Mountain Views News Saturday, March 16, 2013
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Jasmine Kelsey Williams
This is the second in a series of articles about President Obama’s proposed
Comprehensive Immigration Reform and why Americans should oppose
it. It is based on information from a variety of sources including the Cato
Institute, Center for Immigration Studies, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR),
NumbersUSA, and Pew Hispanic Center.
As mentioned in Part I, in his May 24, 2006 New York Times Op-Ed, “Amnesty by Any Other
Name is still Amnesty...”, by former Attorney General Ed Meese III, argued strongly against the
Comprehensive Immigration Reform proposed by President Bush, calling it what it was amnesty:
“Like the amnesty bill of 1986, the current Senate proposal would place those who have resided
illegally in the United States on a path to citizenship, provided they meet a similar set of conditions
and pay a fine and back taxes. The illegal immigrant does not go to the back of the line but gets
immediate legalized status, while law-abiding applicants wait in their home countries for years to
even get here. And that’s the line that counts. In the end, slight differences in process do not change
the overriding fact that the 1986 law and today’s bill are both amnesties.”
Again, as I said last week, If President Obama really wants to reform our immigration system he
should take following steps before any kind of immigration reform, comprehensive or otherwise,
is considered.
Encourage Federal / State / Local Partnership
State and local police are badly needed to help overwhelmed federal immigration authorities
apprehend and detain illegal aliens in the interior of our country. Illegal aliens currently outnumber
federal immigration agents by 5,000 to one, and only 2,000 federal agents are active in enforcing
the immigration laws in the interior of our country. Clearly, those numbers indicate that a limited
number of federal agents are incapable of apprehending a majority of an estimated 11-22 million
illegal aliens currently inside our nation’s borders and would benefit from the assistance of the more
than 600,000 state and local law enforcement officers nationwide who come into contact with illegal
aliens every day.
End Catch and Release Policy
Many police officers routinely observe and even stop illegal aliens for violations of the law, however,
those who arrest illegal aliens and proceed to contact federal immigration officials are all too
often told to release the offenders unless a non-immigration offense is involved. This practice has
commonly become known as “catch and release.” Even more troublesome is the fact that some
police officers are prohibited by state or local laws or policies from cooperating with federal
officials, a tactic adopted by some state and local governments that favor ensuring the well-being of
illegal aliens rather than protecting law abiding American citizens from unnecessary harm and the
adverse effects of illegal immigration on their communities.
Eliminate Sanctuary Cities
Several cities, including Washington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco,
San Diego, Austin, Baltimore, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, Honolulu, Portland, and Seattle have
made themselves “sanctuary cities” by adopting ordinances restricting local law enforcement from
inquiring about immigration status and reporting violations to federal authorities. Most of these
cities claim that the benefit illegal immigrants bring to their city outweigh the costs. Opponents say
the measures violate federal law as the cities are in effect creating their own immigration policy, an
area of law which only Congress has authority to alter.
Many legal scholars have tagged these so-called “don’t tell” measures as “obvious targets for express
preemption” given the apparent conflict between “don’t tell” policies and the restrictions in Sections
434 of the “Welfare Reform Act” and Section 642 of the “Immigration Reform Act” that expressly
forbid restraints on communications with federal officials, including the sharing of information
relating to people’s illegal immigration status. This is not good news for cities dependent on federal
Do not be fooled. Amnesty by any other name is still amnesty. Comprehensive Immigration Reform
is amnesty -- pure and simple.
Last night I had dinner alone at a restaurant
in Sierra Madre. My wife’s cousin had died
the day before and she just didn’t feel like
doing much of anything. I was at a loss
as to what to do. It seems that whenever
unexpected events come up I am unable to
take the next important step. It’s as if I expect
to be provided with a life-manual containing direction on how
to behave in unexpected situations. What I decided to do was to
go to a restaurant alone on a Saturday night for probably the first
time in my life. As I left my wife’s expression told me I was failing
to do something very important. The next day she told me she
would have felt better if I had just taken the trouble to hug her
instead of worrying about my own discomfort.
So anyway I was feeling pretty strange when I arrived at the
busy restaurant. There was a pretty long waiting list but I told
the hostess I was alone and she said there was a small table that
usually remained empty. I said I’d take the table and soon learned
why it usually remained
empty. The table was right
in the way of everything
else and people kept
bumping into my chair.
One man stopped and
began a conversation
about how much he liked
this restaurant and liked
Sierra Madre but could
never live here. He said
that Sierra Madre was an
anachronism and that that
it would be a very dull place
to live because he was sure
nothing ever happened in
Sierra Madre.
I said I understood how
he might think that but
really some surprising
things happened in Sierra
Madre all the time. “Like what?” he said. “Well”, I told him,
“Night before last two mountain lions jumped over my neighbor’s
wall and ate a little dog.” The man thought I was kidding but I
showed him a copy of the Mountain Views News that told the
story right on the front page.
The man quickly seemed to lose interest and said something like
well I’m glad that gave you something to think about for awhile.”
It must generally be pretty dull up there up there”. I said, no. We
often see deer, raccoons, coyotes and bears. “Why there was even
a bear in my house last year that the police had to come and shoot
with a bean-bag weapon.” The man thought I was making fun of
him and walked away to join his companions at another table. I
could see them looking at me strangely and kind of laughing to
Now, I felt even more uncomfortable. I paid my bill and drove
home Feeling strange I remembered that my neighbor, the
dog’s former owner, or maybe the right language is the former
dog’s owner, has told me he received a special Fish and Game
Dispensation that allows him to shoot the mountain lions. Great,
now I’m more worried about him shooting someone by mistake
than I am worried about being eaten by the lions.
Tonight rather than take our dog for his nightly walk around the
circle my wife and I just drove down to City Hall and walked the
dog near the canyon in the park. When we got home we noticed
a poster wrapped around our telephone pole. I noticed no other
posters on the block but it was too dark to read the poster. My
wife didn’t want me to linger about on the street where I might get
eaten or shot and said I could read the poster tomorrow.
That’s it! I am not going to be afraid in my own
house. I am going downstairs to read the poster. Okay, I’m back.
All the sign says is
Additionally the poster contains the helpful information that
the lions can jump fifteen feet in the air and are capable of taking
down a 600 pound elk. The poster also gave instructions on what
to do if confronted by mountain lions.
CALL 911.
Sounds like pretty good advice. I think if you combine that
advice with my wife’s suggestion that when in doubt it’s best
to hug someone you love you will be well-prepared for most
situations. Well so far nothing new has happened in Sierra
Madre this morning. I’m going to try and attach a picture of the
poster to this article and perhaps the poster will be seen in the
paper. If you want to read my article about the bear getting into
my house please check out the Mountain Views News archives
(mtnviewsnews,com,) for May 5, 2012. If you look at my other
articles in the archives you can read about the fires, earthquakes,
windstorms, forced evacuations, arrests and the uncovering of
a hidden meth lab all occurring in Sierra Madre, a place where
nothing ever happens.
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