Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, January 19, 2019

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 19, 2019 

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills

When is a wine sale really not such a sale at all,? 
One of our Southern California Grocery stores 
just finished with their 30% off sale I just wanted 
one bottle though, as I looked at the “so called” 
regular price before discount I found myself 
shaking my head there is no way that these wines 
are regularly priced so high, wines that I have never 
seen in the $20 range like Domaine Chandon, 
Roeder Estate, Kendall Jackson and even Korbel 
were all priced like I was at Spago(writers right 
to exaggerate). A non-grocery beverage center 
does a 5 cent sale, buy one and get one for 5 cents, 
seems like a good deal, even at the regular price 
of $120 a bottle I’ll take a bottle of Dom Perignon 
if the next one is for 5 cents. Oh but the small 
print is selected wines. Now my favorite retailer 
has come up with a buy one get one for 10 cents, 
why not 8 cents? Every student of wine or expert 
in the field ”Sommelier” says no matter the price 
if you like it buy it. My word to the wise is that if 
you can handle buying six bottles at a time these 
“grocery store sales” can yield you a bit of savings, 
don’t buy into the “regular” price I sure don’t!

 I had to drink the kool aid myself, so I bought 
the Clos du Bois Chardonnay 2015 at the buy one 
get the next one for 10 cents, I scanned the bar 
code with my smart phone to find out the “true” 
discount price and this is what I found. The lowest 
price was $9.00 though you have to buy through 
the Internet and with shipping that doesn’t make 
sense. The wine retails for $12.99 and that is what 
you’d pay for the one bottle plus the ten cents 
which makes it 6.55 a bottle now if you get six 
bottles there is another 10% my accounting got 
me in trouble a few months ago, so let’s call that a 
guestimate, but the savings are real.

 In summary yes, the Clos du Bois is great value 
at the discounted price, and with the Valentines 
fast approaching there will be more sales at 
supermarkets and that is for sure. Try the scan on 
your favorite wine, it will give you roughly what 
you should be paying, if you don’t have a smart 
phone, ignore the retail price and look at the 
bottom price and the total discount there are some 
real deals out there.

 Clos du Bois For Value B+, Taste B perfect wine 
for a picnic or tailgate party.

 Email Peter at and 
follow me on Twitter @KINGOFCUISINE. Listen 
to Dining w/Dills on KLAA 830 AM on Sundays 
at 5 PM.

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