Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 27, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, May 27, 2017 


For the period of Sunday, May 14th, through Saturday, May 20th,a vehicle in the area of Highland Oaks Drive and Grandviewthe Police Department responded to 1,040 calls for service, of whichAvenue for not having license plates on the vehicle. UponSCHEDULED FOR JUNE 7, 2017 105 required formal investigations. The following is a summarycontacting the driver, the driver could not provide a driver’sreport of the major incidents handled by the Department duringlicense and instead gave the officer a false name. The namethis period. provided had an outstanding warrant. The 29-year-old male


May 24, 2017 – In response to increasing communitycomments through any of a variety of convenient 

from Los Angeles was arrested and transported to the Arcadia

concerns regarding coyotes in Arcadia neighborhoods,formats, which include: 

Sunday, May 14:City Jail for booking. During the booking process, the suspect

in April 2017 the City Council directed the City ManagerMyPD Mobile App – Download the MyPD mobile

Shortly before 12:41 p.m., an officer responded to the Coachadmitted to using a false name and a records check of the

to develop a Coyote Management Plan (Plan) to provideapp from your app store. Use the Submit Tip feature to

store, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a grand theftsuspect revealed he had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant

guidance for the community and City staff in responsesend us your thoughts.

report. Store employees witnessed two suspects steal threeand a felony warrant.

to frequent human/coyote interactions in Arcadia. TheTwitter – Follow us @CityOfArcadiaCA. Use the

designer handbags and exit the store, failing to make payment.

Draft Plan has been developed based on research andhashtag #CoyotePlan when submitting your comments.

An area check was conducted but the suspects were not located.Thursday, May 18:

best practices that include a full spectrum of tools toEmail – Send your remarks to coyotes@arcadiaca. 

The suspects are described as a black female in her early 20’s,At approximately 9:25 a.m., an officer responded to the

effectively respond to coyotes in an urban

thin build, and a black male, in his mid-20’s, with an averageintersection of Huntington Drive and Michillinda Avenue

In order to ensure that the Plan fully addresses theCall Us – Use the newly-established coyote hotline at

build. The investigation is ongoing.regarding an alert of a stolen vehicle. The officer located the

concerns of the community, the City is inviting the(626) 574-5463 to submit your feedback.

Around 9:20 p.m., officers responded to an apartment2012 Kia Optima and attempted to initiate a traffic stop, but the

public to review and comment on the Plan. The publicFurther, the City of Arcadia and the Pasadena

complex in the 600 block of North Santa Anita Avenuevehicle fled and a pursuit ensued. The pursuit was cancelled a

comment period is from May 24, 2017, to June 11, 2017.Humane Society are partnering to offer a Coyote Town

regarding a disturbance report. An investigation revealed theshort time later. The investigation is ongoing.

The City Council is scheduled to consider the DraftHall meeting on June 7, 2017, at 7:00PM in the City

suspect began yelling obscenities at the victim and his wife for

Coyote Management Plan on June 20, 2017. To reviewCouncil Chambers located at 240 W. Huntington Drive

no apparent reason and threatened to beat them with a baseballFriday, May 19:

the Plan, please visit the City’s website at receive further feedback on the Plan in addition to 

bat. The 66-year-old male from Arcadia was arrested andAt about 6:57 p.m., an officer responded to Albertsons, 298

gov/coyotes. Residents are encouraged to submit their offering coyote tips, resources, and information. 

transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Live Oak Avenue, regarding a grand theft report. Surveillancefootage revealed a male suspect selected two coolers and filledMonday, May 15:them with approximately $1,125.00 worth of wine before


At approximately 12:01 p.m., an officer responded to The Derbyexiting the store, failing to make payment. The suspect isrestaurant, 233 East Huntington Drive, regarding a vandalismpossibly responsible for similar crimes in Orange County. TheMOVIES IN THE PARK SERIES! report. The officer discovered the suspect, an intoxicatedinvestigation is ongoing.
34-year-old male from Scottsdale, AZ, became angry whenJust before 10:09 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in

The Arcadia Recreation and Community Servicesfeature is its front man and lead vocalist, Tommy Tassi, who

the waiter refused to serve him any more alcohol. He thenthe 2100 block of South Eighth Avenue regarding a burglary

Department proudly announces the Summer Concerthas an uncanny ability to sound like many of the legendary

damaged two framed photographs in the bathroom. Thereport. An investigation revealed unknown suspects used a seat

and Movie Series for 2017! artists. From the tender ballads to the bellowing rockers,

incident occurred on May 12th, but was reported on this date.cushion to dampen the noise while they smashed a rear window,

Mark your calendar! The City of Arcadia’s FREEhe truly delivers sound-a-like renditions of the classic

The investigation is ongoing.ransacked the residence, and fled with Taiwanese money and a

summer concert series is approaching fast, so make surehits. As a showman, he brings much enthusiasm to the

Just after 2:54 p.m., an officer responded to a residence indesigner handbag. The investigation is ongoing. 

you don’t miss out on the fun in the sun! The summer stage, working the audience with his spirited personality

the 00 block of Alta Street regarding a fraud report. The officer

concerts are held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8pmand creating an atmosphere of clapping, singing along and

determined an unknown suspect used the victim’s credit cardSaturday, May 20:

on the lawn between City Hall and the Police Departmentdancing.

to fraudulently charge more than $1,600 to Delta Airlines. TheShortly after 3:27 a.m., an officer responded to the 2100 block

(240 West Huntington Drive). Bring the kids out toKulayd (50s, 60s Rock “n” Roll, Harmony & Doo Wop)

victim does not know the suspect or how they obtained hisof South Santa Anita Avenue regarding a disabled vehicle with

participate in the FREE fun zone, featuring games, crafts,– July 20, 2017

personal information.two unresponsive occupants. The officer located the vehicle

and activities each week. In addition, the City is pleased toThis versatile quartet’s repertoire covers everything from

Before 9:42 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inand when he attempted to make contact with the driver, the

announce The Rolling Burger Barn Truck at all of the 201750’s doo-wop and 60’s Motown to 70’s disco and 90’s

the 00 block of West Wistaria Avenue regarding a burglary25-year-old female from Azusa, put the car in drive and collided

Summer Concert Series! Their mission is simple - makeharmony groups like Boyz to Men. Kulayd performs all

investigation. Surveillance footage revealed three suspectsinto a nearby police vehicle. Through a series of tests, the officer

some darn good, knee slapping, hooting and holleringover Orange and LA Counties and as far away as Las Vegas

smashed a rear window, ransacked the residence, and fled with determined the suspect was driving under the influence of

burgers! A portion of the proceeds will be given to theand Arizona. Kulayd is not background music. They will 

only a bottle of wine. The investigation is alcoholic beverage and had a blood alcohol content of .187.

Recreation and Community Services Department! For sing to you and dance with you. Audience participation is

Around 11:18 p.m., an officer responded to a residenceShe was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for

more information, please call 626.574.5113. Listed belowa must and a fun time is guaranteed!

in the 1200 block of Oakhaven Lane regarding a burglarybooking. The passenger responded to officers and was released

is the line-up for this summer.Raymond Michaels Tribute to Elvis (Nostalgic Rock ‘n’

report. Surveillance footage revealed three unknown suspectsat the scene.

The Answer (Classic Rock) – June 29, 2017Roll) – July 27, 2017

smashed a second-story glass door, ransacked the home,At approximately 4:28 p.m., officers responded to the 700

Since 1964, The Answer has been supplying its renditionsLong recognized as one of the best Elvis tribute acts

removed and broke into a safe, and fled with approximately 30block of South Old Ranch Road regarding a suspect in custody

of top 40 classic rock hits. The Answer’s uncannyaround, Michael continues to perform in a variety of

designed handbags. The suspects fled in a dark-colored SUV orfor theft from Sephora. An investigation revealed the suspect,

reproduction of all that’s good in classic rock today setsvenues – from local, city concerts to national television.

hatchback. a 17-year-old female from Upland, stole merchandise from the

them far above their competition. With stage energy, wittyRaymond Michael plans to continue to keep the

Two suspects are described as tall, thin males wearingstore and was chased on foot by the loss prevention specialist.

antics, and FREE giveaways, The Answer delivers a knockmemory of Elvis alive by doing his upbeat, classy and

hooded sweatshirts and gloves. The third suspect is describedThe suspect then bit the loss prevention employee while he

out show which is enjoyed by all ages! This is simply aentertaining Tribute to the King of Rock & Roll for years 

as a short, stocky male, also wearing a hooded sweatshirt andtried to take custody of her. Officers arrested the suspect and

show you cannot miss!to come. 

gloves. The investigation is ongoing. transported her to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

Air Force Band (Patriotic, Classical) – July 6, 2017National Night Out – Swing Cats Big Band (Swing and

Around 5:34 p.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia Police

Uniformed musicians displaying the dedication and Top 40) – August 3, 2017

Tuesday, May 16:Department front counter regarding a grand theft report. A

professionalism of our United States Air Force and AirNational Night Out & Arcadia’s 114th Birthday!

At approximately 6:50 a.m., an officer responded to a gatedgroup of three suspects told the elderly victim he had won the

National Guard. This year’s concert theme is “Space andNational Night Out promotes crime prevention and 

parking garage in the 1200 block of West Huntington Drivelottery and had to provide a $30,000 deposit to claim the money.

the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Air Force”. awareness through police-community partnerships.

regarding a theft from vehicle report. The officer discoveredThe victim rode with the suspects in their white SUV to the bank

Music will be selected from Gustav Holst’s Planets, “Mars”, Arcadia’s Police and Fire Department will be joining us for

an unknown suspect entered the unlocked vehicle and stolewhere the victim withdrew $1,700.00. He gave the money to the

“Star Wars” and “Star Trek” movie medley’s.this very special occasion. Free fingerprinting for the kids,

approximately $50.00 in cash and loose change. No suspectssuspects before they fled. The victim then realized it was a scam.

Tommy Tassi & The Authentics (Oldies from the 50s,crime prevention materials and other information will

were seen and no witnesses were located. The suspects are described as Hispanic male, 55 to 65-years

60s & 70s) – July 13, 2017be available. Stop by and show your support to Arcadia’s 

old, with gray hair and a large build. The second suspect is a

Tommy Tassi and the Authentics have been entertainingfinest. But wait…that is not it! Help Arcadia celebrate

Wednesday, May 17:Hispanic male, 35 to 40-years-old, 5’5” tall, with a small frame

southern California audiences since 1978. They specialize our 114th birthday by enjoying some birthday cake (while

Shortly after 3:07 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on and brown hair. The third suspect is an unidentified female.

in the pop hits of the 50s, 60s & 70s. The group’s main supplies last). 


During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 430service events, resulting in 86 investigations. To see a complete listing ofcrimes reported, go to crime mapping. For Police Department news and information, visit ourwebsite and follow us on Twitter. 

Violation of Restraining Order

May 22 at 10:03 a.m., a resident in the 1400 block of S. Magnolia calledpolice to report her adult daughter was at her home in violation of a

During the past few weeks, staff has been coordinating and workingand the City will be replacing them prior to paving the street to avoid

restraining order on file against her. Officers responded and located

with our contractors to schedule the road improvements on Foothillunnecessary excavations of the street surface. Customer notification

the daughter near the residence. The daughter would not comply with

Boulevard, which include repairing the asphalt sections of thewill be provided before any of the work is initiated. 

officers orders to stop and speak with them. She was detained by the

street located at the western and eastern ends of the City, and also

officers. She complained of pain and was eventually taken to a hospital

upgrading the striping along the entire length of the street. Initially,Road Repair / Striping Work – June 5, 2017

for treatment. A verified complaint will be filed with the District

the overall work was anticipated to start this week, however, givenSully-Miller will begin paving operations on Foothill Boulevard

Attorney’s office for filing consideration of the restraining order

the rain we had last week and some other project scheduling issues,beginning on June 5, 2017. When road work is taking place between

violation charges. 

the work schedule has been revised and construction is now set to 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., parking will not be allowed in the followingbegin on Monday, May 30, 2017.Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested

During construction, the work that will be performed includesMay 22 at 7:32 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of E. Central called police to

repairing the asphalt sections of Foothill Boulevard located at theMountain Avenue to Shamrock Avenue report a male subject in her rear yard, hunched over and possibly drunk.
western and eastern ends of the City, and upgrading the stripingMayflower Avenue to 5th AvenueOfficers located the subject, who told them he was under the influence ofalong the entire length of the street. During the work, please expectDuring construction, one traffic lane will remain open in bothheroin and alcohol. The suspect was determined to be under the influenceparking restrictions and travel delays, and to find out more, pleasedirections at all times. However, please expect delays on Foothillof a controlled substance and was arrested and taken into custody. 
visit Monrovia Renewal online. Boulevard when the construction work is underway, and we would

Based on our revised schedule, the work on Foothill Boulevard ask that everyone please drive safely through the construction areaVandalism 
will be coordinated as follows: while work is in progress.May 22 at 10:04 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 1000 block of S.
If you have any questions regarding this particular matter,Canyon when he observed what appeared to be gang graffiti on the northwall of a building off of Almond. The graffiti was written in black spray

Water Service Line Repairs – May 30, 2017please feel free to contact the Public Works Division at (626) 932

paint. The graffiti was photographed and graffiti removal was notified.

During the week of May 30, 2017, Sully-Miller will be repairing5575, shoot us an email at, 

The investigation is continuing.

and replacing approximately 20 water service lines along Foothillor visit Monrovia Renewal online for additional updates andBoulevard. These service lines have exceeded their useful lifespan news! 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

May 23 at 2:00 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 800 block of E. OliveREWARD INCREASED FOR SUSPECT IN MURDER OF DUARTE FATHER when she saw a male subject in the park digging through a trash dumpster.

The officers contacted the subject and a computer check revealed he hadLOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Board of Supervisors unanimouslysince the murder of Mr. Morehead and detectives believe someone a warrant for his arrest. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody 
approved a motion by Supervisor Kathryn Barger increasing tomay have information about the vehicle, the driver, or circumstancesfor the warrant. 
$20,000, a reward for information leading to the arrest and/orsurrounding this murder. In order to encourage the public’s assistance,
conviction of a suspect or suspects responsible for the murder ofdetectives are asking for an increase in the reward and informationPossession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug ParaphernaliaKirinda Morehead, a 39-year-old husband and father of two, whothat may lead to the apprehension of the suspect or suspects.– Suspect Arrested

May 23 at 8:35 a.m., officers were dispatched to Magnolia and Oaks

was shot to death on Bashor Street in the City of Duarte on FebruaryThe Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau is seeking assistance from the

regarding a suspicious vehicle reported in the area. Officers located a

18, 2017, at approximately 8:18 p.m. A white BMW with tinted public with information that may aid in their investigation of

vehicle matching the description provided by the caller and contacted a

windows was seen driving away west on Bashor and then north onthis heinous crime. Supervisor Barger encourages anyone with

male subject inside the vehicle. During a consent search, officers located

Mount Olive Drive. information to contact Sheriff’s Detective Philip Guzman at (323)

heroin, other drugs and drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle. The

The reward previously approved by the Board on February 28,890-5500, Sergeant Eric Arias at (323) 890-5500 or L.A. Crime

suspect was arrested and the vehicle was stored.

2017, is due to expire on May 28, 2017. It has been three months Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS (8477). 


Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested

May 23 at 9:43 p.m., a suspicious female subject who was trying to get intoseveral vehicles in a parking lot in the 300 block of W. Huntington was

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 
reported to police. The caller told police the subject appeared to be underthe influence or intoxicated. Officers located the female and determined 
she was too intoxicated to care for her own safety. She was arrested forpublic intoxication. 
Grand Theft 
May 23 at 10:05 p.m., a grand theft from a vehicle was reported inthe 1300 block of S. Alta Vista. The victim reported that the catalyticconverter was removed from his 1998 Honda Accord sometime between 
May 20 and 22. The vehicle was parked on the street on Alta Vista. Theinvestigation is continuing. 
May 24 at 3:00 a.m., officers were on patrol in the 100 block of E. DuarteRoad when they observed graffiti written on the wall of a business. Thegraffiti was written in black spray paint. The investigation is continuing. 
Read our paper on 
mobile DEVICE! 
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 20 
Inside this week: 
Pg. 7 
Pg. 9 
Sierra Madre, CA. -
On Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 04:00 AM a resident on Grove Lane heard noises in the front of his residence. The resident looked out the 
window and observed a suspect breaking into his vehicle. The resident went outside and confronted the suspect, who was now inside his 
vehicle, and a briefstruggle ensued. Thesuspecthad a largesilver object in his hand which the resident felt wasa gun.Fearing for hissafety 
theresidentbackedawayfromthesuspectallowingthesuspect fleesouthbound to adarkcoloredSUV. AstheSUVpulledupanother 
suspect ran out of the residence south of the original victims and fled to the vehicle. 
Within minutes of the original call officers spotted the dark colored SUV traveling at a high rate of speed southbound on Baldwin from Sierra 
Madre Blvd.A high risk traffic stop was conducted and three suspects were detained without incident. Stolen property and narcotics were located 
inside the vehicle.
Police Chief Larry Giannone said “we discourage residentsfrom confronting suspects for their safety but are glad the victimis okay. The quick response from the officers was instrumentalin apprehending these suspects and recovering the victim’sproperty”. Police located additional property in the vehicle andwill be attempting to identify other victims.
The three suspects are gang members and have lengthy arrestrecords. All three suspects reside in El Monte and were bookedat the Pasadena City Jail. Bail for each is set at $50,000. 
Jesus Rojas (20) Geovany Martinez (19) Aaron Vazquez (33) 
There are many reasons why city of Sierra 
Madre is considered a great place to live. 
Certainly, its’ village character is one 
reason. Our independence is another. We 
have excellent schools and our own police 
and fire departments. We have our own 
library. We have our own grocery store, 
hardware store, auto repair shops, coffee 
shops,florists, restaurants and much more. 
However,ifa survey weretakentoday,you 
would probably find that most residents 
consider safety their number one priority. 
And, according to a recent survey released 
by, Sierra Madre ranks No. 24 
in the top 50 cities in the State of California 
and,based upon thesurvey’s findings,itis 
the safest city in the San Gabriel Valley! 
There are 482 cities in California that 
38million residentscall home. Safewise 
examined those cities with populations 
over 10,000 and evaluated recent FBI Crime 
Report data. and compiled a list of the 50 
safest cities based upon the incidents of 
crime compared to the national average. 
“From there, we determined the number 
of Violent Crimes, which are considered 
murder, aggravated assault, robbery and 
forciblerape,as wellas Property Crimes, 
consisting of burglary, motor vehicletheft, 
arson, and larceny-theft that were reported 
in each city. Then, to create a level playing 
field and make it easy to compare crime 
rates among several cities, we calculated the 
chance ofthese crimeshappening out of 
1,000 people. 
“The average violent crime rate among 
oursafest cities was1.12per 1,000people, 
and the average property crime rate was 
11.32 per 1,000 people. That means the 
average safe city listed below experienced 
70 percent less violent crime and 60 percent 
less property crime than the typical U.S. 
city. We were particularly impressed to 
discover that 42 of California’s 50 safest 
cities (84 percent) reported no murders. 
And the safest city on our list, Hillsborough, 
reported no incidents of violent crime 
Sierra Madre has had no murders 
and ranks well below the national 
average when in comes to crime. 
In the report, this is attribute 
to the use of technology by the 
Other San Gabriel Valley Cities 
that make the top 50 list are: 
Temple City - No. 37; La Canada 
Flintridge – 43 and La Puente – 
The incorporated cities and 
unincorporated neighborhoods 
of theSan GabrielValleywitha 
population over 10,000 include: 
Altadena, Alhambra, Arcadia, Azusa, 
Baldwin Park, Citrus, Covina, Diamond 
Bar, Duarte, East Pasadena, El Monte, 
Glendora, Hacienda Heights, Hillgrove, 
Irwindale, La Cañada Flintridge, La Puente 
Monrovia, Monterey Park, Pasadena, 
San Marino, Sierra Madre, South El Monte, 
SouthPasadena, SouthSan Gabriel, South 
San Jose Hills, Temple City, Valinda, 
Vincent, Walnut, West Covina and West 
Puente Valley. 
S. Henderson/MVNews 
SIERRA MADRE: - 24th Safest Statewide of Cities With Populations 
of 10,000 or more. Topped ranked San Gabriel Valley City 
You’ll find the safe city of Sierra Madre 13 miles south 
of Los Angeles. For roughly a century, the Sierra Madre 
Police Department has worked with citizens to keep the 
community a safe place to settle. Leveraging the latest 
technology, the department uses the free online service 
CrimeReports to give residents insight into what types of 
crime are happening in their community. In all, the safe 
city citedonly 13 violent crimes for theyear andonly five 
other cities on our list reported fewer forcible rapes and 
Violent Crimes per 1,000: 1.17 
Property Crimes per 1,000: 11.67 
The volunteers of the Sierra 
Madre 4th of July Committee 
are pleased and excited to 
announce that the 2015 
Fourth of July Parade Grand 
Marshal will be Sierra Madre’s 
very own Nina and Clem 
“The Grand Marshal is a 
person or persons whose 
efforts over a long period 
of time has been beneficial 
to the community of Sierra 
Madre. The title of Grand 
Marshal is intended to 
honor a person or persons’ 
volume of work, dedication 
and overall enhancements to 
our community.” Nina and 
Clem have embodied these 
characteristics for years. 
This ultra civic Sierra Madre 
couple have continued to 
donate time and service to the 
Sierra Madre community for 
over 60 plus years. They are 
true examples of the Sierra 
Madre spirit and continue to 
give back today. 
Clem was part of the first 
committee in 1964/65 to plan 
the first 4th of July Parade/ 
Celebration in Sierra Madre. 
Clemservedthe community 
as a Parks & Recreation 
Commissioner, Planning 
Commissioner, and then in 
the 1980s and 90s as Mayor 
and Councilmember. In the 
1960s he was a member of the 
Sierra Madre Lions Club. He 
is a Past President and current 
member of the the Sierra 
Madre Kiwanis Club and was 
a founding member of the 
Sierra Madre Community 
Ninahas served on the Senior 
Community Commission for 
over six years and has been a 
member of the Priscilla’s since 
1997. Throughout the years 
both Clem & Nina have been 
active with the Sierra Madre 
Rose Float Assoc. Historical 
Society, SMEACand Friends 
of the Library. 
There isn’t a civic cause or 
local group they haven’t 
helped with. Together they 
are committed to making 
the town of Sierra Madre 
the community we treasure 
today. The Bartolais are 
Sierra Madreans that make a 
For more information 
on all of the 4th of July 
Festivities, please visit www. 
With the reduction of revenue for the next fiscal 
year, July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and the 
of servicesit currently provides, Mayor John 
Capoccia,Councilwoman RachelleArizmendi 
led one of many outreach efforts to solicit input 
from the community as to how the council 
should balance next year’s budget. 
On Tuesday, the presentation made to the 
Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club asked residents to 
review the city’s financial situations and let their 
elected officials know what services were most 
important tothem; what services should becut; 
suggest waysto increase city revenue and ideas 
on how to address the current situation. 
The Mayor noted that the city does have healthy 
reserves, however those funds are needed for 
emergencies such as the fires of 2008 or the 
windstorm on 2011. In each instance, because 
of the size of our town and other factors, the city 
had to pay a portion (and for c l) 
of the funds needed to repair tease in r 
| Community Garden | Community Newsletter | 
Coordinating Council | Special Event Permits | 
Contract Services: Aquatics, Recreation Classes, 
After School Youth Programs | Special Events: 
Huck Finn, MWTR, 4th of July, Summer Fun 
in the Park, Concerts in the Park, Movies in 
the Park, Halloween | Staff the Community 
Services & Senior Community Commissions 
(continued on page 4) 
(Inthousands,with transfers)