Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 17, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain View News Saturday,March 17, 2018 
Mountain View News Saturday,March 17, 2018 




Sierra Madre, CA –The City of Sierra Madre has put 
TeaPac and the two proponents of Measure D on notice 
that they must immediately cease and desist the 
unauthorized use of the City's logo in their Stop the 
UUT campaign literature, or face legal consequences, 
including a potential lawsuit. After receiving 
telephone calls and emails from confused or angry 
residents demanding to know why the City's well-
known and loved wistaria logo was being used in 
Measure D campaign materials, the City was forced 
to take immediate action to stop the deception. 

Use of the City's logo without express written consent 
is a violation of the Sierra Madre Municipal 
Code and may be enjoined as a public nuisance or 
enforced as a misdemeanor. Use of a city logo or seal 
in campaign materials in a manner that misleads or 
gives a false impression that the campaign materials 
are authorized by a public official is also a violation 
of state law. 

Unlike private committees and initiative proponents, 
Sierra Madre is held to a higher standard by 
the Fair Political Practices Commission to communicate 
only truthful and accurate information to the 
community on the impacts of proposed initiatives, 
and cannot produce campaign literature. The use 
of the City logo to communicate false information 

 On Thursday,right across the street from Sierra 
Madre City Hall stood about a half dozen protestors, 
with a very large yellow banner that suggested 
that someone was stealing wages. (See picture 

 The persons associated with the banner were 
members of one of the Los Angeles area Carpenter's 
Unions and when queried about their grievance, it 
was learned that their issue was neither with City 
Hall nor the building they were standing in front 
of, The Kensington Senior Living Facility. Rather, 
according to the spokesperson who did not disclose 
his name, the allegations of wage theft were directed 
at a sub-contractor on a project in Redondo 
Beach. When asked why they were protesting in 
Sierra Madre, they indicated that while the Kensington 
was not involved in the dispute, one of the 
initial deveopers of the Kensington, Billie Shields, 
was also involved in the development of the Redondo 
Beach project.

 A corporate spokesperson for Billy Shields and 
The Kensington sent the following statement, " We 
are aware of the public awareness activity near our 

in campaign literature is deceptive and misleading. 
The March 8th TeaPac email, which used the City's 
logo, contained several false statements about the 
City's fiscal condition. 

The Utility User Tax (UUT), which is a 10% local 
tax on utilities, produces $2.6 million in revenue 
annually, making up 24% of the General Fund, and 
pays for Police, Fire, Library and Community Services. 
The Fiscal Impact Report which analyzes the 
effects of Measure D on Sierra Madre is available 
at, by clicking on the 
link titled Fiscal Impact Report on the home page. 
This report outlines what is likely to happen to these 
services if Measure D is approved and 24% ($2.6M) 
of revenue is removed from the City’s General Fund. 

Mayor Rachelle Arizmendi, stated "This City Council 
has worked hard to keep our police and fire services 
here in Sierra Madre while still maintaining 
a balanced budget. The UUT is an integral part of 
that. I trust our residents, who overwhelmingly 
supported the UUT just two years ago, know this 
and will not be fooled by false statements from Tea-
Pac. But using our City logo to try to confuse people 
about supporting Measure D is beyond the pale 
and we have to just say "No." 

community and can assure you that the actions and 
allegations have nothing to do with The Kensington 
Sierra Madre. 

The actions and allegations relate to a general contractor 
who is responsible for building our project 
in Redondo Beach. The general contractor has 
hired numerous subcontractors. The actions and 
allegations relate to one subcontractor’s previous 
work on a non-Kensington project. 

We have every confidence in our general contractor. 
They have an excellent track record of building 
first-class senior housing communities nationally."

 It should be noted that during the development, 
construction and ongoing management of The 
Kensington Sierra Madre, wage disputes have not 
been lodged. 

 The banner, however speaks for itself. Wage Theft 
is a crime, but not one being committed in Sierra 
Madre at The Kensington. 

S. Henderson/MVNews 
“Every good citizen adds to the strength of a nation.” 
Gordon B. Hinckley 

“The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic ofours is that he or she shall be able and willing to pullhis or her own weight.” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.

S. President 
Friday, March 9th, I was invited by Gayle Bluemel,
former Principal and current pianist, to attend theSpotlight Assembly at Sierra Madre ElementarySchool. This year’s Spotlight Assemblies have focusedon Art History and each class in turn has explored andthen presented a specific part of the world timelinethrough Music, Theatre and Dance. Visual Art lessonsare also aligned with each class theme, resultingin some really nifty ten foot tall representationsof Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Romeand Medieval Times. These paper tapestries are sowell done by the various grades involved they couldqualify for showing at the Norton Simon!

Medieval Times was presented by the secondgrade classes of which there are five, ably and superblytaught by Ms. Becky Bickel, Ms. Susan Andres, Ms.
Linda Newhart, Ms. Carolyn Halpern and Mr. StevenMulder. These excellent folk were arrayed in t-shirtssporting a lovely oak tree (I think) and the concepts:
Brilliant – Creative – Strong – True-Hearted printedaround the tree. They also had glittery gold crowns,
which they richly deserved.

Miss Emily Clark, who is the Director andPerforming Arts Specialist for Sierra Madre 
Elementary explained that we were about to take ajourney through Medieval Times where we wouldhear how art evolved through illuminated manuscriptsprinted on scrolls of parchment as the printing presshad not yet been invented. As there weren’t a lot ofcareer choices available, one pretty much did whateverone’s mother or father did so people had to fit into onecertain mold and, my goodness, aren’t we glad that’sno longer the case!

The program started with the Pledge of Allegiance,
heartily pronounced, and then a verse or so ofAmerica The Beautiful, with gestures showing usthe amber waves of grain. The 100 second graders,
now occupying risers on the stage, were costumedfor Medieval Times in jester’s hats, crowns, various 

doublets and many of the ladies wore long velourdresses with sneakers. The Volunteer Costume 
Committee, as usual, outdid themselves with 
practically no budget but lots of willing hands.

The music was taken from “Camelot,” “Spamalot,” 
and “Pippin,” and, having seen all of these musicals, Ihave to say the second graders did a marvelous job,
kicking off with “Magic To Do,” 

“We’ve got magic to do........ Just for you 
We’ve got miracle plays to playWe’ve got parts to perform.... Hearts to warmKings and things to take by storm 
As we go along our way.” 

The King and Queen of Camelot, the Knightsof the Round Table, Ladies in Waiting all danced –
thanks to Lynnanne Hanson-Miller, Dance Specialist

- and sang with joy and enthusiasm, ending with“Find Your Grail” from “Spamalot” and the schoolsong. These little people could not have been moreprofessional and well prepared.
Then, my favorite part of the Spotlight Assemblies,
the giving out of certificates of merit to at least 
a hundred students. These awards were, in greatpart, for being good citizens: For participation, forkindness, for helpfulness, for a good attitude, fora great sense of humor. Yes, for great math work,
reading comprehension, but good citizenship, friendsand neighbors, is so important and Sierra MadreElementary is teaching and rewarding exactly that.
The pictures this week are the King and Queenof Camelot and just a few of the kids receivingcertificates of merit. Next month: First Graders and 
Medieval Fairy Tales.... stay tuned! 

My book page: Deanne Davis 
Check out “The Crown” now that we are heading forEaster... 
If you’ve ever wondered what happened to that crownof thorns, 
“The Crown” is perfect for you!
Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a 
Follow me on Twitter, too!


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: