Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, December 27, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 8



Mountain View News Saturday, December 27, 2014


1. I resolve to drink more water when I drink. - Translation � add more ice to my drinks

2. I resolve to send back cold food, even if I�m starving. Translation � No Mr. Nice Guy

3 I resolve to ask to be moved if there are screaming kids next to me. Translation � �Two things I can�t 
stand crying women and crying babies.�

4. I resolve to send back my meat if its not cooked to my liking. Translation � I want more perfection 
in 2015

5. I resolve to order a Grande at Starbucks instead 
of a Venti to save money.

Translation � Watch out Starbucks a big dip in the 
stock in 2015

6. I resolve to smoke more cigars this year.

Translation � I always smoke with my friends.

7. I resolve to ask the dumb question, is it really a 
Champagne Brunch or a Sparkling Wine Brunch?

Translation � It is always a Sparkling Wine Brunch

8. I resolve to ask, is it really World 

Translation � Never World Famous, often 
people in the neighborhood don�t know 
the place.

9. I resolve to tip 10% if the service 
warrants it.

Translation - Yeah right - I know I am a 
coward when it comes to stiffing these 
waiters, even when they deserve it.

10. I resolve to cook one meal a week at 
home. Translation � One more than I am 

Bonus When ordering to-go food I will 
have my order ready before getting on the 

Please listen to Dining w/Dills Sunday at 
12 Noon AM 830 KLAA and follow his blog


TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills



 1 cup Whole Milk

 3 Tbsp (or 1 Packet) Active Yeast

 . cup Sugar

 1 tsp Salt

 2 Eggs, well beaten

 3. cups Flour

 . cup Melted Shortening, not oil

 Cooking Spray


 4 Tbsp Butter

 1 cup Brown Sugar

 . cup Light Corn Syrup

 1 cup Chopped Pecans, chopped



 2 Tbsp Butter, melted

 . cup Brown Sugar

 2 tsp Cinnamon


1. Heat whole milk in the microwave for 1 minute. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a bread hook, or a large 
mixing bowl, place yeast, sugar and salt, stir. Add hot milk and allow to sit for approximately 10 minutes, or until 
yeast has activated, bloomed and smells fragrant.

2. Stir in well beaten eggs and then half of the the flour. Mix with the bread hook until mixture is fully incorporated 
and dough drapes off of the hook. You can also use a large wooden mixing spoon. Stir in melted shortening 
and then remaining flour. Continue to knead with the bread hook or hands until dough is smooth and elastic, 
approximately 3-5 minutes.

3. Roll dough into a ball and place into a large, well buttered mixing bowl. Turn once to cover all exterior with 
butter. Cover with a damp kitchen towel and set aside to rise for 30 minutes. Dough will double in size.

4. While dough rises, make the butterscotch topping. Place butter, brown sugar and corn syrup in a small sauce 
pan. Melt over low heat, sitting occasionally. It is very important that the mixture does not reach a boil, or even a 
simmer. Stir until brown sugar is dissolved and fully incorporated. Spray a 9.13 rectangular baking dish or two 
9-inch circular pie plates with cooking spray. Pour mixture evenly into the bottom of the dish(es). Sprinkle with 
pecans. Allow butterscotch topping to cool while you roll the dough.

5. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll into a rectangle, approximately 14.22 inches. Mix brown 
sugar and cinnamon in a small mixing bowl. Brush melted butter over dough and sprinkle evenly with cinnamon-
sugar mixture.

6. Roll dough tightly from the short end. Using a sharp knife, cut into 12 equal slices. Place slices directly on top of 
butterscotch topping (either all 12 in the 9.13 or 6 and 6 in pie plates). Cover with a damp kitchen towel and allow 
to rise for an additional 30 minutes.

7. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes. If the tops start to brown, loosely lay a piece of 
aluminum foil over top.

8. Remove and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Now is the tricky part, you have to flip this bad boy onto a large platter. 
Choose a serving dish that is larger than your cookware. Be careful not to burn yourself. Serve immediately and 
enjoy your Old Fashioned Butterscotch Pecan Rolls (Sticky Buns).


Note: If you get the butterscotch topping on your counter tops, floor, etc, allow to cool and you should be able 
to easily peel it off. Not that I know from experience or anything�. Heirloom recipes are held near and dear 
to everyone�s heart. This recipe hails from my great Aunt Beverly. If you mention Great Aunt Beverly to either, 
their first association is these glorious, pecan crusted sweet rolls and the response always contains a hint of 