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 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 6, 2013 


Last year I wrote an article abut tipping abroad and the interest poured in about the article. So, with 
the summer travel season upon us, I thought I would run that article again.

Here in the states it is customary to tip your server, carwash person, hairstylist, and just about anyone 
that provides a service. Tipping the bartender that owns the bar or the stylist that owns the saloon, or 
even the delivery person that owns the florist. My research tells me that they want to be tipped as we. 
After all, we are tipping for those who provide a service, however if they own the establishment I never 
feel that bad about lowering the tip or rounding it 
down. I know 
that won’t get 
me front row 
seats, but I have found that tipping a $1 at Starbucks at the end of 
the week is sufficient.

Now the question is do you tip in Europe? In my first trip to Athens 
as an adult I lavished 20% tips on waiters and service people 
and was rewarded on the end of my trip for that indulgence. I 
will explain later. In ten days of vacation we never really got outstanding 
service. We never got bad service but the server’s job 
was to get the food to the table and that amounted to it. I found 
it curious coming from California where we expect plenty of up 
sell and a full glasses of water that Europe did not shower me in 
attention as I am accustom to in the states. Another restaurant, 
but the same medium of the road service greeted me. So I stared 
tipping 10%. I asked our tour guide as to the policy of tipping. 
She said that everyone in Greece works at what is called a living 
wage and that any gratuity is welcome. So, what about other parts 
of Europe, or was this just in Greece? The rule of thumb is to check your bill, and look for a service 
charge. Believe it or not many restaurants don’t allow the workers to keep their tips. 

I have three suggestions:

1/ Round up the amount; say it’s 35 Euro, round it up to 40. 

Leave the tip portion as cash. 2/ Give tip directly to your server 3/ Check the bill and if there is a Tax 
or Service charge and you feel that you got great service, by all means leave a few more Euros. 

Now back to my story on the 20% tip, we went back to the original restaurant in Athens that we started 
out trip at, the one I gave a full 20% tip to. After such a journey, now I know why he was so happy 
to see me. The beer, and the desserts were all on the house, so maybe the 20% did pay off!

Listen for more tips on KABC Radio AM 790 or call in at 800-222-5222. 

My website is


TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills


•1 1/2 to 2 pounds sirloin or flank steak

•1/3 cup vegetable oil

•1/2 cup water

•3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

•1 1/2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning

•3 cloves garlic, crushed

•1/2 teaspoon salt

•1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

•1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Put the steak in a food storage bag or plastic container. Combine the oil, water, lime juice, 
Cajun seasoning, garlic, salt, and peppers. Pour the mixture over the steak and refrigerate 
for 2 hours.

 Grill over direct heat until done as desired, about 5 minutes on each side for 


Serves 4.