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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 27, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, January 27, 2018 CITY COUNCIL APPOINTS SHO TAY TO ANOTHER TERM - CANCELS APRIL ELECTION. ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER At a special meeting of the Arcadia City Council, a unanimous decision was made to cancel the scheduled April 10, 2018 General Municipal Election. As of the close of the nomination period onFriday, January 12, 2018, only one person had filednomination papers to fill the City Council seat forElectoral District No. 3. Therefore, because there are not more candidates than offices to be elected the council canceled the election and exercised one of the two options available under the law. Section 10229 of the Elections Code allows the City Council to take one of the following courses ofaction: SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CHINESE-SPEAKING USERS 1. Appoint to the office the person(s) who has/ have been nominated. 2. Appoint to the office any eligible voter if no onehas been nominated. 3. Hold the election if either no one or only oneperson has been nominated. Current city councilmember Sho Tay was theonly candidate for the office and was appointedby the council at Thursday’s meeting. There was only one person speaking during the publiccomment period, an unidentified journalist whoencouraged the council to do what they felt wasright. MVNews City of Arcadia Announces Use of WeChat January 24, 2018 – The City of Arcadia is addingWeChat to the Arcadia Connect social media program in an ongoing effort to improve outreach tothe City’s Chinese community. WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication servicefor Chinese speaking users and is one of the world’slargest messaging apps. The WeChat app can be downloaded for free fromthe app store for Android and iPhone mobile devices. To add the City of Arcadia, search for the user ID: DiscoverArcadia. The launch of WeChat will enable the City of Arcadiato provide Chinese speaking residents with important City news and information. “Through our use of WeChat we hope to increase our engagementand trust with the Chinese community,” said Mayor Amundson. “City staff will use WeChat todisseminate much of the same information they sendout via social media: traffic alerts, crime preventiontips, and news about community events,” he added. WeChat currently has 980 million active monthlyusers with 70 million outside of China. For additional information, please contact Arcadia City hall at574-5401. NEWCOMERS AND FRIENDS OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY INVITES LOCAL RESIDENTS TO FEBRUARY EVENTS Arcadia and Pasadena, California. Are you interested in meeting new people, making new friends, exploring well-known landmarks, and enjoying new activities? Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, a social club, invites local women to attend their February meeting. On February 7, at 10:00 am, Newcomers and Friends of SGV’s “meet-and-greet” coffee will be held at the Fireside Room, Santa Anita Church, 226 West Colorado Blvd., in Arcadia. FREE tickets are available from Eventbrite,https:// and-greet-coffee-and-meeting-in-sangabriel- valley-tickets-42375059945 This general meeting is a great way to meet the members of Newcomers and Friends and learn about the club’s wide variety of daytime, weekday, fun activities. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to attend. Additional Newcomers and Friends’ mostly-daytime, weekday activities include a Book Club, Bridge, Crafters, Games (Bunco, Rummikub, etc.), Hiking, Happy Hour, Day Trips, Lunch Bunch, Mah Jongg, Meditation, Movies, Golf, and Wine Tasting.To learn more about Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, contact them via email atsgvnewcomers@ or visit them online at http://www. For the period of Sunday, January 14th, through Saturday, January 20th, the Police Department responded to 835 callsfor service, of which 96 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. Sunday, January 14: At approximately 2:12 a.m., officers responded to a hitand run traffic collision that occurred in the parking lot ofDrinker’s Hall of Fame, 151 East Huntington Drive. Thesuspect driver was seen backing into a parked vehicle andfleeing the scene. Sierra Madre Police Officers assistedin locating and detaining the suspect. Officers detected astrong odor of alcohol emitting from the suspect. Througha series of tests, the 46-year-old male from Arcadia wasdetermined to have been driving under the influence of analcoholic beverage. He was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. At about 9:06 p.m., officers responded to the 99 CentsOnly Store, 140 East Duarte Road, regarding a theftreport. An investigation revealed a juvenile male suspectentered the store and attempted to open several unmannedcash registers, after being unsuccessful, he went into the employees’ area of the store and stole cash from anemployee’s purse before fleeing the scene. The investigationis ongoing. Monday, January 15: Around 9:48 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 300block of Le Roy Avenue regarding a burglary report. Agardener discovered a rear glass door had been shattered. An investigation revealed the residence had been ransackedsometime while the residents were out of the country. Nosuspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Just after 10:28 p.m., officers responded to the 1400 blockof Carmelita Place regarding a residential burglary report. The victims returned from a vacation out of the countryto find their home had been ransacked. An investigationrevealed the suspects entered the house by smashing asecond story window. The investigation is ongoing. Tuesday, January 16: At approximately 2:19 a.m., an officer patrolling the areanear Bonita Park, 100 South Second Avenue, contacted a subject lying on the grass on park grounds after hours. A consensual search of the subject led to the discovery ofmethamphetamine. The 28-year-old male from Arcadia wasissued a citation for being in possession of the illegal drug. Just before 9:52 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the areanear Tokyo Wako, 401 East Huntington Drive, regardingthe report of a suspicious person. The officer observedthe subject jump over a wall into private property. Uponcontacting the subject, it was discovered that he was inpossession of drug paraphernalia. The 27-year-old malefrom Monrovia was issued a citation and released at the scene. Wednesday, January 17: At about 11:21 a.m., officers responded to the parking lot ofthe Arcadia City Hall, 240 West Huntington Drive, regardinga subject sitting in her car yelling profanities at people. Theofficers contacted the subject, a 47-year-old female from LosAngeles, and discovered that she was in possession of drugparaphernalia. She was issued a citation and released at the scene. At approximately, 10:56 p.m., an officer was dispatchedto Arcadia Methodist Hospital regarding a subject causinga disturbance. Upon contacting the 43-year-old male fromLos Angeles, the officer noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and determined the suspect was unable to carefor himself. He was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. Thursday, January 18: Around 6:32 p.m., an officer responded to the 300 block ofGenoa Street regarding a residential burglary. The victimreturned from out of town to discover his home had been burglarized. The unknown suspect(s) gained entry tohis home through the doggy door. Further investigationrevealed the suspect(s) left behind drug paraphernalia at thescene. The investigation is ongoing. At approximately 8:59 p.m., officers responded to aresidence on the 300 block of Fairview Avenue regardinga burglary in progress. An investigation revealed unknownsuspect(s) smashed the glass sliding door to a garageliving space and stole unknown property. The suspect(s) also pried open a bedroom window and entered the mainresidence. The suspects were ransacking the bedroomwhen the resident returned home. The suspects fled withand unknown amount of stolen property in an unknowndirection. Friday, January 19: Just after 7:19 a.m., an officer responded to Solar UnlimitedInc., 170 West Live oak Avenue, regarding a commercialburglary report. An investigation revealed unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the rear yard of the business. Once inside, they stole several rolls of copper wire froman unlocked shed and other property from an unlockedcompany vehicle and an employee’s personal vehicle. Nosuspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Just before 2:00 p.m., officers responded to the 1000 blockof Rodeo Road regarding the report of an audible burglaryalarm and three suspicious subjects seen fleeing the scene. An investigation revealed two male suspects attempted tocommit a residential burglary by breaking a window of ahome. Officers located the burglary tool they used insidethe vehicle driven by the third suspect. The 20-year-oldmale from Los Angeles, 19-year-old male from Victorvilleand 20-year-old female from Long Beach were arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Saturday, January 20: At approximately 10:49 a.m., Officers were dispatched toThe Noodle House, 600 East Live Oak Avenue, regarding thereport of a commercial burglary. An investigation revealedthe suspect gained entry to the business by smashing thefront widow. The suspect then attempted to steal moneyfrom the empty cash register. The suspect fled the scene inan unknown direction. Just before midnight, officers responded to a burglaryin progress at a residence located on the 1000 block ofWest Huntington Drive. The victim had received an alarmnotification on his phone indicating that there was motioninside his home. The victim heard suspects attempting topry open his window so he grabbed his gun and called out, scaring the suspects away. Officers conducted an area checkbut did not locate any suspects. DUARTE USD TO HOLD DISTRICT SHOWCASE DAY ON FEBRUARY 3, 2018 The community is invited to learn about DUSD’s signature offerings and to visitOpen Houses taking place at every campus. (Duarte, CA) - Duarte Unified School District (DUSD) is hosting a District Showcase Day on Saturday, February3, 2018, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Duarte PerformingArts Center (1401 Highland Avenue, Duarte, 91010) toshare the specialty programs and initiatives only found inDUSD for students in preschool through 12th grade whoenroll for 2018-19. This opportunity is open to all current DUSD familiesas well as parents and community members from acrossthe San Gabriel Valley wanting to see why DUSD isquickly rising as the destination district in this region. Register online at or call 626599- 5019 to reserve a spot. For more information, “We listened to the needs and desires of all stakeholders in the local community as well as the calls for gamechanging education initiatives desired by parents fromareas near and far,” said Superintendent, Dr. AllanMucerino. “As a result, we have created one-of-a-kind educational opportunities that can only be found here inour district.” At the District Showcase Day, attendees will get anoverview of the resulting innovative solutions and excitingnew initiatives that only DUSD is delivering that willmark education in the years to come. The event will beginwith a Keynote Address by Superintendent Mucerinoat 10:00 a.m. that includes must-see performances byDUSD/CSArts-SGV students followed by Open Housestaking place at every campus from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. “Creating an environment where students andteachers thrive is not only our commitment, but it is ourresponsibility,” said Dr. Mucerino. “So many excitingthings are happening in DUSD that it’s important weshowcase them for families at a time when they areconsidering educational options for their children for the2018-19 school year.” Showcase Day will include information about DUSD’sunparalleled partnership with the California School ofthe Arts-San Gabriel Valley, launched by the renownedOrange County School of the Arts, which offers acollege preparatory experience in conjunction with pre-professional arts conservatory training perfect forstudents with a passion for the arts and sciences in grades7-12. Also, featured will be DUSD’s degree-bearing 4 YearEarly College Program, the only one of its kind to beoffered in the San Gabriel Valley, as well as City of HopeSTEM partnership programs and more innovativeinitiatives that include Project Lead the Way, ArtfulLearning, Mindfulness, Dual Language Immersion, STEAM, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Career Pathways from welding to culinaryarts, award winning Visual and Performing Arts at everyschool, and much more. We really do have somethingspecial for every child! Be sure to meet all of our principals and exploreour new K-8 academies to see for yourself DUSD’smodernized Gen7 campuses that have received nationalrecognition as models for progressive 21st Centurylearning environments. And, if you have children whowill be 3-4 years old, come to Showcase Day to visit ourthree Duarte Preschool campuses acclaimed as earlylearning models by Child360. Plus, there will be must see performances by theDuarte Choir, DHS Band and CSArts-Elements Dance Space-DUSD dancers. And, demos, activities, music, tours, presentations, giveaways, food and fun to be hadat all of the campuses including CSArts-SGV. We can’twait for everyone to experience first-hand why studentsfrom 85 cities are making DUSD their destination foreducation. “We’re proud of the changes we are making to giveDuarte students the best possible 21st Century education and we’re looking forward tosharing with you and your family all about it. Comeand see what the future holds at our schools” said Superintendent Mucerino. For more information, and to reserve your seatsat the DUSD District Showcase Day, go to www. or call 626-599-5019. Please planto arrive by 9:30 a.m. at the Performing Arts Center toregister prior to the start of the Kick-Off at 10:00 a.m. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER During the last seven-day period, the Police Departmenthandled 406 service events, resulting in 88 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http:// for crime mapping. For Police Department news and information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. Grand Theft Motorcycle January 18 at 6:39 a.m., amotorcycle was reported stolen from the 400 block of S. Fifth Avenue. The victim reported that his motorcyclewas taken sometime during the night from the rear ofhis apartment complex. The investigation is continuing. Grand Theft Auto January 18 at 8:42 a.m., a vehicle wasreported stolen from the 300 block of W. Walnut Avenue. The victim reported her gray, 1995 Honda Civic wasparked on the street and was taken sometime betweenJanuary 17 at 3:00 p.m. to January 18 at 8:30 a.m. All keyswere accounted for and the investigation is continuing. Battery – Suspect Arrested January 19 at 11:30 a.m., officers responded to a business in the 1100 block of S. Mountain regarding an employee who had been firedand was at the business causing a disturbance. Officersarrived and detained the subject. Further investigationrevealed the subject had pushed one of the otheremployees. The suspect was arrested for battery andtaken into custody. Vandalism January 19 at 11:39 p.m., a vandalismincident was reported in the 300 block of E. Palm. Thevictim reported that three tires were slashed on hervehicle. The investigation is continuing. Residential Burglary January 19 at 4:28 p.m., a residential burglarywas reported in the 300 block of N. Grand. The residentcame home and discovered that her front door was broken into sometime between 10:15 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. Unknown suspects entered the home, ransacked thehouse, and took a laptop computer. The investigation iscontinuing. Grand Theft – Suspect Arrested January 19 at 7:39 p.m., a theft was reported at a business in the 900 block of W. Foothill. The suspect entered the location, selectedmerchandise and left the store without paying. Policewere notified and the suspect was located by officers ashort distance away. He was arrested and the merchandise was recovered and returned to the business. Utility Problem / Marijuana Grow Discovered January19 at 9:19 p.m., officers responded along with theFire Department on the report of a utility problemat a building in the 100 block of E. Chestnut. Whenthey arrived, they could see smoke and electrical arcflashing going on inside the building. They made entryand discovered a large marijuana grow inside. The arcflash was caused by the electrical system that was beingused to maintain the marijuana grow. Detectives were called in and responded to the incident along with theSpecial Enforcement Team. Over 800 marijuana plantswere impounded from the building. The investigation iscontinuing. Grand Theft Auto / Fraud January 20 at 8:47 a.m., avehicle was reported stolen from the 500 block of W. Duarte Road. The victim had been out of the countrysince November and returned to find his vehicle had been stolen. The victim had also left his credit card inside the vehicle and the credit card had been used to make purchases. A computer check revealed the vehicle hadbeen impounded by Monterey Park Police Department. They had pursued a suspect on foot who had fled fromthe vehicle, however, the suspect was not detained oridentified. The investigation is continuing. Hit and Run Traffic Collision January 20 at 10:30a.m., a hit and run traffic collision was reported at theintersection of Peck and Longden. The suspect driverwas traveling west on Longden at a high rate of speedand turned north on Peck, colliding into a vehicle thatwas stopped at the stop sign, facing south on Peck. Thesuspect continued north on Peck, without stopping. The suspect vehicle was described as a black, Chevroletpickup truck. The investigation is continuing. Fraud Report January 20 at 2:22 p.m., a resident in the300 block of N. Encinitas reported that he was the victimof fraud. The suspect obtained a loan from a bank usingthe victim’s information. The suspect then opened abank account under the victim's name, cashed the check for the loan and closed the account. The victim was notified of the delinquent loan by a collections agency. The investigation is continuing. SAVE THE DATE - MONROVIA’S STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS SET TO TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY, JANUARY29, 2018, AT STUDIO MOVIE GRILL AT 7 P.M. We wanted to let everyone know that our annual State of the City Address is scheduled to take placeon Monday, January 29, 2018, at Studio Movie Grill in Old Town, at 7:00 p.m. Additional details will be providedin the coming weeks, but we did want to let everyone know about the event in hopes that you will save the dateand join us as we take a look back at 2017 in Monrovia! COMMUNITY MEETING TO REVIEW & DISCUSS THE PROPOSED AVALONBAY HOUSING PROJECT (825SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE) WILL BE HELD ON FEBRUARY1, 2018, AT 6 P.M., AT THE LIBRARY COMMUNITYROOM This past week, the City finalized plans with AvalonBay regarding a planned community meeting to discusstheir proposed mixed-use housing project located at 825 South Myrtle Avenue. The meeting is scheduled totake place on Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., at the Library Community Room, and will provide thepublic with an opportunity to discuss the overall housing project, which includes 154 units, 2,900 square feet ofretail space, and a 286-space parking structure. A copy of the meeting flyer is included for your review! Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||