The World Around Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 18, 2017 DOES OUR SOLAR SYSTEM HAVE AN UNDISCOVERED PLANET? YOU CAN HELP ASTRONOMERS FIND OUT Arizona State University astronomer Adam Schneider and his colleagues are hunting for an elusive object lost in space between our Sun and the nearest stars. They are asking for your help in the search, using a new citizen-science website. Astronomers have found evidence for a ninth planet in our solar system. The evidence comes from studying the orbits of objects in the solar system’s Kuiper Belt. This is a zone of comet-like bodies orbiting the Sun out beyond the orbit of Neptune. The Kuiper Belt is similar to the asteroid belt that circles the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, but it lies dozens of times farther out. This hypothetical Planet 9 could be similar in size to Neptune, but it may orbit up to a thousand times farther away from the Sun than the Earth does. So while astronomers can see its effects on the Kuiper Belt objects, no one has yet observed Planet 9 directly. “If it exists, Planet 9 could be large—maybe 10 times the mass of Earth but orbiting far out beyond the Kuiper Belt,” says Schneider, a postdoctoral researcher in ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration. In addition to searching for a distant planet orbiting the Sun, this new project will help astronomers identify the Sun’s nearest neighbors outside of our solar system. “There are just over four light-years between Neptune and Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, and much of this vast territory is unexplored,” says the lead researcher for Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, Marc Kuchner, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Astronomers expect the Sun’s neighborhood will contain many low-mass objects called brown dwarfs. These emit very little light at visible wavelengths, but instead glow dimly with infrared—i.e., heat— radiation. So how do astronomers find such objects in space? That’s where you can contribute, using a website that enlists the help of citizen scientists. It’s called Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 [http://], and it uses images taken by NASA’s WISE space telescope. WISE, which stands for Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, was launched in late 2009, and it has mapped the entire sky several times during the last seven years. WISE detects infrared light, the kind of light emitted by objects at room temperature, like planets and brown dwarfs. This sensitivity to infrared light makes WISE uniquely suited for discovering Planet 9, if it exists. But there’s a snag: Images from WISE have captured nearly 750 million individual sources in the sky. Doubtlessly among these lurk the elusive brown dwarfs and possibly Planet 9. The question is how to sift through the data and identify them. The trick to finding these needles in haystacks of WISE data is to look for something in motion. Planetary objects and brown dwarfs roaming near the Sun can appear to move across the sky, leaving other celestial objects such as background stars and galaxies, which lie immensely far away, apparently fixed in place. So the best hope for discovering these worlds is to systematically scan infrared images of the sky, searching for objects that move. Automated searches for moving objects in the WISE data have already proven successful, but computerized searches are often overwhelmed by image artifacts—visual noise—especially in crowded parts of the sky. As Schneider explains, “People who join in the Backyard Worlds search bring a unique skill to the search: the human ability to recognize movement.” For instructions on joining the program, see the Backyard Worlds website, http://backyardworlds. org You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges TO LOVE YOUR DOG I’LL DO IT FIRST THING TOMORROW [Nyerges is the author of such books as “Extreme Simplicity,” “Self-Sufficient Home,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and others. Information about his classes and books is available from Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance. com.] Sometimes in the morning, I listen to Dennis Prager on the radio talking about everything under the sun. Not long ago, he spent the morning having a discussion with listeners who called in about the love of their dog. Some loved their dog more than other people, and some said that while they loved their dog a lot, they placed people ahead of dogs. It was an interesting discussion, where Prager asked questions and listened, and, tried to find personal clarity on the issue of love of dogs. As Prager often says, he’s far more interested in obtaining clarity on an issue than getting others to agree with him. At the end of the show, Prager concluded that people who have a great love for dogs do so only because they haven’t developed the ability to love people. They, therefore – according to Prager’s conclusion – are loving dogs as a second-best to loving people, because they lack, or haven’t developed, the ability to love other humans. Though Prager conclusion could be right in some of the cases, I knew it was incorrect. I am one of the dog lovers, and yet I do not regard myself deficient in the art of loving other humans. I think the reason that Prager came to this conclusion is most likely because he has never developed a close relationship with a dog. (However, I am just speculating on that point). Dog are such unique beings that there is absolutely no reason why people cannot have deep relationships and deep love for their dog, without sacrificing love for other humans. In fact, I see no reason why the inquiry must be framed that way at all! In every case where I had a pet dog, the regarded the dog as a part of the family. I talked to the dog. I got to know its idiosyncracies. I learned that dogs are just like people. There are some generalizations that you can make about all dogs, and yet, each is an individual, with their own preferences, and fears, and food likes and dislikes, and patterns of behavior. I think it was W.C. Fields who said you cannot fool dogs and children. This is because neither has the ability to lie or be deceitful. Furthermore, dogs have the ability to detect as aspect of human nature that lies just beneath the surface which other humans usually don’t detect, or choose not to. For example, I have often wondered why my dog will growl at one visitor to my home, but will be happy and playful with everyone else. What is the dog detecting? Even more, shouldn’t I be listening to what my dog is telling me by that growl? Once when I was driving along a busy street in the business district, my dog Ramah suddenly perked up and zoomed in on one man who was jogging. She began to wildly and angrily bark at that one man. Why? What did Ramah see, or smell, or detect, in that man which I did not? Whatever it was, you’d be wise to observe what your dog notes, and don’t ignore it. I had a dog who lived with me when I lived alone, and since he was an older dog, my schedule was always worked around him. I never stayed out too late, because he came in from his penned yard and came inside with me at night. I tended to his feeding and washed him. He was very much like a child. I developed a close and loving relationship with this dog – he was a purple ribbon pit bull named Cassius Clay. I began to study Beatrice Lydeckers book, “What the Animals Tell Me,” and I began to apply her principles of animal communication. All of this was a very revealing and insightful journey as I began to learn what it was like to think like a dog, and to attempt to view the world through his senses. And I felt such a great pain of loss when he died in my arms one Sunday evening. And yet, none of that in any way deprived me of any deep human relationships. If anything, this enhanced my relationships at the time, and allowed me to have even better relationships than I would have otherwise. Cassius Clay taught me to be a better person! I will continue to listen to the broadcasts of Dennis Prager on the radio in the morning, because he is a deep thinker who seeks the answers to some of life’s most fundamental issues. But in this case about dogs, I encourage Prager to get to know a canine more intimately, and he’ll realize that love of humans never needs to suffer just because you also love a dog! You would think being a husband as long as I have been I would have learned the fine art of negotiating with my wife. And trust me, it is an artistic creation. When I got married, somebody told me that marriage was a 50-50 proposition, which being the naïve young man that I was, believed it entirely. The problem I have discovered is that 50 from a man’s point of view may not necessarily be 50 from a woman’s point of view. If I knew then what I know now, I would have asked that person to define what they meant by 50. Through the years, I discovered that at times it is a 25-75 split. Other times it is a 0-100. Nobody can be 100% right all the time unless of course they are married to a husband. When men get together, they talk about sports, hunting, cars and so forth. When women get together, they talk about how to deal with their husbands. I know it does not sound fair, but then it is our fault as men for not getting our act together. Although, I must admit that at this point in my life I do not have any regrets. The only thing that I have trouble with is the word “tomorrow.” I am not quite sure what that word means from my wife’s perspective. From my perspective, the word “tomorrow” is just a way of putting something off and possibly not even doing it. I never really thought anything of it until recently. To me the word “tomorrow” was just a casual word I used to postpone things. It was not until last week that it really came to the forefront. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage asked me to do something for her. I was really busy at the time, I’m not sure what I was busy doing, but I was not paying too much attention. I smiled at her and said, “Okay.” Then, I went back to doing whatever I was doing. The next day she approached me and said, “Did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?” I really was not quite up to date on what she asked me to do yesterday, but I said, “No, but I’ll do it tomorrow.” To be fair, I actually forgot about it. I did not mean to forget about it, but it does not change the fact that I forgot about it. The next day she queried me rather sternly, “Did you do what I asked you to do the other day?” At this point I was marinating in that husband fog that seems to plague every husband and so I said, “No, but I’ll do it first thing tomorrow for sure.” If I thought that was the end of the conversation, I was thinking in vain. “Today,” she said as sternly as I have ever heard her speak, “is the tomorrow you promise to do it.” Now I am swimming in that husband fog. How in the world can today be tomorrow? At this point, I did not know if she was confused or if I was confused. To keep things safe, I will admit to being the one confused. “Yesterday,” she began explaining, “you said that tomorrow you would do the task I asked you to do. Well,” she continued, “this is that tomorrow!” For the life of me, I could not understand why today was actually tomorrow. Then she said something along the line that tomorrow would actually be today. What I want to know is, is today tomorrow or is tomorrow today? By this time I was so confused I had forgotten what she had asked me to do. My dilemma was, do I confess to her I had forgotten and ask her to remind me what she wanted me to do? Or, should I promise to do it tomorrow? As you can imagine, the latter was completely off the table. I had to humble myself and ask her most sorrowfully, “I’m sorry, what did you ask me to do?” With both hands on her hips, she stared at me and said, “That’s exactly what I thought. You weren’t listening to me the first time, were you?” Getting back to that 50-50 split; it is now 0-100 split. I am at the 0 and she is 100% right. The art of negotiating with your wife begins by humbling yourself and saying that you are wrong. Nobody wants to say that, but that is where everything begins. I must confess that I do not always hear everything and even what I do hear it does not really register, as it should. I tried to use the old excuse that I am too old and I forget. However, as you might imagine, that really does not work. After explaining to me what she wanted me to do, I went off to do it. While I was on my way to accomplish that which I had put off till tomorrow a verse seemed to reverberate in my mind. It was the apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians where he said, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). If I am going to think something through carefully I need to hear what is being said, especially who is saying it. I hope I learned my lesson that today is the tomorrow I kicked down the road yesterday. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is See our issues online on your mobile DEVICE! at SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015VOLUME 9 NO. 20Inside this week: PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 6ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7FOOD & DRINKARTS Pg. 11OPINION Pg. 15THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 14CALENDAR Pg. 2SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3/4EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 10LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 15GOOD LIFE Pg. 13HEALTHY LIVING Pg. 12MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7BEST FRIENDS Pg. 9SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 8Sierra Madre, CA. - On Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 04:00 AM a resident on Grove Lane heard noises in the front of his residence. The resident looked out the window and observed a suspect breaking into his vehicle. The resident went outside and confronted the suspect, who was now inside his vehicle, and a brief struggle ensued. The suspect had a large silver object in his hand which the resident felt was a gun. Fearing for his safety the resident backed away from the suspect allowing the suspect flee southbound to a dark colored SUV. As the SUV pulled up another suspect ran out of the residence south of the original victims and fled to the vehicle. Within minutes of the original call officers spotted the dark colored SUV traveling at a high rate of speed southbound on Baldwin from Sierra Madre Blvd. A high risk traffic stop was conducted and three suspects were detained without incident. Stolen property and narcotics were located inside the vehicle. Police Chief Larry Giannone said “we discourage residents from confronting suspects for their safety but are glad the victim is okay. The quick response from the officers was instrumental in apprehending these suspects and recovering the victim’s property”. Police located additional property in the vehicle and will be attempting to identify other victims. The three suspects are gang members and have lengthy arrest records. All three suspects reside in El Monte and were booked at the Pasadena City Jail. Bail for each is set at $50,000. SUSPECTS ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPT ROBBERY AND POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTYJesus Rojas (20) Geovany Martinez (19) Aaron Vazquez (33) There are many reasons why city of Sierra Madre is considered a great place to live. Certainly, its’ village character is one reason. Our independence is another. We have excellent schools and our own police and fire departments. We have our own library. We have our own grocery store, hardware store, auto repair shops, coffee shops, florists, restaurants and much more. However, if a survey were taken today, you would probably find that most residents consider safety their number one priority. And, according to a recent survey released by, Sierra Madre ranks No. 24 in the top 50 cities in the State of California and, based upon the survey’s findings, it is the safest city in the San Gabriel Valley! There are 482 cities in California that 38 million residents call home. Safewise examined those cities with populations over 10,000 and evaluated recent FBI Crime Report data. and compiled a list of the 50 safest cities based upon the incidents of crime compared to the national average. “From there, we determined the number of Violent Crimes, which are considered murder, aggravated assault, robbery and forcible rape, as well as Property Crimes, consisting of burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, and larceny-theft that were reported in each city. Then, to create a level playing field and make it easy to compare crime rates among several cities, we calculated the chance of these crimes happening out of 1,000 people. “The average violent crime rate among our safest cities was 1.12 per 1,000 people, and the average property crime rate was 11.32 per 1,000 people. That means the average safe city listed below experienced 70 percent less violent crime and 60 percent less property crime than the typical U.S. city. We were particularly impressed to discover that 42 of California’s 50 safest cities (84 percent) reported no murders. And the safest city on our list, Hillsborough, reported no incidents of violent crime whatsoever.” Sierra Madre has had no murders and ranks well below the national average when in comes to crime. In the report, this is attribute to the use of technology by the SMPD. Other San Gabriel Valley Cities that make the top 50 list are: Temple City - No. 37; La Canada Flintridge – 43 and La Puente – 46. The incorporated cities and unincorporated neighborhoods of the San Gabriel Valley with a population over 10,000 include: Altadena, Alhambra, Arcadia, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Citrus, Covina, Diamond Bar, Duarte, East Pasadena, El Monte, Glendora, Hacienda Heights, Hillgrove, Irwindale, La Cañada Flintridge, La Puente Monrovia, Monterey Park, Pasadena, Rosemead, Rowland Heights, San Gabriel, San Marino, Sierra Madre, South El Monte, South Pasadena, South San Gabriel, South San Jose Hills, Temple City, Valinda, Vincent, Walnut, West Covina and West Puente Valley. S. Henderson/MVNewsSIERRA MADRE: - 24th Safest Statewide of Cities With Populations of 10,000 or more. Topped ranked San Gabriel Valley City24. SIERRA MADREYou’ll find the safe city of Sierra Madre 13 miles south of Los Angeles. For roughly a century, the Sierra Madre Police Department has worked with citizens to keep the community a safe place to settle. Leveraging the latest technology, the department uses the free online service CrimeReports to give residents insight into what types of crime are happening in their community. In all, the safe city cited only 13 violent crimes for the year and only five other cities on our list reported fewer forcible rapes and fewer robberies. Violent Crimes per 1,000: 1.17Property Crimes per 1,000: 11.67www.safewise.comBARTOLAI’S NAMED 4TH OF JULY GRAND MARSHALSThe volunteers of the Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee are pleased and excited to announce that the 2015 Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshal will be Sierra Madre’s very own Nina and Clem Bartolai. “The Grand Marshal is a person or persons whose efforts over a long period of time has been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person or persons’ volume of work, dedication and overall enhancements to our community.” Nina and Clem have embodied these characteristics for years. This ultra civic Sierra Madre couple have continued to donate time and service to the Sierra Madre community for over 60 plus years. They are true examples of the Sierra Madre spirit and continue to give back today. Clem was part of the first committee in 1964/65 to plan the first 4th of July Parade/ Celebration in Sierra Madre. Clem served the community as a Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, and then in the 1980s and 90s as Mayor and Councilmember. In the 1960s he was a member of the Sierra Madre Lions Club. He is a Past President and current member of the the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club and was a founding member of the Sierra Madre Community Foundation. Nina has served on the Senior Community Commission for over six years and has been a member of the Priscilla’s since 1997. Throughout the years both Clem & Nina have been active with the Sierra Madre Rose Float Assoc. Historical Society, SMEAC and Friends of the Library. There isn’t a civic cause or local group they haven’t helped with. Together they are committed to making the town of Sierra Madre the community we treasure today. The Bartolais are Sierra Madreans that make a difference. For more information on all of the 4th of July Festivities, please visit www. COMMUNITY INPUT SOUGHT TO HELP BALANCE SIERRA MADRE’S BUDGET With the reduction of revenue for the next fiscal year, July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and the reality that Sierra Madre cannot sustain the level of services it currently provides, Mayor John Capoccia, Councilwoman Rachelle Arizmendi led one of many outreach efforts to solicit input from the community as to how the council should balance next year’s budget. On Tuesday, the presentation made to the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club asked residents to review the city’s financial situations and let their elected officials know what services were most important to them; what services should be cut; suggest ways to increase city revenue and ideas on how to address the current situation. The Mayor noted that the city does have healthy reserves, however those funds are needed for emergencies such as the fires of 2008 or the windstorm on 2011. In each instance, because of the size of our town and other factors, the city had to pay a portion (and for certain items all) of the funds needed to repair the damages done. The current decrease in revenue, which is projected to be approximately $600,000 for the next fiscal year and as much as an additional $1 million for the 2016-2017 fiiscal year is the direct result of the failure of residents to pass the Utility User Tax modification in 2014. The current UUT will decrease to 8% for the 2015- 16 fiscal year and 6% the following year. Had the ballot measure passed, the rate would have remained where it is today, at 10%. The presentation focuses of the city’s general fund, the unrestricted revenue that operates Sierra Madre. Services Provided by the General FundCommunity Services - Senior Services: lunch program, fitness classes, bingo, movies, health screenings, legal services, and excursions | Parks & Facilities: six parks and two community centers | Community Garden | Community Newsletter | Coordinating Council | Special Event Permits | Contract Services: Aquatics, Recreation Classes, After School Youth Programs | Special Events: Huck Finn, MWTR, 4th of July, Summer Fun in the Park, Concerts in the Park, Movies in the Park, Halloween | Staff the Community Services & Senior Community Commissions(continued on page 4) TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES (In thousands, with transfers) We'd like to hear from you! What's on your mind? Contact us at: or AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||