Mountain Views News Saturday, January 26, 2013
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
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LaQuetta Shamblee
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Hail Hamilton
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Rev. James Snyder
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Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Jasmine Kelsey Williams
JOE GANDELMAN Independent’s
Really I think
there may be reason
for hope. During the
Presidential Debates
I was becoming
despondent. I was
appalled by the fact
that nothing important was even being
talked about. I wrote a letter to the editor
suggesting that the Debates be held
on a melting glacier or a disappearing
coral reef or in an unemployment line
or anywhere that depicted the true
problems facing the country and the
world. I was sickened by the fact that,
once again, we were being given the
opportunity to vote for the Harvard Law
Graduate of our choice. I was angry that
the candidates looked like movie stars
with beautiful wives and photogenic
Already you might be asking “what’s
wrong with beautiful people?” It’s an
interesting question. I guess my answer
is that in a land where every person
is created equal, those beautiful folk
just don’t look very equal. They look
pampered and privileged and I just don’t
trust them. Do You? It is true that I
feel a little differently about the Obama
family. Yes, they all are ridiculously
good-looking but somehow they’re
different. It’s not just that they are
African-American, it’s some thing about
the whole way they conduct themselves.
I love that Michelle’s mother lives in the
White House and helps to take care of
the kids. I love that the President and
the first lady are involved in the kid’s
school and that Sasha’s middle-school
basketball team has her father as a
Coach. Really, if Barack or Michelle
were found to be having typical celebrity
sexual dalliances, I don’t think I could
take it.
It isn’t just about fidelity. There is
something very accessible about this
first family and even I feel a kinship
with them. Last Thursday I went to the
UCLA versus Oregon State game and
sat right behind the President’s brother-
in-law as he coached Oregon State in a
losing game against the Bruins. There he
was, the first-lady’s giant brother, visible
to everyone for hours sort of like family.
His team lost but he seemed like a gentle
giant with great affection for his players.
Sitting right under the basket, next to
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was A.C.Green,
an Oregon State alumnus. A.C. Green,
the ex-Lakers player was, famous during
his playing days for advocating that men
stay chaste prior to marriage. He even
formed a foundation, which I think still
functions, as a way of assisting young
men to focus on their long-term goals. It
feels odd just to talk about it and perhaps
that is why A.C.’s attempts, quixotic as
they may be, seem so admirable.
There is something about discussions
relating to restraint that is connected
to my view that a different way of life is
necessary for human beings to survive
the continuing climate changes that are
occurring all over the world and are,
nevertheless, largely ignored - especially
here in the United States. I was very
happy to hear in the President’s second
inaugural speech his recognition of the
problem and his stated determination to
do something about it. It is possible that
the President can issue Executive Orders
which do not require Congressional
approval that can have a powerful
effect on reducing damaging emissions
within the Country. Hooray for Richard
Nixon who created the Environmental
Protection Agency which authorizes this
kind of Executive action. How ironic.
In addition, to focusing on the problem
and issuing new directives, the President
inevitably affects the sensibilities and
the behavior of many Americans simply
by the way he lives his own life. About
three weeks ago I read in the L.A. Times
an article about Uruguayan President
Jose Mujica. The article describes this
elected President as someone who
donates 90 per cent of his salary to the
government. He is someone who was
imprisoned for fourteen years and, after
release, struggled to survive. He lived
in a ram-shackle structure, grew most
of his own food, and droves only an old
car. He became involved in politics and
was elected to the State Senate and then
was elected President; but, and it as an
important but, he has not changed the
way he lives. He still lives as frugally as
possible with his wife, who is also a State
Senator, and has become one of the most
influential men in Latin America.
We, all of us, can live more rationally.
I have lived here in Sierra Madre Canyon
for almost thirty-five years. During that
time I have watched as small cabins,
including my own, have been razed
or expanded into much larger homes.
Children and families lived in these
homes but after a time, the children have
grown and the families have broken up.
Now, most frequently, one or sometimes
two people rattle around with their
memories in these almost empty
structures. It all seems so wasteful and
probably, if unchanged, will contribute
to our destruction.
Right now I have some hope that
the world’s population will adapt to new
environmental conditions and that the
President’s new term will move us in
the right (I really mean left) direction
and allow present Americans and future
generations of Americans to live in a
nation of which we are proud.
Say a prayer. Put up a tombstone that reads “R.I.P.” for
three prevailing political conventional wisdoms that seem to
be quickly biting the dust.
The first is that President Barack Obama will always go along
to get along, will in the end inevitably choose a mediated, moderate course to
gain partial victories. That conventional wisdom is on life support as the more
aggressive post-re-election-election Obama stresses that he doesn’t face re-
election, he’s had enough of Republican roadblocks, and he’s going to draw lines
in the sand. Being the first Democratic President since Franklin D. Roosevelt and
the last President since Dwight Eisenhower to twice win a popular vote majority
can do that to you.
Signs this CW was dying: Obama’s ignoring GOP conservative opposition
to do a full-court-press on naming former Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary
of Defense; Obama’s strong fiscal cliff position that led to partial Republican
capitulation; Obama’s inaugural address which The Daily Beast’s John Avlon
called a Lincolnesque liberal manifesto; and his decision to convert his legendary
political operation into an activist group and political action committee. Will the
Koch Brothers and Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS meet their match?
Let’s see if former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin are
still sneering about Obama being a lowly “community organizer” in 2014 and
The second decaying CW is that America’s middle is dead. Immediately after
Obama’s 2008 election, I had lunch with a well-known commentator in New York
City who accurately told me: “Joe, the center is under attack.” And that’s the way
it was from the moment Obama took his first oath of office with Republicans
blocking some of his key proposals to the birth of the moderate-Republican-
hunting Tea Party, to the shellacking Obama and the Democrats received in the
2010 mid-term elections.
But now the center seems aroused -- and fed-up. Obama won re-election with a
coalition of his party’s base, rising demographic groups and, polls show, a big, fat
chunk of moderate voters.
Democratic liberals and Republican conservatives (uh, oh, here come the political
equivalency police) BOTH tend to dismiss it as “the Mushy Middle,” but at key
points throughout American history our political center has proven to be “The
Mighty Middle” and there are signs of its resurgence again.
The moderate Republican group Republican Main Street Partnership decided
to remove “Republican” from its name to try and attract centrist Democrats.
Some strident radio and cable conservative talkers face ratings erosion. Liberal
MSNBC’s ratings are on the rise and center-hugging CNN could get more viewers
as its new boss Jeff Zucker leaves his imprint. And poll numbers show a shift.
The Republican Party got a 49 percent negative number in a recent NBC News/
Wall Street Journal, the lowest number since 2008, and only a 28 percent positive.
The GOP’s spiritual center, the Tea Party, got its lowest number yet: a 23 percent
favorable rating. Republican pollster Frank Luntz, in an op-ed in the Washington
Post, warned Republicans that they need to start watching their language, which
will turn off more voters than attract them. In other words: to win elections
Republicans must start sounding like serious problem solvers rather than aspiring
talk radio hosts.
This is seemingly sinking in with (some) Republicans. Gone are threats about
throwing the country into default. Senate Republicans vow there will be more
compromise. Republicans at various levels now suggest the party is ready to do
serious immigration reform, because they know the GOP needs binders full of
Latinos to win future elections.
The third dying conventional wisdom is that Obama would be “another FDR, “ or
“another Carter,” as some say maybe he’ll be “another Reagan.” In reality, what we
are likely seeing may be birth of a NEW “another” category -- the precise negative
or positive meaning to be revealed by the end of Obama’s term: one day a future
President may be branded “another Obama.”
Joe Gandelman is a veteran journalist who wrote for newspapers overseas and in the
United States. He has appeared on cable news show political panels and is Editor-
in-Chief of The Moderate Voice, an Internet hub for independents, centrists and
moderates. CNN’s John Avlon named him as one of the top 25 Centrists Columnists
and Commentators. He can be reached at jgandelman@themoderatevoice.com and
can be booked to speak at your event at www.mavenproductions.com.
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A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Personally, I sure
will be glad when
January is over. If
confession is good
for the soul, then let me have a good soul
cleansing and confess that January is not
my favorite month of the year.
At the beginning of each year, a certain
resident in our home begins acting like
an angel and starts harping about a diet.
But, not just "a diet." I could take that, I
think. Rather, "my diet." What my diet
has to do with her is a question I have
yet to ask.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to
ask no question I do not want to hear the
answer. Believe me when I say ignorance
is bliss.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
is a health nut, whereas, I am just a plain
nut with lots of fudge icing on the top.
As nuts are concerned, I prefer nuts with
fudge icing.
Every year right after Christmas and
before the New Year comes in, my wife
and I have this conversation about the
upcoming diet. I need to correct myself
here. When I use the word "conversation,"
I probably should use the word
"monologue." When it comes to diets, I
have absolutely nothing to say. My wife
on the other hand, has plenty to say and
when she is saying it to me, she holds
nothing back.
When it comes to diets and dieting, I
have my own ideas about the whole matter.
I do not see myself as fat, just post-
thin. For arguments sake, let's say I am
fat. I take refuge in the Bible along this
line, which says, "All the fat is the Lord's"
(Leviticus 4:16b KJV).
If I was to argue with my wife, which I
promise you I am not going to, I could
lay all of the blame about my being post-
thin on her. I have pictures to prove my
point. Before we got married, I was very
thin. Now look at me! I don't have to
draw a picture for you, do I?
Along this line of diets, I think I am
doing rather well. I have come up with
ideas that have made me quite comfortable
along this line.
Last week I bought a dress shirt and
brought it home. When I tried it on it
was three sizes too big for me making
me look rather thin. I love that shirt.
That shirt was made for people like me.
Every time I wear that shirt in public
somebody usually says, "You must've
lost a lot of weight." I just smile.
I have other shirts in my closet that
have brought me no end of grief. Here is
what I want to know. Why do my shirts
get thin but I don't? After all, we go to
the same places and eat at the same restaurants.
There is something here I believe
I am missing!
Whenever I am off on a trip somewhere
my wife always says just as I leave, "Make
sure that you watch what you eat while
you're away."
I am delighted to report to her or anybody
else who will listen that I always
watch what I eat. After all, I would hate
to take a bite of broccoli by mistake.
Therefore, I watch every bite I eat to
make sure it is as delicious as possible.
My wife is always encouraging me to
eat more fruit. I believe fruit is a matter
of personal opinion and preference. My
wife believes that bananas are fruit. I, on
the other hand, believe that a banana
split is fruit.
My wife has the idea that an Apple a
day keeps the doctor away. I have a different
slant on that idea. I believe an Apple
Fritter a day keeps everybody away.
When it comes to salads, my wife is
the crowned queen of salads. She has
a golden touch when it comes to making
salads. If I am not careful, she will
serve me a salad three times a day. Another
thing I need to watch out for with
her salads. Occasionally, she will try to
slip in some form of broccoli. For some
unknown reason she believes broccoli is
the panacea for all ills nutritionally.
As diets come and go, my diets usually
go without leaving a trace behind them.
Years ago, I got serious about a diet and
was determined to lose 25 pounds of
ugly fat. Much to my chagrin, I lost the
other fat instead. Now look at me!
The diet phase is beginning to run its
course as we come to the close of January.
Towards the end of January, my
lovely bride begins thinking of Valentine's
Day. For me, whatever gets her attention
off my diet is good news any day
of the week.
I suppose it is true what people say
that you are what you eat. I further suppose
that it is important to eat the right
things. Not only is that true physically
but also spiritually. The Bible has something
to say about this.
"As newborn babes, desire the sincere
milk of the word, that ye may grow
thereby" (1 Peter 2:1 KJV).
Nothing is more important in my daily
routine than feasting on the Word of
God. I may not do very well on my physical
diet, but I do take special care about
my spiritual diet.
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the
Family of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313,
Ocala, FL 34483. He lives with his wife, Martha,
in Silver Springs Shores. E-mail jamessnyder2@
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