Mountain Views News Saturday, April 6, 2013
Have you ever have a thought that runs around in your head causing restlessness? Or an antsy
feeling that you cannot shake? Maybe just a lack of focus that leaves you moving from one task to
the next with out really getting anything done? The clear remedy is meditation. But how can you
posssibly meditate at a time like that? You can’t even sit still. Well, at least this is my problem. When
I have something on my mind it is impossible to get settled and clear. In yoga the way we look at this
is that our prana, or energy, is dispersed. We need to collect and direct the energy then focus.
Thank heaves there is a quick solution to this. First, notice how you feel then start in Tadasana
(mountain pose), standing. Distribute the weight evenly through your feet side to side, front to back.
Engage your front thighs and drop your tail bone toward the floor. Pull your belly in, draw your
shoulders on to your back and feel the crown of your head move up to the sky. The whole body is
active. The eyes stare at a spot. Smooth the breath. With the body still as a mountain, continue to
smooth and refine your breath. See if you can now make the exhale longer than the inhale. Maybe
count the inhale for 3 and exhale for 6. Do this for several rounds of breath. Now inhale your arms
up to the sky and swan dive out over your legs, bending your knees until you touch the floor. Keep
this same breath pattern, careful not to pull on your low back. Stay for 5 breaths, still with the exhale
twice as long. Inhale all the way back rolling one bone at a time, knees bent. Stand in mountain pose
again. Keep all of your attention on this breath. Do this whole thing 5 times. You could do it seated
as well, folding at the hips. Just make sure there is no strain in your back. Keep the back straight and
the shoulder blades together, knees bent. Then notice how you feel. You should have more peace with
in. The energy should be a little better.
Imagine how it could be after a whole class. Pay attention and notice the differences. They are
profound. These are the first steps to finding peace within. You have to master the energy. It’s all up
to you.
See you in class. Namasté, René