Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, May 17, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 7

Mountain Views News Saturday, May 17, 2014 
7BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views News Saturday, May 17, 2014 

By Marc Garlett 


Did you know that the best-selling item at 
Walmart is bananas? It’s true, and has been for Even if you don’t have minor or dependent 
several years. So the next time you need a great children, you have stuff that will have to be 
price on your favorite yellow fruit, go ahead and handled after you are gone and a $99 will is likely 
make a trip to Walmart. only going to make matters worse for the people 

left to clean up the mess. 

But steer clear of the world’s largest retailer 
when you need a will or other estate planning Laws vary by state, which is another good reason 
documents. to have a personal relationship with a lawyer you 

trust. The probate process can be lengthy and 

While not available in the U.S. (yet), Walmart just 

arduous; your attorney can guide you around it 

started selling wills for $99 in several Canadian 

and help your family stay out of Court, saving 

locations. You can also get powers of attorney at 

time, money and stress. 

the boutique law shop called Axess Law, set up 
in Walmart. And in my opinion, that’s not just Finally, many life circumstances – remarriage, 
bananas, it’s nuts too. divorce, new children – impact your estate plan, 

so be sure you review it annually and keep it 

Creating an estate plan is something you do to 

updated when things change. Having trusted 

leave a legacy of care and love for the people 

lawyer who knows you and your family makes 

who matter to you the most. Working with an 

it much easier to keep your plan on track, so it 

attorney who understands your goals and wishes 

will always be just what your family needs, when 

for your family, and can articulate those in a well-

they need it. 

crafted estate plan, is a much better alternative 
than relying on a one-stop shopping experience, If you would like more information about 
be it at Walmart or through online legal websites creating or updating your estate plan, call our 
with standard forms that can’t begin to know office today to schedule a time for us to sit down 
what you truly want and deserve for your loved and talk. We normally charge $750 for a Family 
ones. Wealth Planning Session, but because this 

planning is so important, I’ve made space for the 

Having the caring guidance of a personal family 

next two people who mention this article to have 

attorney will ensure your estate plan takes 

a complete planning session at no charge. Call 

advantage of the ever-changing state and federal 

626.355.4000 today and mention this article or 

laws as well as reduces the potential for family 

visit for more information. 

Marc, a local attorney, father, and CASA 

If you’re the parent of minor children, your 

volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate 

attorney should help you create a comprehensive 

for Children) is on a mission to help parents 

Kids Protection Plan® that ensures the well-

protect what they love most. His office is located 

being and care of your children; without one, 

at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 

a judge will make guardianship and other 


critical decision for you (and your kids could 
even be taken from your home temporarily). 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in real estate, a picture could be worth a thousand 
dollars (or more). Most agents aren’t photography professionals, but there is an understanding that 
better photos get listings more attention, and ultimately, a higher selling price. 

The absolutely best photos are taken not with "point and click" cameras, but with SLR (single-lensreflex) 
cameras. Without getting too technical, just know that SLR cameras give the photographer 
more control and produce higher quality images. 

While an SLR camera costs more than your average point-and-click shooter, consider that a recent 
study found that listings with high quality photos sold for anywhere between $934 and $116,076 
more than their average listing photo counterparts. If your agent doesn't have an SLR camera, then 
you could easily recoup your investment by purchasing one yourself. 

Even though better photos attract more online attention, only about 15% of listings make use of the 
superior technology. Obviously, high-end listings stand to reap the greatest benefits, so if you've got 
a million dollar home, why would you skimp on such an important facet of marketing it? 

However, there is a caveat: the study found that homes listed under $300,000 didn't see any real 
difference in sales price with the finer photos, so realistic and competitive pricing is the most 
effective marketing tool in those cases. 


Unlike print, the best fonts to use on-line (in your email campaigns, websites, 
blogs etc.) are san serif fonts. 

Studies have shown that Verdana is the most legible font on-line with Arial 
coming in a close second. The reason is that fonts we traditionally use for print 
like Times and Garamond, tend to blur more on the screens. 

In today’s fast-paced 
world of information, 
it’s important that on-
line content is easy to 
read and simple. 

Use serif and playful fonts sparingly. There is also an old rule of thumb: no more than 2-3 fonts per 
page. Using san serif fonts for bigger blocks of copy will make it easier on the readers eyes. 

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes in 
Internet Marketing strategies and Social Media. They offer social media management services and 
help their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in 
social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,
Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars and presentations at:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: www.mtnviewsnews.comWe’d like to hear from you! 
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mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: #mtnviewsnews 
Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Los Angeles County Department 
of Public Health. 
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