Mountain View News Saturday, November 23, 2019
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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All right, how
and why did you
find me? You
must be looking
for something.
So here I am
hiding in the back
pages of this local
newspaper so
I’ll take you with
me in my imagination on this morning’s
sunrise walk around the canyon.
First thing we hear this morning
is our neighbor across the street greeting
us with “Another day in paradise.” Do you
hear me say to him “yeah, so far”? Okay,
let’s keep walking. Here with us now is
the mother deer and her two fawns. Look
they know me so well that they don’t even
flee. She and her kids trot right along
with us and look at the squirrels leaping
about from tree to tree. Oops, they heard
something and are now disappearing
down that steep hill. Amazing.
You’re right this canyon is still a
paradise, a hidden enclosed area almost
like a garden. Yeah, last week some wiseass
writer guy told me that enclosed garden
was the original meaning of “paradise”.
Beautiful and enclosed and therefore
SAFE. Sierra Madre Canyon, the lower
canyon we call it, is surely still beautiful
but not quite the safe removed paradise
as it was before. Gradually things have
changed. First I noticed that the stars were
just not as numerous as they were before;
I guess that’s the result of light pollution.
Then I noticed that it isn’t as quiet as it used
to be. There’s construction everywhere
and the little 600 square foot cabins that
were built years ago as healthful escapes
from urban pollution have been gradually
replaced by multi-storied houses, like
mine, which involved the removal of really
sacred trees. Now you can barely drive or
even walk around the circle as giant trucks
and work crews are everywhere and the
roads are blocked and everywhere there is
a detour. Still new arrivals seem to try and
race around the curves. After all they have
paid a lot to get here.
Well even though it doesn’t feel
safe we made it back home and I’ve turned
on the TV news hearing about global
warming and that nothing is being done
to stop it. Next, the ongoing war in the
Ukraine and the possible involvement
of our President in a bribery scheme.
When I hear any talk about the Ukraine
I immediately experience a chill. In the
Ukraine were villages called shtetels where
Jews were allowed to live for centuries. I
am pretty well versed in that history
because that was where my father was
born and lived for the first ten years of
his life in an area right next to Chernobyl,
the location of the unspeakably horrific
nuclear disaster that occurred on my
birthday, April 26, 1986. About 65 years
earlier, soon after the Russian Revolution,
the persecution of the Jews increased.
My father had explained to me that there
always had been some persecution but
for the Jews living there the place was a
kind of Paradise. In this small area Jews
had been allowed to live for centuries
very close to their gentile neighbors.
Right after the Russian Revolution the
persecution increased and specifically a
group of Jewish women returning from a
fare were attacked, raped, and murdered
by Cossacks. Some of the older Jewish
Men in the shtetl somehow managed to
capture the leaders of the murdering gang
and kill them. The bodies of these men
had been thrown into a giant oven that
was used to heat the water on the land
where my father and his family lived. Very
soon thereafter the brass buttons from
the uniforms of the Cossacks were found
unmelted in the stove. My father said that
fear overcame his whole fatherless family
at that time and that very night they took
all they could carry and began the walk
across Poland catching, somehow, a ship
to Liverpool where they stayed for a year
before they could get to America.
Of course that wasn’t the end of
disaster on Chernobyl. About 65 later
the huge nuclear explosion occurred (if
you don’t know about it there’s actually
a successful TV series describing the
disaster that threatened the world which
you can watch right now. I haven’t
watched it—it scares me). That’s my
point. I know you probably don’t get why
I connect Chernobyl with Sierra Madre.
For centuries things were relatively safe
and then they get worse and eventually
the whole place became uninhabitable.
Where my father lived is now within the
Nuclear Wilderness and no one can live
Do you get it? The same thing
could be happening here. For a long
time it was a safe hide-away and then it
became not so safe and then eventually
it was the end for everybody. Oh you
think I’m overdramatizing and there is
no connection and all this fear I feel is
imaginary just like you are. Okay if you
don’t like it find another paper to read but
if you want me hopefully I’ll still be here,
unlisted, hidden in the back pages trying
to make us feel better if I can. As Leonard
Cohen said “Here I am. I’m your man.”
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man has
been busy becoming woke and preparing
for the holiday but he did
make time to help you with all your
Thanksgiving so-cial and culinary
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man, is it
justifiable homicide if you kill the
guest that you catch hiding in the
kitchen, stealing turkey skin? Asking
for a friend. DW
I have no mercy for turkey skin thieves. But best you should make it look
like a “kitchen accident” involving lime Jell-O with those floating fruit
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man, do you prefer carving ahead of time with a
nice display on a platter, or carving at the table “al fresco” style? BK
I’d rather carve al fresco, which I hope means “wearing clothing.” But
carving at the table also requires a platter. And platters should be reserved
for the pre-meal Thanksgiving ritual, “The Presentation of The Bongs.”
Before digging into Thanksgiving dinner, a family I know goes around the
table and says what they’re thankful for. One of the senior members is al-
ways tempted to give thanks he was not given any federal jail time during
the past year, and that none of the bodies (metaphorically speaking) have
been accidentally dug up. But he’s worried how the grandchildren might
react. What’s your opinion Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man? Should he say
how he really feels or mouth the usual platitudes? Asking for a friend. RS.
Tell the kids the truth. No one else will. Then have them call the feds.
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man, my cousin is going to bring fried okra. He’s
also going to bring a really good pie. Would it be too rude to make him
keep the okra on a card table in the garage while we eat the pie in the living
room? MK
Eat the pie and keep the barbarian in the garage where he belongs. Fried
okra? Yuk!
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man, how many cocktails for obnoxious uncles
be-fore dinner? How many for small children? Is it OK to let them sleep
through the meal, thus eliminating the children’s table and the (uncles) political
blath-ering? LT
As an obnoxious uncle myself, I expect many cocktails with a generous
pour. And when primed, I’ll sing the name of “the so-called whistleblower”
and a bawdy limerick comparing Adam Schiff to Robespierre. As for
the little ones, our parents used to let us pluck the maraschino cherries
from the Manhattans. Try it, that should calm them.
Dear Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man, what is the proper response when your
host does/doesn’t have the television on during the game? Alcohol accompa-
nying the. start could lead to many unintended consequences later in the
day. GR.
Thanksgiving without football? What are we, commies? And drinking
should begin by 11 a.m., because there’s nothing like a big family fight
later, with the kids screaming and everyone in the driveway throwing
punches, with much hair grabbing and heavy breathing, and your sister-
in-law weeping as she calls 911. That’s how families make lasting holiday
memories. Don’t forget to video the whole thing.
Mr. Thanksgiving Advice Man has one more thing to say: Happy Thanksgiving
everyone. (Excerpts from his Chicago Tribune column by permission)
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The traditions of
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the magnificence of
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Integrity will be our guide.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com