Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 18, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 7

Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 18, 2015 



Last week, LabLaunch Monrovia welcomed their first two tenants to Monrovia. 
Korva Labs ( and Drywired, LLC (
both moved into the science / technology incubator facility located at 605 EastHuntington Drive, Suite 103, and there are several additional companies thatare scheduled to move in during the coming months.

LabLaunch Monrovia is a 501c3 non-profit corporation dedicated toproviding affordable, accessible lab space for the life science entrepreneursof the Los Angeles area, and they have articulated how excited they are to beable to work in a location as outstanding as Monrovia. Once fully operational,
their facility will offer a number of specialized workspaces for startup biotech /
science based businesses, including: 

-Chemical biology
- Biosafety-level 2+ cell culture
- Microbiology
- The only clinical Good Manufacturing Process (cGMP) suite in an incubatorfacility anywhere in the world
These unique capabilities will serve as a major draw for life science startupsfrom across the Southern California area and beyond, and could serve as agame-changing development in our efforts to bring to Monrovia high-growth /
high-tech businesses that are set to thrive in the 21st Century.

The establishment of the incubator facility has involved coordinationand support from a number of entities, including the team at LabLaunchMonrovia, Samuelson Fetter, and the City. As part of our discussions duringthe past several months, and in accordance with one of our key strategic goals,
staff has had multiple discussions with LabLaunch Monrovia regarding theestablishment of closer ties between the City and their operation. To that end,
we have discussed the possibility of the City being provided with a seat on theLabLaunch Monrovia Board of Directors to ensure that the City’s interests arewell represented as the overall biotech / science / technology platform continues 
to grow.

Based on those discussions, LabLaunch Monrovia has expressed an interestin serving as a resource for professional development and career advancementfor the Monrovia community. They have been working with staff on developingan overall dedicated Open Lab that could allow groups from local schools andyouth organizations to learn skills in biological sciences far beyond what isgenerally available in formal secondary education. In addition, beginning inthe Fall 2015, we have also discussed the possibility of establishing an overallinternship program whereby a small number of exceptional year students couldapply for internships at the facility to learn industry-relevant biology lab skills.

Additional information about LabLaunch Monrovia can be viewed on 
their website ( that is now up and running. Based on thedevelopment of the working relationship between the City and LabLaunchMonrovia, we plan on bringing forward an overall partnership proposal for CityCouncil consideration at our next meeting on July 21, 2015. At that time, Dr.
Llewellyn Cox, CEO of LabLaunch Monrovia, will also be giving a presentationabout their overall plans at their incubator facility moving froward. 

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 421 serviceevents, resulting in 64 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimes reported,
go to for crime mapping.
For Police Department news and information, visit our website and follow us onTwitter. 

Residential Burglary July 6 at 5:49 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the200 block of East Maple. The night before, the victim closed his automatic garagedoor and went into his house. He thought it had closed all the way, but at 7:00 a.m.
the next morning, he walked outside and saw the garage door was partially open,
with enough room for someone to crawl underneath. He closed it all the way andwent to work. When he returned home from work, he opened his garage doorand noticed several car batteries and a hydraulic fuel pump had been stolen. Heimmediately called the police. The investigation is continuing. 

Drug Paraphernalia/Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested July 7 at 1:21 a.m.,
an officer was on patrol in the 500 block of South Myrtle when he saw a malesubject loitering around a bank’s ATM machines; however, he was not usingthe machines. The male had a bandana covering his face and he was sweating,
appearing suspicious. The officer contacted the subject, who told the officer hewas stealing electricity from the bank by charging his cell phone in their outsideelectrical outlet. The subject was showing signs of being under the influence of acontrolled substance, so the officer conducted a drug evaluation. He was arrestedfor being under the influence, and he was found to be in possession of an almostempty baggy of methamphetamine and a used, glass smoking pipe. 

Park Closed – Citations Issued July 7 at 2:08 a.m., an officer was patrolling a parkin the 500 block of South Mountain and located two male subjects camping outand sleeping after the park closed. Signs were posted notifying the subjects thatthe park was closed; they were both issued citations and asked to leave the park.
Grand Theft Auto July 7 at 4:38 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 600block of West Huntington Drive. The vehicle is a 2015, Chevy Camaro and wasstolen from a business parking lot. The victim saw the vehicle being driven awayby a male suspect, but did not realize the car was hers until she found that hervehicle was gone from where she had parked it. The investigation is continuing. 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 7 at 10:28 p.m., officers responded to a marketin the 400 block of West Foothill regarding a male subject who was causing adisturbance in the parking lot with store customers. When the officers arrived,
a computer check revealed the male had two outstanding warrants for his arrest.
The male subject was arrested and taken into custody for the warrants. 

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol – Suspect Arrested July 10 at 120 a.m.,
officers were in the area of Shamrock and Colorado when they heard a male andfemale arguing. The female was walking and the male was driving his vehiclenet to her, yelling at her. The officers stopped the male subect in the vehicle andthrough investigation determined he was intoicated. He was arrested for driving 
under the influence and taken into custody. Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 10at 820 a.m., an officer conducted a warrant service at a location in the 800 block 
of l Dorado. Per the authority of the warrant, the officer located and arrested the 

suspect. The suspect was taken into custody and held until his court appearance. 

Grand Theft Auto July 10 at 95 a.m., an officer responded to the 00 block of oothillon the report of a stolen vehicle. The vehicle stolen is a 2000, burgundy Saturn. Thevictim allowed an acquaintance to spend the night at his home. When he wokeup the following morning, his vehicle and car keys were missing the acquaintancewas also gone. The investigation is continuing. 

Welfare Check/Juvenile No-Bail Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 10 at 100a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 00 block of Monrovista onthe request for a welfare check of an unreported, missing female uvenile. Uponarrival, the female uvenile was located and returned to her father. A second uvenile 
at the location was discovered to have a no-bail warrant for his arrest. The officer 
arrested the uvenile and took him into custody for the warrant. The uvenile waslater taken to Juvenile Hall for housing. 

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested July 10 at 5 p.m., police responded to afamily disturbance at a residence in the 1500 block of South Magnolia. A 16-yearold 
boy at the location called police and reported that his parents were arguing. Theofficer arrived and arrested the husband. The female subect had visible inuries to 
her face and arms. The suspect was held pending his court appearance date and anemergency protective order was issued. Driving Under the Influence of 

Alcohol/Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested July 10 at 18 p.m., officers respondedto the 200 block of South Mountain on the report of a vehicle that was parkedand appeared to be emitting smoke. Upon questioning, the subect admitted torunning into a pole at a fast food restaurant. The investigation revealed the driverwas intoicated he was arrested and held for sobering. The suspect was later releasedwith a citation to appear in court. 

Residential Burglary July 10 at 11 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 500 blockof West Hillcrest regarding a residential burglary. The resident left for severalhours and returned to find her home ransacked. The unknown suspects madeentry through an unlocked side door. The investigation is continuing. Vehicle 
Burglary July 11 at 1259 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 00 block ofSouth Myrtle. orced entry was made into the vehicle and a cell phone charger andbattery pack were taken. The investigation is continuing. 

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol – Suspect Arrested July 11 at 125 a.m.,
an officer stopped a vehicle for a vehicle code violation. Investigation revealed thedriver was intoicated and he was arrested. The driver was found to have four priorconvictions for DUI, which made this arrest a felony. The suspect was held untilhis court appearance. 

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested July 11 at 00 p.m., anofficer was on patrol in the 600 block of South Shamrock and observed a subectin the park sitting on a bench with a broken glass methamphetamine pipe on theground in front of him. The subect denied knowledge of the broken pipe however,
he was found to be in possession of another methamphetamine pipe. The suspectwas arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. 


By Joan Schmidt

Groups. (I apologize for any group ILast November Bob and I attended 

the Retirement Party for Monrovia

The Mass was beautiful-Father 
Police Lieutenant Zeke Cerecerez. 

Patrick Kirsch officiated. Police Chief Jim 
I wrote a column, marveling at his

Hunt eulogized Zeke, tracing his careeraccomplishments-besides close to 

through the ranks doing everything-
thirty years in law enforcement, he had

bike patrol, patrol officer, K-9 handler,
been a Navy Seal, a stint in the Army, a

detective, sergeant and retired as apsychology degree, drill instructor at Rio

Lieutenant. He was part of their SWATHondo Academy, and Desert Storm.

Team and SET, both as an officer and 
Last week, prior to Supervisor

sergeant. Zeke and the Chief workedAntonovich’s Meeting with the City of

patrol many hours. Zeke spoke of AvaMonrovia, Police Chief Jim Hunt gave

and his sons-he was so proud of them.
me very sad news-Zeke had passed away

He loved his family, God and his country.
suddenly the day before. How could this

Chief also spoke of how conscientiousbe possible? Chief Hunt said Zeke was

Zeke was. Officer Glenn Coleman asked 
the most physically fit of all the MPD personnel. At Zeke’sZeke to be his mentor when Glenn was taking a specialEulogy, he told of a special Training Class, doing push-course. Zeke actually attended all classes although heups wearing 50 pounds of gear. Officers half his age couldwasn’t getting credit just to help Glenn.
barely do the minimum; Zeke surpassed them by twice theAt his retirement party, Zeke told us that he wouldn’t beamount! where he was or able to accomplish what he did if it weren’t

I could fill ten pages telling about this extraordinaryfor the love and support of his devoted wife Ava and theirman who I knew 25+ years, but I will just explain how hesons. None of us can imagine their grief.
was remembered. At the Church, I saw many retired Monrovia PD

There was a Rosary Sunday evening and his son Markpersonnel including Chief Joe Santoro, Matron Jane Millet,
spoke of what a great father he was. Tuesday was theCaptain Don Lacher, Lieutenant Rick Miglia, Detectivefuneral service-a beautiful Mass at Saint Peter and Saint Carlos Calderon, Officers Stacey Henry,Dottie Pershey,
Paul in Alta Loma. All of Monrovia PD personnel attendedBill Couch , and Chris Rawlings- to name a few.
because Arcadia PD covered for MPD. Great camaraderie I also need to mention Retired Chief Bill and Darlene 
exists among law enforcement at sad times. (IrwindaleTubbs, Tom Wright and Phil Nelson. Distance preventedPOA did the beautiful monument of Live Oak Ave.)their attendance but Ava and the entire Cerecerez familyAmong the beautiful floral arrangements for Zeke was onewere in their thoughts and prayers.
from Arcadia POA. After the funeral Mass, a Police Motorcade led the 

An Honor Guard extended down the steps of theprocession to Riverside National Cemetery, where ZekeChurch onto the sidewalk quite a distance, including allwas laid to rest with full military honors.
of Monrovia PD personnel, as well as representatives fromFather Kirsch said it best, though Zeke lived only 
Arcadia, Azusa, Fontana, El Monte, Monterey Park, South63 years, he packed so much in that short time…and 
Pasadena, and LA County, San Bernardino County, Tularethe greater the love, the greater the pain. RIP Zeke-you 
County Sheriff’s Departments, California Highway Patrol,were greatly loved and admired; you will be greatly 
the Army Reserve, Coast Guard, Navy, and Veterans missed. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: