Mountain Views News Saturday, December 15, 2012
HOWARD Hays As I See It
This week I’d like to pose a question to the liberal readers of this paper.
Conservatives may read along – there’s no need to turn the page – but I really
want those who profess a liberal political ideology, or even a “progressive”
one, to seriously consider a question: what would you do in the following
Let’s say that you earned $100,000 and I taxed you at 35%. That would mean
I take $35,000 and you get to keep $65,000. But when you want to spend that
money, I tax you another 15%. That means I’d take approximately another
So, in my little example, you would earn $100,000 but you’d only get to
actually spend $55,000. Your total tax rate would be 45%.
Now suppose, I told you that I didn’t feel this was enough and I want to take the same 35% with the
first tax above, but then I want to take 43% as the second tax. That would mean I would tax you
$35,000 the first time and about $28,000 the second time. You would be left with only 37% of what
you earned and would have paid a total tax of 63%.
The final part of my example is to tell you that all this can be avoided by simply doing whatever
business you do overseas instead of in the U.S., and it would all be perfectly legal – no tricks, shams
or slights of hand. It’s all written in plain English in the U.S. tax code, as it is in almost every other
country’s tax code, by the way.
So, would you voluntarily pay $45,000 if you could legally avoid it? Or if I’m trying to increase the
rates, as I described above, would you voluntarily pay $63,000 if you could legally avoid it? Perhaps
there are a few of you out there who would voluntarily surrender your hard earned money, but I
doubt there’s more of you than could fit into a phone booth.
What I’ve described is the situation that American corporations face today. That’s why Google,
Starbucks and Amazon, to name just a few, have all routed much of their profits through Bermuda.
That’s also why it is estimated that $1.7 trillion of profits for U.S. companies are kept offshore.
America is not the only country on this planet, nor are our tax rates the only ones on this planet.
Companies have the flexibility to put their profits where they want, and corporate management, just
like the liberal progressive readers whom I addressed in the beginning, will take every legal means to
reduce their taxes.
The United States today has among the highest corporate income tax rates of the industrial countries
(35%). Corporate profits are taxed at this 35% level, but then if the corporation gives those profits
back to the company’s owners in the form of dividends, those dividends are taxed at 15%. When/
if we go off the fiscal cliff, those dividends will be taxed at up to 43%. This is nothing but double
taxation – once at the corporate level and then again at the individual level. By the way, these
corporations we’re discussing are owned by you and me – regular Joes. The smaller corporations are
owned by individual businessmen and women – plumbers, carpenters, or flower shop owners in our
communities. The larger corporations are typically owned by all of us regular Joes through mutual
funds. One way or the other the double taxation lands right at your door and mine.
What’s amazing is the level of hypocrisy being demonstrated by the left. The very same rational,
common sense move that any sane person would take (trying to save money) is somehow condemned
as evil and immoral simply because a big-name corporation does it in Bermuda. The screaming
became so loud and angry that Starbucks “voluntarily” donated about $16 million to the government
in order to look better in the court of public opinion.
Pathetically, the same people who were calling Starbucks nasty names would do the very same thing
if they had the chance. Now that they’ve read this article, I’m sure they will. Taking steps to save
money, or to reduce your taxes, is a very natural, legitimate, and moral thing to do. Nobody – and
no corporation – is under an ethical obligation to pay more in taxes than is required.
Lastly, let’s consider the practical economic affects of this in our country. Approximately $1.7 trillion
that could otherwise be put to use employing people, expanding businesses, starting new product
lines, etc., is sitting is some foreign bank account because U.S. tax law is over burdensome and our
current President wants to raise those rates even more.
If you thought the last 4 years were great, be prepared for more of the same – 8% unemployment (or
higher), 1.5% annual economic growth (or less) and lots of unused money sitting in Bermuda. Just
spare us the hypocrisy; we all try to save our own money.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a freelance writer and has spoken to several civic and religious
organizations on cultural and moral issues. He lives in the Pasadena area with his wife and 3 children
and is active in the community. He can be reached at gregwelborn2@gmail.com
“. . . we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’ It is
a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions
and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and
working conditions of everyone . . . Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are
lower, job opportunities are fewer . . . We do not intend to let them do this to us. We
demand this fraud be stopped.”
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1961)
I framed my column last week with references to the subject of history; how
knowledge of it is vital to understanding the present, and making sound decisions
for the future. I opened with a quote from Howard Zinn, which made the point that
if you don’t have such knowledge, you’ll fall for anything – over and over again.
Last week in Michigan, the conflict was over legislation referred to as “right to work”. For those
wondering what the fuss was about, one only had to recall the history as spoken by the Rev. King
over fifty years ago. If one wondered what was wrong with affording workers the freedom not to join
a union if they didn’t want to, not to pay union dues if they didn’t want to – anyone familiar with
history knew this argument is bogus; that workers have had this freedom since 1947, when the Taft-
Hartley act banned the “closed shop”.
History teaches that whenever legislation is rushed through behind closed doors, with no
opportunity for debate or public input, there’s an unpleasant odor to it. This was how the Michigan
legislation was rammed through; legislation which had nothing to do with union membership or
dues payments, but which banned the nominal “agency fee” charged employees to cover the cost of
negotiations on their behalf. Everyone could share in better pay, benefits and working conditions
resulting from collective bargaining, but there’d be a “right to freeload”; workers could opt to let
others pick up the tab for negotiations everyone benefited from.
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) claimed this would be good for workers and good for the economy,
but one could look at the history of where it had been tried before. Moses Harris of the Detroit Free
Press looked at the 23 states which already had similar “right to work” laws on the books and saw
how they stacked up with those that didn’t. Of the ten states with highest per capita incomes, only
one was a right to work state, while seven of the ten with the lowest per capita incomes were. Only
three of the ten states with the fastest-growing economies were right to work states, while six of the
ten states with the lowest percentages of residents with health coverage were right to work.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the major victim of union-busting is the middle class. In
1968, when 28% of U.S. workers were union members, 53% of our national income went to the
middle class (the middle 60% of income earners). By 2010, when union membership dropped to
12%, the middle class share of our income dropped to 46%. As to where that middle class share went,
over the past thirty years the share of our nation’s income going to the top 1% grew from less than
10% to almost 25%. For the richest one/thousandth of our population, their share grew from less
than 3% of our national income to over 12%.
In dollar terms, the Economic Policy Institute figures the average union worker earns $1,500 more
per year than a non-union worker – not to mention health insurance and other benefits. Comparing
right to work states with those that aren’t, the Congressional Research Service finds the average
wage-earner in a state that isn’t right to work earns $7,000 more per year than a worker in a state that
is – whether union member or not.
The origin of the Michigan right to work law matches the history of similar legislation in other
states. It has nothing to do with homegrown efforts to improve the economy, but everything to
do with payback for the nation-wide corporate front groups that purchase Republican seats in
statehouses throughout the country. In the case of this Michigan legislation, it was copied nearly
verbatim from “model legislation” offered by the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”),
a group funded by the Koch brothers and other corporate interests, dedicated to voter suppression
and gutting environmental and gun control laws in addition to union-busting.
The history of such groups shows a marked change in efficacy coming with the “Citizen’s United”
Supreme Court ruling in 2010, which made it easier for corporations to buy legislators who’d work
to ensure there being a dirt-cheap labor force available here at home, alleviating the need to relocate
to a third-world country to find one.
That history goes back to 2010. The Rev. King remarked on “right to work” legislation over fifty
years ago. In his column last week, Greg Welborn traveled back in history for over a century to evoke
a Victorian (and decidedly un-American) sentiment, that “our betters” must be relieved of common
taxation, and those of us less worthy must consign ourselves to rely upon their benevolence.
If lower taxes on the wealthy meant job creation, then the Bush years would’ve seen the greatest
economic expansion in our history. Greg sounds the alarm that raising taxes would hurt small
business, while history (and the S.B.A.) shows small business job growth averaging 1% a year with
low taxes under President Bush, but more than twice that, at 2.3% a year, with higher taxes under
President Clinton.
Over the past year, Americans who know their history heard arguments from the Republican
presidential nominee advocating low tax rates on the wealthy and entrusting power to corporations
rather than the American people. And we know what happened to that nominee, Mitt Romney: He’s
by Nick Thomas
If you’re waiting until December 22 to start
Christmas shopping – just in case the Mayan
end of the world December 21 prediction comes
true – this is a reality check. Think about it. If the
Mayans were that good at predicting the future,
why didn’t they foresee the Spanish Conquistador
invasion of the 16th century?
The truth is that historians are unanimous in their
belief that the Mayans never did actually predict
the world would end in 2012. But somewhere
along the way, their ideas became entangled with
Western nitwits who have been pushing end of
the world prophesies for centuries.
The most recent example was U.S. preacher
Harold Camping who, twice in 2011 and once
in 1994, predicted a world-destroying, cataclysmic
event. But as far as most experts can tell, the
Earth – such as it is – is still in existence.
Over the centuries,
nutty characters
have predicted a
fate for the Earth.
Many of these
had their origin
in religious
doctrine which,
for some reason,
attracts leaders
who delight in
making depressing
of Armageddon.
Consider the actual
case of New
Yorker William
Miller who –
modest man that
he was – founded
the Millerite
Church back in
the 1800s, and
predicted the
end of the world
would come on April 3, 1843. When the world
failed to disintegrate, the disgruntled preacher
revised his predictions and foreshadowed earth’s
demise on several more occasions over the next
year. But, much to Rev. Miller’s continued annoyance,
the Earth stubbornly held together each
Oddly enough, despite his failures, Miller (like
Camping) was revered by many in his Millerite
gang, which is a bit hard to fathom. I mean, if
you’re going to follow someone “to the ends of
the Earth,” at least wait until the guy gets the date
right before you begin worshiping him, right?
As it turned out, some of the Millerites eventually
became disenchanted with their doom and gloom
leader. It’s just a pity they didn’t form a splinter
group, the Miller Lites, which surely would have
been a merrier, relaxed bunch.
As for the Mayan apocalyptic predication now
just a few days away, those clever, ancient, lads
from South of the Border are making some folks
a little nervous with their December 21 forecast
of the Earth’s demise.
There are even people claiming that if something
does happen, science may play a role. That’s because
scientists have now turned on the world’s
most powerful atom-smasher, to study the building
blocks of the universe.
Known as the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider (as
opposed to the Small Hadron Colliders available
through mail-order from Lands End), this multi-
billion dollar contraption is designed to investigate
dark matter, extra dimensions, string theory,
subatomic particles, and search for the ever elusive
Higgs boson. (If you’re curious what that is,
it’s a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle
– just wanted to clear that up for you).
Built 600 feet underground on the French-Swiss
border, there is some concern that when the LHC
is operating at full power, it could malfunction
just a tad. Are we talking about fusing out a few
villa toasters in the Alps? Blowing out the street
lights in downtown Geneva? Melting down the
European power grid?
Nope. How about spawning a hungry, black hole
that could swallow up the entire Earth, maybe on
December 21?
Fortunately, the physicists
reassuringly swear
there is nothing to fear.
They’ve even calculated
that the chances of the
Earth being vaporized
by the LHC are about
the same odds as winning
But I’m not sure how
reassuring that is since,
when it comes to planetary
meltdowns, I
personally find a probability
of ZERO to be a
little more comforting.
But who knows, maybe
the Mayans knew their
particle physics long
before Einstein realized
that E = MC Hammer.
Perhaps what is most
amazing about all these
predictions is the degree
of accuracy that
these End-of-Worlder
wackos claim. Harry
Camping, for instance, had calculated the exact
time (6 pm) that the world would end on May 21
in 2011.
Along these lines, perhaps in future (assuming
we have one), these end-of-worlders could channel
their powers of prognostication for something
much more practical for humanity –like
predicting the exact time the Cable repairman
will show up.
So relax folks. Even the feds have spoken up on
the Mayan prophesy, declaring in a formal announcement
that the world will not end in 2012.
And knowing how we all trust our leaders, isn’t
that reassuring?
(Thomas' features and columns have appeared in
more than 250 magazines and newspapers, including
the Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago
Tribune, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle,
and Christian Science Monitor. He can be
reached at alongtheselines@yahoo.com).