Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 11, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 11, 2014 


Suspect hangs himself in Arcadia Jail 

Spokesmen for Arcadia police and L.A. County 
On January 7, 2014, at approximately 8:24 a.m., Sheriff confirmed to that Li 
officers responded to an apartment complex lo-Zhu died Wednesday night at the Twin Towers 

cated in the 900 Block of Arcadia Avenue on the Correctional Facility at 450 Bauchett Street in Los 
report of a female not breathing. On arrival of-Angeles.
ficers encountered a female victim inside of an He was scheduled for an arraignment Thursday 
apartment suffering from multiple stab wounds. at Pasadena Superior Court. Zhu apparently 
Arriving officers were directed to a possible sus-killed himself. He was pronounced dead at before 
pect who had just left the location. Responding 10 p.m. Jan. 8. An autopsy is pending. 
officers were able to locate the suspect and took 

him into custody without incident. “Sheriff ’s Homicide Bureau detectives have 

learned that Li Zhu, died due to an apparent sui-
Paramedics from the Arcadia Fire Department cide,” Deputy Irys Alvarez said in a statement. 
responded to the scene and transported the vic-Sheriff homicide detectives were called in due to 
tim to Huntington Memorial Hospital where she the inmate death; they are not involved with the 

was pronounced deceased by emergency room Arcadia homicide investigation. 

Typically the Arcadia Police do not hold prison-
The victim was identified as Xiaolin Li, a 41-year-ers in the local jail for long periods, especially if 
old female resident of Arcadia. The arrested sus-there is a pending arraignment and investigation. 
pect was identified by family members as the Prisoners can also be transferred to County Jail if 

father-in-law of the victim. Li Zhu, a 68-year-old the inmate requires special medical needs. 
male resident of Arcadia was booked at the Arcadia 
City Jail on a charge of murder with his bail Police said the motive appeared to be related to 
set at $1,000,000.00. Both the victim and suspect an on-going dispute within the family. A com-
reside together along with other family members. menter on said the two were 

arguing over money and that Li’s son was in the 

The following day, the Arcadia Police Depart-room with the mother when she was being killed. 
ment reported that the suspect in the brutal stabbing 
death of his daughter-in-law Tuesday was Story from police reports and Arcadia’s Best. 
found hanging in his jail cell. 

From Monrovia Now: 

Opinion: Monrovia City Government HasDawdled with the Hillside Wilderness Preserve 

 They say that when you criticize 
someone, you should say nice 
things about them first, so, since 
I am about to slam the Monrovia 
city government, let me say some 
nice things first.

 We have an amazing Old Town; 
that the city was able to fit an 
awesome theater into Old Town 
while actually enhancing Old 
Town's character is a triumph. 
Having lived through a serious 
earthquake and an insane windstorm, 
I've been very impressed 
with the city's handling of disaster 
response. The events the 
city helps coordinate, such as the 
Christmas parade and tree lighting, 
the amazing Fourth of July 
fireworks display, the Friday-
night Farmers Market, and now 
a New Year's Eve party, all seem 
to to be very well done. The city's 
attitude toward business seems 
far more positive than other cities 
I know, some of which seem 
to regard businesses as pariahs. 
And, as best I can tell, the city 
has responded to the fiscal challenges 
facing California cities by 
pretty much getting its expenditures 
under control, even when it 
has hurt. Good things. 

Now for the criticism.

the measure has not been provided.have asked five or six times over the 

 Somewhere around 14 years ago - I am aware that there were, and last few years - I have always been 
residents on the upper edge of are, lawsuits hindering the open-given vague estimates in the range 
Monrovia were concerned about ing of the trails, but my impression of a three to six months regard-
a plan to build homes in the foot-is that solving these suits is a low ing when the trails will open - but 
hills above their homes, so the city priority. I do not get the impression those estimates never seem to come 
responded by passing a bond and that the city is exerting much ef-about. 
getting money from the state to fort in this regard, despite "opening - The one trail I was told was "sort 
purchase the land as a preserve that of the hillside area" scoring rather of " open is on Norumbega. I ex-
people could hike about in.high in the recent community plored it and it's not a trail at all. It 

 But then, for well over a decade, survey.looks like an overgrown driveway 
the trails didn't open. So, the day - The main reason for that impres-leading about 100 yards up to a 
after Christmas last year, thinking sion is that whenever I ask about graded lot that was never built on.
that more than enough time had progress, my council-member con-- If a private company in Monro-
elapsed, I sent a letter to all the tact needs to check for me. If it was via were to sign people up and bill 
city council members and the city a matter of discussion and regu-them regularly for a service that the 
manager saying I was about to write lar updates among the leadership company did not provide within a 
this article. Here, verbatim, are the of the city, it seems unlikely such reasonable time, I suspect the Mon-
points I made:checking would be necessary. rovia City Council would rightly be 

- It is somewhere around 14 years -Further, communications with furious. And if the company said 
now since Monrovia passed a bond the public regarding the lawsuits that lawsuits were preventing it 
measure to purchase the hillside and progress on opening the trails from providing the service, I doubt 
property and nothing has been is extremely poor. What little com-you would be appeased. I suspect 
done to provide the access that was munication has occurred seems to you would at minimum demand 
promised to the voters who passed be mostly in response to my ques-regular updates, progress reports, 
the bond measure, or to the State tioning. Also, the previous city web and that you would say that their 
of California, from which the city site had a page that gave some ru-being sued did not give them the 
obtained money on the condition dimentary information about prog-right to continue charging people 
that the city would provide access ress, but after being first posted it for a service the company was not 
to the area. did not seem to be further main-providing. I really don't see any 
- The people of Monrovia have been tained, and I can no longer even substantial difference between such 
taxed to pay for this bond for well find that limited information on the a company and what is happening 
over a decade, but the service they new city website. with the city. 

were promised when they voted on -Whenever I have asked -and I (cont. on page 8) 

The old and new gates at Clamshell Trail. Finally some progress. 

Arcadia Police Blotter 

For the period of Sunday, Decemberpossibly a Honda, stole mail from report. After a family dispute, an 
22, 2013 through Tuesday, multiple mailboxes. The incident 84-year-old Hispanic male jabbed 
December 31, 2013 was recorded on video surveillance; his son in the face with a knife, 
however, the vehicle’s license plate causing a half-inch laceration to 

Monday, December 23:

was not visible. his jaw area. He was arrested and 

1. Shortly after 6:00 p.m., 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail 

an officer was dispatched to the Friday, December 27:

for booking. The victim refused 

area of Santa Anita Avenue and St. 6. At about 7:50 a.m., 

treatment and ultimately declined 

Joseph Street regarding a fight in officers conducted a traffic stop


progress. The suspect, a 41-year-on a vehicle in the parking lot ofold White male, attacked the male Extended Stay America, 401 EastSunday, December 29:
victim because he would not stop Santa Clara Avenue, in reference 10. Around 00:45 a.m., an 
contacting his girlfriend. At some to a driver wearing sunglasses withofficer working DUI enforcement 
point during the altercation, the sidewalls over one-half inch thick. conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle 
suspect stabbed the victim in the A records check revealed he was on on Santa Anita Avenue at St. Joseph 
chest with a flathead screwdriver. parole for possession of a firearm.Street. The officer detected an odor 
The victim was transported to A search of his vehicle and hotel of alcohol emitting from the driver’s 
Huntington Memorial Hospital room revealed he was in possessionbreath and person. He discovered 
for treatment. The suspect was of marijuana, methamphetaminethe 49-year-old Vietnamese driver 
arrested for Attempted Murder and for sales, and drug paraphernalia.was under the influence of alcohol 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail Officers made contact with two with a blood alcohol content greater 
for booking. room occupants, a 37-year-old than 0.08 percent. He was arrested 

2. At approximately 6:08 White female and 40-year-oldand transported to the Arcadia City 
p.m., an officer was dispatched White female, and discovered theyJail for booking. 
to a residence in the 000 block were also in possession of controlled11. At approximately 12:54 
of Oakhurst Lane. Unknown substances and drug paraphernalia.p.m., an officer was dispatched to 
suspect(s) forced entry through All three subjects were arrested andExtended Stay America, 401 East 
a kitchen window, ransacked transported to the Arcadia City JailSanta Clara Street, in reference to a 
the master bedroom, and fled for booking. theft investigation. A male suspect 
undetected with a 36” x 30” safe failed to pay for his hotel and 
7. At about 10:25 p.m., an a 
containing checks and credit cards. search of his room revealed he also 

officer made consensual contact 

The victim explained the safe was stole the television. 

with three male subjects sitting on 

very heavy and would have required The suspect is described as a White 

a picnic table on the west side of 

at least two people to carry. male, approximately 30-years-old, 

Newcastle Park, 143 West Colorado 

medium build with brown hair, 

Wednesday, December 25:Boulevard. The officer discovered 

wearing a black trench coat. 

3. Just after 8:00 p.m., antwo subjects were in possession of 
officer was dispatched to a residenceconcentrated cannabis. The 18 and Monday, December 30:
in the 000 block of West Winnie Way19-year-old White male subjects 12. Around 7:30 a.m., 
regarding a report of an assault withwere arrested and transported to unknown suspect(s) stole a grey 
a deadly weapon. An investigationthe Arcadia City Jail for booking. 2008 Lexus LS 460 that was parked 
revealed a 43-year-old White maleat World Gas Station, 3 East Duarte 
Saturday, December 28:

hit his elderly uncle on the neckRoad. During an area check for 

8. Around 8:18 a.m., officers 
with an 18” metal pipe, and wasevidence, the officer located several 

responded to a residence in the 

in possession of a switchblade. Heshaved keys and two used gloves 

400 block of East Camino Real 

was arrested and transported to theon the ground where the vehicle 

Avenue regarding a report of an 

Arcadia City Jail for booking. Thewas parked. The victim recalled 

unconscious female. The female 

victim was examined by paramedicsleaving the doors unlocked. No 

was sitting on the rear seat of a 

at the scene and refused treatment. suspects were located and no one 

vehicle that was parked inside the 

reported hearing or seeing anything 

Thursday, December 26:garage of the residence. When 


4. Just after 12:00 p.m., an officers arrived, they determined 
officer was dispatched to the 700 the subject was deceased. Tuesday, December 31:
block of Naomi Avenue in regards Preliminary investigation revealed 13. At approximately 4:11 
to a man who brandished a gun. the resident and an unknown a.m., an officer was dispatched 
While the victim was driving, a friend transported the decedent to Nordstrom at the Santa Anita 
man driving a silver BMW pulled to the home after a party, but left Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, 
alongside her, flashed a black semi-her inside the vehicle because they regarding a sounding burglary 
automatic handgun, and yelled at were unable to move her inside alarm. No suspects were inside the 
her for texting and “drinking and the residence. When the resident building at the time of the officer’s 
driving”. The victim explained she went to check on the female, the arrival. An investigation revealed 
was not using her cell phone, but victim was still inside the car and three unknown suspect(s) forced 
the subject observed her drinking unconscious. entry through a side window, 
a can of Red Bull while she was on Officers found no indication of smashed a jewelry case, and fled 
her way to work. foul play at the time of the report with $100,000-$200,000 in jewelry 
5. At approximately 3:00 and further investigation is being and multiple purses. Further 
p.m., an officer responded to a conducted by the Detective Bureau.investigation is being conducted by 
residence in the 1000 block of 9. At approximately 9:28 the Detective Bureau. 
Green Oaks Drive in regards to a p.m., officers responded to a 
mail theft report. Two unknown residence in the 1200 block of 
suspects driving a blue four-door Temple City Boulevard regarding 
sedan with tinted rear windows, an assault with a deadly weapon 
Duarte Crime Blotter 

The City of Duarte and the Los Angeles County Please visit our website for crime statistics and 
Sheriff 's Department would like residents to be an area map
aware of the current rise in home burglaries. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&
Please notify your neighbors and increase your Itemid=76 
vigilance. We urge you to call in all suspicious 
activity. We can reduce the number of residen-We also encourage residents to consider the following 
tial burglaries by working together. You are the practices: 
eyes and ears of the community and we need your 

Use Proper lighting


• Proper lighting eliminates shadows that proLatest 
Home Burglariesvide burglars with coverArea 2: South of Huntington• Use adequate lighting at all points of entry 
On Thursday, December 19, between 8:30 am and • Leave lights on inside just as you would if you 

were living in the house

12:00 pm in the 1300 Block of Maynard Drive 
• Include the use of lighting timers and set 
while the resident was away, unknown suspect(s) 

them to an irregular pattern 

entered the home through a rear door left open 
for cats to come in and out and stole a kindle fire 

Secure Doors and windows 
and miscellaneous custom jewelry.• Reinforce the backs of doors with crossbars 
Area 4: Beardslee • Be sure the doorframes cannot easily be 
On Friday, December 26, between 8:00 am and “jimmied”;

5:00 pm in the 900 Block of Hurstview Street Locks 
• Quality commercial security locks are great 
while the resident was away, unknown suspect(s) 

but are not effective if they are not properly used by the 

entered the home after smashing a side door 


open and stole $500 in US currency and two 

• Unscheduled or surprise visits to your prop-
check books. 

erty or project will also act as a deterrent to an opportunistic 

Between Friday, December 26, and Monday, De

• Update the key in the event an employee 
cember 30th, in the 1800 Block of Park Rose Av-

leaves or quits a job

enue while the resident was away, unknown sus

 Traceable property

pects pried window open and stole a dish washer 

• Third party vendors can secure your items and a stove. Suspects removed sliding glass door with trackers that will assist law enforcement with its 
in order to get the items out of the home. quick recovery
• If your item does not have a serial number, 
Area 5: Hope

you can engrave it with a unique number or word.

Between Saturday December 28, at 8:00 pm and 

• Please be sure to record serial numbers. In Sunday, December 29 at 4:00 am in the 1300 the event the property is recovered, the owner can be 
Block of Pengra Street while the resident was located. 
away on vacation, unknown suspect(s) entered Fences 
the home after shattering a rear glass sliding door. • Ensure your fences are sturdy and secured.
It is unclear if any items were stolen as the resi-Patrol Checks 
• Call Temple Station and request patrol checks. 
dents was on vacation. 

Please contact the Temple Station Watch Commander 
Area 11: Rancho Duarte at (626) 285-7171 if you would like to schedule a secu-
On Sunday, December 29 at approximately 1:30 rity review of your property.
pm in the 2700 Block of Royal Oaks Drive while If you see suspicious persons or vehicles in your neigh

borhood, please make a note of the make/model/color 

the resident was in the back yard and the front 

of the car or description of the person(s) and Always 

door was open a 25-30 year old Male Black Sus-

call in ANY and ALL suspicious activity to Temple 

pect approximately 5’10” 150 to 160 lbs. wearing 

Sheriff 's Station at (626) 448-9861 or (626) 285-7171. 

a black beanie, gray sweatshirt and sweatpants 
carrying a skateboard entered the residence and Should you witness a crime in progress, please call 911. 

stole two empty black purses. 
If you would like to leave an anonymous tip, that can 

Area 12: Fish Canyon

assist us in an investigation or help mitigate an ongoing 

On Thursday, January 2 between 7:00 and 7:15 

problem, you may do so by calling the Sheriff 's Satelpm 
while the resident was in the home the un-lite Station Crime Tip Hotline at (626) 357-7938, ext. 
known suspect(s) entered an open garage and an 462. Messages checked daily but for immediate assisunlocked 
vehicle and stole a briefcase contain-tance please call Temple Station and request to remain 
ing an Ipad and $1,750 worth of gift cards and a anonymous. 
check book. 

Tips can also be e-mailed 

If you spot suspicious persons, vehicles, and/or 
any other unusual activity in the abovementioned Join in the conversation with your neighbors on www.
areas, or If you have any information that can now featuring an app for IPAD, Iphone 

sist in the investigation of these burglaries, please and Android devices
contact Special Assignment Deputy Goodrich at 
the Duarte Sub Station by calling (626) 357-7938, 
ext. 320.