Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, April 1, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page B:2



Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 1, 2017 




The average age of parents raising children in the 
US continues to rise, leaving many middle-aged 
Americans in a category commonly referred to as the 
the “sandwich” generation. 

 This growing population of professionals are often 
still raising kids at home when they become responsible 
for the care of their own aging parents. The stress and 
financial strain of managing the affairs of both children 
and parents can easily become overwhelming. The 
following tips, however, can help make this challenging 
stage of life manageable if not more enjoyable.

 Assess the Financial Situation. Taking time to 
thoroughly understand the financial picture for your 
own household is imperative as you step into a role 
of responsibility for your aging parents. Prepare for 
the inevitable and avoid surprises by working with a 
professional to consider how your role in the care of 
your parent will affect the plans you are making for your 
family’s financial future. You’ll want a comprehensive 
planning process that ensures your legal, financial and 
insurance needs are covered appropriately.

 Plan Ahead. Benjamin Franklin famously said, 
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Planning for your 
family’s future means preparing for the worst and 
hoping for the best. As you move through helping your 
aging parent with important Estate Planning decisions, 
take time to be sure your own wishes are legally binding 
as well. Be sure to include:

. Medical power of attorney - appoints a person to 
make medical decisions if you are unable to do so
. Durable power of attorney - designates a person to 
make financial decisions if you are unable to do so
. Living will - expresses your wishes for end of life 
. Will - carries out your wishes in the event of your 
. Kids Protection Plan - designates a legal guardian for 
your minor children in the event of your incapacitation 
or death

 Pay Attention to Red Flags. Even if your aging 
parent is still quite capable, work together to assess 
their financial situation carefully and be on the lookout 
for signs that anything is falling through the cracks. 
Common red flags are:

. Frequent calls from creditors
. Forgetfulness when it comes to bills and deadlines
. Unopened mail 

Utilize professional legal and financial support when 
necessary and communicate clearly so everyone knows 
who is responsible for what.

 Practice Good Self Care. Stress is one of the most 
common consequences of caring for two generations at 
once. Balancing the responsibilities of raising children 
and caring for aging parents with relaxation and play 
is vital over the long-haul. Remember that adequate 
rest and good nutrition will provide you with the 
extra energy you’ll need when times get tough. Most 
importantly, remember that you don’t have to do it 
alone! Establish a relationship with trusted advisors 
who are ready to assist you when duty calls.

 For example, if you schedule a Family Legacy 
Planning Session with us, we’ll review your current 
financial situation in light of your future responsibilities. 
With our assistance, you’ll gain the confidence 
of knowing you’re making the most empowered, 
informed and educated legal and financial decisions 
for yourself and the ones you love. Begin by calling 
our office today to schedule a Family Legacy Planning 
Session and mention this article to find out how to get 
this $750 session at no charge.

 Dedicated to empowering your family, building 
your wealth and securing your legacy,


 A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a 
mission to help parents protect what they love most. 
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down 
and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial 
security for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit for more information.

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown

Food Fights & Culture Wars: A 
Secret History of Taste by Tom 

Revolution! Conflict! Gluttony! The 
gloriously illustrated history of food, 
including mythical origin stories, 
unusual recipes and more!In this 
eclectic book of food history, Tom 
Nealon takes on such overlooked 
themes as carp and the Crusades, 
brown sauce and Byron, and chillies 
and cannibalism, and suggests that 
hunger and taste are the twin forces 
that secretly defined the course of 
civilization. Through war and plague, 
revolution and migration, people 
have always had to eat. What and how 
they ate provoked culinary upheaval 
around the world as ingredients 
were traded and fought over, and 
populations desperately walked the 
line between satiety and starvation.
Parallel to the history books, a second, 
more obscure history was also being 
recorded in the cookbooks of the 
time, which charted the evolution 
of meals and the transmission 
of ingredients around the world. 
Food Fights and Culture Wars: A 
Secret History of Taste explores 
the mysteries at the intersection 
of food and society, and attempts 
to make sense of the curious area 
between fact and fiction.Beautifully 
illustrated with material from the 
collection of the British Library, this 
wide-ranging book addresses some 
of the fascinating, forgotten stories 
behind everyday dishes and processes. Among many 
conspiracies and controversies, the author meditates 
on the connections between the French Revolution 
and table settings, food thickness and colonialism, 
and lemonade and the Black Plague.120 full color 
illustrations throughout.

In the Woods: A Novel by Tana 

The bestselling debut with over a 
million copies sold that launched 
Tana French, “required reading 
for anyone who appreciates tough, 
unflinching intelligence and 
ingenious plotting” (The New York 
Times), who is “the most interesting, 
most important crime novelist 
to emerge in the past 10 years” 
(The Washington Post) As dusk 
approaches a small Dublin suburb in 
the summer of 1984, mothers begin 
to call their children home. But on 
this warm evening, three children 
do not return from the dark and 
silent woods. When the police arrive, 
they find only one of the children 
gripping a tree trunk in terror, 
wearing blood-filled sneakers, and 
unable to recall a single detail of 
the previous hours.Twenty years 
later, the found boy, Rob Ryan, is 
a detective on the Dublin Murder 
Squad and keeps his past a secret. 
But when a twelve-year-old girl is 
found murdered in the same woods, 
he and Detective Cassie Maddox—
his partner and closest friend—find 
themselves investigating a case 
chillingly similar to the previous 
unsolved mystery. Now, with only 
snippets of long-buried memories 
to guide him, Ryan has the chance 
to uncover both the mystery of the 
case before him and that of his own 
shadowy past.Richly atmospheric 
and stunning in its complexity, In the Woods is 
utterly convincing and surprising to the end.Winner 
of the Anthony, Macavity, and Barry Awards for Best 
First Novel, and the Edgar Award for Best First Novel 
by an American Author ,Finalist for Los Angeles 
Times Book Prize



The City of Pasadena is seeking proposals from 
artists, artist teams and galleries for the selection 
or commission of artworks as a part of the citywide 
Rotating Public Art Exhibition Program. Loaned 
artworks or site specific artworks will placed for 
a period of 3 years at various highly visible, key 
locations within the City in every Council district. 
Honorariums range from $6,000 (for loaned 
works) to $12,000 (commissioned site specific 

 The Rotating Public Art Exhibition Program 
was established in 2011 to enliven neighborhoods, 
engage community and expand access to public 
art. The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 
15, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. PST. A Community Meeting 
will be held to review the Request for Proposal on 
Monday, April 17, 2017 at the Permit Center (175 
N. Garfield Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101) at 6:00 
p.m. Applicants need not attend the Community 
Meeting to apply.

 For more information, please see the attached 
Request for Proposals or visit the Cultural 
Affairs Division webpage: www.cityofpasadena.



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All Things By Jeff Brown


Our health care system has a fundamental flaw:it 
is far too expensive. American spend $3.3 trillion 
a year on health care, which is 50 % to 100% 
higher per capita than in other developed nations. 
For our money, we get some of the world’s most 
sophisticated treatment of cancer, heart disease, 
and other serious illnesses. But overall,U.S. health 
care is relatively mediocre, producing shorter life 
expendency,higher infant mortality and worse 
health overall than the systems in such countries as 
the UK,Switzerland,Canada,Australia and Sweden.
Ryancare won’t fix a broken system;Obamacare 
didn’t either. Both were conceived as patches on an 
absurdly complex Rub Goldberg machine assembled 
over 75 years of haphazard decisions. Studies have 
found the 34% of the immense cost of our system is 
simple wasted, with no benefit to patients. Is health 
care a commodity like any other, which you can either 
afford and not? Or is it like education,electricity,or 
police and fire protection-basic necessities that govt 
should ensure that everyone gets? We can’t decide. 
Our system is glunky,free market -socialist hybrid 
that ties coverage to employment ,age, and income, 
with 10’s of millions of people falling through the 
gaps. Meanwhile doctors,hospitals,insurers,drug 
companies,medical device makers, and malpractice 
lawyers strive to make as much money possible 
tending to the sick. The average hip replacement in 
the U.S. cost $40,000 in Spain $8,000.In the U.S. an 
angiogram is $914 ,in Canada it’s $35.Lipitor cost 
$124 a month here and $6 in New Zealand. This is 
the elephant in the room. To address it, and make 
health care truly available to all, would require radical 
change. But too many people and companies have a 
vested interest in a health care system that’s the most 
expensive and infant in the civilized world. So that is 
what we’ll continue to have, no matter whose name 
precedes “care.” 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: