Mountain Views News Saturday, March 14, 2020
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Audrey Swanson
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Stuart Tolchin
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
There has never been a time when I felt so unsafe in America!
I just learned that the Commissioner has cancelled the whole NBA
season; at least that was what my wife just told me. Can you imagine
such a thing? Even in the worst times we had televised sports to fall back
on. Wait a minute! As I write this I seem to remember a time when I
thought that the President was trying to kill me by sending me to Viet
Nam and certain death. This fear was what urged me to go to Graduate
School and become a lawyer. While in Law School I became involved
with projects to help minority kids and to work with the Lawyer’s Guild
to assist potential draftees avoid the draft. As I think back about it now
those potential draftees were all educated White kids like me who were
savvy enough to go to lawyers for help. Most of those guys, much like me, avoided the draft
by becoming Conscientious Objectors or obtaining favorable medical evaluations that gave
reason for draft ineligibility, (I do not recall anyone obtaining a note which excluded them
from Service because of bone spurs but I do recall some guys being excluded because of flat
During this entire time I firmly believed that Lyndon Johnson was trying to kill me
and all my friends by sending us off to certain death in Viet Nam. Much as I hated LBJ
then I realize now, fifty years later, that he was the most effective Democratic President of
my lifetime. It’s more than the passage of the Civil Rights Act—he actually got things done.
Perhaps that ability to work with the Legislature was honed during his time in Congress
and as Majority Leader in the Senate. It is odd but I don’t think that during my 75 years
has another highly experienced person who was a leader in the Senate become President.
Many of the Presidents were Governors and the few that were Senators like Harry Truman,
John F. Kennedy, and Barak Obama were basically single term Senators. Yes, I know both
Sanders and Biden spent a lot of time in the Senate but as yet they are not President (though
I wish they were) but neither of them was particularly good at getting legislation passed.
I guess what I’m saying is that for the most part American Presidents lacked the
experience to get much done even if they tried very hard. Jimmy Carter, ex-Governor
Jimmy Carter, is an example of a good man that didn’t get very much positive done. It is my
belief that former Presidents, notwithstanding their particular politics, all did their best to
protect ME. Yes, I know this protection did not extend to African Americans, Hispanics,
Women, immigrants, or the poor. I admit that I was privileged not to belong to these
classes even though I seldom thought of myself as being privileged. Perhaps I am a “latte
liberal” even though I don’t usually drink lattes.
In any case, I don’t feel like that privilege exists now. Now we are all, including Tom Hanks
and his wife, living in a time of equality. Unfortunately, it is an equality that means we are
all subject to the coronavirus at a time when it is difficult to believe that this particular
President is truly concerned about our welfare. Just a little while ago I saw him reading
his speech in the Oval Office in which he seemed much more concerned about finances
over and above the welfare of the population. First we need truth and second we need full
testing like the testing done in South Korea. Perhaps it is only that the President and his
main advisors are inexperienced and/or incompetent. Maybe there is some corruption
or maybe the President is only concerned in terms of his own re-election, or maybe he is
incapable of caring.
Well, since I am in the category of people described as the most vulnerable being 75 years
of age, with diabetes, a previous heart attack and a present heart condition along with high
blood pressure I need not look at myself as particularly safe or privileged. Looking back
on the 60’s I realize that Law School set me on a path where I developed ideals which have
guided me through life. I hope that in 10 years I can reflect back and realize that benefits
and insights were gained from this present experience. That is a potential privilege that I
hope we will all equally be able to enjoy.
Did I really chant, “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”
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I’ve been reading Erik Larson’s new book, “The Splendid
and the Vile,” which chronicles the first year of
Winston Churchill’s wartime stint as prime minister.
He was a gifted rhetorician who used the power of
words to move a nation. He combined grim candor
with upbeat inspiration: “It would be foolish to disguise
the gravity of the hour. It would be still more
foolish to lose heart and courage.”
What we’re saddled with today is precisely the opposite.
Not Churchill at his best, but vaudeville at its worst.
Did you happen to catch Trump’s act Wednesday night in the Oval Office?
Noth-ing could be more clownish than hearing a fake president confront
America’s dark hour by screwing up three policy pronouncements in 10
minutes. Either his hapless handlers loaded errors onto his TelePrompter,
or, just as likely, this guy read the text wrong because he had no clue what
he was reading.
And the way he read the text… as we know, inspiring fellow Americans
is cer-tainly not Trump’s metier. He looked like a drugged sullen schoolboy
serving de-tention, forced to write “I will behave” on a blackboard. But
never mind that. His fake facts were worse.
For instance, while announcing a xenophobic travel ban between America
and Europe (to supposedly fight a “foreign” virus that’s already here), he said
“these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade
and cargo, but various other things as we get approval.” What? No more
trade? No more cargo imports? The Trump regime subsequently said that,
oops, his travel ban does not apply to trade and cargo.
During his address, Trump also made it sound like his ban would prevent
travel-ing U.S. citizens from returning to their country – with the exception
of those cit-izens who’ve undergone “appropriate screenings.” The Trump
regime subse-quently said that, oops, his ban exempts all U.S. citizens, it’s
mostly intended to target certain foreign nationals.
And during his address, Trump announced a major breakthrough with
health in-surers: “I met with the leaders of the health insurance industry
who have agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.”
Turns out, that was bull. A spokesman for the health insurance lobby later
said that insurers will only waive “for testing. Not for treatment.”
Even worse was what he didn’t say at all. Amidst all his patriotic breast-beating,
he never mentioned that the United States isn’t mass-testing its citizens
the way other countries are, much less tried to explain the reasons for our
poor prepar-edness. That he would never do, of course, because that would
require owning up to his manifest failures.
Which brings us to his most notable omission: His three-year mission to
hollow out the federal offices and agencies that are most needed now. “Acting”
Trump flunkies – as opposed to Senate-confirmed experts – have been
installed in key health and science posts at Homeland Security, the State
Department, the Trans-portation Department, USAID, and the National
Science Foundation. Trump’s proposed Centers for Disease Control budget
cuts are still on the table. And worst of all, of course, was his 2018 decision
to erase the global health response team that was created by President
Trump, last week, was asked why he fired all those people. This was his re-
sponse: “Well, I just don’t think – I just don’t think that somebody is going
to – without seeing something, like we saw happening in China. As soon
as they saw that happening, they essentially – not from the White House.
I mean, you know, we don’t need a lab in the White House… Who would
have thought we would even be having the subject?” And this guy thinks
Joe Biden is incoherent.
Twenty-fifth amendment, anyone? What more evidence of his unfitness
does an-yone need? Watching him address the nation, you could almost
smell the flop sweat.
Gary Kasparov, the celebrated Russian dissident now living in America, said
it best last night in a tweet: “Trump is afraid not because Americans will die,
or be-cause the economy is tanking, but because he’s accountable at last,
exposed as the fraud he’s been his entire life.”
And in some celestial realm, Winston Churchill, who had the good fortune
to deal with FDR, is marveling how we’ve fallen so far.
Only 15 miles from ALEC headquarters in Arlingto
n, Virginia lies a relic of a by-gone era: the
Lorton Workhouse and Reformatory. Originally
built in 1910 by the very prisoners it would house,
shortly after its opening it became the home of
the Silent Sentinels – women who stood in front
of the White House six days a week, silently protesting;
demanding the right to vote.
Surely one of the earliest suffragists, Susan B.
Anthony said it best: “No self-respecting woman
should wish or work for the success of a party that
ignores her sex.” A banner emblazoned with this
quote was displayed at the 1920 Re-publican National
Convention in Chicago by suffragist leaders
Mrs. James Rector, Mary Dubrow and Alice
In Women’s History Month, 100 years after women were granted the franchise, we’ve
come a long way. But, we’ve a long way to go.
The right to vote is important for the equality of all citizens. Representation at the ballot
box was an important step. But, 100 years later, representation in elected office remains
the next milestone.
During the 2018 midterm elections, the public was promised a change in the leg-islature;
it was going to be the “year of the women.” Droves of voters submitted their ballot
in support of the record-breaking number of female candidates, and Americans across
the states celebrated when 102 women were elected in the House and 14 women were
elected in the Senate.
The country patted itself on the back – but not all Americans felt the celebratory spirit.
In the midst of an election where the “women’s movement” was heavily associated with
victimization and the issues used to enable this attitude, one voice was left unheard: the
voice of the market-minded, conservative woman.
As the women of the Democratic Party gained 18 House seats, bringing the num-ber
to 80, Republican women watched their representation fall from 22 to 13 seats in the
House. In the state legislatures only 29 percent of seats are held by women. Of those
seats, Republican women hold less than half.
It’s clear: 2018 was not the year of all women. But the future for market-minded, female
representation is not bleak. According to the Center for American Women in Politics,
170 Republican women and 348 Democratic women have filed or are considered strong
potential candidates for the House – nearly tripling the num-ber of Republican women
that ran in the 2018 cycle. These free market women are not running on the mindset of
victimization, and they are ready to step up to the plate and break records.
And what of our responsibility – the conservative women ready to see principled representation
for the unique voice we offer? It is time for free market women to support free
market women. It’s time to take back our perspective on the wom-en’s movement and
reestablish that it does not belong to a party. All issues are nonpartisan, and all issues are
women’s issues.
Think of the suffragettes that risked it all a century before. Think of the women of today
in the Middle East who still need permission to vote from their hus-bands or fathers.
Think of the women in countries like Uganda and Kenya who face violent protests at the
polls and put themselves at risk to merely exercise their rights. They do not see themselves
as victims ,’ they continue to fight against the oppression because they know their
voice is valuable.
How lucky we are in the United States to be able to put our voice into action at the voting
booths. But it’s not luck; it was the work of the thousands of women and allies that fought
tirelessly against the current for years. While long overdue, the 19th Amendment gave
us that right, and now it is time to use it intentionally. We – the previously underrepresented
women of free-market principles – must exercise our right and elect the women
we know to be natural leaders and pro-tectors of community and liberty.
Support the leaders that will show compassion and empathy, compromise, hon-esty, ethical
decision-making and, most importantly, the leaders who will stand strong on what
they believe in. Cast your vote to the women that value free en-terprise and individual
liberty, and who want to see a thriving economy for our children and our children’s
2018 can have “year of the women.” 2020 will be the year of the “market-minded” women.
Lisa B. Nelson is the chief executive office of the American Legislative Exchange Council,
an organization bringing state legislators and stakeholders together to develop public
policy beneficial to the free market and individual liberty.
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