Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 29, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page A:7


Mountain View News Saturday, June 29, 2019 

Metro to Hold North 
Hollywood to Pasadena 
Transit Corridor Meetings

NASA to Hold Mars 2020 
‘Name the Rover’ Contest

Pasadena Set to Enforce 
Fireworks Ordinance


 NASA has selected two 
partner organizations to run 
a nationwide contest giving 
K-12 students in U.S. schools 
a chance to make history by 
naming the Mars 2020 rover. 
An application to become 
contest judge also is now 
available online.

 Battelle Education, of 
Columbus, Ohio, and Future 
Engineers, of Burbank, 
California, will collaborate with 
NASA on the Mars 2020 “Name 
the Rover” contest, which will 
be open to students in the fall 
of 2019. The student contest is 
part of NASA’s efforts to engage 
the public in its missions to the 
Moon and Mars.

 The currently unnamed rover 
is a robotic scientist weighing 
more than 2,300 pounds (1,000 
kilograms). It will search for 
signs of past microbial life, 
characterize the planet’s climate 
and geology, collect samples for 
future return to Earth and pave 
the way for human exploration 
of the Red Planet. The 
spacecraft is targeted for a July 
2020 launch and is expected 
to touch down on Mars in 
February 2021.

 “We’re very excited about 
this exceptional partnership,” 
said George Tahu, Mars 2020 
program executive in NASA’s 
Planetary Science Division at 
the agency’s Headquarters in 
Washington. “Contests like this 
present excellent opportunities 
to invite young students and 
educators to be a part of this 
journey to understand the 
possibilities for life beyond 
Earth and to advance new 
capabilities in exploration 

 By focusing the Mars 2020 
“Name the Rover” contest on 
K-12 entries, NASA seeks to 
engage U.S. students in the 
engineering and scientific work 
that makes Mars exploration 
possible. The contest also 
supports national goals to 
stimulate interest in science, 
technology, engineering and 
mathematics (STEM) and help 
create the next generation of 
STEM leaders.

 Battelle will connect students 
to the Mars 2020 mission 
through its portfolio of STEM 
networks. It will help recruit 
judges and students and also 
curate resources for teachers.

 Future Engineers is an 
education technology company 
that engages K-12 students 
with innovation contests and 
challenges. The Mars 2020 
“Name the Rover” contest will 
be hosted on Future Engineers’ 
web platform, which will serve 
as the online portal for entry 
submission and judging.

Judges Needed

 K-12 students are not the 
only ones able to participate 
in the contest. NASA also is 
seeking volunteers to help 
judge the thousands of contest 
entries anticipated to pour in 
from around the country. U.S. 
residents interested in offering 
approximately five hours of 
their time to review student-
submitted rover names may 
visit the 
website and register to be a 

 The City of Pasadena, last 
year, amended its municipal 
code to hold property owners 
and tenants responsible for 
permitting the possession, 
sale, usage or discharge of 
fireworks on their property. 
The code allows for the 
prosecution of fireworks-
related offenses and for the 
demand of payment for all 
costs associated with the 
safe disposal of confiscated 
fireworks. The City maintains 
a zero tolerance enforcement 
policy for fireworks and 
Pasadena’s police and 
firefighters are teaming 
up for special fireworks 
enforcement patrols before, 
during and after the Fourth 
of July holiday. Violators 
are subject to arrest; having 
their vehicles impounded; 
and serving up to one year in 
jail with fines up to $50,000.

 Statistics show that 
fireworks are among the most 
dangerous of all consumer 
products. Even hand-held 
sparklers, which many 
consider safe, are dangerous 
and can reach 1,200 degrees 
Fahrenheit, causing serious 
burns or fires. National 
Fire Protection Association 
statistics reveal that 90 
percent of all fireworks-
related injuries are caused 
by so-called “safe and sane” 
fireworks which are illegal in 

 Help keep all of us, our 
children, our homes 
and our property safe 
from illegal fireworks. If 
You See Something, Say 
Something! Call Pasadena 
Police at (626) 744-4241 to 
report illegal fireworks and 
other suspicious activities. 
Residents may also use 
the City’s smart phone 
app, available at www. to 
report illegal fireworks.

 The City of Pasadena 
invites you to celebrate the 
Fourth of July responsibly 
and join us for the 93rd 
annual “Americafest,” one 
of the best family-friendly 
celebrations and professional 
fireworks shows in Southern 
California at the Rose Bowl 
Stadium. For ticket and 
event information, please 
visit www.rosebowlstadium.

 Due to the potential for 
fire hazards and injuries, 
Pasadena police and 
fire personnel will staff 
checkpoints around the 
stadium to search for and 
seize any fireworks. Parking 
enforcement officers will 
ensure that vehicles illegally 
parked in Pasadena’s 
hillside areas on July 4th are 

 The Pasadena Fire 
Department will be applying 
Phos-Chek on Tuesday, July 
2nd to brush areas around 
the Arroyo area. The main 
ingredients of this fire 
retardant are phosphates and 
fertilizers to help prevent 
plants from burning and to 
re-vegetate burned wildland 

 Pasadena’s Fire Chief 
Bertral Washington, Police 
Chief John Perez and Public 
Health Director Dr. Ying-
Ying Goh urge everyone to 
make safety their top priority 
and offer the following 

 Celebrate responsibly and 
always designate a driver.

Stay hydrated, drink water 
or other nutritious fluids 
before becoming thirsty; 
limit alcohol & sugary 

If outdoors, remember 
to use sunscreen, wear 
a brimmed hat and seek 
shade, if needed.

Fight the Bite, use bug spray/
repellant to protect against 

 Many areas of the City, 
including outdoor areas, are 
designated as “No Smoking” 
zones. Smoking anything 
in “No Smoking” areas is 
strictly prohibited. Always 
make sure that whatever you 
smoke in an official smoking 
area is fully extinguished 
before disposing in an 
appropriate trash container.

 Always have someone 
tending the barbecue and 
watching the swimming 
pool when in use.

Call 9-1-1 for all life-
threatening emergencies.

Call (626) 744-4241 for all 
other public safety needs.

When calling for help, 
speak calmly, give accurate 
location information.

 NASA is seeking 
volunteers to help 
with judging

Metro authorities announced five scoping meetings will be held, 
including Pasadena, throughout July to receive public comments 
for the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Corridor 
(NoHo to Pasadena BRT). The project extends approximately 18 
miles and is a key regional connection between the San Fernando 
and San Gabriel Valleys with connections to the Metro Red, 
Orange and Gold Lines, as well as Metrolink and other municipal 
bus lines they said.

 Five public scoping meetings will be held on the following dates 
and times:

North Hollywood 

Tuesday, July 9, 5:30–7:30pm 

Lankershim Arts Center 

5108 Lankershim Bl, Los Angeles 91601


Wednesday, July 10, 6–8pm 

Pasadena Senior Center 

85 E Holly St, Pasadena 91103

Eagle Rock 

Saturday, July 13, 1–3pm 

Eagle Rock Plaza 

2700 Colorado Bl, Suite 236, Los Angeles 90041


Monday, July 15, 6–8pm 

Buena Vista Branch Library 

300 N Buena Vista St, Burbank 91505


Wednesday, July 17, 5:30–7:30pm 

Glendale Downtown Central Library 

222 E Harvard St, Glendale 91205

 The scope of the Draft EIR, including the goals and objectives, 
project area, project description, and the environmental impacts 
to be evaluated will be presented at the public scoping meetings.

 In addition to oral and written comments accepted at the scoping 
meetings, written comments on the scope of the Draft EIR will be 
accepted through Wednesday, July 31.

Ways to Provide Comments

 Call (213) 418-3228 and record your formal comment on the 
North Hollywood to Pasadena BRT Corridor Project hotline 

Mail written comments to:

Mr. Scott Hartwell 

Project Manager 


One Gateway Plaza 

Mail Stop 99-22-6 

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Or email comments to:

South Pasdena Fourth of 
July Festival of Balloons


 “To the Moon and Beyond - 
50 Years of Exploring America’s 

The City of South Pasadena 
is celebrating its 38th annual 
Festival of Balloons.


Kiwanis Club Pancake 

Location: South Pasadena Fire 
Station, 817 Mound Avenue 
(enter on Hope Street, between 
Fremont Avenue and Mound 

Time: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Pancake Breakfast Tickets, Day 
of: $8.00 per person, kids under 
6 years old eat for free.

Pancake Breakfast Tickets, 
Presale (Beginning 6/20): $8.00 
per person, kids under 6 years 
old eat for free.

- South Pasadena Fire Station, 
817 Mound Avenue

- South Pasadena Senior 
Center, 1102 Oxley Street

- Bristol Farms, 606 Fair Oaks 

- Charlie’s Coffee House, 266 
Monterey Road

- Dinosaur Farm, 1510 Mission 

- Jones Coffee Roasters, 1006 
Mission Street

- Mission Framing, 1501 
Mission Street

- Re-Imagine Your Home, 1518 
Mission Street

- UPS Store, 1107 Fair Oaks 

- South Pasadena-San Marino 
YMCA, 1605 Garfield Avenue 

Event Picture 1

Opening Ceremony

Location: South Pasadena 
Library Community Room – 
lawn, 1115 El Centro Street

Time: 10:30 a.m.


Location: Mission Street, from 
Diamond Avenue to Garfield 

Time: 11:00 a.m.

the Parade Registration Packet 
(please follow the submission 
instructions in the packet).

Celebration at Garfield Park

Location: Garfield Park, 1750 
Mission Street

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Details: Games, food, and 
activities Event 

Picture 3 

Fireworks Show

Location: South Pasadena High 
School, 1401 Fremont Avenue.

Time: 9:00 p.m. (Gates open at 
5:30 p.m.)

Details: Food vendors will be 
on site at the show. Pets are not 

- Stadium - Alcohol and glass 
bottles are not allowed in the 

- Field - Only water is permitted 
on the field, no food. Rounded 
bottom chairs only on the field 
(narrow legs/feet of camping 
chairs will damage the turf).

Fireworks Tickets, Presale 
(Beginning 6/20): $10.00 per 
person. Kids under 3 years old 
are free:

 - South Pasadena Fire Station, 
817 Mound Avenue

 - South Pasadena Senior 
Center, 1102 Oxley Street

 - Bristol Farms, 606 Fair Oaks 

 - Charlie’s Coffee House, 266 
Monterey Road

 - Dinosaur Farm, 1510 
Mission Street

 - Jones Coffee Roasters, 1006 
Mission Street

 - Mission Framing, 1501 
Mission Street

 - Re-Imagine Your Home, 
1518 Mission Street

 - UPS Store, 1107 Fair Oaks 

 - South Pasadena-San Marino 
YMCA, 1605 Garfield Avenue

Fireworks Tickets, Day of 
(July 4, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.): 
$10.00 per person. Kids under 
3 years old are free:

 - At the Pancake Breakfast 
(7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.)

 - At Diamond & Mission / 
City Hall / Fair Oaks & Mission 
(11:00 a.m. to finish of Parade)

 - At Garfield Park (12:00 p.m. 
to 3:00 p.m.)

Fireworks Tickets, At the Gate 
(July 4, 5:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.): 
$13.00 per person. Kids under 
3 years old are free:

Senior Center’s Fourth of 
July Celebration, luncheon 


 Celebrate our nation’s 
independence with a Fourth 
of July luncheon Thursday, 
July 4, from noon to 2 p.m. at 
the Pasadena Senior Center, 85 
E. Holly St. Doors will open at 
11:45 a.m.

 The Scott Pavilion will be 
decorated colorfully for the 
occasion as everyone enjoys 
classis barbeque and all the 

 Entertainment and music for 
dancing will be provided by the 
Great American Swing Band, 
sponsored by the Pasadena 
Showcase House for the Arts.

 The cost is only $10 for 
members of the Pasadena 
Senior Center and $12 for non-
members of all ages. Pre-paid 
reservations can be made at 
the Welcome Desk or online no 
later than Tuesday, July 2.

For more information visit: or 
call (626) 795-4331.

San Marino Annual 

4th of July Celebration

 The City of San Marino will 
hold its Annual Fourth of July 
Celebration on Thursday, July 
4 at Lacy Park (1485 Virginia 
Road). The community is 
invited to attend this patriotic 
event, which will feature food 
booths, fun zone, a community 
parade (read details below), 
stage entertainment, and 
a fireworks display at 
approximately 9 pm.

You will need a wristband to 
enter at all times.

 The Virginia Road entrance to 
the park will open at 7 am. (No 
entrance will be allowed via St.

Albans Road before 3 pm.)

 Guests wearing wristbands 
may reserve areas using 
blankets and chairs -- no stakes 
or ropes will be permitted.

Annual Fourth of July Parade 
presented by the Rotary Club 
of San Marino!

 Young children on decorated 
bikes and accompanied by 
an adult, are welcome and 
encouraged to participate in 
our hometown parade. Bikes 
parade in a special section at 
the front, and no registration 
is needed. Bands are also 
welcome. If you would like to 
drive a vehicle in the parade, 
registration is required. For 
more info, call (626) 440-
1959. 4th of July Celebration 
Info Visit the city website at:

Changes to Home and 
Community-Based Services

 Save the date for a community 
forum on changes to Home and 
Community-Based Services 
(HCBS) on Thursday, June 
27, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 
Villa Esperanza Services in 
Pasadena. This forum is for 
clients and families to attend 
and learn more about how all 
service providers are modifying 
the types of services they offer 
and how they are offered to be 
compliant with HCBS Final 
Rule. The forum is organized 
by Villa Esperanza Services, 
AbilityFirst, FVO Solutions and 
Lanterman Regional Center; 
and supported by the City of 
Pasadena Accessibility and 
Disability Commission.

 For more information:

Pasadena Humane Society 
Wiggle Waggle Registration 

 Registration for the 
Pasadena Humane Society & 
SPCA’s 2019 Wiggle Waggle 
Walk is now open! For a 
limited time, we’re offering 
special early bird pricing, 
so sign up today and join in 
raising lifesaving funds for 
animals in need throughout 
Pasadena and 10 other 
service cities!

 The 21st annual walk 
will take place Sunday, 
September 29th from 8 a.m. 
to 11 a.m. at Brookside Park 
at the Rose Bowl. They hope 
you’ll be back to enjoy all 
the excitement whether as 
an individual walker, a team 
captain, or as a member of a 

 The goal this year is to raise 
$225,000 to help provide 
food, shelter, veterinary care, 
and other services to the 
more than 11,000 animals 
who come through PHS’ 
doors every year.

 Early bird registration 
(before midnight on July 
31st) is just $25 per person 
and includes a bandana and 
participant bib. There are 
also great prizes for reaching 
fundraising milestones 
including a t-shirt, leash, 
socks, waist pack, and more.

 Fetch all the facts 
and register today at

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: