Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 4, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:4



Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 4, 2017 

Symphony presents 
Musical Tour of Europe

Board Seeks Community 
Input on South Pasadena 
Middle School Gymnasium

Golden Streets 626 Route Closures

Principal Guest Conductor 
Nicholas McGegan returns to 
lead the Pasadena Symphony 
at Ambassador Auditorium 
on Saturday March 18 with 
a European tour of musical 
masterpieces featuring Felix 
Mendelssohn’s Scottish 
Symphony, inspired by the 
picturesque and romantic 
landscapes of the north along 
with Schubert’s Overture in 
the Italian Style. Virtuoso 
violinist Rachel Barton Pine 
will transport you to the 
exotic with Mozart’s Turkish 
Violin Concerto No. 5 with 
performances at 2 p.m. and 8 

 This concert marks Pine’s debut 
with the Pasadena Symphony. 
Heralded as a leading 
interpreter of the great classical 
masterworks, international 
concert violinist Rachel thrills 
audiences with her dazzling 
technique, lustrous tone and 
emotional honesty. With an 
infectious joy in music-making 
and a passion for connecting 
historical research to 
performance, Pine transforms 
audiences’ experiences of 
classical music. Her informed 
historical approach to musical 
interpretations makes a 
perfect pairing with Nicholas 
McGegan’s brand as the 
definitive interpreter of the 
Baroque and Classical style.

 To learn more about the music 
join us for Insights – a free pre-
concert dialogue with Nicholas 
McGegan, which begins one 
hour prior to each performance. 
Patrons who plan to arrive 
early can also enjoy a drink 
or a dinner in the lively Sierra 
Auto Symphony Lounge, offers 
uniquely prepared menus from 
Claud &Co for both lunch and 
dinner, a full bar and fine wines 
by Michero Family Wines, plus 
music before the concert and 
during intermission.

 All Symphony Classics concerts 
take place at Ambassador 
Auditorium, 131 S. St. John 
Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105 
with matinee and evening 
performances at 2:00pm and 
8:00pm. Subscription packages 
start at $99; regular individually 
priced tickets start at $35 and 
may be purchased online at 
or by calling (626) 793-7172.

 Valet parking is available 
on Green Street for $15. 
General parking is available 
in two locations: next to the 
Auditorium (entrance on 
St. John Ave) at the covered 
parking structure for $10 and 
directly across the street at the 
Wells Fargo parking structure 
(entrance on Terrace at Green 
St). ADA parking is located at 
the above-ground parking lot 
adjacent to the Auditorium 
(entrance on St. John Ave.) for 
$10. Parking purchased onsite 
is cash only.

Route closures go into full effect by 7:00 a.m. Sections of route fully 
closed to automobiles will begin to re-open to vehicular traffic at 
3 p.m. Exceptions include the Mission St. hub between Fremont 
and Meridian in South Pasadena (closed until 5pm), Duarte Rd. 
between Village and Highland in Duarte (closed until 4pm), and 
1st Street in Arcadia (closed until 3pm). 

The following streets will be temporarily closed.

Mission St. (South Pasadena) - full closure from Meridian to 

Garfield Ave (South Pasadena) - full closure from Mission St. to 
Huntington Drive

Huntington Dr.(San Marino-LA County) - full closure of 
northside-westbound lanes from Garfield Ave to Sunset Ave.

Michillinda Ave (LA County) - full closure from Huntington 
Drive to Colorado Blvd

Colorado Blvd (LA County/Arcadia) - full closure Michillinda to 
Santa Anita Ave; limited local resident access between Princeton 
and Santa Rosa; resident access from 1st St. to 2nd St.

1st St (Arcadia) - full closure from Colorado Blvd to Santa Clara

Santa Clara Ave (Arcadia) - full closure from 1st St. to Monrovia 
border; limited resident access from 2nd St. to 3rd St.

Chesnut Ave (Monrovia) - full closure from Arcadia border to 
Magnolia Ave.

Magnolia Ave (Monrovia) - Chesnut to Pomona (limited resident 
access from Pomona to Huntington Dr)

Pomona Ave (Monrovia) - Magnolia Ave. to California Ave 
(limited resident access between California and Myrtle)

California Ave (Monrovia) - full closure from Pomona Ave. to 
Duarte Rd.

Duarte Rd (Monrovia/Duarte) - closure of northside, westbound 
lanes from California Ave to Mountain Ave. to Village Rd.; full 
closure of east and west bound lanes from Village Rd to Highland 

Highland Ave (Duarte) - full closure from Duarte Rd. to Central 

Central Ave (Duarte/Irwindale) - full closure from Highland Ave 
to Crestfield Dr.

Huntington Drive (Duarte) - closure of southside, eastbound 
lanes from Crestfield to Encanto Parkway

Huntington Drive/Foothill Blvd (Irwindale) - full closure from 
Duarte border to Irwindale Ave.

Irwindale Ave (Irwindale) - closure of westside, southbound lanes 
from Foothill Blvd to Jardin de Roca

Foothill Blvd (Azusa) - closure of northside, westbound lanes 
from Irwindale Ave to Alameda

Please note that small sections of the route will remain closed to 
automobile traffic for longer periods of time to allow for extended 
hub activities and breakdown. These include:

Mission St. between Fremont and Meridian (5am-5pm) in South 

Duarte Rd. between Village and Highland (5am-3pm) in Duarte

 The South Pasadena 
Unified School District 
(SPUSD) School Board will 
conduct a public hearing 
March 14 at 6:30 p.m. 
during the board meeting 
to receive comments 
about construction related 
to the South Pasadena 
Middle School (SPMS) 
old gymnasium building. 
Specifically, the Board wants 
to hear the community’s 
perspective on repurposing 
the existing space versus 
replacing the structure. 
The future building will 
be a vibrant addition 
to the campus and will 
house a black box theater, 
instructional space for art 
classes and a lab for robotics 
and other STEM programs.

 “The Board wants to 
hear the community’s 
thoughts about whether to 
replace or reconfigure this 
building. As we come to a 
decision, multiple factors 
will be taken into account 
including architectural and 
engineering considerations, 
cost, and community input. 
We will consider all factors as 
we determine a construction 
plan for this important 
instructional space,” said 
Elisabeth Eilers, SPUSD 
School Board president.

 The structure, originally 
built as a gymnasium for 
students on the SPMS 
campus, has been partially 
retired for the past several 
years. Currently, only a 
portion of the building is 
being used due to outdated 
systems and access issues 
requiring costly updates and 
improvements. Expected 
to serve all SPMS students, 
the future structure may be 
used for community events 
as well. 

 Once the School Board 
determines direction, 
planning is expected to last 
approximately 14 months. 
Construction could begin 
as early as fall 2018, with 
completion expected 
approximately one year later.

 In addition to attending 
the public hearing at the 
SPUSD office, community 
members also may express 
opinions about this project 
electronically, through a link 
on the SPUSD website at under Information 
& Announcements or by 
mailing correspondence 
to SPUSD Superintendent 
Geoff Yantz, 1020 El Centro 
Street, South Pasadena, 
California 91030. 

Nicholas McGegan

Crowell Public 
Library Talk

Edan Epstein, Afternoon of 
the Faun

SPUSD Reaffirms Vow to a 
Safe School Environment

Wednesday, March 15: 7 pm

 In this South Pasadena 
author’s sixth novel, a man 
struggles with grief following 
the death of his charismatic 
father. His despair sends 
him on a quest to become 
completely invisible. His 
journey perversely parallels 
his father’s childhood 
struggle for survival in the 
forests of Europe at the end 
of World War II. Afternoon 
of the Faun is a lyrical tale 
of descent, survival, and 

Crowell Public Library is 
located 1890 Huntington 
Dr. For more information 
call the Library at (626) 300-

 The South Pasadena Unified 
School District (SPUSD) 
Board of Education 
approved a resolution on 
Tuesday, which underscores 
the District’s commitment 
to fostering a safe and 
healthy environment for all 
students. Illustrating the 
importance of unwavering 
values regarding the 
humanity and dignity of 
every person, the resolution 
seeks to clearly state the 
District’s commitment to 
maintaining an environment 
of acceptance, support and 
kindness for all.

 “South Pasadena Unified 
recognizes the diversity 
and worth of all students 
and is committed to 
providing equal educational 
opportunities without 
discrimination,” said 
Superintendent Geoff Yantz.

 With this resolution, 
SPUSD joins many school 
districts and the National 
Parent Teachers Association 
in clearly stating its 
inclusive values. Further, 
the resolution declares that 
schools are safe learning 
environments that welcome 
parent participation and 
that SPUSD will protect all 
rights afforded to students 
under federal and state 
law and regulations. Such 
laws and SPUSD policies 
and procedures state the 

 District personnel shall 
treat all students equitably 
in the receipt of all school 

 District personnel shall 
not inquire about a student’s 
immigration status, 
including that of family 

 Any request by Federal 
immigration officials for 
information or to access 
a school site shall be 
immediately forwarded 
to the Superintendent for 
review and a decision on 
whether to allow access to 
the site and provision of 
information ensuring the 
District compliance with 
Plyler v. Doe (1982) and 
other applicable laws; and

In its continued commitment 
to the protection of student 
privacy, SPUSD shall ensure 
that no unnecessary data is 
being collected with respect 
to students’ immigration 

 The Board of Education 
discussed and voted to 
approve the resolution 
during the recent board 
meeting. See attached file 
for complete resolution.

For more information, 
contact: South Pasadena 
Unified School District, 
Office of the Superintendent,

About South Pasadena 
Unified School District

 Established in 1886, the 
South Pasadena Unified 
School District (SPUSD) 
serves approximately 4,800 
students within five schools 
including three elementary 
schools, one middle school 
and one comprehensive high 
school in South Pasadena, 
California. Nestled in the 
West San Gabriel Valley, 
SPUSD has earned a 
reputation for providing high 
quality public education, 
attracting families who 
value challenging academic 
programs and outstanding 
teachers. Consistently 
recognized for superior 
performance, SPUSD 
students earn honors at the 
local, state and national 
level. The District draws 
vital support from parents 
and community members 
through the South Pasadena 
Educational Foundation, 
local PTAs and booster 

Forum on 
Budget and 

 The City of South Pasadena 
invites community members 
to attend a Community 
Forum March 11 on the 
City’s Budget and Priorities, 
where community 
members can participate 
in an interactive process 
to identify the projects the 
City should focus on during 
the upcoming year. Doors 
open at 8:30 a.m., and the 
program will take place from 
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

 For the second year in 
a row, the City will hold 
a Community Forum to 
engage in meaningful 
dialogue with stakeholders 
about the budget and 
competing priorities. 

 “We are very blessed in 
South Pasadena, and are on 
sound financial footing,” 
said City Treasurer Gary 
Pia, who oversees City 
investments and serves on 
the Finance Commission.

 The forum will be at 
the Library Community 
Room1115 El Centro Street 
South Pasadena.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: