Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 22, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page B:2




Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 22, 2018 





If you’re active on social media, Facebook probably plays 
a prominent role in your life. And now the social media 
titan can even play a role in your afterlife. 

 Today, estate planning encompasses not only your 
tangible assets—bank accounts and real estate—but your 
digital assets as well, such as cryptocurrency, websites, and 
social media accounts. Though social media may seem 
trivial compared to the rest of your personal property, 
a Facebook account functions as a virtual diary of your 
daily life, making it a key part of your legacy—and one 
you’ll likely want to protect.

 Because social media is so new, there are very few state 
laws governing how your Facebook account should be 
handled upon your death. Considering this, Facebook 
itself is in nearly total control of what happens to your 
profile after you die. And since roughly 8,000 Facebook 
users die every day, the company has created a few 
options for dealing with your account once you’re gone:
1. Do nothing

Unless Facebook is notified of your death, it assumes you’re 
still alive, and your profile remains active indefinitely. 
While this might not seem like a big deal, your profile 
will continue to be included in Facebook searches, People 
You May Know suggestions, and birthday reminders. 
Your friends and family likely won’t want to be 
constantly reminded of your absence, and even worse, 
ex-friends and/or trolls will be able to post potentially 
hurtful messages on your timeline. To shield your loved 
ones from this kind of thing, consider going with one of 
the other options.

2. Have the account deleted

 You can notify Facebook that you’d like to have your 
account permanently removed from its servers upon your 
passing. Alternatively, a friend, family member, or your 
executor can make the same request after your death. This 
will completely delete your profile and all its associated 
content from Facebook for good. 

 Additionally, one of these individuals can request that 
your account’s content be downloaded and saved before 
the profile is deleted. Content that’s eligible for download 
includes wall posts, photos, videos, profile info, events, 
and your friend list. However, Facebook will not allow any 
third-party to access or download your personal messages 
or login information.

3. Memorialize the account

 In 2009, Facebook began allowing accounts of the 
deceased to be “memorialized” at the request of a 
friend or family member. Once an account has been 
memorialized, only confirmed friends can see the profile 
or find it in a search. Your memorialized profile will no 
longer appear in friend suggestions, nor will anyone 
receive birthday updates or other account notifications. 
When your account is memorialized, the word 
“Remembering” will be added next to your name on 
your profile. Depending on your privacy settings, 
friends and family members can post content and share 
memories on your timeline. A memorialized account 
is locked, so its original content cannot be altered or 
removed, even if an individual has your login info. 
In 2015, Facebook created a new policy that allows 
you to designate a family member or friend as a “legacy 
contact” to manage your memorialized account. This 
contact will be allowed to pin a final message to the top 
of your timeline, announcing your death or providing 
funeral information. The contact can also respond to new 
friend requests and update your cover and profile photos. 
The legacy contact will not be able to log in as you or see 
any of your private messages.

Preserve your legacy

 Since social media and other digital property are such 
an important part of your life, you should ensure these 
assets are protected by your overall estate plan. 

 Furthermore, through our Legacy Interviews, we allow 
you to create a customized video recording, sharing your 
values, stories, and life lessons with the loved ones you 
leave behind. Every estate plan we create includes this 
component, because estate planning should encompass 
not only your financial assets and material possessions, 
but your most precious personal wealth—your wisdom, 
love, and family leadership. Contact us today to learn 

 Dedicated to empowering your family, building your 
wealth and defining your legacy,


A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to 
help parents protect what they love most. His office is located 
at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule 
an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a 
legacy of love and financial security for your family by 
calling 626.355.4000 or visit for more 

One of the definitions 
of the word ‘adapt’ is to 
“become adjusted to new 
conditions.” In many 
ways, this is what yoga 
is trying to accomplish-- 
adaptability. Adaptability 
is the ability to gracefully 
thrive within the ever-
changing circumstances 
of life. In yoga and 
Ayurveda, we focus on 
treating the present state of 
body and mind. What worked yesterday may not apply 
today. There are a few factors that determine our present 
state of body and mind. First, what we take in plays a 
significant role. This is not exclusive to food and includes 
what we receive through stimulation of the five senses. 
What are we hearing, seeing or feeling? Have you noticed 
how aromatherapy improves your health? Or have you 
felt wonderful after some time in the sunshine? It’s 
helpful to remember what nourishes and what depletes.
Second, evaluate your lifestyle. How we live ties into 
our overall environment. There are many questions 
for self-inquiry here. What is life like? Ask yourself, 
“Is my yoga practice contributing to a calm and serene 
environment overall? Am I around positive people who 
love me?” Personally, I check myself to see how much 
wellness I have in my life day-to-day. If I’m taking care 
of myself through exercise, yoga, meditation, and holistic 
practices, then I’m enjoyable to be around and I feel 
happy and comfortable. The challenge comes when our 
present state of body and mind is overlooked. When we 
are out of balance, we often ignore our symptoms or put 
off addressing them. A simple breath practice might feel 
too simple. Getting more rest or sleep is something we 
know we should do but don’t do. Possibly, we think we 
SHOULD be at a different place than where we REALLY 
are. If you are ever uncertain of where to begin with your 
yoga practice, address where you actually are in that day. 
What part of your body needs attention? Do you need to 
stretch or strengthen? Is it the mind that needs settling? 
A soothing breath practice may be indicated. Remember, 
little steps add up to greater change in the long run. When 
we approach the authentic present state and condition, 
the ability to adapt and thrive increases. This creates flow 
and balance in the world and in us, individually. Learn 
more about the practices that can bring you balance and 
awareness. Reach out to or visit 
my website: 


Keely Totten

An Ever Adaptable Yoga & Meditation Teacher


Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual

Lori A. Harris



Every spiritual, religious, and mindfulness practice 
encourages the practitioners to forgive. There are 
times in our lives when forgiveness seems difficult, 
or even impossible, but in my experience, I've found 
self-forgiveness is the best place to start. Often we 
are lost in our thoughts. Sometimes we ruminate 
over the past. If you can't forget what happened, 
would you consider forgiving the transgression? 

 Let's compare our brains to a computer, then it's 
easy to remember that we are dealing with limited 
storage capacity. We need to clear that hard drive 
periodically for the device to operate efficiently. 
When you forgive yourself, you free valuable space 
in your mind that you can use to create a life that 
you love and notice the places in your life that you 

 Forgiveness is not something we do just once; 
it is a mental and emotional cleaning to keep up 
with our “spiritual hygiene” on a regular basis. As 
frequently as we brush our teeth or cleanse our 
body, we must forgive.

 "We must develop and maintain the capacity to 
forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive 
is devoid of the power to love. ... – Martin Luther 
King, Jr.

 "Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often 
shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? 
Up to seven times?” 

 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven 
times, but up to seventy times seven." Matthew 
18:21,22. This New Testament passage reminds 
us that we need to forgive constantly. Why? 
Forgiveness is good for our health.

 According to research at John Hopkins Medical 
Center and the Mayo Clinic, the act of forgiveness 
can lower the risk of heart 
attack; improve cholesterol 
levels and sleep; and reduce 
pain, blood pressure, and levels 
of anxiety, depression, and 
stress. Forgiveness can slow 
the effects of aging. You will 
look and feel better. Carrying 
a grudge weighs you down.

 My new doctor introduced me to a Hawaiian 
forgiveness practice called Ho’oponopono. Get 
quiet, relax and say aloud the following four 

1. I'm sorry.

2. I forgive you.

3. I thank you.

4. I love you.

Feel free to use these phrases for yourself or another 
person. You may say the phrases in any order.

 Let's consider how we take our bodies for granted. 
Tell your body that you're sorry for abusing it. 
Forgive yourself for overeating or drinking. Thank 
your body for everything that it does for you daily. 
Tell your body that you love it. If you do this 
regularly, you may find yourself making healthy 
choices and feeling better about yourself and your 


 Lori A. Harris is a lawyer and coach, learn more 
about her at

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