Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 23, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 6


Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 23, 2020





TRAFFIC IMPACTS on the 800 Block of South Myrtle Avenue (between Walnut and Chestnut Avenue)

In the coming weeks, Myrtle Avenue will be partially closed due to construction work and equipment staging 
as a part of the construction of the development project in the 800 block of South Myrtle. In order to 
facilitate a safe construction zone, the 800 Block of South Myrtle Avenue (from Walnut Avenue to Chestnut 
Avenue) will be closed to southbound vehicular traffic. Northbound traffic will still be open for vehicular 
traffic but motorists should expect partial delays. Traffic detours will be established and clearly marked for 
the general public and motorists. Motorists are advised to please drive safely and follow all posted detour 
and construction signage. If possible, please use alternate routes.

These impacts are planned to be in place from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on the following days:

• Tuesday, May 26

• Wednesday, May 27

• Thursday, May 28

• Wednesday, June 3

We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. 

The City of Arcadia is reopening City Hall to 
the public for services by appointment only 
for essential activities in response to the revised 
Safer at Home Order issued by Los Angeles 
County on May 13, 2020. These include 
building permits, inspections, and planning 
related services. 

A What’s Open Guide is listed below with 
more information on each City department.

City Hall is still fully staffed to respond to requests 
for services by phone, email, or online, 
and the public is encouraged to continue to 
use these services in order to help limit the 
spread of COVID-19. 

Arcadia City Council and Planning Commission 
meetings will still be conducted virtually 
until further relaxing of the Safer at Home Order 
by Los Angeles County..

“We are transitioning to Phase 2 of the County’s 
Roadmap to Recovery,” said City Manager

Dominic Lazzaretto. “As we ease back into 
more normal activity we are looking at ways 
to continue to provide high quality services 
to our community. Our virtual services have 
been very popular over the past few months 
and we encourage Arcadians to continue to 
utilize them; however, we recognize that not 
all City business is best suited for this,” he 

On May 13, 2020, the County of Los Angeles 
amended the Safer at Home Order to allow 
retail establishments, open spaces, and other 
non-essential services to begin reopening under 
certain guidelines and restrictions. A copy 
of the revised Los Angeles County Order and 
additional regulations can be found on the 
City’s website at or 
by visiting

What’s Open Guide:

Department/Public Access/Services


City Manager’s Office

(626) 574-5401 

By Appointment

City Hall

240 W. Huntington Drive

Arcadia Police Department

(626) 574-5150

By Appointment;

Walk-In Services for Court Documents

Arcadia Police Department

250 W. Huntington Drive

Arcadia Fire Department

(626) 574-5100

By Appointment;

Fire Inspections

Closed to Public

Public Works Services

(626) 254-2720

By Appointment

Public Works Services

11800 Goldring Rd.

Development Services

(626) 574-5415

By Appointment;

Plan Check; Inspections; Planning & Building 
Services; Permits

City Hall

240 W. Huntington Drive

Arcadia Public Library

(626) 821-5567

Virtual Only;

Curbside Services

Arcadia Public Library

20 W. Duarte Rd

Recreation & Comm. Services

(626) 574-5113

By Appointment;

Tennis Courts; Par 3 Golf Course; 

Wilderness Park

Various; Community Center is closed; contact 
Recreation for more details

Administrative Services

(626) 574-5405

By Appointment

City Hall

240 W. Huntington Drive

For more information regarding the City 
services, please contact the City Manager’s 
Office at (626) 574-5401 or visit our website 

For more information regarding the COVID-
19, please visit any of the following 

Los Angeles County Department of Public 
Health –

National Domestic Violence Hotline – thehotline.
org – (800) 799-7233

National Suicide Prevention Hotline – suicidepreventionlifeline.
org – (800) 273-8255

For more information regarding the City of 
Arcadia’s response to COVID-19 along with 
future updates regarding City services, text 
ARCADIACOV19 to 888777 for SMS updates 
or please visit us at or 
contact us at (626) 574-5401.


In response to the increasing concerns 
of COVID-19 throughout L.A. County, 
City of Duarte leaders continue to 
evaluate and implement temporary 
preventative measures in City operations. 
Maintaining the health and safety 
of our residents is our first priority. 
The City is monitoring the situation 
and taking actions based on direction 
from the latest version of the “Safer 
At Home” order, Governor Gavin 
Newsom’s Executive Order and the 
California Department of Health. The 
changes to operations outlined below 
will be in place until further notice. 
Please note that additional changes 
may occur as the situation is continually 

At this time, the Los Angeles County 
Department of Public Health serves 
as the official reporting agency for the 
COVID 19 situation for all 88 cities 
and the various unincorporated areas 
within the County. Case numbers 
for these areas including the City of 
Duarte are regularly changing. Learn 
more at the L.A. County Department 
of Health website. Due to federal privacy 
laws, no additional information 
regarding patients is available. 

The best course of action for all residents 
during this period is to stay 
home when not conducting essential 
business, wash your hands and clean 
surfaces frequently, practice physical 
distancing (six feet between each 
person) and wear a face mask when in 
public. If you have been exposed to or 
diagnosed with COVID-19, check the 
references below:

Self-quarantine instructions if you 
have been exposed to someone diagnosed 
with COVID-19

Self-isolation instructions if you have 
been diagnosed with COVID-19

City Facilities/Services

City Hall will be open by appointment 
only. The building will not be open to 
the general public starting March 17. 
Please call (626) 357-7931 to make an 
appointment if you need permits, inspections, 
business licenses or similar 

Reloading a TAP card can be done 
at the City of Hope Metro Gold Line 
Station or by visiting https://www.taptogo.

No dog license(s) will be sold at the 
Duarte Public Safety Office or City 
Hall until further notice. Please review 
required documents and payment 
method: Dog License Special Notice

City Hall employees will still be available 
to answer resident questions via 
phone and email during regular business 
hours. Regular hours are Monday 
- Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Public Safety office will maintain regularly 
scheduled hours until further 
notice. Regular hours are Monday - 
Thursday, 7:30 am to 6:00 pm & Friday 
& Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm.

In the case of an emergency, always 
dial 9-1-1.

Indoor facilities such as Fitness Center, 
Senior Center, Teen Center, Community 
Center, Royal Oaks Park 
Building and Duarte Park Building are 
closed until further notice.

Pools at the Fitness Center will be 
closed until further notice.

New reservations of facilities/gazebos 
(Royal Oaks Park Building, Teen Center 
and Community Center) have been 
suspended until further notice. 

Public Safety Services

The City’s Emergency Operations 
Center has been activated at the lowest 

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department 
(LASD) will have enhanced 
patrol during this time, particularly in 
unincorporated parts of the County 
and contract cities, such as Duarte. In 
addition to providing general safety, 
the intent of increased patrol is to 
mitigate burglarization of business 
while they are closed and to do welfare 
checks on homebound and limited 
mobility seniors.

LASD is requesting that non-emergency 
incidents be reported online 
through the Sheriff’s Online Report 
Tracking System.

Report the following incidents online:

Lost or stolen cell phones valued $950 
or less

Lost or stolen property valued $950 or 

Vandalism, excluding graffiti, where 
damage is valued under $400

Theft from an unlocked vehicle valued 
$950 or less

Theft from an open or unsecured area 
valued $950 or less

Supplemental Loss Form (Must already 
have a LASD report number)

Effective Friday, March 20, we will 
stop enforcing street sweeping restrictions 
until further notice. No 3-6AM 
parking. R.V. parking restrictions will 
still be enforced, as will all other safety 
violations of the California Vehicle 
Code & Municipal Code.

All reports of businesses or persons 
disregarding safer at home orders 
should be reported to the Los Angeles 
County Department of Public Health 
at their online site which is www.publichealth. and clicking on 
their file a report icon.

City Events and Recreation Programs

All Parks and Recreation programming 
is cancelled until further notice. 
This includes all recreational activities, 
indoor and outdoor sports leagues, 
aquatics classes, and instructional 

All play and sports amenities are 
closed until further notice - including 
playgrounds, fitness equipment, basketball 
courts, tennis courts, volleyball 
courts, futsal/pickleball courts, and 
skate park.

All senior programs have been cancelled 
until further notice.

The Duarte Senior Center frozen meal 
pick up on Tuesdays from 11:00 to 
11:45 am has reached maximum capacity. 
The Duarte Senior Center can 
not add any more participants. If you 
are interested in being placed on a 
waiting list for the frozen meals please 
call Intervale Senior Services at (626) 
214-9443. The following Spring

A suspect and her boyfriend 
have been arrested on a 
federal criminal complaint 
alleging they collected 
ransom money as part of 
a kidnapping conspiracy 
where California residents, 
including a victum from 
Pasadena were kidnapped 
in Mexico and two of them 
were murdered, the Justice 
Department announced 

 Leslie Briana Matla, 20, a 
United States citizen who 
now is a resident of Mexico, 
was arrested Thursday in 
San Diego pursuant to a 
complaint that charges her 
and her boyfriend, Juan 
Carlos Montoya Sanchez, 25, 
of Tijuana, Mexico, with one 
count of money laundering 

 Sanchez was arrested in 
San Diego on Sunday and is 
expected to make his initial 
appearance this afternoon in 
United States District Court 
in Los Angeles. Matla made 
her initial court appearance 
on Friday and remains in 
federal custody.

 The complaint alleges that 
Matla crossed the border 
from Mexico into the United 
States to pick up ransom 
payments from kidnapped 
victims’ family members at 
locations predetermined by 
her co-conspirators.

 According to an affidavit 
filed with the complaint, on 
March 28, April 13 and April 
22, three men – residents 
of San Diego, Norwalk and 
Pasadena – were kidnapped 
in Tijuana while on 
business or visiting family. 
The victims’ families were 
notified via a caller with a 
Mexican telephone number 
to deposit ransom money at 
a specific location.

 Mexican authorities found 
the San Diego victim’s body 
on March 29 – one day after 
the victim’s adult son placed 
a bag containing $25,000 
inside the women’s restroom 
of a McDonald’s restaurant in 
San Ysidro. The body of the 
Norwalk victim was found 
in Mexico on April 14, one 
day after the victim’s family 
tried, but did not succeed, 
to pay a $25,000 ransom 
to a woman whom law 
enforcement believes was 
Matla, at a Lowe’s parking 
lot in Norwalk, according to 
court documents.

 On April 22, a Pasadena 
woman called law 
enforcement to report a 
family member had been 
kidnapped in Mexico with a 
ransom demand of $20,000. 
One of the kidnappers, 
calling from a Mexican 
phone number, informed 
the victim’s family that a 
pregnant woman would pick 
up the ransom money at a 
Food 4 Less parking lot in 
Lynwood. That same day, 
law enforcement rescued 
the victim, who was being 
held hostage at the same 
Tijuana hotel as the first 
two kidnapping victims, 
according to cell phone 
records. Nine suspects 
were arrested by Mexican 
authorities at the hotel.

 A review of U.S.-Mexico 
border crossing records, 
security camera videos from 
the various pickup locations, 
and social media led law 
enforcement to identify 
Matla, as the woman sent 
to San Ysidro, Norwalk, 
and Lynwood to pick up the 
ransom money on the dates 
in question, the affidavit 

 Records show that Sanchez 
received wire transfers 
from two of the kidnapping 
victims, the complaint 

 If convicted of this charge, 
Matla and Sanchez would 
face statutory maximum 
sentences of life in federal 

 A criminal complaint 
contains allegations that a 
defendant has committed 
a crime. Every defendant 
is presumed innocent until 
and unless proven guilty 
beyond a reasonable doubt.

 The FBI investigated this 

Bill to Close Firearm 
Loophole Clears Senate 
Public Safety Committee

Local Takeout/Delivery 
Options in San Marino

Two Arrested on Federal 
Kidnapping Conspiracy

 The following restaurants in San Marino are open for takeout 
and/or for delivery services. Orders are being taken pursuant 
to their standard menu or a modified menu. You may 
access the details regarding the restaurants and their menus 
by clicking on the links below. Included are the third party 
delivery services provided by each restaurant and their current 
hours of operation.

Updated as of May 19

 While we are trying to stay in constant contact with our local 
businesses, please let us know if anything of this information 
appears outdated or inaccurate.*

Julienne – (626) 441-2299 – Hours: Monday through 
Saturday 9am to 3pm @juliennefinefoods - Limited delivery 
via Pasadena Courier - e-mail: - In addition 
to the standard menu, bread, eggs and milk are being sold. 
Fresh Daily Specials

Tony’s Pizza – (626) 793-4114 - Open from 4:00pm to 8:00pm 
- Limited Menu

Colonial Kitchen - (626) 289-2449 - Open from 8am-2pm 
Monday through Sunday for take out.

Swirlz Soft Serve Parlor- Open Tuesdays through Saturdays 
from 12:00pm to 8:00pm and on Sundays from 12:00pm to 
7:30pm - Take out or via @grubhub, @ubereats, and @doordash

San Marino Café – (626) 399-0761 – Hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm. 
Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays. Take out or via @
grubhub, @ubereats, @postmates and @doordash - In addition 
to the standard menu, bread, eggs, milk, and vegetables are 
being sold.

Noodle World – (626) 300-1010 – Take out or @doordash

San Marino Seafood – (626) 943-8862 – Hours Tuesday – 
Thursday 10:30am to 8pm, Friday – Saturday 10:30am to 9pm, 
Sunday 10:30am to 8pm. Closed Mondays - Limited Groceries 

New Moon – (626) 284-8877 - Hours – The “New Moon” link 
allows for curb-side take-out or delivery.

Sweet and Savory – (626) 293-8877 - Order online or through 
the phone number provided – Free delivery within San Marino 
with a minimum purchase of $25 – Hours for Delivery times – 
7am to 10am, 12pm to 1:30pm, 2pm to 4 pm, and 6pm to 7pm. 

San Marino Grill – (626) 286-2500 – Take-out services 
available through the restaurant or through these third party 
services @grubhub and @doordash.

Starbucks – (626) 683-0807 - Hours 7am to 1pm. To order, 
download the app and create an account with Starbucks 
Rewards. Tap “order” to find your favorite Starbucks drinks 
and food. Customize to your liking. Select San Marino’s 
Starbucks and check out. As for your order at the designated 
pick-up area. To learn more, visit:

Potato and Tea – (626) 741-5337 – Hours 11am to 9pm. @

Go Cakes - Takeout on Saturday and Sunday only.

The following businesses are currently closed:


Copy Cat

Fresh Gourmet – Closed for maintenance

 For more information visit:

 Senator Anthony 
Portantino’s SB 914 to 
address concerns related 
to the tragic synagogue 
shooting in Poway 
passed Senate Public 
Safety and will now go to 
Senate Appropriations. 
The perpetrator of the 
Poway shooting was 
able to purchase a rifle 
despite being under 21 
and not having a valid 
hunting license. Parties 
failed to adequately check the validity of the license at the 
time of purchase. SB 941 addresses this glaring issue in law 
by requiring that the Department of Justice determine the 
validity of the hunting license of persons under 21 who are 
eligible to purchase a firearm during the 10 day waiting 
period. This bill additionally defines what constitutes a 
valid and unexpired hunting license.

 Recent amendments also have been taken to remove a 
separate, outdated code section pertaining to fees associated 
with firearm purchaser information and includes code 
section cross references.

 In a previous legislative session, Senator Portantino 
authored a bill that banned the sale of long guns such as the 
semi-automatic rifles often used in these tragic shootings to 
those under 21. There were exemptions to this, including if 
the person had a valid hunting license. The Senator last year 
passed legislation to close the hunting license exemption 
for semi-automatic, center-fire rifles and introduced this 
bill to ensure that background checks are done accurately to 
ensure that mistakes such as the one that allowed the Poway 
shooter to purchase a firearm will not happen again.

 “We have a gun violence epidemic in our country and 
it sadly has become all too common to see senseless 
violence in the news. It is even more appalling that these 
shootings, including the Poway tragedy, have increasingly 
targeted houses of worship. California leads the country in 
combatting gun violence but there is more we can do. I’ve 
made firearm reform a priority. Sadly, politics often shapes 
our view of gun control reforms when we should be looking 
at the devastating impact these weapons have on people’s 
lives,” commented Senator Portantino.

 Senator Portantino is arguably the strongest gun control 
advocate in the California Legislature. During his time 
in the legislature the Senator has passed legislation that 
banned the open carry of guns in California, raised the 
firearm purchase age, and other bills related to this issue. 
The Senator’s record includes preventing the sale of semi-
automatic, center-fire rifles to those under 21 and restricting 
the sale of these sorts of dangerous weapons to one a month. 
This brought regulations for this type of high powered 
weapon in line with already existing regulations related to 
hand guns. Other firearm victories include passing strong 
firearm storage reform and addressing confusion in the 
way that unlicensed firearms dealers are treated based on 
the definition of “infrequent.” SB914 reflects the Senator’s 
ongoing and progressive stance on keeping Californians 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: