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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, August 19, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 19, 2017 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 19, 2017 8 Happy Tails A SAD GOODBYE TO CENA - “ANOTHER by Chris Leclerc BROTHER” Last week while I was mulling over potential articletopics for this week’s column, I conducted a Googlesearch for recent pet news and I came across a storythat I simply could not resist passing along to myreaders. So go ahead and get out the tissue box, get comfy inyour arm chair (or wherever you like to get comfy) andget ready for an emotional yet true blue ‘tail’ about ayoung man and his dog, both of whom fought bravelyabroad on behalf of our country while forming a bondthat goes far and away beyond the limits of physicalexistence on earth. All credit goes to McKinley Corbley for her story“Community Shows Up in Full Force to Love HeroDog in His Final Hours”, posted July 31, 2017 on Oh and by the way, if you haven’t checked out theGood News Network website yet, I highly recommendit. It offers loads of positive, heart-warming storiesabout animals - both domestic and wild, as well as all kinds of other subjects designed to feed a healthymind. Losing a furry friend is always hard - but thisgoodbye in particular was especially hard for LanceCorporal Jeff DeYoung. When DeYoung was just 19 years old, he wasdeployed to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. Hewasn’t alone, however - he was also joined by Cena thebomb-sniffing pooch. During their tour together, DeYoung would carry It’s great to havea few poses rightat our fingertips to help cope with stress. Although we each have our own individual needs, here are a few key poses that can help all of us shift perspective andmelt stress. 1. Child’s pose is a wonderful go-to relaxing & releasing pose. Start on your hands and knees (bodylike a table) and bring hips back to your heels onexhale. Your forehead should rest comfortably onthe floor, or on a block. Toes are untucked in this pose. Arms can remain in front (palms face down) orcome to rest along side your body (palms facing up). Begin to breathe in this pose, taking 8-12 breaths. 2. Straddle leg forward fold is both a forward foldand an inversion. It has incredible benefits, the biggestof which is that it stimulates the parasympatheticnervous system. This generates a calming responseto our entire body. From standing, take the feet apartapproximately 3 1/2 to 4 feet. Make sure the feet arepointed straight ahead, and begin to fold forward. Cena across rivers and protectthe dog from enemy fire. The twowould keep each other warm bysnuggling together through the night. Throughout their time together in2009 and 2010, they were virtuallyinseparable. After they retired, DeYoungadopted Cena, which also helped himdeal with his post-traumatic stressdisorder. Then, two weeks ago, thefaithful hound was diagnosed withbone cancer and lost his ability towalk. BENNY, “THE BOYFRIEND” Heartbroken by the prognosis, the marine’s brother- in-arms made a GoFundMe campaign in order tohelp raise money for vet bills, tasty dog food, and arental Jeep with a detachable roof so Cena could feelthe breeze in his face one last time. The page, whichraised over $62,000, will also pay for a bronze statue ofthe pup as a headstone. “This dog was more than a pet to us”. said DeYoung’sfellow marine, Jacobie Baumann. “He was another brother.” Additionally, as news of Cena’s impending fatebecame more widely spread, the community turnedup in full force in order to say goodbye to the dog andgive him a proper military sendoff. Over 100 peoplefrom around Muskegon, Michigan were in attendanceof the ceremony on Wednesday. DeYoung carried the 10-year-old pup on hisshoulders into the USS LST 393 Museum with dozens of onlookers waving goodbye. After he waseuthanized, Cena was carried out in a casket with an American flag draped over it. While Cena will be missed, it is safe to say that hewas certainly given a canine funeral fit for a king. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times… endless are the amazing and wonderful things thatdogs do for us humans! Be sure to give back in kind, what your canine gives to you each day. Hug them andtell them how proud you are of them. You never knowwhen your time together may come to an abrupt end. Love and let live! you! Adoption fee is $100, which includes neuter, microchip, exam & vaccines. See more pictures, adoption info & application on our website, www. lifelineforpets. org. Can’t adopt? Visit our website for our easy Sponsor A Kitty campaign. THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES POSES FOR STRESS RELIEF There can be a slight bend to the knees to assist tightmuscles. Place fingertips or hands down between thelegs or just in front (resting on a block or small ofbooks if you need to be higher). Begin to breathe inthis pose, taking 8-12 breaths. 3. Legs up-the-wall is another great pose. Simplysit sideways next to a wall with your knees to yourchest. Begin to lay down on your side, slowly creepinglegs up the wall. Torso remains on the earth and legstogether, up the wall as you turn onto your back. Stayhere in this pose breathing steadily for 3-5 minutes. Try these three poses and see how they work foryou. Make sure you’re comfortable and pain free. The most important part is to engage in conscious, mindful breathing (through the nose) while you’rethere. Please come explore more stress-relieving yogaat Yoga Madre. Visit the website at www.yogamadre. com for classes, workshops and teacher trainings. Please email with any questions. Namaste, Keely Totten, E-RYT 500 In honor of Aug. 17, “Black Cat AppreciationDay,” please takeanother look at BENNY, age 5. He’s a very handsome all black, shorthair, super sweet, superloving, friendly, cuddly, healthy, and gets along with other kitties, too! He has a very easy to manage condition calledFIV+, but he does not need any meds for it. Seehis adorable video: benny-boy.html He can’t wait to share his love with HOW ABOUT A NEW BEST FRIEND? Izzy is a strikingly gorgeous three year you can provide this loving and loyal girlold American Staffordshire terrier with the forever home she deserve pleasegirl with a shiny black and white coat, come by and meet Izzy! Her adoptioncute floppy ears and with plenty of fee includes spay surgery, vaccinations, playful puppy energy left in her. At 59 microchip and a free wellness exam atpounds this silly girl firmly believes that a participating veterinarian. Feel freeshe is a lap dog and enjoys spending time to call us at (626) 286-1159 for morewith her human friends. Unfortunately information. The San Gabriel Valleyshe was surrendered by her previous Humane Society is participating in theowners when they moved to a location “Clear the Shelters” adoption drive onwhere pets were not allowed. This Saturday, August 19th. The adoptionhasn’t changed her warmness for fee will be reduced to $20 that day. Sopeople and she’s don’t miss out! The shelter is located very outgoing and enjoys playing at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel with her humans. She loves going forwhich is located off San Gabriel Blvd, walks and spending time out in the fresh air as she rollsnorth of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To in the grass and plays with her people; she would makearrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any timethe perfect companion for a family who enjoys walks,from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. strolls in the park and other outdoor adventures. If ID#30810. Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||