Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, December 30, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 30, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 30, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4
Works on Paper by Henry New Year’s Brunch at Earthquake Brace andMoore at The HuntingtonThe Huntington LibraryBolt Program Registration

 The Huntington Library, Art made the promised gift of a 

Registration period existing older house,

Celebrate the new year with

Collections, and Botanical bronze Sounding Sculpture by 

will open January 23, to making it more resistant

friends and family at a very

Gardens announced today Harry Bertoia (1915–1978), 

to earthquake activity such

special New Year’s brunch 

February 23.

that it has acquired a major which stands to the north of 

as ground shaking and

buffet at The Huntington. Dine

collection of graphic art by the American art galleries, 

Homeowners in South soil failure. The seismic

al fresco under the splendid

Henry Moore (1898–1986).and were instrumental in 

Pasadena may qualify for retrofitting involves bolting

dome of the Rose Hills

A gift of the Philip and Muriel securing the long-term loan of 

Foundation Garden Court. 

the Earthquake Brace + the house to its foundation 
Join us on Monday, Jan. 1 for 
Berman Foundation, the Calder’s Jerusalem Stabile for 

collection contains about 330 a stroll garden. In 2016, they Bolt (EBB) program, which and adding bracing around 

an incredible array of savory 

provides up to $3,000 to the perimeter of the crawl

works on paper and place The donated a large-scale Moore 

dishes, sweet treats, and endless

Huntington among the largest lithograph. “Nancy tends to lift 

strengthen their foundation space.

mimosas! Two seating times

Moore repositories in North The Huntington to new levels, 

and lessen the potential The EBB registration period 

are available: 9:00 a.m. and

America. Limited-edition and into new areas, time and 

for earthquake damage. will open for 30 days from

12:30 p.m. $100 per adult, and
etchings and lithographs again,” said Catherine Hess, 

The seismic retrofitting January 23, to February 23.

$50 per child 2 to 10 years old.

comprise the greatest part of the interim director of the Art 

involves bolting the house Funds will be available to

Admission to the grounds not

collection, and these intricate, Collections at The Huntington. 

to its foundation and complete an additional 2,000

required to attend brunch and

often delicate works explore “With this major gift—a 

adding bracing around the plus code-compliant seismic

brunch tickets to do not include

the same universal themes selective, well-rounded groupfound in Moore’s monumental of graphic works by one of admission to the grounds. Day hazelnut cocoa spreadperimeter of the crawl space. retrofits. 
sculptures, which are enjoyed the greatest artists of the last passes to The Huntington can Eggs & Omelets cage-free egg, Applicants will be asked to 
by millions in sculpture century—she again exercised be purchased separately at the egg white, or tofu scramble fill out a short questionnaire

front entrance.

gardens and museums around her keen understanding bacon, ham, rock shrimp goat to see if their home qualifies 

the world. The gift also includes of The Huntington and its The Huntington is located 1151 cheese, cheddar sweet peppers, for this program. To learn 

three drawings by Moore—goals—in this case, our aim to Oxford Road San Marino. For heirloom tomato, mushroom, 

more about the program go 

one a solidly modeled figure grow our collection of 20th-Information call 626-405-3403. scallions, red onion, spinach


of a woman holding a book, century British art. Nancy’s 

MENU A residential seismic

another a biomorphic form contributions always have a CHEF’S TABLE 
that is possibly a study for a special power to move the ----------------------------------Wild-Caught Smoked Salmon retrofit strengthens an 
sculpture, and the third a sheet institution forward.”FARM FRESH Lox with lemon-chive crème, 
of varied studies revealing the The Berman Foundation was Asparagus Salad with shaved shaved red onion, cage-free 

Free Crowell Library Class

artist’s process as he works founded by Nancy Berman’s parmesan and white balsamic boiled egg, scallions, artisan


through a series of ideas.parents, devoted collectors who bagelswill Explore Healthcare

Golden and Red Beet Salad

The collection will form the often built friendships with the Charcuterie local and

with arugula, goat cheese, and

basis of an exhibition at The artists they admired, including imported cheeses, smoked and and Biotechnology

truffle oil

Huntington next summer. Henry Moore. “We’ve long cured meats, house-pickled

Shredded Kale and Fennel Salad Hal Slavkin, Professor and and development history,

“Spirit and Essence, Line and known we’d eventually like vegetables, marmalades and

with ancient grains, sun-dried Dean Emeritus from USC, environment, behaviors,

Form: The Graphic Work of to give this group of prints jams, flatbreads, and crackers

Crowell and susceptibility to certain

Henry Moore,” will be on view that my parents so carefully currants, citrus vinaigretteAvocado Toast avocado, red returns to Library

Wild Berry Trifle with granola January 9th, with a new class diseases and disorders, so

in the Virginia Steele Scott assembled to a museum where onion, petit heirloom tomato,

and wild berries about the recent advances that precise high definition

Galleries of American Art’s they were likely to make the sea salt, toasted ciabatta bread

Fresh Fruit in healthcare based on new protocols can be tailored for

Susan and Stephen Chandler biggest difference, and be most Cage-Free Egg Scramble with 

understanding of the human individual personalized health.

Wing from June 16 through useful to a range of visitors kale, heirloom tomato, fresh

BUTCHER’S BLOCK genome. In six sessions, This course will demonstrate

Oct. 1. and scholars,” said Berman. basil, and roasted garlic

Carved to order participants will explore how phenotype connects

Berman Foundation president “Once we were ready to make Weiser Family Farms Roasted

Porchetta pork loin wrapped healthcare and biotechnology, with genotype; the principles

Nancy Berman (member the gift, The Huntington was Fingerling Potatoes with

pork belly with herbs and spiceswith a focus on the new underlying the development

of Huntington’s Board of the obvious choice. As one of shallots and herbs

Citrus-Brined Niman Ranch personalized healthcare and evolutionary process of

Overseers), along with her the world’s major institutions Apple Chicken Sausage and

Turkey Breast with natural jus options. how an organism grows; and

husband, Alan Bloch, and the for the study of British art and Bacon

and herb aioli It was not that long ago how novel and innovative gene

Berman Foundation, have culture, with a substantial body 

Chicken Apple Sausagewhen physicians, dentists, editing techniques can address

contributed to The Huntington’s of secondary sources on Henry SUGAR & SPICED

Pancakes and Cinnamon French pharmacists, nurses and other major human diseases and

art collections over the past Moore, the addition of this Flaky Biscuits with Whipped

Toast topped with selection of healthcare professionals had disorders such as birth defects,

decade. They donated a series primary material places The Butter

maple syrup, whipped cream, only a few treatment options diabetes, cardiovascular

of tapestries by Alexander Huntington at the forefront of Rose Garden Tea Room Orange

wild berries, chocolate chips, for patients with seemingly diseases, pulmonary disorders,

Calder (1898–1976) that are Moore scholarship in the U.S.”Cranberry Scones

orange-cranberry marmalade, similar diagnosis for illnesses periodontal diseases,

on display in Rothenberg Hall, For More call 626.405.2100. Rose Garden Tea Room

cinnamon maple butter, and or disorders. The result was cancers, mental diseases, and

Chocolate Chip Scones

that some patients responded neurodegenerative diseases

Pistachio Lemon Loaf 

well to treatment while others and disorders.

Pumpkin Plantain Loaf

did not. Now healthcare Professor and Dean Emeritus

Chocolate Tart with Espresso 

providers consider factors such at the Herman Ostrow School


as genotype (an inventory of all of Dentistry, University of

Rose Blancmange

that person’s genes), phenotype Southern California, Hal

Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread 

(the sum of observable Slavkin has served as Chair

Butter Cookies 

characteristics from hair color of Biochemistry, and as the

Vanilla-Laced Berry and 

to cardiac function) and the Director for the National

Pomegranate Tart 

environment (epigenetics) Institute of Dental and 
in which the individual Craniofacial Research at the


exists. Understanding National Institutes of Health in


the interaction of all these Bethesda. He lives in Marina

Eggs Made to Order

factors in one person is being Del Rey.

Bacon and Ham 

termed “precision medicine” Crowell Library is at 1890

Pancakes Made to Order 

– a sophisticated assessment Huntington Drive, San Marino,
Cinnamon French Toast Made 

of each person’s genome, call (626) 300-0777 or visit:

to Order 

epigenome, phenotype, growth

Fingerling PotatoesChicken Apple SausageWild Berry Trifle with granola Chu's Statement on 
and wild berries 

Republican Disaster Relief

Fresh Fruit 
Rose Garden Tea Room The House of Representatives impossible for the government 

Chocolate Chip SconesLast week passed a limited and our military to make longChocolate-Dipped Shortbread disaster relief bill and a term plans, but neither can 
Butter Cookies continuing resolution to undocumented immigrants 
Vanilla-Laced Berry and keep the government funded and their families who are 
Pomegranate Tart through January 19. Prior instead worried they could 

to their consideration, Rep. be deported at any moment. 
COMPLIMENTARY Judy Chu (CA-27) called for And on the state level, the onlyBEVERAGES comprehensive action to not plans they can definitively layIced Water only keep the government out after this vote are for how 
Orange Juiceopen, but to also fund the many more days until theyCoffee Children’s Health Insurance run out of money meant for 
Decaf Coffee Program (CHIP), answer the healthcare for poor children. 
Mimosas President’s call for a solution Also left behind in today’s votes 
Hot Tea Upon Requestfor undocumented immigrants, are the people of Puerto Rico 
Additional drinks available at and adequately meet the needs and the Virgin Islands who are 
the bar for purchase separately.of all areas hit by natural still struggling with recoveringMenu subject to change without disasters this year, including from the disastrous hurricanes 
notice. California, Puerto Rico and the earlier this year. In pure dollar 

Virgin Islands. Rep. Chu voted amounts, this bill falls far short 

against both bills and released of what is needed by the islands.

Holiday Parking the following statement:And beyond that, it exacerbates

Restrictions “Once again, when it comes to the lack of funding by failing 

our most fundamental purpose to address cost sharing with

Overnight parking in government – keeping it FEMA or the coming Medicaid 
restriction in South funded and functioning – cliff.
Pasadena will not be Republicans have us doing “What we needed were longenforced through the the bare minimum. Instead term bills that provided the 
morning of January 3. All of passing a true budget, they needed funds for our most 
other parking restrictions offered another short term vulnerable populations. What 

patch that kicks the can down we got was another short

will be enforced including 

the road. And in doing so, it term patch that leaves urgent

preferential parking 

leaves much work needlessly problems unaddressed. This

districts, timed-restrictions 

undone, like providing relief cannot go on. It’s bad governing

and parking a vehicle 

for the 800,000 Dreamers and it’s bad for the people. I am continuously for 72 hours. waiting on the DREAM Act voting no today but do so with 
The Mission-Meridian or the 9 million low-income the hope that Republicans will 
Parking Garage is open to children who need CHIP bring forward a full budget 
the public from 6 pm to 2 reauthorized so they can and adequate disaster relief 
am daily and from 4 am continue receiving medical bills that meet the needs of our 
to 2 am on weekends and care. So thanks to Republican country, not the needs of an 

dereliction of duty, not only is it arbitrary Republican deadline.” 


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