Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 11, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page B:1






(New York, NY)—Amber Nelson, president of 
Lingo Consulting, Inc. based in Los Angeles, 
California, has joined Take The Lead as Leadership 
Ambassador Program Director. 

 Take The Lead is a leading women’s leadership 
nonprofit headquartered both in New York, New 
York and Scottsdale, Arizona and co-founded and 
publicly launched in 2014 by Gloria Feldt and 
Amy Litzenberger.

 Nelson’s work over the past 20 years has 
focused on helping organizations and individuals 
learn and leverage their lingo through research, 
marketing and communications consulting. Her 
company, Lingo Consulting, Inc. is devoted to 
effective communications via research, writing, 
and training. Her clients include Transamerica, 
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, General Mills, 
Boston University Alumni Association and the 
Society of Financial Service Professionals.

 At Take The Lead she will focus on deepening 
the impact and reach of the organization’s 
cornerstone Leadership Ambassador Program. 
An innovative component of the non-profit, this 
program brings highly trained entrepreneurs and 
industry experts into a wide array of businesses and 
organizations across the country. Each Leadership 
Ambassador undergoes vigorous training and 
is certified in turn to teach the organization’s 
core skill building and inspirational curriculum. 
Helping women in corporations, nonprofits and 
other organizations take their next step towards 
the C-Suite, The Leadership Ambassadors present 
carefully tested program materials in keynotes, 
seminars and webinars designed by Gloria Feldt 
and based in part on her bestselling book No 
Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How 
We Think About Power.

 “Amber’s achievements in her own business and 
her acute understanding of what challenges women 
face in the workplace have impressed us from 
the beginning,” Gloria Feldt, President and Co-
Founder of Take The Lead says. “We are looking 
forward to seeing how her keen intelligence and 
savvy marketing instincts will help us all grow this 
vital part of our programming at Take The Lead.”

 For more than 20 years, Amber Nelson has 
helped brands, businesses, and individuals find 
the right words to demonstrate their strength. She 
knows first-hand that finding your voice leads to 
exercising your power, especially for women. A 
member of the Leadership Ambassador team 
herself before this new position, she understands 
the program from the inside and will be designing 
new ways for the program and its Leadership 
Ambassadors to better serve a widening 
community of women and organizations aspiring 
to reach career and parity goals.

 “As a marketing, communications and research 
consultant“ Amber Nelson observes, “I’ve 
collaborated with all kinds of businesses and 
brands to find their language of resonance, their 
strength and their place in the marketplace. Now, 
I’m delighted to focus my attention and expertise 
on evolving the Leadership Ambassador program 
to the next level. “

By Joan Schmidt

 Last June, there was a great event planned to 
celebrate the extension of the Metro Gold Line 
17+ miles from Pasadena to Azusa. The extension 
included stations at South Pasadena, San Marino, 
Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, and Azusa, 
and it was completed on schedule. The idea for the 
event came from South Pasadena Mayor Michael 
Caccioti more than three years ago. The streets 
along the route would be closed to traffic and 
people could bike or walk any part of the route. 
Along the way there would be activity booths, 
live music, dancing, fitness classes-zumba and 
yoga, food booths, professional chalk artists, Gabe 
the Sasquatch and just a great time to be had. 
But torrential rain caused a postponement of the 
original scheduled event. 

 This past Sunday, however, 626 Golden Streets 
did happen! There were afternoon showers but 
that did not deter 100,000 people who rode bikes, 
walked or ran along the 17+ miles route. Our local 
officials were out in force. In Duarte, I saw Mayor 
Margaret Finlay, Supervisor Kathryn Barger and 
Senator Portantino on bikes. Councilmember 
Tzeitel Paras-Caraci is always a lot of fun and was 
on a tricycle with her son following close behind. 
Over in Arcadia, Mayor Tom Beck was among the 

 This great event was for people of all ages. The 
youngest kids rode bikes with training wheels 
or tricycles, teens were on one-wheeled electric 
skateboards, unicycles, and there were 600 runners 
of a half marathon. What a great event this was, 
and I for one am thrilled to see the Metro Gold 
Line extension. It gives people other transportation 
options and keeps more cars off the road. Thanks 
to Metro Gold Line, several cities and staff 
and sponsors-Kaiser Permanente, 89.3 KPCC, 
Southern CA Public Radio, Matt Denny’s Alehouse 
Restaurant, San Gabriel Mountains Forever, and 
Southern CA Gas Company for making this great 
event possible.

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