Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 5, 2016

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Mountain View News Saturday, November 5, 2016 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis

“Ezekiel cried, “Dem dry bones!”
Ezekiel cried, “Dem dry bones!”
Ezekiel cried, “Dem dry bones!”
“Oh, hear the word of the Lord.”
The foot bone connected to the leg bone,
The leg bone connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone connected to the back bone,
The back bone connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone connected to the head bone,
“Oh, hear the word of the Lord!”

I’m sure you’ve come across Ezekiel 37 in the 
Old Testament a time or two in your life when 
God took Ezekiel down into the valley of the 
dry bones and told him to “Prophesy to these 
bones!” So Ezekiel did and next thing you know, 
dem old bones came to life and became a vast 
army. And, of course, you’ve sung this song 
about dry bones, written by African-American 
author and composer, James Weldon Johnson, 
somewhere around 1928. The reason I’m bring 
all these dry bones to mind is because that 
valley of dry bones was pretty much what Sierra 
Madre looked like these last Halloween days. 
Skeletons everywhere you cast your eyes! And 
spiders! The Giant Spider Store must be totally 
sold out as there were giant spiders on just about 
every fence and wall in town. It’s so neat the way 
our town does its scary best to make Halloween 
a noteworthy event. 

 Walking Sierra Madre...The Social Side is 
giving awards to a bunch of folks for creating 
amazing Halloween décor.

 First Prize: Bud Switzer for one incredibly 
carved pumpkin – Bud started it all a number of 
years ago with hundreds of amazing pumpkins 
carved by Bud and son, Kevin, set out all along 
his fence and driveway. He is still unmatched 
for scary, happy, silly, pumpkin faces.

 Best Use of Pumpkins: The Parkers, who outdid 
themselves this year with more creative uses of 
pumpkins, grown themselves, than anyone could 
have imagined; including this Cinderella coach 
(pictured) drawn by three angry looking cats. 
This year’s Snagon (snake-dragon) had the best 
face and the longest body ever!

 Best Depiction of El Dia de los Muertos: Javier 
and Erica Catanses, for huge day-glo skulls and 
creatures and a Dodgers skeleton sitting on the 
bench by the sidewalk. Additional gratitude and 
recognition to Javier for cleaning up the street 
with his push broom.

Best Building of Effects: Craig and Lisa 
Cardella for that cute little house he built in 
one afternoon. Cutest kids costumes, too, Lisa, 
Violet, Fay, Avery and Charlotte.

 Best Graveyards: Susan Blakeslee and Shawn 
Blakeslee, with best sayings on tombstones.

 Best Scary Movie Theme: Bates Motel, with 
black crows on the fence and signs saying, 
“We’re dying to meet you!”

 Best Window Art: All the kids who painted 
the windows downtown...and all the merchants 
who let them.

 We’ve survived another one, friends and 
neighbors. A splendid time was had by all and, 
judging from the number of candy wrappers still 
decorating the town, our local dentists will soon 
be filling cavities by the score. Hope you got lots 
of Milk Duds, Dots and Three Musketeers! 

 My book page: Deanne Davis


 “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of 
Laughter” is available there…

 As are all the Emma Gainsworth Pumpkin 

 Follow me on Twitter, too! https://twitter.


During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police 
Department responded to approximately 144 day and 
night time calls for service.

Tuesday, October 25

At about 5:50 p.m., Sierra Madre PD conducted 
an investigation into the violation of a court order 
regarding a child custody case.

 Case referred to DA’s office for filing consideration.

Thursday, October 27

Officers and Detectives responded to a late reported 
sexual assault investigation that was reported at 
approximately 6:34 a.m.

The investigation is ongoing.

Saturday, October 30

An alleged act of vandalism was reported in the 700 
block of Idlehour Drive at about 7:35 a.m. An orange 
was thrown against the house, without causing any 
damage to the residence.

No further action required.

Sunday, October 30

At about 4:15 p.m. officers were dispatched to the 200 
block of Rancho Rd., regarding a residential burglary. The 
investigation revealed that unknown suspect(s) entered the 
rear yard of the residence and smashed the rear bedroom 
window and made entry into the home. Many personal 
items were stolen from two ransacked rooms.

Case to Detectives.

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