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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, August 26, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 26, 2017 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 26, 2017 8 IN THE MOMENT Learning to Live From A Pup’s Perspective A couple of years ago I decided it was time to take a personal moral inventory, in an effort to better myself and to become more valuable and available to those around me. By the Grace of God I have indeed managed to make a few adjustments to my lifestyle and that alone has given me a more positive outlook. Not a bad start, but there are still many aspects of myself that I find to be less than the best I could be, and so the pursuit of improvement continues. Progress is paramount. One of the most influential aspects of my daily life is the time I spend with the kind canines I am so fortunate to have befriended over the past 7+ years I’ve been pet sitting and dog walking. Although I do consider myself very blessed to have several true- blue two-legged pals, I can honestly say that few are the human companions I have who can boast the attitudes of sheer gratitude that I find among my furry four-footed friends. Nothing eases internal tension like walking a grateful dog. It’s like cutting butter with a hot knife. I wake up in the morning, happy to be alive and feeling good for the most part. But by the time I walk out the door to embark on my day of dog walking, I have dodged the darts of negativity dealt by the media I’ve tuned into. (Why I subject myself to such grief is beyond me). I’ve mentally combated an entourage of talking heads who thrive on sharing wicked tales of harsh reality from capital hill to a crime-ravaged dark alley in an urban sprawl, and I‘ve miraculously navigated my way through this time of year‘s school traffic to make it to my first destination. I am feeling the stresses of everyday human life. In my best attempt to shake off the would-be heavy cloud that might otherwise overwhelm me, I get out of my car and while approaching my first client’s house I begin to pray. I thank God for the opportunity to live. Just to live. That should be enough, as life in and of itself is such an amazing gift. But there is more to be grateful for so I continue my prayer with sincere thanks for the chance to be part of a community that, in my opinion, is socially nourishing and awe- inspiring. I then finish my prayer in thanks to God for the beautiful beasts He allows me to walk alongside each day and I ask Him to guide our every step. The tension begins to melt away. When I enter the door I am greeted by a more over-the-top enthusiastic, fun-loving, energetic, carefree individual than a fiction writer could even begin to attempt to conjure up as a character in a whimsical nursery tale. But this is not fiction. This is my reality - every day! The dog embellishes me with his unique brand of hairy hugs and canine kisses, I leash him as quickly as possible through the exciting chaos, and off we go on our way. As we commence our journey, his enthusiasm remains at a level higher than mine will probably ever be in this lifetime, as he walks on the same trail we walked just the day before. To him, it is all brand new…every single day. To him, that blade of grass he just sniffed - the same one he sniffed yesterday - was like a little bit of heaven that he‘d never sniffed before. To him, that light breeze that just passed through the trees was like the feeling I felt as a kid when “TWO’S COMPANY” Meet adorable duo, ZEPHYR & ZINNIA. They’reonly 6 months old , so cuddly& friendly and highly adoptable! Zinnia, an orangetabby, is named after a pretty flower. Zephyr, her all black brother, is named after a gentle wind. Use our TWOFUR OFFER, only $100 for both, and they will come spayed & neutered, current onvaccines, and microchipped. Both of these kittensare so soft & sweet! Call to make an appointmentfor a Meet & Greet: Call 626-676-9505 or visit www. Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc the roller coaster dropped from top to bottom on it’s tracks. To him, that cat in the neighbor’s yard was put there just for his own personal entertainment, no other reason whatsoever. And to him, nothing else matters. He is in the moment. There are no concerns about what took place yesterday. There is no stress about what he should be getting done in lieu of taking a walk. There is no urgency to finish it up and get to the next task. There are no thoughts of regret, no angst over memories of last week’s blunder, and no burning desire for more than exactly what is happening right here and now…that dog is in the moment. Suddenly he raises his snout up toward the sky to catch a whiff of a passing scent, or to inspect the flashing movement of a flitting hummingbird. Then down again it goes as fast as it went up, to resume his mission of reading “pee-mails” left by those who visited this spot before him. He casts periodic glances my way, just to reassure himself of my presence and I return his glances with a nod and a wink. I stop for a moment, lean down and give him a peck on the cheek followed by a loving, “You are such a good boy and I‘m proud of you!”, to which his eyes roll back as if to reply, “I love you too.” Then, down to the trail returns his intent focus, head swinging to and fro, floppy ears bouncing up and down on either side. In the moment. And there it is, plain and simple. A subtle yet (oh- so) valuable lesson to be learned from a precious pup. I know we humans don’t get to just “live” like a dog lives, as if there is nothing to be planned for and no amends to be made for yesterday. We must bear the burden of responsibilities that are inherent to being human. But must we spend our every moment planning future events that we likely won’t bother to enjoy because we will be so busy thinking about the next activity to be planned? And if we spend our days regretting the fact that we wasted time in the past, have we not wasted yet more precious time in fruitless regret? I don’t know about you, but I want to learn how tolive in the moment, like my canine companions do. They don’t even have to try, it comes naturally for them. Ibelieve I was better about living in the moment as a child, but I seem to have lost that skill somewhere along theway of becoming an adult. Today I am on a new quest torestore my skill of being in the moment, and I am pleasedto have the best teachers one could hope for. I’d be lost without the pets I get to spend time with. I hope you willjoin me in learning important lessons from the animals. They teach us through their simple ways of living, if weare willing to learn. There is a reason why God createdthem and put them by our side. Love, learn and let live. for adoption info and application. See more pictures, adoption info & application onour website, Can’t adopt? Visit our website for our easy Sponsor A Kittycampaign. THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES YOGA FOR GOOD POSTURE I’ve never been so tall doing yoga! Ha! Those of you who know me know that’s some seriously wonderful news. Yoga can transform a person slouching in their chair into someone who sits uprightwith no assistance. The sages say that asana poses were developed tomake the spine strong in preparation for meditation. “One whose spine is full of energy” is the definition ofa yogi, so it goes without saying that the spine is a hugefocal point in yoga. I remember my mom telling me to “hold yourshoulders back.” Most of the time, this is what the teacher is masterfully trying to accomplish withstudents in yoga class. To assist with alignment ofthe spine when you are not enjoying the expertiseof a teacher, enjoy a few of the wonderful posturesdescribed below at home. First, try Tadasana or Mountain Pose. Stand withyour feet hip distance apart, activate your legs and Are you over 40 years old and single? Does the idea of looking for love cause you to break out in hives? Are you paralyzed by that stupid Newsweek article, from 30 years ago, that said a single woman over 40 was more likely to be killed by a terrorist than to find a mate and marry? First of all, that article has been proven to be wrong over and over again. Second, who cares about stats when we are talking about a life you would love that includes love? The truth is that the odds are actually in your favor. Older adults are changing the rules for aging, dating, and sex. Love is available to everyone regardless of age. Studies also indicate that the maturity of age helps older adults have more positive dating experiences than they did in their youth. Older adults have well developed emotional brains. Over 40 and ready to date? Good, because it’s your time! “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” belly. Draw shoulder blades onto your back and faceyour palms forward. Stand tall and breathe deeply. Second, try Utkatasana or Chair Pose. Inhale andbend your knees deeply while bringing the arms rightalongside ears. Firm the belly and tilt your pelvis justslightly forward. Make sure your knees don’t jut outtoo far over the ankles. Breathe deeply here with allmuscles engaged. Other poses I love for posture andthe confidence that boosts the structure are Warrior I, Bridge Pose, and just unassisted sitting, or meditation posture. Keep practicing and watch the body change! Remember, everything is connected, so even safelystretching hamstrings can assist in posture. See you inclass soon. Visit Yoga Madre’s website for the currentschedule: Please email me with questions or inquires. Namaste, Keely Totten, E- RYT 500, Teacher Trainer at YogaMadre THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual LOVE AFTER 40, GO GET IT! ---Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 New International Version Being in a committed relationship leads to reduced stress, better healing capacity, feeling a greater sense of purpose and a longer, healthier life. I know that the idea of dating and courtship can seem frightening, but the rewards are immense and worth the challenge. A few short years ago, I was at a crossroads. My very long marriage ended, and my child was at college, and I was lonely. I had to decide what I wanted for myself, and I started asking myself questions. What would make me happy? I realized that I longed for connection and intimacy. I didn’t know where to start, and I didn’t know how. I have since built a deeply fulfilling relationship where I have great fun and adventure. The best part is that I had fun all along the way. Having healthy relationships is part of living a full life, and romantic love is available and possible regardless of age. Are you ready to make love welcome? What are you willing to do to experience love? Ask yourself, what if I could find love? Everything starts with your thinking and your beliefs. You have to believe that love is at least possible. You also must be willing to take action. Write to me; I would love to hear your thoughts on love after 40. What comes up for you when you think about dating and looking for love? Lori A. Harris is a Lawyer and coach that helps women over 40 find love and have fun doing it! Find out more about her at Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||