Athens Services, Southern California Edison, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, West Coast Arborists, San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, and Jan’s Towing. For more information on this event please contact 626.355.5278 INCUMBENT MARY ANN MACGILLIVRAY I am running for re-election to the City Council to continue my service to the citizens of Sierra Madre. My record demonstrates my commitment to preserving and maintaining the small town character and unique charm of our community. I believe in government by the people and for the people and will listen to all residents of Sierra Madre. I remain dedicated to the General Plan Update process and will continue to work diligently with the committee and all residents until it is completed and adopted by the City Council. The document provides a clear vision for the community over the next 20 years and the 5 Guiding Principles set forth in it, authored by the people of Sierra Madre, serve as a barometer for policy decisions. My leadership, experience and analytical skills enable me to continue to: 1. Assure that our public safety services are funded. This is an essential priority. 2. Fight overdevelopment and protect our property values. 3. Protect our hillsides from disfigurement and public safety dangers, and preserve our open space. 4. Stand vigorously against misguided and unfunded State mandates that threaten our right to live as we choose. 5. Ensure the responsible and appropriate use of City resources without unduly increasing the tax burden on our residents. 6. Protect our precious water resource from the contamination and over-use caused by overdevelopment. 7. Utilize the experience and knowledge of our residents to help formulate policy decisions they are expected to pay for. 8. Support and defend initiatives voted in by the people, such as Measure V. 9. Resolve our current financial crises with prudence and responsible planning. 10. Restructure the budget process to be cost-based so that spending is commensurate with revenue and we retain the services desired by the people who pay for them. 11. Simplify the budget to make it clear and understandable for everyone. 12. Protect the needs of seniors. 13. Support recreational programs and the library. If we are fiscally responsible and creative in problem solving, we can rely on ourselves to resolve the challenging issues we face now and in the future, so that our beloved Sierra Madre will remain the unique gem of our foothills. www.maryann4sm.com Campaing Kick Off: Saturday, February 25th FRIENDS OF THE SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY EVENT A WINE TASTING DELIGHT Only Place In Town owner Mike Kefalas, left, and Bottle Shop proprietor Bill Sullivan do a little ‘tasting’ while an unidentified attendee encourages them. Photo by Chris Bertrand Sue LaVoe, Chairperson and the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library hosted a very well attended Wine and Cuisine Tasting on Sunday at Alverno’s Villa del Sol d’Oro. More than two dozen vintners brought their finest wines for guests to sample and local restaurants provided delicious hors d’oeuvres that were appropriately paired with the wines. In addition, music and Magic Castle magicians were on hand. A silent auction was also held. The funds from the event will help support library services and programs. If you would like to learn more about the ‘Friends’ visit their website at sierramadrelibraryfriends.org. Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |