Mountain View News Saturday, August 24, 2019
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Politics, the Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck famously
said, “is the art of the possible, the attainable -
the art of the next best.”
Surveying our political landscape these days, it’s all too
easy to conclude that our elected leaders can’t even get
to the next, next best. Or whatever comes after that. I’m
thinking about
Whether it’s President Donald Trump’s abrupt pivot on
gun control this week, or Congress’ ongoing inability to
pass on-time federal budgets or reach agreements on such issues as infrastructure
spending where, we keep failing on areas where there appears to be
broad, bipartisan consensus.
Meanwhile, news consumers are battered by the constant barrage of tweets,
half-baked policy ideas and partisan sniping emanating from both ends of
Pennsylvania Avenue. Is it any wonder that we’re all cynical?
But what if - just if - there was some parallel dimension where government
functions according to that Platonic ideal that, well, some of us, anyway, hold
in our heads?
On Sept. 18, on the campus of York College in south-central Pennsylvania,
two former Keystone State governors – Democrat Ed Rendell and Republican
Mark S. Schweiker -- will try to reach consensus on one of the most intractable
public policy issues of our time: immigration reform and state government’s
role in it.
And they’re going to do it in an hour. Yes, an hour.
That’s the goal of the “Democracy Challenge,” a new effort sponsored by the
York County Economic Alliance, a regional economic development advocacy
“There was a time in our country, where our leaders would conduct substantial
debates on the issues,” said Kevin Schreiber, the president and CEO of
the York County Economic Alliance. “There was a time where the ability to
compromise was seen as a prerequisite for service and not as a weakness.”
It’s kind of perfect in a way that this exercise in idealism is taking place on
a college campus. And there’s a lovely irony that Schreiber, a former Democratic
member of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives, is the guy who’s
overseeing it. He’s been a roadside witness to plenty of legislative car crashes.
“Politics has become a zero-sum game, one that now picks winners and losers,”
he said. “Cynicism in government is contagious.”
Indeed, public trust in government is at “historic lows,” according to the Pew
Research Center.
In the Trump era, just 17 percent of Americans told Pew pollsters they trust
government “always” or “most of the time.” That’s down from a high of 77
percent in October 1964 - after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination,
but before the full conflagration of the Vietnam War.
Schweiker served a little less than two years, from 2001 to 2002, when Republican
Gov. Tom Ridge resigned to become President George W. Bush’s first
homeland security czar in those dark hours after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
He said in a statement that he hopes the event “will inspire [elected] leaders
… to consider that even with competing points of view that we can come
together to create a solution that generates accountability.”
Rendell, the former Philadelphia mayor who served two terms from 2002 to
2010, said an agreement on immigration could be achievable because it “isn’t
an issue that breaks Republican or Democrat.”
Clearly, that message hasn’t penetrated in Washington. But no matter.
Schreiber said he hopes the Sept. 18 event, which is being co-sponsored by
both York College and cable titan Comcast, will become an annual occurrence,
drawing in college students and others to work together to find common
And maybe they’ll even give our battered a public dialogue a lift while they’re
at it. Hoping for a return to sanity in government might be a little far-fetched.
Especially these days.
But compared to, say, buying Greenland, it’s a walk-off.
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In every election campaign, there comes a point when cruel reality intrudes,
forcing candidate and staff to confront the growing likelihood
that victory is out of reach and further expenditure of time, money and
dedication to a cause is futile.
For more than 20 candidates remaining in the race for the Democratic
presidential nomination, that moment has arrived.
It is a personally wrenching decision, a public acknowledgement that
one’s beliefs and principles have failed to create a deep impression on the
public mind and support has diminished to an unsustainable level.
For those Democrats who have consistently failed to exceed three per
cent in the Real Clear Politics polling average - national as well as in individual states -
continuing their quest is a willing suspension of disbelief.
Using the RCP three percent average as the benchmark measurement to remain in the race,
17 announced candidates would fail to make the cut. While nine candidates have already
qualified for the next debate in September, four have failed to break three per cent.
Of the remainder, several - including sitting governors, and ex-Congress members - have
failed to achieve greater than one percent. Even four of the candidates whom have qualified
for the debate have consistently fallen under three percent and, while hope springs
eternal, their candidacies are hanging by a thread.
If all below three percent conceded, the field would narrow to an eminently manageable
five - former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren
of Massachusetts, and Kamala Harris of California, and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete
In less than six months, voters in Iowa will make their way to caucuses and, for the moment
at least, the third and fourth tier candidates have nothing to lose by continuing their
campaigns even though the hopes of a number of them will lie buried under snowdrifts in
the state’s cornfields.
Seemingly undeterred by the long odds against them, rationales for keeping their candidacies
alive range from consideration as the vice presidential running mate, securing a Cabinet
or high level post in a Democratic Administration, attempting to influence the party’s
direction and agenda, building an identification for a later run, or merely because it’s fun
and ego-boosting.
The size of the field has wrought havoc on the two debates held so far, chaotic and embarrassing
exercises in personal insults, raised voices, discourteous interruptions, talking over
one another, and - sadly - offering little of substance on issues.
The universal takeaways from these confrontations has been that of a party shoved further
and further to the left, embracing out of the mainstream ideas that will come back to haunt
the eventual nominee.
Debating proposals to decriminalize illegal border crossings, end private health care insurance,
and spend trillions of dollars on social welfare programs plays directly into President
Trump’s wheelhouse.
Even though the “Moderates need not apply” sign has been posted outside national party
headquarters, Biden - the quintessential middle lane contender - has held the polling lead
ever since he entered the race. The former vice president has littered the landscape with
misstatements and non-sequitur’s, raising concerns about his intellectual agility but he’s
been able to overcome them by remaining the candidate most favored to defeat Trump.
Shrinking the field by persuasion, appeals to loyalty, or emphasizing the overwhelming
need to turn Trump out of the White House may succeed, particularly after the Iowa caucuses
and certainly after the New Hampshire primary.
Force will not. The party boss days are long gone, replaced by the cult of self-interested
personality. Pressure will be met with counter pressure, stubbornness and animosity. Voluntary
withdrawal, leaving with dignity intact and pride in having given it one’s best shot
is the only way to cull the field and assuring that all involved will continue to talk to one
The immense personal difficulty in reaching the decision should not be minimized or dismissed.
Belief in one’s self is a powerful motivator, even though it occasionally clouds one’s
better judgment and blinds one to a reality seen and understood by others.
The political environment can be an exciting and exhilarating place, but it can also be a
cold and cruel place, bringing down well-meaning individuals possessed of noble aims.
By next spring, trees will be in bud, temperatures comfortable, songbirds in full throat and
five Democrats will remain standing.
Churchill understood
that in
times of national
emergency, it
was imperative
to forge alliances
with anyone willing
to help - no matter how odious
those allies might be. As the British
prime minister famously declared in
1941, “If Hitler invaded hell, I would
make at least a favorable reference to
the devil in the House of Commons.”
In politics, as in international warfare,
you win by addition, not subtraction.
You win by welcoming anyone who
wants to join the ranks. That’s how
successful coalitions are built. But
it’s amazing how so many litmus-test
Democrats seem impervious to reality.
The other day, Oliver Willis, a senior
writer at the liberal media website
ShareBlue, tweeted his disdain for
three prominent anti-Trump Republicans:
ex-GOP congressman Joe Walsh,
and conservative commentators Bill
Kristol and David Frum, all of whom
have signaled their willingness to make
common cause with Democrats.
“Joe Walsh isn’t good. Bill Kristol isn’t
good. David Frum isn’t good. These
people are not worthy allies,” Willis
wrote. “They’re working to undermine
what is good. They’re just embarrassed
at Trump for saying the BS out loud.”
Willis was applauded by many in the
lefty Twitterverse. But prominent
Trump critics on the right - including
George Conway, Max Boot, George
Will, and Peter Wehner - give voice
to the restiveness within Republican-
friendly ranks. According to recent
polling, it appears a sizable number of
reality-based Republicans and Republican-
leaning independents are loath
to vote for Trump again - not necessarily
because they now oppose him
on policy, but because his tweets and
reckless antics have simply exhausted
For instance, Tom Nichols is a Republican
who teaches at the U.S. Naval
War College who is begging for any
reason to vote Democratic in 2020.
He wrote last Thursday: “I don’t care
if Sen. Elizabeth Warren is a mendacious
Massachusetts liberal. She could
tell me that she’s going to make me
wear waffles as underpants and I’ll vote
for her … I don’t care if Vermont Sen.
Bernie Sanders is a muddle-headed socialist
from a rural class-warfare state
… He could tell me he’s going to tax
used kitty litter and I’ll vote for him.”
Why? Because Nichols is fed up with
Trump’s “compulsive lying, fantastic
and easily refuted claims, base insults,
and bizarre public meltdowns … It is
a sign of how low we have fallen as a
nation that ‘rational’ and ‘not compromised
by an enemy’ are now my only
two requirements for the office of the
president of the United States.”
And Boot, an ex-foreign policy adviser
to John McCain and Mitt Romney, is
rooting for a blue victory. Earlier this
month, he pleaded: “Don’t mess this
up, Democrats. To preserve American
democracy, we need to get rid of
Trump. Then we can return to debating
our normal policy differences.”
But because these people have toiled
for the red team - George Conway
(who calls Trump “a sociopath”)
helped investigate Bill Clinton’s sex
history during the 1990s, and Bill Kristol
was a cheerleader for George W.
Bush’s Iraq war - they’re deemed to be
unacceptable allies in 2019. As one liberal
magazine, The Nation, contended
recently, “They’ve had their day. Democrats
don’t need their votes.”
Really? If I’ve learned anything while
covering national politics for the last
30 years, it’s the axiom that a campaign
or a party needs all the votes it can
possibly get. That’s not exactly rocket
science. And fortunately, during that
Twitter spat the other day, some Democrats
seemed to get it.
Neera Tanden, a former Hillary Clinton
advisor who now runs the Center
for American Progress, wrote, “Our
democracy is under siege. Make allies
wherever you can. We can disagree
again when Trump is gone.”
Elizabeth Bennett, a former congressional
staffer, added: “The enemy of my
enemy is my friend, at least while our
mutual enemy is still a threat. Maybe
we should just graciously accept the
help b/c they can speak to people who
won’t listen to us.”
Or as the old saying goes, “Politics
makes strange bedfellows.” That’s still
true - unless purist Democrats spurn
the Republican migrants by building
a wall.
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