Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 5, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 5, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 5, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE 

Sushi honorable enough for a samurai warrior todefend 

If you are familiar with the address of 24 W. SierraMadre Blvd. you know that spot has had more thanseven different restaurants in the past 10 years - hotdogs, hamburgers, fusion of this that and the other they 
say the real estate is cursed. Well friends, I think 
we have a restaurant that will have staying power,
but it needs our help to succeed. Trust me, while 
the owner might not know real estate he does knowJapanese food, so let me give you an introduction toKatsu, the owner of the new YUI restaurant here in 
Sierra Madre 

Born in Japan, Katsu learned his trade at culinaryschool in Tokyo. One of his teachers was Iron ChefChin. After graduating, he got an offer to be a sushichef in LA. While he was waiting for his visa to beapproved, he worked at a sushi restaurant in Tokyofor three years. Katsu started work at Kushiyurestaurant in Tarzana in 2000. After 17 years, he hasfulfilled his dream in Sierra Madre, selected because 
it was a safe, nice, friendly, and cozy community. Hetells me that he didn’t even know Sierra Madre at 
first, but it didn’t take long to be his destination.

I know I’ve said that sushi is not my first choice ofculinary delights, but after eating lunch at Yui, we justmight have our first Michelin Star winner. Yui goesto the fish market every morning for fresh fish, andeven though this restaurant has “sushi” in its name ithas so much more! How about Kushiyaka? I’ll bet 
you don’t know what that is. It is Japanese skeweredmeat that is phenomenal and goes great with aSapporo beer. How about Buta Kakuni - another 

must-try dish which you might know as pork belly.
On the sushi side of the menu all the familiar names 
are there, like Toro-Unagi and Albacore. I should 
and could go on and on. When friends ask me togo to the Westside to get sushi I yawn and say “nothanks”. Invite your Westside friends to Sierra Madre

– it’s well worth the trip!
Yui Sushi 24 W. Sierra Madre (626) 325-3840 
CALL PATRICIA 626-818-2698
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