Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 19, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page 8


Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 19, 2019 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …. October Birthdays

Janda Ferris, Darlene Traxler, Margit Johnson, Sole Krieg, George Maurer, Dick 
Anderson, Eva Poet, Mary Jane Baker, Dixie Coutant, Cathleen Cremins,Adie Marshall, 
Darlene Crook, Susan Gallagher, Maggie Ellis, Gloria Giersbach, Elva Johnson, Ellen 
O’Leary, Jenny Piangenti, Gail Ann Skiles, Anita Thompson, Linda Boehm and Angela 

 * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. 
YEAR of birth not required


Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra 
Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday Morning from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 
Join the class with Instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula!

Bingo Time: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00 p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to play! Activity may 
be canceled if there are less than five people.

Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesdays Monthly from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

Brain Games: Every third Thursday of the month at 12:45-1:45pm Join us for Scattergories, a creative thinking game by 
naming objects within a set of categories; or Jenga, a block-building challenge that keeps you stacking and bal-ancing your 
tower. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is needed. A great way to strengthen your mind and make new friends... 
Games are facilitated by Senior Volunteers. Will Resume in September 2019

Free Legal Consultation: Wednesday, August 14th from 10:30 a.m. - Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson is available for legal 
consultation. Specializing in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates and Injury. Please call the Hart Park House for an 
appointment, 626-355-5278 ext. 704.

Senior Club: Meets Saturdays, Weekly at Hart Park House Brown Bag Lunch, great company and bingo at 11:30 a.m.

Chair Yoga: Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. with Paul Hagen. Classes include Yoga and balance exercises. All 
ability levels are encouraged and welcomed!

Birthday Celebration: Every 2nd Thursday Monthly at the Hart Park House. Share free birthday cake and ice cream 
kindly provided by the Senior Community Commission!

Game Day: Every Thursday Monthly 12:00 Noon come into the Hart Park House and join a lively poker game with 

Free Strength Training Class: Fridays 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. with Lisa Brandley.light weights, low impact resistance 
training and body conditioning. Class equipment provided.

Gentle Yoga for Active Seniors: Every Monday & Wednesday from 8:15 - 9:45 a.m. with Andrea Walsh at the Hart Park 
House. Classes include complete floor relaxation, standing and floor postures, balancing, and featuring extended 
meditations on the fourth Wednesdays of the month! Call (626)-355-5278 for more information.



October 17, 2019 $15.00 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

 Level of Walking: High Money for lunch and souvenirs is optional. 

 Lunch will be at Pit BBQ. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water

 The Nethercutt Collection features rare collectibles ranging from mechanical musical instruments 
and antique furniture to the true heart of the collection: over 250 American and European automobiles 
from 1898 to 1997. 

 Founder J.B. Nethercutt spent a lifetime establishing this collection of historic importance. Unique 
to automobile museums, each car on display is attentively serviced and maintained to remain as drivable 
as when the vehicle originally rolled off the showroom floor. On view are various Pebble Beach 
Concours d’ Elegance winners and cars once owned by movie stars, royalty and other personalities. 
Following a tour of the Collection enjoy an opportunity for a self-guided tour of the museum and steam 

**Register Now** (626) 355-5278

Final Registration Date Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Dear Savvy Senior:

Where can I find out about alternative transportation 
services for my 80-year-old mother? It’s time 
that she gives up driving, but before she does, we 
need to figure out how she’ll get around. Inquiring Son


Dear Inquiring:

Alternative transportation options for seniors who no longer drive vary widely by community, so 
what’s available to your mom will depend on where she lives. Here’s what you should know.


While most urban areas offer seniors a variety of alternative transportation ser-vices, the options 
may be few to none for those living in the suburbs, small towns and rural areas. Depending on 
where your mom lives, here’s a rundown of possible solutions that can help her get around, along 
with some resources to help you lo-cate them.


Family and friends: This is the most often used and favorite option among sen-iors. So, make 
a list of all possible candidates your mom can call on, along with their availability and contact 


Volunteer transportation programs: These are usually run by local nonprofits or religious organizations 
and provide elderly seniors transportation to doctor’s ap-pointments, shopping, and more. 
These services may charge a small fee or accept donations and often operate with a network of 
volunteer drivers.


Some examples of local transportation programs include Envoy America ( 
that provides senior transportation in 78 cities in Arizona, Texas, Washington, Illinois, New Mexico, 
Georgia and Pennsylvania. The Inde-pendent Transportation Network ( that 
serves 14 communities across 12 states. And SilverRide (, which serves the San 
Francisco bay area and Kansas City. To search for volunteer driving programs in your area visit – click on “Map of Volunteer Driver Programs.”


Demand response services: Often referred to as “dial-a-ride” or “elderly and disa-bled transportation 
service,” these are usually government-funded programs that provide door-to-door transportation 
services by appointment and usually charge a small fee or donation on a per ride basis. 
Many use vans and offer accessible ser-vices for riders with special needs.


Taxis and rideshare services: While taxis are a viable transportation option in many communities, 
rideshare services like Uber ( and Lyft (, which are widely available, have 
become more popular among seniors who don’t drive.


To get a ride, your mom could simply use the Uber or Lyft smartphone app, a computer, or she can 
call a ride-hailing service like Go Go Grandparent ( Or, you can make 
arrangements for her on your smartphone. 


Cost will vary depending on your mom’s location, distance traveled and peak travel time, but 
rideshare services are usually cheaper than taxis. Uber and Lyft also offer carpooling services that 
would allow your mom to save money by splitting the tab with other consumers riding the same 
route. And for seniors with mobility prob-lems, both Uber and Lyft have accessible vehicles that 
you can request in certain locations.


Hire someone: Consider hiring someone to drive your mom like a neighbor, retir-ee, high school 
or college student that has a flexible schedule and wouldn’t mind making a few extra bucks. You 
can also hire a senior driving companion through nonmedical home-care agencies, or you can 
find someone on your own at websites like or


Private business transportation services: Some hospitals, health clinics, senior centers, adult day 
centers, malls or other businesses may offer transportation for program participants or customers.


Mass transit: Public transportation (buses, trains, subways, etc.) where available, can also be an 
affordable option and may offer senior reduced rates.


Where to Look

To find out what transportation services are available in your mom’s area contact Rides in Sight 
(, 855-607-4337), and the Eldercare Locator (800-677-1116), which will direct 
you to her area agency on aging for assistance. You should also contact local senior centers, places 
of worship and retirement commu-nities for other possible options.


Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visitSavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior”book.

SENIOR CINEMA - 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1:00 pm


A young elephant, whose oversized ears enable him to fly, helps save a 
struggling circus until it plans a new venture. Dumbo and his friends discover 
dark secrets through its shiny veneer. 


The Home Delivered Meals Program provides healthy meals to homebound Seniors 60 and above. Seven 
frozen meals, milk, bread and fruit are included and delivered once a week. $3 Donation per meal is 
suggested but remains completely anonymous and voluntary. Clients must be eligible and we invite you 
to contact YWCA Intervale Senior Services at 626-214-9467. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder


At my stage in life, I have experienced 
a gazillion weeks. I 
thought about actually counting 
how many weeks I have lived, but 
I don’t have that many fingers or 
toes. It doesn’t matter how many weeks it is.

I have lived enough weeks to know, when you 
think you have experienced everything there is 
to experience, then another week shows itself. No 
matter how bad a week can be another week can 
always be worse.

On the other side, no matter how good a week can 
be, another week can be better.

I do have one complaint this week. Who was that 
knucklehead that invented the telephone? I would 
like to call him and give him a piece of my mind if 
I have any pieces left.

(Does anybody write letters anymore?)

Imagine how quiet my life would be if nobody 
could call me?

The telephone was one thing, now we have these 
sophisticated gadgets called cell phones. I know 
why they’re called “cell” phones. Simply, because 
they are contemporary prisons and we are im-
prisoned for life.

Don’t let this get around, there are days that I “forget” 
my cell phone and leave it at home. I must 
confess they are wonderful days of quietness and 
serenity. To have a whole day when nobody can get 
a hold of you has to be a day in paradise.

This week has been one of those weeks that certainly 
qualifies for the prize for being the most ag-
gravating week in my life. There may not be cell 
phones in heaven, but I’m pretty certain there are 
cell phones in that “other place.”

It all started on Monday morning. That’s when 
the week starts and my week took off this Monday 
morning. I start every week with a positive expectation. 
It doesn’t last long but at least I start that 

I was going out the door to go to the office when 
the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage said, “Do 
you have your phone with you?”

One of the things I have learned during my matrimonial 
adventure is not to lie, especially to my 
wife. I don’t know what it is about wives, but they 
can smell a lie five hours before you tell it. At least 
that’s what happens at my house.

“Oh no,” I said. Then I went, got my cell phone and 
left for the office.

I didn’t turn the phone on until I got to my office 
and was getting situated to begin my week’s work. 
As soon as I set down the phone started ringing. 
That may be why they call it a smartphone.

It was one of those telemarketing calls that I get 
all the time. My memory isn’t what it used to be, 
I know, but I cannot remember one call that I answered 
that had anything good about it. I think if I 
had a good call, I would remember it.

Two times a day this past week I received that call 
that somebody in our house had a hearing prob-
lem. To be honest, my problem is not hearing, but 
rather listening.

I can hear everything the Gracious Mistress of the 
Parsonage says, but most of the time I’m not lis-
tening. I wonder if they have some kind of a solution 
for that.

Obviously, the company calling has a hearing 
problem or is it a listening problem, because they 
have been calling every day.

A similar call has been concerning the fact that 
someone in our house has a pain problem.

If only there was a real person talking that I could 
talk back to and say the only real pain problem I 
have is with somebody like you calling me. But it’s 
a recorded call and I can’t respond to it.

Just when I was getting deep into a project, the 
phone would ring. When that phone rings, I am 
ra-ther frustrated. I don’t mind people calling me 
who want to talk about some things. I just don’t 
want these Robocalls, calling me with stuff I don’t 

As the week developed, I got more frustrated 
and more frustrated. What’s a person to do when 
there’s not anything you can do about these phone 

Of course, by Thursday I did get an actual person 
that was calling me live. I was so frustrated that I 
didn’t know exactly how to deal with this person. 
Do I pour all my frustration on that person?

Then I had a thought tiptoe through the little gray 
cells in my cranium. That thought was, why don’t I 
respond to this person in gibberish. If anybody is 
good at gibberish, it’s a pastor. I’ve been a pas-tor 
for so long that I should have some kind of a PhD 
in gibberish.

A few moments talking gibberish to this person 
on the phone released me of all my frustration for 
the week. Now the person on the other end of the 
phone was getting frustrated.

“Please speak English,” the person kept saying.

It was one of those weeks that was most frustrating, 
but then I learned to take that frustration and 
spin it into gibberish.

I was thinking of what Solomon once said. “It is 
as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of un-
derstanding hath wisdom” (Proverbs 10:23).

My desire is not to let the words of fools frustrate 
me, but to nourish my mind and soul on the wis-
dom of God.

Dr. James L. Snyder, pastor of the Family of God 
Fellowship, lives with the Gracious Mistress of the 
Parsonage in Ocala, FL. e-mail jamessnyder2@att.
net. The church website is www.whatafellowship.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: