Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 17, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, November 17, 2018 

KATIE Tse..........This and That


What’s the highlight of 
Saturday for you? I know! 
Reading “This & That,” right? 
Just kidding, but seriously, 
what do you cherish most 
about Saturdays? For me, 
it’s sleeping in. Getting up 
for work hasn’t been so bad lately because we just 
had the time change. (However, I would trade an 
extra hour of sleep for an extra hour of sunlight any 
day. But don’t get me started on Day Light Saving, 
I wrote a whole article on 
the topic a few years ago.)

 Anyway, I love sleeping 
in. After I finally wake 
up, I still don’t actually get 
out of bed for a long time. 
Even though our house 
is in a perpetual state of 
squalor, and getting an 
earlier start on the day 
would be a good idea, 
I loll under the covers 
and look at pointless 
memes on my phone 
that’s charging on the 
bed stand. (My husband 
showed me an article a 
while ago that claimed 
charging phones may emit some harmful energy 
waves, or something of that nature. That newfound 
knowledge did nothing to make us change our 
charging habits, though. So we’re probably knocking 
a good few years off our lives at this rate. But I 

 For those of you who don’t know what a meme 
is, it’s essentially a picture to which someone has 
attached a funny caption. One of my favorite sites for 
these is Dumpaday, followed closely by Bored Panda. 
I believe it was on the latter that I saw a collection of 
hilarious Bob Ross memes.

 You remember Bob Ross. He was the guy who 
had a half hour Do-It-Yourself oil painting show 
on PBS in the 1980’s and 90’s. We didn’t have a TV 
when I was growing up (that’s another article), but 
I recognized him from the few times I watched his 
show as a child at my grandma’s house.

 If you haven’t watched “The Joy of Painting” 
recently, I highly recommend that you go on 
YouTube right now and spend a half hour with this 
master of landscapes and happiness! Especially in 
our political climate, a little peace and love is a real 
tonic. As a child, I didn’t pay much attention to what 
he was saying. But now that I’m an adult, I realized 
that listening to him talk as he worked was better 
than going to a therapist!

 He talks to you in velvety tones with all the 
gentleness of Santa Claus on valium, and truly makes 
you believe that any ninny off the street can be a great 
artist. Often he uses a big two inch brush to capture 
the intricacies of a tree or cloud, but sometimes he’ll 
just use a knife to create something miraculous. A 
particularly funny meme was a picture of him with a 
striking woodland mountain view. The caption said 
something to the effect 
of, “Bob Ross painted this 
with a rock and a knife 
in 23 minutes, using 
only the color orange.” 
Captivating stuff, to say 
the least.

 But what’s more 
impressive than the 
actual art is the man’s 
perspective on life in 
general. Bob’s using a 
24 x 36 canvas, but he 
tells you to use whatever 
is most convenient for 
you. It’s all up to you 
what goes on in “your 
world,” he says. He walks 
you through building the background, and although 
his brush strokes look difficult, he assures you that 
you’re just making little x’s. 

 If you worry that you’ve made a mistake, you 
haven’t. According to Bob they’re just “happy little 
accidents,” and he shows you how to turn them 
into something beautiful. There are no lone trees, 
bushes, clouds, or branches in Bob’s world because 
“Everyone needs a friend.” He even has a pet squirrel 
that sits in his front pocket and watches him as he 
works in some episodes. 

 The closest he ever comes to negativity is when he 
cleans his brush in paint thinner and shakes off the 
excess by whacking it back and forth across the leg of 
a utility table. He chuckles and calls it “beating the 
devil out of it,” which he says is the most fun part. I 
want to be like this man! I can’t even go five minutes 
without launching into negativity about something. 

 Maybe if we all spent 30 minutes watching Bob 
Ross everyday the world would be a better place. For 
my part, I’m going to try. Think I’ll close my column 
today with the same send off Bob used on his show. 
“God bless, and I look forward to seeing you next 


During this period, the Sierra Madre Police 
Department responded to approximately 254 day and 
night time calls for service.

Monday, November 5

At about 7:02PM a vehicle was stopped for a 
vehicle code violation. The driver was driving on 
a suspended license and was also on probation for 
DUI. A condition of probation is that the vehicle be 
equipped with an ignition interlock device, which 
she did not have installed. The driver was cited for 
the violations.

Wednesday, November 7

Officers responded to a call of an apparent suicide 
in the 600 block of Mt. Wilson Trail at about 
2:27PM. Upon arrival officers found a male subject 
unresponsive in a vehicle. Sierra Madre Fire Dept. 
responded and pronounced the male subject 
deceased at the scene.

Thursday, November 8

A resident in the 300 block of Toyon Road called 
to report that his Rolex watch and $400 cash had 
been stolen off his kitchen table, the theft occurred 
at approximately 10:50AM while he was out for a 
short period of time getting food. Subject(s) entered 
through a back door and removed the watch and 
cash, then left the house in an unknown direction.

Case to Detectives


A report was filed at the station regarding a male 
missing from the residence since October 11, 2018.

Case to Detectives


Officers responded to a call regarding vandalism 
to a vehicle where the passenger side mirror 
was broken while parked in the 00 block of N. 
Hermosa Ave.

Saturday, November 10

Sometime between 11:45AM and 7:28PM an 
unknown suspect(s) gained access to the backyard of 
the residence in the 200 block of S. Mountain Trail 
Ave. The suspect(s) then smashed the north-facing 
window by unknown means. It did not appear as 
if the suspect(s) made entry into the residence and 
there was no property taken. The suspect(s) fled in 
an unknown direction by unknown means.

Case to Detectives for follow up.

The holiday season is here. Halloween is over, 
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that 
means that it is time to start your Christmas 
shopping. One of the best parts about living in a 
small town is that when Small Business Saturday 
comes around, there are so many stores to pick from. 

 Savor the Flavor is the place to go for anyone 
on your list who loves cooking or hosting parties. 
With so many ingredients, desserts, and beautiful 
tools to choose from, you cannot go wrong. Find 
Savor the Flavor at 11 Kersting Court. Just make 
sure that you have plenty of time to shop because 
you will not want to leave!

 Little Koi is having a 20% off sale through the end 
of the year. This is the perfect store to find a gift for 
the people on your list who love statement jewelry 
or are wonderfully fashion-forward. Giftwrapping 
is done at no extra change, and all of the bows are 
handmade! They also offer gift cards, in case there 
is someone on your list who prefers to shop for 
themselves. You can find Little Koi at 26 N Baldwin 

 Next on your list should be Belle’s Nest: a 
beautiful boutique located at 55 N Baldwin Ave. 
This shop has everything from jewelry to home 
goods and everything in between. Some copper 
earrings for your sister, candles for your brother, 
and some napkins for your mother to make up for 
all of the ones you spilled on as a child. There is 
something for everyone here at Belle’s Nest. 

SUE COOKREALTOR®, PSA626.253.1323 Represented By:
Your neighborhood realtor 
from start to sold!
Wishing you & your family
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