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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 31, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 31, 2018 OUMUAMUA LIKELY CAME FROM A BINARY STAR SYSTEM New research finds that Oumuamua, the rocky object identified as the first confirmed interstellar asteroid, very likely came from a binary star system. “It’s remarkable that we’ve now seen for the first time a physical object from outside our solar system,” says lead author Dr. Alan Jackson, a postdoc at the Centre for Planetary Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough in Ontario, Canada. A binary star system, unlike our Sun, is one with two stars orbiting a common centre. For the new study, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Jackson and his co-authors set about testing how efficient binary star systems are at ejecting objects. They also looked at how common these star systems are in the galaxy. They found that rocky objects like Oumuamua are far more likely to come from binary than single star systems. They were also able to determine that rocky objects are ejected from binary systems in comparable numbers to icy objects. “It’s really odd that the first object we would see from outside our system would be an asteroid, because a comet would be a lot easier to spot and the solar system ejects many more comets than asteroids,” says Jackson, who specializes in planet and solar system formation. Once they determined that binary systems are very efficient at ejecting rocky objects, and that a sufficient number of them exist, they were satisfied that Oumuamua very likely came from a binary system. They also concluded that it probably came from a system with a relatively hot, high-mass star since such a system would have a greater number of rocky objects closer in. The team suggests that the asteroid was very likely to have been ejected from its binary system sometime during the formation of planets. Oumuamua, which is Hawaiian for ‘scout,’ was first spotted by the Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii on 19 October 2017. With a radius of 200 metres and traveling at a blistering speed of 30 kilometres per second, at its closest it was about 33,000,000 km from Earth. When it was first discovered researchers initially assumed the object was a comet, one of countless icy objects that release gas when they warm up on approaching the Sun. But it didn’t show any comet- like activity as it neared the Sun, and was quickly reclassified as an asteroid, meaning it was rocky. Researchers were also fairly sure it was from outside our solar system, based on its trajectory and speed. An eccentricity of 1.2—which classifies its path as an open-ended hyperbolic orbit—and such a high speed meant it was not bound by the gravity of the Sun. In fact, as Jackson points out, Oumuamua’s orbit has the highest eccentricity ever observed in an object passing through our solar system. Major questions about Oumuamua remain. For planetary scientists like Jackson, being able to observe objects like these may yield important clues about how planet formation works in other star systems. Jackson adds, “The same way we use comets to better understand planet formation in our own solar system, maybe this curious object can tell us more about how planets form in other systems.” You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ Photo: ESO / M. Kornmesser OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges EASTER AND THE MAN BEHIND IT In Search of the Real Historical Jesus THE EASTER BUNNY THAT GOT AWAY [Nyerges is an educator, and author of such books as “Extreme Simplicity,” “Enter the Forest,” and “Self-Sufficient Home.” You can learn more about his classes and activities at www.SchoolofSelf-] Jesus! What a man he was! Perhaps the most amazing thing about Jesus – a man who is known and worshipped by at least a third of all humanity, and around whom our system of reckoning time revolves – is that there is still so much debate about who he was, what he did, how he lived, and what he believed. Hundreds of differing sects are stark testament to the fact that though Jesus might have had “one message,” that message has been widely interpreted over the centuries. Let’s work through some basics. As an historical person, he can be placed in a specific time and location. All historians concede that they do not know the birthday of Jesus, but it’s not Christmas day. Most scholars suggest that Jesus was born in either April or September, in 4 B.C. or 6 B.C. “Jesus” was not his name, just the English rendering of Yeshua. Did he have a full name? Yes, of course, and it was not “Jesus Christ,” which is a title, meaning Jesus the Christ, or Jesus the Annointed. Historians say that the actual name was Yeshua ben Josephus, that is, Jesus son of Joseph. Another version says it is Yeshua ben Pandirah, Jesus son of the Panther. In Indian literature, he is referred to as Yuz Asaf, in the Koran he is Isa (or Issa). WAS JESUS BLACK? Ethnically, culturally, and religiously, he was Jewish. But occasionally, a writer will suggest that Jesus was actually black, with such evidence as the preponderance of the “Black Madonnas” found throughout Europe. The only Biblical evidence on this are the two lineages of Jesus provided, which uncharacteristically include women. The key genealogies of Jesus listed in the Bible are Luke 3: 23-31, and Matthew 1:1-17. In these lineages, we are told of at least four of the women in Jesus’ genealogical line. These are Rehab, Ruth, Tamar, and Bathsheba. Rehab (also spelled Rahab) was a Canaanite. Tamar was probably a Canaanite. Bethsheba, often referred to as a Hittite, was more likely Japhethic, that is, not a descendant of Ham. (However, this is not clear). Ruth was in the line of Ham. Now, who was Ham? Who were the Canaanites and Hittites? According to Genesis 9:19, all mankind descended from Noah’s three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham’s descendants became the black people who settled in Africa, and parts of the Arabian peninsula. His sons were Cush, whose descendants settled in Ethiopia, Mizraim, whose descendants settled in Egypt, Put, whose descendants settled in Libya, and Canaan, whose descendants settled in Palestine. The descendants of Cush were the main populace of the Cushite Empire, which extended from western Libya to Ethiopia and Nubia, all of present day Egypt, and the Arabian peninsula into the mountains of Turkey. They spoke several languages and had skin pigmentation ranging from dark black to medium brown. It takes a bit of study to ascertain who these people were – and there were other possible African women in Jesus’ lineage as well – but, in general, when we are speaking of Cushites, Canaanites, descendants of Ham, etc., we are speaking of Africans. It is entirely possible that this wasn’t a big deal when the scriptures were written since Jesus’ racial background was common knowledge. So, although Jesus had some African ancestry, his physical appearance was such that he fit right in with the Jews of that era, based on several passages that indicate that Jesus not only looked like every one else of the day, but was also very average and normal looking Middle-Easterner, not sticking out at all. THE EARLY YEARS The Bible speak of the young Jesus talking to the Rabbis in the Temple, sharing his youthful wisdom with the elders to the surprise of his parents. Then there is no Biblical record of what he did as a teenager, and during his 20s. We don’t hear from his again in the Bible until his appearance on the scene at about age 30, where he turned water into wine at a wedding feasts, and is depicted as a healer, prophet, and fisher of men. His religious observations would have been the regular observations for Jews of the day, and quite different from the observations of most Christian sects today. The reasons for this are well-known. The early Christians were known as Judeo-Christians (Jews who followed the Christ), and as the new religion became more and more encompassing, it eventually became Christianity by the 4th Century. In order to attract ever-more followers, Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Kingdom, and Christianized all the popular Mythraic (so-called Pagan) observations and turned them into Christian Holy Days. Catholocism, after all, means Universalist. Growing up as a Catholic, I studied Jesus, and wanted to be holy like him. I wanted to be like Jesus -- but what did that really mean? There was so much about this person that was beyond my ability to research. For example, what Holy Days would Jesus have observed? Was he an Essene? Was he a Nazarene? What did these groups believe and practice? Did he have any Buddhist influence? Who were his closest followers, the apostles? What did he actually teach his close followers, beyond what is known from his various public talks? Were his miracles and public healings actual events, or were they symbolic stories? These and other questions have always swirled around this man called Jesus. As a student of the real and historical Jesus, here are just a few of the many books I have found to be useful. Garner Ted Armstrong of the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena, wrote a book about the “Real Jesus,” and Jesus was described as a hard-working, athletic, health-food eating powerful man, a sort of health advocate Gypsy Boots of the past. But certainly Jesus was much more than that. Holger Kersten in his “Jesus Lived in India” book presents a very different Jesus, one who is depicted on the Shroud of Turin, and one who traveled to India and studied from the Buddhists. In fact, the way in which the holy men of the Bible sought and found the baby Jesus is very much of the pattern of the holy men of Tibet seeking and finding the next Dali Lama, and Kersten puts Jesus in that very same pattern. Manly Hall, who founded Los Angeles’ Philosophical Research Society, writes that the patterns of all historical saviors (he cites at least 16) include more or less the same elements. But Hall is less concerned about historical facts than he is in demonstrating that there is an extant prototype of human spiritual evolution. According to Harold Percival in his “Thinking and Destiny” book, Jesus succeeded in re-uniting his Doer and Thinker and Knower, his internal trinity, which put him in touch with his divinity, which made him, effectively, a God. Though Percival’s terminology is unfamiliar to most Christians, he is less concerned about the historical details of Jesus and more concerned about what Jesus did, and became, that made him a focal point of most societies on earth over the last 2000 years. According to Percival, the virgin birth, the miracles, and the resurrection should all be studied to find the inner meanings for our own individual evolution. There is also a silly but interesting book that purports to show that Jesus was never a person but actually a hallucinogenic mushroom. Don’t bother reading it. Another book suggests that there was no Jesus, that he is just a made- up person as a metaphor of astrological principles. Really? I believe it is unwise (and incorrect) to suggest that a Jesus never existed because of the way his followers centuries later chose to remember him, and continued to overlay so many symbols onto the historical person. Jesus lived, and it is not reasonable to assume that the stories of such a great one arose from mere myth or fabrication. Such a person lived, and his influence of what he did and said affected many people. Regardless of your religious background or belief, you are likely to be richly rewarded by delving deeply into the nuances of who Jesus was. When everyone’s mind is upon Jesus and the Mysteries during the Easter season, I have found great value in viewing the “Jesus of Nazareth” series, and I even find value in such depictions as “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Unlike so many who purport to follow in his path, I find the real Jesus one who was not dogmatic, but one who knew that only when we recognize each other’s humanity do we rise up into our own divinities. According to Holger Kersten, “Jesus did not supply theories to be ground in the mills of academia, about his path and message – he just lived his teachings! Tolerance, unprejudiced acceptance of others, giving and sharing, the capacity to take upon oneself the burdens of others, in other words, unlimited love in action and service for one’s fellow human beings – this is the path which Jesus showed to salvation.” After any holiday the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and myself enjoy taking a day or two off and just relax. We like to sit around and tell stories. My wife usually starts by saying, “Hey, remember the time when…” And she goes on with a story that I had forgotten about. When she’s done, we laugh together. Then it’s my turn and I begin, “Hey, do you remember the time when…” And I go on and tell a story that she may have forgotten about, I really don’t know. When I’m finished, we laugh together as though it was the funniest thing we’ve heard all day. It’s just our way of relaxing and unwinding after a holiday. Holidays are very busy times for us, we like them, but they do take a little bit out of us. It seems that the older we get, the more it takes out of us. I’m not exactly sure what that means. Just don’t tell me what it means! We usually go on with our stories until we’re too tired to tell a story or to laugh. This last holiday the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage came up with a story I had long ago forgotten. In fact, I’m not sure the details of her story matched the truth, but who am I to contradict her. “Remember the time,” she said rather soberly, “when the Easter Bunny got away?” I had to stop and think a little bit because it was not in any of my memory files. Then she began to unwind the story. As it goes, according to her recollection, I was going to do a little magic trick for the children before they were dismissed from the morning service. I was going to pull a little bunny out of a hat. I practiced for quite a bit and thought I had everything covered. I should know by now that the time you know you got everything covered there’s one little bit that defies your observation. I had all of the children come up front so that they could see the wonderful magic trick I had in store for them. I began by telling them the story of the resurrection of Jesus. According to my wife, I was in the middle of telling them the story when in the back of the congregation Mrs. Steward screamed, “There’s a rat in the church.” With that, she jumped on top of the pew and did her famous afraid dance. You don’t want to see it. All the while she was screaming, “Rat, rat, rat.” It was enough to bring the whole congregation to their feet yelling, “Where’s the rat?” Having a rat in the church is not a good thing. I don’t know how a rat could get into the church unless he is elected to the board. There was such a rumpus in the church auditorium that we really couldn’t go forward with the service. I didn’t quite know what to do because we had not taken the offering yet. Whatever happens after the offering is okay. At this point I couldn’t get the attention of the children because they were standing on top of the pew looking backward, wondering where in the world the rat was or where it came from. I got one of my elders to go back and try to take care of the situation. I never had a rat in the church before. After a few minutes my elder found the “rat” and caught him. The “rat” turned out to be the little bunny I was supposed to have in the hat that I was going to surprise the children with. How that Bunny got out of the box where I put him is still something that puzzles me to this day. The elder held up the little white bunny and told everybody, “It’s okay, it’s not a rat, it’s a little bunny. A little bunny can hurt nobody.” All of the congregation, including Mrs. Steward, sat down in their pew and laughed and laughed while clapping their hands for the elder who saved the day. I was even laughing and clapping myself. I didn’t know what to do now that my magic trick was out the window, it was hard to get the attention of the little ones. I finally dismissed them to their classes and try to bring the congregation back to some level of sanity. I can’t remember what my sermon was that day, but I do remember there was a lot of chuckling throughout my sermon. I’m not sure anybody was even listening to my sermon. I was tempted to preach the sermon the next Sunday, but it wasn’t Easter Sunday. I could keep it until next year, which is probably what I did. Sometimes things are not always what they seem to be. The challenge is in the midst of turmoil to find what is really true. Perhaps this is what Solomon was thinking of when he said, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). There’s a big difference between a bunny and a rat. Sometimes we confuse the two and in that confusion, we cause alarm. I want to be able to differentiate between the Bunny element and the rat element in my life so that I can have peace and tranquility. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Phone 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||