Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 25, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 25, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 25, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Puppets Showcased in 
New Coffee Table Art Book 

County Approves to ExtendWinter Shelter Program

 The Board of Supervisors 
approved a motion by 
Supervisors Hilda L. Solis 
and Kathryn Barger to 
extend the county’s Winter 
Shelter Program by an 
additional month —through 
March 31, for locations 
where it is possible to do so.

 Supervisor Barger said, 
“In parts of our County, said Supervisor Solis. “With 
extreme weather conditions days getting shorter and 
persist through early spring. the temperatures at night 
It is imperative that we dropping further, it is a 
do everything we can to critical time to provide those 
make sure that unsheltered experiencing homelessness 
individuals are not exposed a safe place to come in from 
to these dangerous elements the cold to receive services, 
while the weather still poses eat a warm meal, and sleep.”
a threat.” A total $709,000 from the 

“Our commitment in Homeless and Housing 
this fight for those who are Program will be used to 
experiencing homelessness fund the extension. Last 
is unwavering. Winter is an year, County-funded Winter 
especially difficult season for Shelter Program sites served 
this vulnerable population,” 3,451 individuals. 

South Pas Business License 
Tax Amnesty Program

 In an effort to better assist All persons or companies 
our residents with the Business conducting business within the 
License Tax Amnesty Program, City limits of South Pasadena 
South Pasadena City Hall will are required to obtain a city 
be open for extended hours business license. This includes 
on Mondays from 7:30 am to but is not limited to retailers, 

7:00 pm beginning Monday to wholesalers, manufacturers, 
December 18. They said they are service providers, professionals, 
making every effort to return non-profit organizations, 
your calls and e-mails. If you independent contractors, home 
have not received a response businesses and residential 
from City staff we have noted landlords renting three or more 
that we need to return your units. Please note: businesses 
e-mail or call and they want based outside of the City 
to assure you that they will of South Pasadena who are 
honor the Amnesty program. conducting business in the City 
Business licenses will be valid (e.g. contractors, consultants, 
one year from your purchase architects, designers, landscape 
date. For questions or to submit maintenance companies, 
your business license online mobile food vendors) must also 
please email: businesslicense@file an application. The City of South Pasadena 
welcomes you to our business 

Exhibition Marking the500th Anniversary of theProtestant Reformation 

 The Huntington Library, 
Art Collections, and Botanical 
Gardens mark the 500th 
anniversary of the Protestant 
Reformation with an exhibition 
that explores the power of the 
written word as a mechanism for 
radical change. The exhibition 
draws almost exclusively from 
The Huntington’s collections 
and includes about 50 rare 
manuscripts, books, and prints 
made between the 1400s and 
1648 (the end of the Thirty 
Years War). “The Reformation: 
From the Word to the World” is 
on view in the West Hall of the 
Library through Feb. 26.

 On Oct. 31, 1517, German 
priest Martin Luther, who 
believed church doctrines word to effect radical change. 
created an ever-growing Scholars, clerics, statesmen, and 
gap between believers and lay believers disseminated texts 
God, is said to have posted a to articulate their faiths, ignite 
document of what today are reforms, and attack adversaries. 
called the “95 theses”—his European governments and 
specific disputes—to the door religious councils banned 
of a church in Wittenberg to books to minimize the spread 
contest recent practices of of works they deemed to be 
the Catholic Church. Luther dangerous, regain control, and 
was looking to stimulate combat people and ideas they 
thoughtful debate that would believed to be radical. Words, 
clear away corruption and texts, images, and prints 
pomp, and reform the Church. blurred the divisions between 
What followed was a flurry of thinkers, heroes, and martyrs, 
written arguments and ideas said Wilkie. “The Reformation 
put forward by scholars, clerics, did not just play out in pulpits 
statesmen, and lay believers and on battlefields—it lived on 
to fuel a movement called the the page.”
Reformation. Items on display include a 

 “This was an act of protest, 1514 papal indulgence (ayet it was also an act of faith,” remission of the punishment 
said Vanessa Wilkie, the of sin), an incunable (a book 
William A. Moffett Curator printed before 1501) annotated 
of Medieval Manuscripts by Martin Luther, early 16thand 
British History at The century prints by Albrecht 
Huntington, and the curator Dürer, the 1573 original 
of the exhibition. “Luther was manuscript proclamation 
closely tied into larger debates issued and signed by Queen 
taking place across Europe. Elizabeth I requiring the use of 
It’s important to note that he the Book of Common Prayer, 
was not the only cleric in the and a 15th-century manuscript 
early 16th century to publish of the Brut Chronicles in which 
theological justifications for a later reformer "erased" the 
his beliefs and actions. Luther’s word "Pope" from the text.
reformation was just one part While the exhibition addresses 
of the Reformation. And none the power of the written word 
of it would have been possible and the relationship between 
without manuscripts and it and radical change within a 
printed books.”specific historical moment and 

 The spark of the Reformation geographical region, the themes 
spread through reading, and larger questions posed in 
writing, and printing practices the exhibition resonate across 
of the period. Reformers time in different ways. 
and counter-reformers “Voices from the past survive 
would often reinterpret older primarily through texts and 
images and ideas to fit the images, but today we convey 
current moment. Differing our own messages in a variety 
ideas and theological beliefs, of ways: podcasts, social media, 
however, soon gave way to fashion, and even protest 
popular violence, warfare, and posters,” said Wilkie. “This 
ultimately colonial conquest. exhibition touches on how 
While “The Reformation: From we reinterpret and transform 
the Word to the World” focuses words and images from the past 
on Europe and addresses to engage in debates of our own 
important historical figures, time. In the end, it asks, ‘“What 
religious wars of the period, do you want to tell the world? 
the Catholic Church’s response How do you want to share your 
to the emergence of Protestant message?’” 
groups, and the political The Huntington Library is 
ideologies of countries with located 1151 Oxford Road San 
state religions, the main focus Marino. For more information 
is on the power of the written call 626.405.2100. 

Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528),
St. Jerome in His Study, 1514,

Collector extraordinaire 
Alan Cook, along with his 
collaborator, Jacqueline Marks, 
a sculptor and printmaker, has 
just published a long-awaited 
masterpiece, “Alan Cook: A 
Puppet Collector’s Odyssey.” 
It’s a luscious oversized art book 
that amply demonstrates that 
Alan is a walking encyclopedia 
of ‘all things puppet’. The Cook 
book chronicles 80+ years of 
collecting and contains more 
than 100 stunning photographs. 
They depict scenes and major 
finds from Alan’s incredible 
personal odyssey during which 
he has collected more than 
5,000 puppets and 1,000 books 
and magazines. The book on 
the endangered theatrical art 
form was written during Alan 
and Jacqueline’s regular visits 
to the South Pasadena Public 
Library over the last two years.

Now in his mid-80s, Alan Cook 
grew up in South Pasadena and 
attended Oneonta Grammar 
School where he attended 
puppet classes conducted by 
the WPA (Works Progress 
Administration) which was 
trying to get artists and theater 
people back to work after 
the depression. The classes 
influenced Alan to join the 
school’s puppet club. During 
World War II, when a shortage 
of materials for toys existed, 
Alan was still able to buy 
cardboard puppets but they 
did not last nearly as long as his 
passion for collecting puppets. 
During the 40s, puppeteers 
were television stars with shows 
like “Howdy Doody” and were 
regularly featured on the “Ed 
Sullivan Show.”

 Alan’s passion for puppets has 
taken him all over the country 
and he’s formed friendships 
and working relationships 
with many of the legendary 
puppeteers of the last century. 
Alan was relentless in seeking 

out, acquiring, and preserving 
noteworthy puppets that truly 
encompass all styles.

 Alan Cook: A Puppet 
Collector’s Odyssey” may be 
purchased by sending $37.50 
plus $5 for shipping to IPM 
Books, C/O Jackee Marks, 702 
The Strand. Hermosa Beach, 
Ca. Include shipping and email 

 Alan will be performing a 
brief “Three Billy Goat’s Gruff ” 
in the South Pasadena Public 
Library Community Room on 
Friday, November 30 at 7 p.m. 
He will precede actor, writer, 
and director Duffy Hudson 
who will be showcasing his new 
one-man show about the action 
aboard the airliner, United 
Flight 93 that was hijacked by 
terrorists and aimed for the 
Capitol Building in Washington 
DC on September 11, 2001, 
shortly after two planes crashed 
into the World Trade Center. 
Duffy Hudson has previously 
performed Living History 
events at the Library as Poe, 
Einstein, Houdini, and others 
to standing ovations. The free 
event is presented by the South 
Pasadena Public Library, the 
Friends of the South Pasadena 
Public Library, and the Living 
History Centre Fund. The 
Library Community Room is 
located at 1115 El Centro Street. 
Admission is free of charge and 
doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for 
both shows. 

community. We are glad that 
you have selected our city for 
your business and are here to 
assist you through the business 
license process. Below are the 
business license applications 
and some frequently asked 
questions. For more 
information, please contact the 
Finance Department at (626) 
403-7257 or (626) 403-7259. 


The South Pasadena Community 
Garden is a place for harmony 
and beauty where we cultivate 
a community of individuals 
committed to sustainable land 
use in an urban setting, providing 
the opportunity for residents to 
grow their own organic fruits, 
vegetables and flowers.
Upcoming Events

 December 2: Work day begins at 

10:00 am 
Winter Chili Feast -Chili from 
11:00 am to 12 noon Join them 
for our second Annual Chili Feast 
and get together. They’ll have 
several kinds of chili on hand to 
enjoy together.
There is currently a waiting list 
for Community Garden plots. 
If you would like to be added to 
the waiting list, please fill out the 
application and mail to the South 
Pasadena Community Garden 
at 1028 Magnolia Street, South 
Pasadena 91030. 
For more information visit: 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: