Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, September 23, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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6 Mountain View News Saturday, September 23, 2017 ARCADIA NAMED MOST BUSINESS FRIENDLY CITY FINALIST FOR THE SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER For the period of Sunday, September 10th, through Saturday, September 16th, the Police Department responded to 899 calls for service, of which 136 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, September 10: Shortly before 1:34 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding an activation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoy bicycles with tracking devices to combat the increase in bike thefts throughout the city. An investigation revealed a 54-year-old male from Los Angeles was in possession of the stolen bicycle and GPS tracker. The suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. At approximately 6:21 p.m., an officer responded to Sephora, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a petty theft report. A loss prevention specialist witnessed the adult and juvenile suspects conceal numerous items of makeup before exiting the store, failing to make payment. The 20-year-old female from Arcadia and 16-year-old female from El Monte were cited and released in the field. Monday, September 11: Just after 12:19 p.m., an officer responded to the 76 Gas Station, 102 East Duarte Road, regarding a grand theft report. The officer determined a female suspect asked to borrow the victim’s phone and as the suspect appeared to make a phone call, she fled to an awaiting vehicle. The suspect is described as a Hispanic female in her twenties, approximately 5’5”, and 160 pounds. She fled in a white Ford Explorer. The investigation is ongoing. At approximately 3:22 p.m., an officer responded to the intersection of Colorado Street and Baldwin Avenue regarding a vandalism report. A witness reported seeing a male suspect using spray paint to vandalize a utility box. The writing was illegible and the suspect was gone by the time officers arrived. Tuesday, September 12: Around 1:21 p.m., an officer responded to the 1000 block of West Huntington Drive regarding a stolen vehicle report. The officer discovered unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s 2012 Infiniti sometime between September 9th and September 12th. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing. 6. Just before 8:36 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of East Floral Avenue regarding a theft from vehicle report. The officer determined an unknown suspect stole the catalytic converter from a 2003 Honda Odyssey. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Wednesday, September 13: Shortly after 3:35 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 2700 block of Warren Way regarding a burglary report. An investigation revealed an unknown suspect stole three pairs of sunglasses from two unlocked vehicles that were parked in an unlocked garage. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. At about 5:35 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a stolen vehicle report. The officer discovered an unknown suspect stole the victim’s 2000 Honda Civic from the downstairs parking lot near Nordstrom sometime between 10:15 a.m. on today’s date and the time of this report. El Monte Police Department located the abandoned vehicle a short time later. The investigation is ongoing. Thursday, September 14: Before 5:00 a.m., an officer responded to Walgreens, 140 East Live Oak Avenue, regarding a burglary report. Surveillance footage revealed three suspects smashed the front door, gained entry into the pharmacy, stole Adderall, Methadone, and Oxycodone, and then fled. The suspects are described as three suspects wearing hooded sweatshirts, masks, and gloves. The investigation is ongoing. Around 10:30 a.m., officer responded to the 2800 block of Bradford Avenue regarding a burglary that had just occurred. The victim saw two suspects in her back yard using a tool to break a rear window. An investigation revealed five suspects were linked to a second residential burglary that in the 700 block of East Wistaria Avenue. Two 19-year-old males from Los Angeles, a 22-year-old male from Los Angeles, a 22-year-old female from Los Angeles, and a 20-year-old female from Los Angeles were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Friday, September 15: At about 9:29 a.m., an officer responded to the 00 block of East Live Oak Avenue regarding a subject taking items from a donation bin. The officer located the 35-year-old male from South El Monte and, during a consensual search, discovered an illegal weapon and various pieces of stolen property. The suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just before 11:04 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 00 block of Fano Street regarding a vandalism report. The officer discovered an unknown suspect damaged the dead bolt lock to the condominium complex’s storage unit. No loss was reported, no suspects were seen, and no witnesses were located. Saturday, September 16: Shortly after 3:20 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the area of Huntington Drive and Santa Clara Street for driving on the wrong side of the road. Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determined the 27-year-old male from Montebello was driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. During an inventory search of the vehicle, the officer discovered the passenger, a 21-year- old female from Los Angeles, was in possession of a controlled substance. Both suspects were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. At approximately 9:48 p.m., an officer responded to the front counter of the Arcadia Police Department regarding a fraud report. The victim stated he completed several money transfers via Money Gram and Western Union in exchange for two live birds but never received them. The investigation is ongoing. September 19, 2017 – The City of Arcadia was announced as an Eddy Awards finalist for Most Business-Friendly City by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) for cities with a population under 68,000. This is the second time the City of Arcadia has been selected as a finalist for this award. Finalists are selected by a blue ribbon panel that evaluates and recognizes Los Angeles County cities that are doing the most to encourage job creation and facilitate the ease of doing business within their communities. “It’s great to see the City of Arcadia continuing to be leader in in our economic development efforts,” said Mayor Peter Amundson. “Arcadia has long been known to be a great place to raise a family but being recognized for our unique approach to business attraction and development for two years in a row is no small feat. It’s important for the business community and entrepreneurs to know that the City is here to help them pursue their dreams in Arcadia.” Over the past several years, the City has taken great strides to cut red tape, streamline processes, and enhance customer service through a business assistance program, and a new pro-business Development Code. “The City recognizes the changes in the retail and commercial sector, and is committed to a proactive and flexible approach”, said Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Jason Kruckeberg. “We are focused on finding creative solutions for new businesses, providing resources and assistance to existing businesses, and fostering a business-friendly environment throughout the City. Winners of the 2017 Eddy Awards will be announced on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The annual gala began in 1996 to support fulfillment of the LAEDC’s mission to recognize excellence by celebrating individuals, organizations, and cities that demonstrate exceptional contributions to economic development in the region. For more information, please visit the LAEDC website at About Arcadia Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with a population of just over 56,000. Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small- town charm with the conveniences and amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter city governed by a five member City Council, elected at-large. Recognized for exceptional education and recreation opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of Homes” and has twice been designated the “Best City in California in which to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. STAFF SEEKING AUTHORIZATION TO BEGIN PROPOSITION 218 WATER RATE ADJUSTMENT PROCESS IN OCTOBER 2017 TO ADDRESS THE NEW WATER ASSESSMENTS BEING LEVIED ON MONROVIA AND OTHER WATER PROVIDERS IN THE MAIN SAN GABRIEL BASIN, RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER COSTS EXPECTED TO INCREASE BY $15 - $17 / MONTH BEGINNING IN 2018 HOMETOWN HEROES LOIS GASTON AND REYNA DIAZ HONORED BY THEIR COMMUNITIES AT THE L.A. COUNTY FAIR Over the last several months, City staff has been working to analyze the issues surrounding our regional water supply and the anticipated associated costs that will be impacting Monrovians in the coming months and years. As a result, staff will be seeking the City Council’s authorization to begin the Proposition 218 Protest Hearing process in October 2017 to adjust our current water rate to absorb the enormous added costs being passed down to water agencies in our region. Please note that we are still working to finalize the levels of adjustment needed for the different types of water customers and various meter sizes. However, the majority of customers in Monrovia are single family residences with a 1-inch water meter or smaller, and based on our preliminary rate modeling, our updated rates will likely recommend a water cost structure where residential customers see an increase of between $15 - $17 / month on their monthly bill beginning in 2018. In addition, at build out in FY 2021/22, the new cost for water is expected to increase by around $35 / month more than what the typical residential customer pays today. Also, it is important to emphasize that all of these new costs are pass-through costs which will be paid to the San Gabriel Basin Watermaster and the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District for the purpose of importing water into our region. Ultimately, the proposed water rate adjustment is being coordinated because of new water supply costs that the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster (Watermaster) and the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District) are levying to address the water supply shortage in the Main San Gabriel Basin. As you may know, the decade-long drought that we have experienced in our region has had a devastating impact on the groundwater levels in Main San Gabriel Basin aquifer, where Monrovia and many other water agencies draw their groundwater from. Last May, the Watermaster (which is the agency that regulates who gets to draw water from the Main San Gabriel Basin aquifer and how much they can pump) instituted a new fee on all water producers in the San Gabriel Valley, including the City of Monrovia. This new fee was implemented so that they could make a large purchase of water – 40.7 billion gallons at a cost of over $100 million. This purchase was made after careful consideration and an examination of all available options to restore the health of the Basin after it reached historically low levels. The cost of purchasing and importing this water will be split between all of the communities and agencies that use this water, including us here in Monrovia, which means that water will become more expensive for all of us. By Joan Schmidt Wednesday, September 13, 2017 was a very special day at the Fair for Monrovia, Arcadia, and Duarte Community Residents. Each year, the L. A. County Fair has “Special City Days”, when residents of a chosen city purchase reduced Fair tickets, and participate in special events. The Day’s Highlight is a Reception with delicious refreshments and Recognition of their Hometown hero! This year, for the first time ever, the “MAD” County Area was invited to participate in this special day, thanks to Supervisor Barger. Festivities began at 3pm. The three participants were the City of Duarte, the City of Monrovia, and the Monrovia Arcadia Duarte County Area. Duarte was first. Mayor Pro Tem John Fasana gave highlights of Lois Gaston’s many contributions to Duarte. Before serving on their City Council for eight years, Lois was well-known in the community for advancing educational opportunities for young people, providing assistance to senior citizens and the needy, serving over a decade on various City Commissions and Community non-profits such as the Duarte Ed Foundation and Duarte Coordinating Council. She is the Chair of the Community Mediation Team constantly striving to bring the entire community together. She has led efforts to provide SAT tutoring for at-risk youth. Lois has served on the Foothill Unity Center Board and on September 28 will receive their Heart in Hand award. Lois has been recognized on the city, county and state level for her hard work and volunteerism in so many areas. Debby Mendelsohn for Supervisor Barger, Kristi Lopez for Senator Portantino and Veronica Lopez for Assemblywoman Rubio all presented Certificates. Mayor Pro Tem Fasana and Councilmember Reilly presented a Certificate and flowers to Lois. Called to the Podium also were Superintendent Dr. Murcerino, and Board Members Reyna Diaz, Doug Edwards and Dr. Irene Murray. Also participating in the Festivities was the Unincorporated Area. “MAD” Town Council President David Hall was called to the podium and invited Vice President Terrence Williams, Council Members Linda Sells, Joan Schmidt, and Temple Station Captain David Flores to join him. (In 1993, Cpt. Flores was the FIRST Special Assignment Deputy for our area.) Hall shared our history, and explained how the Town Council functions-working together as ONE. Williams spoke of Reyna and their bond as school board members: he is Vice President, Monrovia School Board; Reyna, President, Duarte School Board. I then shared how a young Reyna left war-torn El Salvador with a baby daughter Violet in search of a better life. She met and married Ruben Diaz 40 years ago and they have raised Violet and two sons in a loving home. They work hard-Ruben has a wrought- iron fencing business, and Reyna has worn many hats- a wedding coordinator and cake decorator-to name a few. Reyna is unmatched in volunteerism and hard work, and Ruben has always been at her side with help and support. Reyna served on the Formation Committee Mar-Jun, 1993-translating and encouraging community involvement; served on the Town Council ten years, and the LASD Community Advisory Committee. She walked her area and registered voters, and was the main reason a school bond passed. The first Latina/County Resident on the Duarte School Board, having served almost 20 years and current Board President, searching for innovative programs. Reyna annually held fundraiser dinners so she and Ruben could bring Xmas toys to El Salvador and Mexico, and refurbished ambulances. She also obtained funds for victims of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. Reyna also serves on Foothill Unity Center Board and is active with Kiwanis and Meals on Wheels. President Dave Hall read a Proclamation declaring Reyna Diaz our Hometown Hero and presented it to her. Mrs. Sells presented flowers, and the representatives gave Certificates on behalf of the dignitaries. The wonderful festivities ended with a great parade. Thank you L.A. County Fair for such a memorable day! THE CITY OF MONROVIA AND THEIR HOMETOWN HERO: THE HIPPIE BOTS By Joan Schmidt September 13, 2017 was a special day for the Cities of Duarte and Monrovia, and the “MAD” (Monrovia Arcadia Duarte) Unincorporated County area at LA County Fair. In a separate article I wrote about two special ladies, Lois Gaston and Reyna Diaz, the City of Duarte and Mad “Hometown Heroes.” Because the Hippie Bots, Clifton MIDDLE School’s team did the unthinkable-become World Champions competing against HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE students, I must share their long journey reaching their ultimate goal. First I must acknowledge their teacher Paul Flores and coach Gina Ayala. You can have the brightest students, the best programs, but someone at the top must guide them and oversee their work. A step leading to their World Championship occurred in 2016. The Hippie Bots traveled to Shanghai, China for an international competition. They were the ONLY U.S. team invited and finished 13th place out of 49 teams, ranking ahead of the Russian team. This experience helped form their strategy at the Dutch Open. On May 20, 2017, the Hippie Bots stunned an international field of high school and college students by winning the 2017 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Dutch Open in Eindhoven, Netherlands as the ONLY competing American Team! How did they do this remarkable feat? They programmed all the right moves and overcame obstacles as they maneuvered their way through the 45 team, 10- country field, completing the tournament undefeated and capturing the three- team alliance that took the first prize! Did you know that Monrovia Unified School District actually has ten robotics teams that regularly compete in Southern California leagues sanctioned by FIRST Tech, a national nonprofit dedicated to inspiring young people to be leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields? Monrovia’s festivities at the Fair began with Mayor Tom Adams being called up to the Podium. He brought Council Member Gloria Crudginton and School Board Members Terrence Williams and Ed Guililland to the front and acknowledged city officials. Mr. Adams read a short synopsis of the Hippie Bots Achievements and called them up. The City had a Certificate for them. Presentations were made by Debby Mendelsohn, (Supervisor Barger). Kristi Lopez (Senator Portantino) and Veronica Lopez (Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio. I reside in the Monrovia County area and was very pleased to learn of the great achievements of the Hippie Bots Team, that Santa Fe Middle School is now a Magnet School and of course in neighboring Duarte, there is a now the CA School of the Arts-San Gabriel Valley. Residents of the Monrovia Arcadia Duarte Communities, we really have WONDERFUL educational opportunities for our children! VERY SPECIAL THANKS to LA COUNTY FAIR for including the City of Monrovia, the City of Duarte and our County Area in this special Community Day. 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